
prince of dreams

This story about an normaly young man who, unlike other heroes, had no tragedy, sorrow, love failure or any other great misfortune. He just wasn't happy, he didn't know when it started, but one day he wouldn't be satisfied with anything or anyone... . Days passed and the young man's life became more and more colorless. The young man grew more isolated every day. He was searching for the light of hope but found himself engulfed in the deep darkness of despair. However, one day, the young man came across a strange thing that forever altered his life. Is this change a blessing or a curse?. . One day, an ordinary otaku named Ethan comes across something strange: a poll where people create a character for a game or a novel by dividing points and penalties Ethan participated in the survey out of boredom; he participated, but the survey was not just a simple survey; Ethan really entered another world. Of course, this is not a problem; it is even a good thing. The problem is Ethan's choice of penalty. The unwanted son of the world's enemy!! (-__-) . . . (English is not my native language; please excuse the small writer with your greatness.)

serenitywarrior · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

A bit of thinking

Today, the leader got angry again.


"Hisssss, don't say, even though, all this distance, my whole body was dry."


"Do you know what the topic was about this time?"


"Calm down; how can you be so loud.. Let him go; come on."








"This boy started again."


"Olad, go take him to the room."


"Right, take it."

 Olad approached the boy with slow steps, but each time with a heavy pressure and an awkward rhythm, it is known that he is increasing the final pressure to release his anger, and he also thought:

I am so involved with this boy every day, now I even dream about him at night.

"Get up, let's take you to the room, you can't work."


While going to the dormitory with the help of his children, Etan thought:


 I have been here for a few days, if someone had told me a few days ago that I was going to experience something like this, I would have just smiled and ignored it.

 Of course, this part was a bit of a lie because, well, at first I ignored it, but then when I was alone, I would put myself in that situation, no matter how bad it was.


 The reason is actually not very big; that is, I didn't experience a tragedy or anything. In fact, you don't have to experience a tragedy to not be happy. Well, if I want to say it correctly, being happy also needs a reason. Unlike tragedy, without which you cannot hope, you will be disappointed without a reason to be happy.

 It's a bitter contrast, because the ending of their pair is not good, in fact, even the thought of a happy ending hurts me; Anyway


 It's better not to think about these things anymore, I usually think a lot, but now I don't have time, Maybe I used to find time to be busy so that I would always be busy and my thoughts would be less involved. They get financial, Well, maybe their situation is not bad, but the financial problem is not only for those who are poor, the answer is, haha, well, in reality, no matter how greedy a person is, he wants more. does not


 Hmmm, well, maybe not this, it was related to the fact that if a person does not have badness in himself, he does not see that badness in others, wait.

 It was a hit on me, It is better not to get too involved in philosophical discussion, I am not that pure and innocent myself.


Let's move on

 Ohhh, well, these three days I realized that first I really traveled to another world, well, the journey of reincarnation whatever, because my body is actually halved in all respects, even in the most important part, it doesn't exist anymore, damn mysterious creature***






 Well, I have calmed down, let's go to the current problem. I am in another world, and in addition to physical problems, there is also an identity problem.

I am a slave...

Ma ***


deep breath...

 Let's go again, well, according to all these signs and that survey, which is the last thing I remember, I realized that it was his own problem, so I will think faster so as not to get angry.


Those penalties were not without positive points

 I have a series of powers that currently, due to physical weakness and other things, I am only able to create a small spark in my fingers like a finger lighter, so of course this cannot be a positive thing I am saying.

 The positive point is actually related to the sleep that started on the second day, right sleep


 After a series of events, I found out what my other power is and how to use this unique power or skill. In fact, according to the final skill survey, which has a cool name, its effectiveness is not that serious. According to other passer-by predecessors, I should have blown this place up by now and be at a huge party to celebrate a talent like myself but with this skill, I'm only traveling to other people's dreams (-__-)


When I was checking my skills, he said, Actually, the worst torture here is not being a slave, it is going to the dreams of others despite the imperfect body, when you go to the dreams of people and know their true nature, believe me, you won't feel sorry for them anymore.


 At first I used to see us together, but now everyone... hemf


 They are just deviant, What are these deviations in this situation instead of free thinking and escape, hmph, especially with my situation, hmph


I'm calm...


 let's move on; Anyway, about my power, after a little practice, I was able to somehow lock the person whose dream I travel to.

 This way I got a little relief from the headache. Actually, the person I locked up for convenience, the slave he was in the bed next to me was Olad, unlike other perverts, he only has fetishes of power and king and that kind of stuff, anyway I've been sleeping for a few days now, I'm trying things, and I seem to have reached some results

 First, aside from the results about my powers, in the past few days, I have learned some superficial things about the power system here, like that magic is divided into nine categories here.


 From bottom to top: low, medium, advanced, senior, master, grand master, magus, Supreme Magus, and overlord

 Well, these guys naturally don't know anything about higher ranks, but about the leader of a medium rank wizard who can break the siege of more than ten armored knights.

 Of course, the knight means a normal person, because swordsmen or knights seem to have a different kind of ranking, which the kids here don't know much about.

 Well, these were the results of my conversations with others during the day about the dream...



"We've arrived. You can do the rest yourself."

He did not let us sleep

 You want to die, die, what is all this talk about?

With the little math he knows, he shows off in front of the guards.

Apart from that, by being sick, he gets the sympathy of others, Hemf...



Well, it's finally time to practice, let's see what I can achieve today



Now that it is morning, who is sleeping in the morning that I will travel to his dream and implement what I have learned?



Oh let it go, just do it...




Forough Farrokhzad said:


Who said time is golden?

I tasted it...

Time is like alcohol...

It burns second by second and goes deep into your being.

When you are completely drunk,

You open your eyes, and you see

Your life has passed.

And you stayed and hungover, and the loss of a lifetime...