
Return of the Myterious Prince

It has been three years now since Leo restored Chroyane, Prince Garin the greater was one of the Stoneman that was infected by the curse. It seems that once the curse took your whole body, it also makes them immortal but without control over thiere body. Out of one hundred Stoneman that Leo manages to cured, ten are from the original citizen and five from the old Valarian soldier that attacks the city.

Leo explains to them what has happened to them and the new world that they have arrived, some choice to left not believing what Leo told them, some decided to jump on the river trying to drown themself until Prince Grain spoke and managed to pacify them. However throughout the years, it seems that some of the older Stoneman has been slowly dying, it seems time has caught up to them and they die one by one with a smile on thiere face and their body turn to dust, painlessly embrace death.

-Prince Garin-

Prince Garin survives because he has connected to Leo magic. His magic has to supply enough energy to keep I'm in his prime like his other men and family, the Last of the original Rhyonar royalties and his knowledge is what Leo wanted from him. Prince Garin brought over millions of Rhyonar soldier and water mage to Volantis, even though he lost the war but his experience is valuable.

Leo explains that he wanted to revive the old kingdom, culture, religion and many more. With that, he wanted to become king, unlike the old tradition where there will be only Prince and Princess. He also wanted to implanted much modern law and rule to make his kingdom safer and happy. A government has been build and Leo appointed Prince Garin as the Priminister, with all the information that Leo gifted him through magic, Prince Garin has no choice but happy to see the rise of the Rhoynar Kingdom.

Because of Prince Garin effort, they have made a trade agreement with the other free cities and make Chroyane a trade city. Most of them are still afraid of the cursed city that homes Stoneman and greyscale, but those who brave, enough would see the river gateway and the city walls that protect Chroyane. The city is not cover by mist or ruins city is clean and blend in with nature, if they Lucky enough they might see Luck and her children swinging in the river.

As for Ashara, she has been spending time with the Rhyonar Legionary, clearing the pirate and Dothraki that brave enough to raid and attack Chroyane. I had to send Aslan to protect her but she has been using her new magic to attack them, she has mastered most of the harry potter magic that she likes to use. She has learned Apparate that teleports her to places, Occlumency made her learn faster and Legilimency has been used on prisoners that she manages to capture.

-Lady Ash-

Ashara or Lady Ash has been view greatly by Kassandra Stavroglou and the Rhoynar Legionary due to her leading them when they attack and defending Chroyane, a year later she asked Leo if she can be pointed to be the leader of the Shadow Guard. Leo agreed of course and gifted her with two Revans after the stories that Leo told her about a god with one eye.

Huginn and Muninn is the name of Ashara ravens, it is jet black like any other ravens that have been roaming around the world. Although Huginn and Muninn might look like common ravens, they have been endowed by Leo with wonderful powers. First, the birds can fly the entire world in a single day. Second, they have the ability to understand, and even speak in, the language of men.

Ashara wanted to be more independent and help Leo, their relationship has been quite handy but has not taken it any further. Might be because of Leo magic but Ashara has grown in the right place, even her face has been covered by the mask but her beauty still shows brightly like the sun.

Prince Garin has made a temple of Aslan and he brought a lot of Lions that he controls, Prince grain has made a policy that Aslan and Lucky is guardian animal of the Rhyonar kingdom. They should be respected and protected as they and thiere companion will protect them too, so in the city, sometimes you can see Aslan and his pride would walk around while following bu kids, in the river, Lucky seems to make his home with her children.

There was a problem created by the merchant and trader that was shaken to see the city, the peoples are leaving happily and safely. Prince grain has crated a Rhyonar police force to make sure all the citizen in the city is safe and secured, while some of the residents seeing Aslan and his pride patrolling around as normal. They were shocked, but the Ryhonar police have been ensuring them that everyone is following the rule which has been in place and reinforces by the Rhyoner police.

Leo armies have increased, five hundred elite Spartans and another five hundred beautiful Amazonian warriors. The Rhyonar Legionary has also increased thanks to Ashara, it has increased for one thousand soldiers to five thousand men and woman has joined. Prince Garin has also been recruiting soldier and people that he trusted, he has managed to revive the old religion and as a boon, those people manage to become water mages that have to bless by Mother Rhyone and her Consorts.

However, in 279 AC, Doran and Emaya Martell have decided that she will marry Prince Rhaegar Targaryen in which Ellia is happy about. Ashara decided that she wanted to come to Kinglanding to see the prince that everyone talking about, while also making sure that Elia won't feel lonely on her own. Leo agreed with her decision and not wanted her sister to be alone, Ashara is the commander of the Shadow Guards and she also knows a few spells that can read people mind so safely is a guarantee.

-Lady Kora -

-The Black Pearl-

Before she left, Ashara and the Rhyonar Legionary has captured a group of female pirates that have been roaming around in Dagger lake. They have been captured but recruited by Ashara, Leo agreed to recruits them and gifted them with new ships. The Black Pearl has no cannon but it has long-range weapons installed on the ship, Lady Kora the female pirates with long red hair and a sexy body wearing her tight cloth. Before Ashara recruited them, they have been roaming around dagger lakes with her ship call Hag's Teeth and supposedly like to cuts men dicks.

Leo has appointed Lady Kora to be the commander of his navy which she would be working with Prince Garin, but in these years that they have been spending time together has bloomed a feeling toward them.

At the Start of 280 AC, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen marry Princess Elia Martell of Dorne which has been attended by Doran Martell, Emaya Martell and Ashara Dyane. Leo is unable to attend due to the problem that has arisen from Volantis, Norvos and Qohor. The Triachs of Volantis sense danger from the City of Chroyane, as per the magic contract that they sign to state that Leo has to restored Chroyane in two years, fail Chroynae then would return to Volantis.

Chroyane has been restored less and a year, trade between the free cities has attracted more and more people to live in the festive city, the Palace of Love has also been restored and a new rule that they are not allowed to have sex in public or outside the Palace that now belongs to Prince Garin. However, the increase of economies and military has made the free cities uneasy.

As for the other free cities that have to send spies to find the identity of the King and Queen of Rhoynar has returned to thiere lord with no answer, Doran has allied with Lys to help them conquered the Stepstones which has been lead by Prince Oberyn Martell and his sellsword Company. This also made Myr and Tyros on high alert and so as Volantis, because of this the tension in the three kingdoms have taken thiere eyes off the new kingdom but Pentos, Norvos and Qohor still thiere yes on the rising power of the new Rhoynar kingdom.

For Westeros, they still in a festive mood due to the marriage between Princess Elia Martell and Prince Rheygar, but some of the lords have heard the rising power of the new Rhoynar kingdom and the name of King Leo and Queen Ash that they are unable to identify. Knowing the history of Dorne, they thought it was one of the Prince of Dorne.

But Prince Doran is the Lord of Dorne, while his sister married to the Prince and his younger brother is too young. So no one suspected that Leo and Ashara are the King and Queen of the Rhyonar kingdom, the ladies and Lord of Westeros have asked if she is but she doesn't reject or confirmed it.

Prince Obreyn Martell is busy conquering the stepstone as per Doran instructed with help of Lyness galleys and Dorne ships with their new armies clearing the pirates that have made their home thiere, because of this. Prince Obreyn Martell has been made himself King of the Stepstone with his paramour Ellaria Sand as well as his sellsword company, this topic has been going around the seven kingdom due to the rise of power to Dorne and the Martell family.

This is one of the reasons why King Aerys II Targaryen and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen agreed to married Elia Martell of Dorne, Dorne has been slightly mysterious as they don't know what thiere military power. The city in Dorne has become a magical oasis for the free folks, that have jobs, foods and safety provided by the lord and Dorne itself. Trade from the Free cities and Essos has made many new luxury goods that they have never seen before, some of the entertainment has been introduced for the happiness of the people.

As per Princess Elia Martell, she has made Laws that children's from the age of five need to go to schools. The School will provide them with food and Basic to advance education until the age of sixteen, then they had to performed military duties minimum of three years in which they will have military training and trade training would be given before they are out to the world.

Dorne and the Rhyonar kingdom will implement a modern world rule where they will be paid salary, benefits, health care and many more. Since they have implanted this benefits, many small folks and slave has been willing to come and become it citizen in which made the other Lords worry due to the decrease of the population in their territories.

In Dorne, Doran has stated that if they want their people back, thiere are will come to have a taste of Dorne spear. But of course, the King has sided with the Martell. Dorne is a Targaryen supporter and Ellia has married the Prince, so the problem that the other Lords has told the King has not been ignored by him but still weary as Prince Obreyn Martell has conquered the Stepstone.

Is nearly the end of the year of 280 AC, Emaya and Ellia have been asking for Leo to come and meet Ellia daughter Rhaenys Targaryen that has born last year. Leo has already told Ashara that he will come to the tourney which will be held in Harrenfall in which she told his family, there is much reason why he wanted to attend the tourney.

This because in Westeros no one has really seen what Prince Leonidas Martell look like, they have heard of him from stories and rumours that have gone around a few years ago and he is betrothed to the beautiful and mysterious Lady Ashara Dyane, the handmaiden of Princes Ellia Martell who married to the Prince. So attending this tourney would be a good reason to meet the Lords and Ladies that have not happy while under the rule of the Mad King, while his son the prince has been going around asking for supports.

So Leo has six months to prepare for his travel to Kinglanding and meets his family, Prince Garin is the Priminister and thus all the work has been handed down to him to manage. Leo taking some of his Spartans and Amazonas with him on the Mother Rhyone revenge and Lady Kora on the Black Pearl with other ships that she has commanded.

Aslan will come with him, but Lucky has decided to stay in the Chroyane river in which Mother Rhyone accepted. This time he wanted to used his ships to travel from Chroyane to Kinglanding, from there he will travel with his family to Harenhall. It would take time to travel by sea, but his ships are faster than any other ships around.

By 281 AC the Year of the False Spring, Leonidas age would be 14 and Ashara would be 12. But due to magic, Leo has been seen as an adult, due to his handsome look and build that people would not believe that he only fourteen. The same can be said to Ashara as many people have been trying to talk to her but she only gives them a cold shoulder, the Cruciatus Curse and obliviates spell is her favourite spell for those who force themself toward her.

But for now, it is six months away from the Tournament and Leo has made his way toward Westeros.



Sorry, I have to skips three years and some of the plans have not been implanted.

So, Ashara is the commander of the Shadow Guards. She looks like Yennefer with her outfits but she still wears her mask, Leo has given her two ravens. Huginn and Muninn would help her gather information just like Odin ravens, her speciality would be magic and I wanted to get her an animal companion like Aslan but not sure what (any suggestion is welcome).

They're also a reason why Leo hasn't rebuild Ny Sar or Ar Noy, but he will leave it to Prince Garin.

The original plan was for Leo to have a Lion, Basilisk and a phoenix.

Lion due to his name in which he has an overpower Lion.

Wanted to give him a Basilisk but got sidetrack and gotten Luck who made the river her territory, so Aslan is Leo only animal companion.

A burning Phoenix would be good to counter the dragons but, just like Aslan, it would be for display until important moments.


Just a question:

Since the Red Temples is the places of worship in the religion of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Is dragon one of the children of R'hllor since he is a fire god? I know that Valerian has thiere own gods but the blood mage from the shadowland is the one that performs the blood magic could be one of the Red Temples followers or priest.
