
Prince Delight

"When I think rainI think about singing When I think about singing It's an heavenly tune When I think about heaven I think about angels When I think about angels I think about you for you're my love angel When I think about date I remember a day like today Which talks of you babe You came to me with fullness of Love....... ...Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium

Digital_Technology · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

teach me to love


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★



The door to the restaurant got opened.

A young guy in white jacket and black fitted pant walked in.

The girls sitting in a group stole a glance at him and bent their heads to whisper.

" Isn't that Alec blue?" A girl asked.

" He is Alec!. What is he doing in this lame place?."

" Oh my God, He's on a face mask. How will I glance at his gorgeous face?."

" My crush, Notice me!!"

" Did he just stare at me...ohh"

One of the girls even started fainting on her friends body.

Alec ignored the girls and walked to a seat.

He threw off his jacket hood exposing his silk dark hair and then he brought out his laptop.

He had a bandana tied on his hair making him look like a cold bad ass.

He knew there was always WiFi in madam tan's Cafe so this was probably his joint after school hours.

Madam tan removed her glasses.

There were over three customers in her restaurant that haven't received orders yet and Alec was here as well.

She stumped the magazine with her on the table and walked towards the store room.

" Poppy!!" Her voice rang like a microphone as she walked in.

Poppy had slept inside one of the empty Cocoa bags and when she heard Madam tan's voice, she sprang up quickly cleaning her dusty skin.

" Poppy?!" Madam tan yelled. She was standing at the door post.

Poppy looked up quickly, swallowing hard.

" Madam tan" She blinked with her hands behind her back.

" What are you doing here when there are customers to attend to?" Madam tan asked.

" I'm sorry. I was trying to clean up the mess in the store room" She said pointing at the Broom with her.

" You have been cleaning the same spot for over Twenty Four hours!. Did I employ snails to work in here?!"

" No ma'am. I'm really sorry, Ma'am. I'm sorry. " She said and dropped the Broom aside.

She tried to walk out but the lady stopped her, dragging back her fragile arm.

" Where's that foolish mother of yours?" She spat.

" She's really sick so I asked her to rest while I help her with her duty." Poppy said with sad, initiative eyes.

" Sick huh?. She will be hearty and fine by the time I'm done with her today!" Madam tan said and Poppy stopped her too.

She palmed her hands pleading.

" Please don't hurt her. The nurse told her to take some rest. I promise to run any errands you want to give her." She said.

" Are you the boss?. How dare you stop me back!" Madam tan yelled and Poppy stepped back.

" I'm sorry." Poppy bowed her head.

" That what you know how to say. I'm sorry, pardon me, forgive me...yet you keep repeating the same ugly thing. Look at you, even your looks could chase my customers away. You better go look for what to do about your wounds before you breed flies in here." Madam tan spat.

Poppy quickly palmed her bruised ugly skin and her eyes were at the verge of crying.

She bowed her head and swallowed back the tears to avoid Part 2 trouble from her boss.

" When you are done serving the customer, Go clean up the store room from scratch." She hissed and walked out.

Poppy quickly ran away towards the cashier's desk and picked a pen and book.

She went to the white jacket guy first.

" Good evening Sir. What would you like to order?" She asked.

Alec raised his face and stared at her. Poppy eyes slowly got wide noticeably.

She had seen this guy come to this cafe many times and she had been secretly spying eyes on him.

She became really unstable with the way he was staring at her.

She was ugly, wearing baggy pant and big white shirt. She could even get lost inside her cloth because of how small she was.

" I've been waiting here for over twenty minutes." He said. He had such a deep, intimidating voice that matched his face.

Poppy blinked. She was again, getting lost in his dark eyes and lashes.

" Sorry. I..I..was busy with__"

" Get me a coffee drink." He cut her off and returned back to his laptop.

Poppy heaved a tough sigh and slowly made to the next customers.

After a while, Poppy came out with a drink.

" Here's your drink" She said, placing it on Alec's table.

" Poppy!. Come here!!!" Madam tan yelled causing poppy's small hand to tremble with the drink.

A tip of the hot drink spilled and poured on his expensive laptop.

" I'm so sorry!" Poppy apologised and dropped the drink rashly, running away.

The drink was unstable on the table for a while.

it fell and spilled on his white jacket but he was quick to hold the rest of the drink before it would completely ruin his jacket.

He looked up and couldn't find the clumsy girl again.


Poppy got to Mrs tan office.

" Ma'am you called?" Poppy asked, hiding her hands behind her back.

" Did you use a tray to serve the guy in white shirt?" She asked.

" No" Poppy shook her heads.

" Haven't I warned you to always use tray when serving my special customers?"

" Special customers?" Poppy looked lost.

" Alec blue. He's one of my special customers."

' His name is Alec?' Poppy thought inwardly.

" Take a tray and stop standing and blinking there like a useless stick" She yelled and Poppy drew out a tray.

She got out and found Alec in the cashier's desk with his laptop and jacket on the table.

She could glance at his eyes. He was showing off red pupils already.

" Do you need anything?" She walked towards him and looked up.

" This is it." He said, talking in between his mask.

Poppy white eyes wondered at the things on the table.

She stared at the jacket and laptop like they were the first time she's seeing it.

" You are giving it out ?" Poppy asked without thinking.

Alec's brows knitted up in more annoyance.

" You spilled coffee on my laptop and ruined my jacket. You need to find a solution to it" He said fiercely.

Poppy remembered how she rashly spilled a drink on him while she was rushing all because of Madam tan.

Suddenly, she heard Madam tan foot step get close.

" Oh geez." Poppy bit her fingers.

" I'll rather inform your boss." He said and started walking but Poppy stopped him.

" I'm sorry. I'll fix the jacket but I can't fix the laptop. I don't have money." She said.

" I don't care." He said, squinting his eyes at her.

" Okay. Fine, fine. I'll fix both. Please just don't tell my boss." She pouted.

Alec sighed and picked his stuffs, exiting the cafe immediately. He left his white jacket with her.

Madam tan walked in.

" What happened ?" Madam tan asked after seeing the look on her face.

" Nothing." Poppy blinked.

Madam tan looked up and couldn't find Alec any longer. She walked to his table.

Poppy returned to her and saw the floor stained with drink. The guy didn't even go halfway in the drink he bought

" What happened here?" Madam tan asked.

" I spilled a drink, Ma'am." Poppy bowed apologetically.

" That means you wasted my drink and he wasn't even impressed by the way you attended to him that why he left. Are you seriously losing customers for me?!" She yelled.

" No ma'am. it was a mistake. I.. I.. ."

" Come here!" Madam tan dragged her ear and pushed her into the same room where her mom was fast asleep.

Mrs chen, Poppy's mom sat up after hearing the chaos.

" I want you guys to pack your stuffs from my store and leave here immediately." Madam tan yelled.

" But..

" Don't BUT me. Do as I say. I don't want you both any longer. You aren't the only person on earth. I can't tolerate your clumsiness and your mother sickening attitude. LEAVE and don't question me!" She said.

Poppy looked at her mom.

" Mom. Let's just go." Poppy said and picked up her bag containing her dress, taking her mom's wrist with her.

Mrs Chen gave her a pleading eyes.

" Madam tan. We don't have any place to spend our night please. I'm very sick and__

" Go look for space under the bridges." Madam tan cut her off rudely.

She pushed them out of her restaurant since they couldn't walk faster.

She brought her perfume and sprayed the whole corners in her store room.

" Look at the way everywhere smells like them. Yuck!" She mumbled and finished the whole Can spray before throwing it into the bin.

" I'll employ new workers this minute." She said and walked away.




The school yard is surrounded with students wearing blue and white uniforms. The school is really big, it contained a whole estate.

Alec car drives in to the compound and he stepped out of the car lazily.

The girls began to rush towards him like ants but his chaffuers stopped them.

" We want him!!"

" Alec our love!!"

" We love you CRUSH!!"

The chaffuers kept pushing them back because of their rash attitude.

Alec continued his walk into the compound.

He doesn't like girls and he doesn't wanna fall in love with girls either.

He hates their faces and scours on them.

He was about to walk into the school and that's when another car drove in.

Unlike the first one, this car was bubbling loudly with music.

Another guy stepped out. He was in the school uniform but he didn't tuck it In.

He was on a cap turned backward on his hair and his tie was no where to be found in his body.

The girls all screamed out their lungs the moment they saw him. Some were behaving like they had gone possessed.

" All hail pussy King!"

" I love his perfume!"

" He's so perfect, His lips and eyes are perfect"

" His smile gives me heart attack."

" We love you, Axel!"

Axel winks at them and the girls fell on each other, fainting like fools.

Storm cat walks towards him. She is his girlfriend.

Her two other clans, Roseé and twinkle are behind them.

" Hey boo bear." She kissed his lip softly, taking his hands in hers.

" Hey ." He said, rolling his eyes. He disengaged their contact.

" Hey?. Is that the way to call your pretty girlfriend?" Storm whined, looking at him bluntly.

" I thought you should know by now." Axel said walking away. Storm followed him.

" Know what?" She asked, flirting on his body.

" That I don't do pass a week. We've been dating for two weeks now. I think I've tried." He said.

" Are you seriously asking for a break up?" Storm eyes widened.

" Yeah. Let's break up now." He said facing her.

What!. Not now, baby. This is Monday for God's sake. You'll ruin my whole week" She pouted, hugging his neck.

" I'm sorry baby. But I really want a new girlfriend. You are an expired thing now."

" Expired thing?!"

" Yeah, baby. Don't be annoyed I said that. But you are actually useless. Your ass are getting flat and there's no single skin in your body. I can't manage you any longer." He said and the students around started laughing.

" What!. How can you say that so bluntly!!" She yelled.

" How else do you want me to say it. Sorry babe. Go find a life, I need fresh air too." He said and began to step away.

" I can't believe you are doing this to me. I'm going to commit suicide after this!" She yelled and her two friends followed her.

Alec was opening up his locker. He stopped because he had felt Axel presence behind him.

" Just walk away and stop boring holes on my back." Alec said.

" Don't forget you still owe me a lot." Axel glared at him the more.

" Psst..Just get out or I make you leave." Alec spat and turned around.

The two brothers glared at each other for a while. Alec left to class and Axel started walking away.

His two friends approached him. Snow and draco.

" Hey bitch." Draco called, making his cap turn front ward.

" Hey devil." Axel winked.

" Did you just break up with storm?" Snow asked, chewing gum like a girl. He loves wearing pink.

" Yeah. It feels good to be away from that bad ass" He hissed.

" Geez. I've been waiting for you two to break up for a long time. You guys must surely love each other." Draco said.

" I was only keeping her for pussy purpose." Axel said.

" We trust you." Snow smirked, blowing bubble.

" Get me a new girlfriend." Axel told them.

" You've dated almost all the girls. We don't seem to find anyone who hasn't dated you." Snow said.

" What about that girl that behaves like virgin Mary?"

" Are you talking about Oceana.?" Snow asked.

" Yeah. it's her." Axel said and his two friends held their belly laughing hard.

" She's not a good choice. You wouldn't want to spoil her purity." Draco said.

" Yeah. She doesn't even come close to girls. How will you accept a spoilt ass like you?" Snow laughed.

" She can't resist me. No girl can. Trust me." Axel said proudly.

" Let's give her a try first." Snow said and the bell was rang for lesson.



Oceana is in class. She's sitting at the back seat reading a bible.

Axel walks up to her, pocketing his hands like a cool man.

" Hey pretty" He winked.

Oceana raise her head and stared at him.

" Hey.." She replied slowly with a smile.

" Are you busy ?. Can I talk to you outside?" He asked.

" Oh okay." She replied with a slight hesitation in her voice.

She stood up. Her skirt is longer than any girl's skirt in MINIONS school. Yet she's still pretty with those curve.

They got outside the class and he stared at her again.

" Hey. I really like you." He said, curling his tongue teasingly.

" You like me?" She asked and looked around to see if anyone was watching them.

No one is in the corridor.

" Yeah. I really like you. Perhaps, you could be my next girlfriend right?" He licked his lip.

" Girl friend?. we haven't even met before. I'm sorry. I can't!." She said and wanted to leave but Axel stopped her, palming the wall.

" Are you really refusing the hottest guy in school?. The guy every girl is crushing on?" He asked, smirking at her.

" I'm not those girls who crush on you. I don't associate with males. Sorry, please step aside" She said but Axel stopped her hands.

He pulled her to the wall.

" Be my girlfriend, right now!" He yelled, straining his eyes at her.

" Hey! Stop this. I said I can't. I'll report to the principal if you don't leave me right now!" She yelled.

" You can go ahead and report, virgin Mary!. I don't fear the principal." He smirked.

" You are crossing your boundaries. I said I'm not interested. Go try other girls!" She yelled.

" It's only for a week and then we break up." He said

" I'm still not interested." She glared at him.

" Do you want me to hurt you?" He glared at her and her heart skipped a bit.

" Fine. I'll be your girlfriend." She said pouting her lips and he smiled with satisfaction.

He let of her and she winced from his grip.

" Meet me at the cafeteria at lunch" He winked and stepped away sexily.

Oceana stared at his broad retreating backs. This guy was truly lucifer in human form.

" I cover myself with the blood of Jesus." She said doing the sign of the cross on herself before walking away.

Axel got to class and approached his friend.

" I told you she would agree." Axel said, smirking proudly.

" We probably knew you forced her." Draco said.

" Of course I didn't." Axel said rolling his eyes.

" It shows on your face that you did." Snow said.

" Well the good thing is that she agreed." He said.

" You know her mom is a Duke. Hope you don't get into trouble." Draco said and Axel scoffed.

' I can't wait to knock her pussy down through out this week.' He thought and smiled inwardly.

Cherry walked in. She's their English teacher.

" Hello class." She dropped her bag.

" Hello miss cherry" The class responded.

" I need someone to tell me on last topic. What did we discuss. Yes, Axel?" She called.

" Pussy." Axel said and palmed his lip in shock.

" You said?" Miss cherry eyes bloated. The class started laughing.

Axel stood up lazily and pocketed his hands.

He was earlier thinking of Knocking down Oceana pussy and now it was all over his head.

" I mean, prepositions." He said.

Miss cherry sighed and walked to him.

" Meet me after this class." She said and turned around to leave.

" Pussy King." Snow mimicked him and he received a fierce punch on his lip.



Axel walked in, slamming back the door.

" Morning. Miss cherry." He greeted.

" I don't need your greetings." Miss cherry said looking voided.

" Sorry for greeting you." He rolled his eyes. Cherry sat on her table, folding her hands.

" So I was in class today and I asked a question. You replied saying the word pussy." She said looking up at him.

" Yeah. You don't know the meaning?. Should I explain?" He asked and Miss cherry's eyes widened.

" Are you taking me for a fool?. You think I don't know the meaning of pussy?" She yelled.

" Oh. So you know?. I thought you were innocent." He rolled his eyes.

" WHAT THE..!!" Her face turned red. " Get out if here immediately!!" She yelled.

" You don't want me to talk about pussy anymore?." He laughed Miss cherry took off her heels.

He quickly ran away and slammed the door.

Miss cherry sat down wondering how that young kid was able to play around with her.

" Such a naughty kid." She whispered.

She sighed and brought out her laptop. She was excited after she saw Xylan feedback.

" Oh. It's seems he agreed for me to home teach his son. I can't wait to start." Miss cherry smiled, dancing softly.


Poppy and her mom arrived at their neighbor`s home.

" Knock." Poppy knocked softly, hoping she wasn't disturbing their sleep.

The woman opened and glared at them.

" I didn't invite some waste to my vicinity. Leave here before you stain my home with germs." The woman said and closed up the door harshly.

Poppy climbed down the stairs and saw her mom was still shivering.

She brought out the jacket that belonged to Alec and wore it on her.

" Let's find a close space to sleep, mom. it will soon be morning." She said and they went to stay under a roof.

The rain started to sprinkle on them and they stood up quickly, rushing under a protective shade.

Poppy sighed, wondering when this suffering will ever end.

She really wants to start schooling again but there was no hope for her.

Her mom's sickness is making everything worse.

" The rain seems it will never stop. Let's just remain here for now mommy." Poppy said sadly.

They remained there until the following morning, turning extremely wet and cold.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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