
Prince Delight

"When I think rainI think about singing When I think about singing It's an heavenly tune When I think about heaven I think about angels When I think about angels I think about you for you're my love angel When I think about date I remember a day like today Which talks of you babe You came to me with fullness of Love....... ...Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium

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Jul 14, 2022


"T-I-W-A ehhhhh" screamed everyone as I happily cut my 22nd birthday cake.

"More years of celebration my darling " said my mother as she hugged me and

wish me a happy birthday."Tiwalade my daughter" started my father, you've

always make me and your mum happy so for this we're really proud of you, to

mark your twenty second birthday and also as you've successfully completed your

university education and service, you deserve something huge from us; so on

behalf of myself, your mother and siblings we present to you this.He said this

and pull out a car key from his pocket."In the presence of everyone, we hand

over this to you"Wooow, wow wow awesome, marvelous, wonderful... Screamed my

friends in awe.Thanks massively sir and ma , I said as I collected the key from

my father.I move over to my mum hugged and kiss her as a sign of appreciation.

Tiwalade, this calls for unlimited celebration, said Nikki my bestie as she

congratulated me.After the gift, the invited DJ started playing good music and

those willing to danced move to the dance floor.Foods and drinks were served in

over abundance as my parents, friends and well wishers help to prepare greatly

for this duo event.

After some time, my friends and I sat round a table to chit chat, it was then

I paid attention to my phone as one of my junior sister was busy with it in

helping me taking shots of the event on it. I decided to flood my social media

platform with pictures and posts. As I turn on my mobile data, messages started

flooding in excessively. Majority which was either a birthday wish or

congratulatory message.But I noticed an unregistered contact which send me a

special kind of wish, I opened the chat to read the message sent, it reads thus;

"When I think rainI think about singing

When I think about singing

It's an heavenly tune

When I think about heaven

I think about angels

When I think about angels

I think about you

for you're my love angel

When I think about date

I remember a day like today

Which talks of you babe

You came to me with fullness of Love

My love and life for you will be a never ending story.

Live the life of your dream



I marvelled at the content of the message as I doubted if the sender sends it

intentionally or accidentally, I called Nikki and make her aware of the

situation. She jumped up joyfully and started singing her own version of

Somebody's Son by Tiwa Savage" Somebody son don find you toooday, just dat his

name is Anonymous..."After singing to her satisfaction, she looked serious and

asked me various question which may serve as a clue to me remembering

Anonymous, but all attempts prove futile as my answers are in the negative. We

later decided to let go of the matter as the mysterious being will later

identify himself. I logged in to my Instagram account to upload some of my

birthday pictures, when I discovered that this mysterious being has posted

various pictures of mine and wrote epistle to congratulate me, I ignored all

his posts but mind mine business by posting what I wanted to.Later that

evening, my mum called me into her room for a heart to heart talk. She began;

"Tiwalade my daughter, you've always been a source of joy to this family, your

obedience, steadfastness, diligence, intelligence and hardworking is what I'm

proud of. You're very beautiful and we'll cultured that all serious minded man

would want to have as a wife. Tiwalade Omo mi, when will you bring home a

suitor. Time is no longer on your side my sweetheart. You've graduated and

thanks to God you're employed already, the next thing now is to find a right

man to settle with " she concluded." Mum" I said as I knelt down," I'm promising

you that very soon I'll bring home the right man, mum you know all I crave for

is the best and trust me I'm working on it, thanks mum for your concern. I



"Miss Tiwalade could you please lead us in prayers to start this

meeting" inquired my boss as soon as we all gathered to have the first business

meeting for the year. As soon as I finished the prayers, the CEO appreciated us

all for our commitment to work, thereafter he wish us a fruitful year ahead.He

continued saying: "The Sole reason for calling this meeting is to start

preparing massively for our tenth year anniversary which will be celebrated

officially in October; I knew that some of you might be wondering that why so

early this is still January. The reason is because the celebration has started

since January, I've sent a file containing the calendar for the celebration

also I've divided you into groups and a topic that each group will talk about

live on National T.V. Check your mail to confirm before we progress in this

meeting "As I'm about to bring out my phone, it rang when I checked who the

caller was it happened to be "Mr Anonymous" (as I saved his number)I frowned

and hanged the call angrily. Unknown to me all eyes were set on me,buh only

Nikki have an idea of what is going on. Miss Tiwalade any problem? asked my HOD

Nothing sir, I replied.Check your email quickly so that we can proceed.As I

checked my mail what I saw shattered my heart.Sir?? I screamed calling the

attention of everyone.


No! How could that be!! I yelled.What is wrong, miss Tiwalade? inquired the

Manager."I am to speak about love on valentine's day live on National TV. Sir

please kindly reverse the decision "Everywhere was dead silence as all was

dumbfounded at my request.Who has anything to say to her request??Sir, started

the manager, Miss Tiwalade is antisocial, unromantic, snubish and all kinds

of... you know...let it be as she requested.Everyone starts to mumur because of

what the manager says, after a while, the CEO rang the bell to call for

orderliness and said: "Manager, thanks for your submission but I want to remind

all of you that one of my vision for this organization is to bring out the best

in everyone. For this reason Miss Tiwalade Jacob, my decision is final, Feb 14

you're representing the organization live on National TV to talk about love and

tell the populace who we are and what we stand for "Hardly had he finished his

speech when a round of applause echoed in the conference room; I was slightly

embarrassed and feel like hiding in the ground at the instant .My colleagues

congratulated me and wish me good luck but I wasn't happy at all and was moody

at work through out the day. On getting home, Nikki tried her possible best to

cheer me up but to me it was cold comfort all that I want is for the CEO to

reverse his decision. I entered my room, lay on the bed and start planning

things out in my mind, when my phone rang, I looked at the screen to know who

the caller is but could not fathom who the caller was as it's an unregistered

contact. I picked it up and said" Hello ""Hello, how are you?" Replied the

freciever in a cool masculine voice "Who am I on with??"I inquired



One sunny afternoon at the University of Nigeria Olajumoke a business

administration student who is in her first year was feeling hot ,so she decided

to have a cold drink at a restaurant which is inside the school. While sipping

her juice, Richard a first year student from the faculty of law also branch to

cool his thirst. Hello, greeted Richard Hi, responded Olajumoke. I'm Richard by

name from the faculty of law. Please may I have the privilege to know who this

beauty before me is? He asked jocularly .Olajumoke smiled shyly and responded my

name is Olajumoke from Business Administration department, nice meeting you the

law. Richards friend hail him R-square. R-square?? Olajumoke asked, are you a

musician? Joe one of Richards friend answered saying "R-square na wizard, na only

him I saw that dey law still dey write poem and dey do stand up comedy "Sounds

cool, Olajumoke answered. She checked her watch and said looking up to Richard

" oops guys, I have to take my leave as I'm having a class in twenty minutes

Time. Which class is that? Inquired Richard"Eco113 Resources and human

population" she answered. Is there a change in the timetable, inquired Joe

bringing out his phone, he checked the timetable on his phone and shouted ehhhhh

guys we're dead, we gat class to attend,3-4.No qualms then lerruz go. Thanks to

Olajumoke miss. With this all set out to lecture room chatting happily, on the

way, Richard and Olajumoke exchanged contacts and promise to keep in contact

with each other. At night, Olajumoke shared her experience with Mickey (as she

fondly called her) her roommate her experience of the day.


Later at night, R-square chatted Olajumoke up and both vibe for a

very long time. At day break, Olajumoke received a text from R-square which read

thus: "Stars are made for the night skies are sun filled for the light Thou art

for the heart made Hence to you forever will beauty praised.

Good morning beautiful Hope you had a splendid night?? ~R-Square. She read the

message and smiled, then she replied: "Your lordship, your message reply I in

haste So as not to me file a case against. Good morning Richard, I had a splendid

night, hope you enjoyed yours as well??"All this while, she was oblivious of her

roommate taking cognizance of all that is happening; after a while she called

her: "Jummy who are you chatting with this early morning that is making you

blushing pink and purple. Is it R-square or another person?? Olajumoke quickly

dropped her phone and turned to her roommate who has been a childhood

friend, and reply' Mickey, not only pink and purple it's red and white; anyways

just as you guess he's a only sending me good morning greetings that's all,

anything bad in it??Well, Jummy to be candid don't start falling head over

heels for this guy, how serious about you is he, what do you know about him,

have you access him well ,is he the reflection of what you have in mind?? Think

about this before you make any decisions babe ""she concluded ."Mickey, chill

na, after all I explained to you that we only met yesterday, you know I don't

hangout with guys that way "retorted Jummy."Babe, a single hi from a guy to a

lady means a million things and...""Just as a single hi from Justus make you

fall head over heels for him" cuts in Jummy. Without saying a word to each

other, Mickey picked her sponge case and made for the bathroom while Jummy

started cooking.



"She that was ever fair and never proud Had tongue at will and yet was

never loud Never lacked gold and yet never went gay Fled from her wish and yet

said "Now I may "She that being angered ,her revenge being nighBade her wrong

stay and her displeasure fly She that in wisdom never was so frail To change the

cods head for the Salmon tail She that could think and never disclose her mind

See suitors following and not look behind She was a wright if ever such wright

Were To suckle fools and chronicle small beer. "With this extract from Williams

Shakespeare let me use this medium to appreciate you for honoring my invite to

the hang out and get together party organized by law students. Thanks very

much, you're such a darling. ~R-Square Jummy received this message with a smile

on her face. She replied "awwwwwwwnnnnn, I'm very gratefull".

Two months later Richard called Jummy and requested they meet at a restaurant for he wants to

have an important discussion with her. Jummy tried to know the reason for the

meeting but Richard decided that it will be much more better if the issue is

discussed physically. On the appointed day, Jummy dressed in a blue skirt with a

white top and headed to the venue where Richard gave. On getting there, she met

Richard dressed in a white jeans with a blue T-shirt. After they exchanged

pleasantries, Jummy asked :"Richard you called me and I'm here, may I know what

the important discussion is about??


"You must be up to one of your numerous jokes, Richard" said Jummy

with a sarcastic voice"Jummy, I mean it when I say I love you, our coming

together is not by providence it's by divine encounter, please accept me and

let me prove my love to you". Replied Richard"Look Richard we met barely six

months ago and now you're asking me for a relationship with you, how can guys

be this shameless", responded Jummy in a rather harsh tone. There was a dead

silence for about ten minutes before Jummy stood up, move towards Richard, place

a hand on his shoulder and said "Richard, I understood your plight right now and

I want to sincerely apologize for my harsh response earlier, as per your request

I'll think about it and give you a reply". Richard, with a fake smile on his

face said "thanks for being humane, I hope to hear from you soon"" Richard,

please don't start disturbing me all around with calls and messages over this

issue, understand??"Yes ma'am, replied Richard. Jummy, on getting back to her

hostel start thinking about Richards request, she argue within herself for three

weeks before she decided to share her worries with Mickey. Jummy is this guy

planning to have you as a crush, sex partner, girlfriend or as a life

partner? asked Mickey one night after supper. Well, I think he wants to have me as

a life partner. Are you really sure or guessing cos it's always good to get

things right before making any decisions. Try observing for more period of time

before giving him a yes or no. Thanks darling, replied Jummy with a hug.



"A heart to love you Is as near as the air While a heart to hate you Is

as far as the wild bear I heart you big my TEMILADEI love you a million and one

time" ~R-square Jummy woke up to this message from Richard, with a smile on her

face she send various love emojis in response to the message. How was your

night? Richard asked Not really good, she replied. Why? What is capable of

maladonizing my priceless Jem. I have an unfinished assignment and tomorrow is

the deadline, I've kinda been working day and night to put in the best

but....well I'm almost done .Olajumoke temi nikan, I know that you're strong

and will always put in your best. But when last do you check your email? You

knew my passcode that I love that name *OLAJUMOKE*, as my email I last checked

two weeks ago, why are you asking? Check it now... oops I have to go now, we talk

well later. Bye for now and always remember that I love you now and forever.

Hugs and kisses for you. from the heart that cares R-square.I'm blushing right

now,talk to you later darling. from the heart that loves Olajumoke. On checking

her email,she saw a mail from Richard which had been sent two days earlier, the

mail is a detailed solution to her given assignment. With fiery esctasy, she

jumped out of bed to do the needy. Later in the day, both met to discuss over a

matter. Olajumoke, started Richard



"Olajumoke temi nikan, it's my wish to run for SUG president for this great

institution of ours, what is your view as regards this? "asked Richard" Well give

me some time to think about it, I'll give you feedback latest tomorrow

morning." Answered Jummy. The following day, Jummy gave her blessings and

support for Richard ambition and plans started in earnest, days roll into weeks

and weeks roll into months, Jummy did all her best canvassing for her man I'm

other to win the election and be declared the winner. Mickey in her part

supported her friends lover so also do Richard and his cohort. One morning, "

this love flag which is raised up will I brought down, tear and burn to ashes

as honest as I am" Jummy filled with fears called Richard and informed him of

the mysterious message from the mysterious sender, Richard replied her: Olajumoke

TEMILADE Jacobs; I know whom the sender is and what he's up to, he's hell bent

on seeing my end and also tear us apart, I don't want you to think much about

this but block the sender and paradventure he use another line keep on blocking

and don't try to know who is it for I know the person personally. Always

remember that I love you and I promise you we will overcome this, trust me

darling. Olajumoke did as told but never relent her effort in canvassing for her

man. A month to election time, the school released an important information which

affects all aspirant for SUG.


A month to election day, the school issue a release stating that no

form of physical campaign should be held by both the contestants and supporters

(both within and outside the school premises). On receiving this info, Richard

and his team decided to start an online campaign using all social media

platform. One day, he put a call through to Jummy,"Hello" responded Jummy

tearfully. Richard full of shock asked what's amiss and Jummy respond:" Richard,

I received a text from Joe which..."I understood all, responded Richard,

Jummy, Joe has never been on our side since I've made known my intention of

running for SUG president, to crown it all he has lobbied with authorities to

see that he won, but despite this I'm unperturbed. All the release from school

authorities are his hand work, himself and his team still engaged in physical

campaign which I'm very obvious of, but Olajumoke temi nikan I don't want you to

think much of this or weary your heart, anywhere it landed, let's accept fate

joyfully." he concluded R-square, but why do you decided to put me in the dark

before, well don't bother about Joe, he's a failure whom will fail woefully,

Richard Michael Raymond R-square, you're the man of the people and you will

surely win this election. She encouraged. With both parties knowing what's in

stock,they forge on relentlessly. Two weeks before election, a query was issued

against Richard and was called upon by The School Disciplinary Committee for

interrogation, various charges were levied against him amongst which are:1.

Violating the school rule by organizing a physical campaign 2. Disrespect to

constituted authorities3. Conspiracy And others ..Richard was surprised as he

wondered when and how he committed the offense levied against him but still he

summon courage and present himself before the panel




"... Richard you remembered all this and the next step

you took, during this turbulence I stood by you but when it seems like all is

calming down you told me that we need to take a break, but yet still I remain

adamant and still stay long after you've gone, but ever since I've been able to

move on I've deleted everything about you and the memories we have together. So

what do you want from me now Mr lawyer??"I asked Richard who has been on call

for long while trying hard to fight back tears. Richard my caller replied

Olajumoke Temilade my darling.You have every reason to be angry with me,buh I'm

back now for you,I came back to fulfill my promise of staying with you forever,

Olajumoke please find a place in your heart to accept me back with the love

that we started with about 6years ago,let..."Stop that nonsense or I get more

mad at you", I blurted out amidst tears, Richard please steer clear of me and

mind you I'm engaged already and my wedding holds in two months time. I said

this,hanged the call and broke down completely in tears.Nikki rushed to me and

try to calm me down before asking what's amiss, as soon as I mentioned Richard

her eyes lit up buh she did not say a word but just saying that all will be

well.The following day, Nikki and I went to the place of work but met the

office in a disarray as everyone is going about with feelings of both joy and

sadness, one even saw me sigh deeply and hissed loudly at me. I tried to know

the reason for the action upon which I was made to understand that the Manager

has been laid off duty,I was shocked and asked the reason why the CEO take such

action."It was because of what he said about you at the meeting yesterday,as

been antisocial, unromantic and snubish" confided in me Kate my co-worker."Haa"I

screamed not knowing what else to do.


I tried to maintain my calm at the workplace as I go about with my

activities.In preparation for the Tv show which would take place the following

month,I called my companions two other people who are attached to me to put

heads together for the success of the show; but this two colleagues of mine are

not ready to help as their response are passive, so I decided to neglect them

but seek refuge from Nikki. Later at night of that same day, Richard called me

but I ignored him despite pleas from Nikki to me that I should try and hear him

out, but I completely declined. At the fifth call, Nikki picked up and spoke

with him for a few minutes before she hanged the call. After she dropped the

call, she told me that Richard wants us to meet so that he can unravel the

reason why he said that we should take a break in our relationship some 6 years

ago. I laughed sarcastically and responded "Mickey, you can go ahead and fix an

appointment with him but as for me Olajumoke Tiwalade Jacobs,I'm on break as he

said and the break is indefinite when I'm ready to call off the break, it'll be

with another man not him,never!"Nikki replied"Just as you said you can never

date him some 6years ago and even qualify him with so many things but in the

end you later fall for him, Nikki you and I understood fully well that this guy

loves you deeply and he's doing everything just to make sure you are happy and

save, his coming back means that out of eyes is not out of mind, only few men can

act as he did, he promised to stay with you forever and he's trying to fulfill

it babe wise up and give him a listening ear, hear him out before you make any

decision, Okay?? "I think deeply in her words and behold they are one hundred

percent true, but within myself I think I still have a reason to be annoyed

with him even though the only reason is he asking me to take a break, but why,

that he won't disclose till we lost contact. I was in my thoughts when she said

something which I was oblivious of,I asked her and she repeated" do you know

that at a time some folks tried to kill him in other to have you?" "Lie, I

responded ever since I said ayes to him no gut has ever come my way" I blurted

"They can't cos you don't allow them,cos dey do come jokingly bug you would

give them more than they requested for, okay do you still remember John??Of

course I do, John was Joe's friend although in another department who usually

call me his wife and often requested for my phone number, I could remember a

day he vexed me and I angrily abuse him in public, since then I never saw him

neither did he come to me. Okay what next,I asked Nikki. I'll invite him here so

that we can talk. No, I replied sharply not this house She replied either here or

nowhere cos I know how emotional you are but it'll be good to hide your shame

in the corner of your room. I thought of this and said let's talk online via

video call. She gave in to my request and promise to keep Richard informed.



On Saturday morning, after Nikki and I had breakfast,she chatted Richard up

online that we are set for the planned meeting. Minutes later he called in as

soon as Nikki picked up and I saw his face my heart skipped a bit but it washes

away the annoyance which I had for him,as soon as he saw my face he smiled and

the smile remind me of the old days when we are together,his warmth whenever he

hugged me,his soft but passionate kiss,his cuddle,his touch and lots more

before that day when with his eyes up to the sky said coldly, Tiwalade we need

to take a break for the betterment of both you and I...After exchanging

pleasantries he started:"Olajumoke temi nikan, in other not to call for

repetition I'll start from where you stopped the other day and unravel to you

the reason for my actions..I was presented before the school disciplinary

committee for offences which I do not commit days roll into weeks but no cogent

action was taken by SDC so I decided to fight,I informed the few who are with

me and we planned a peaceful protest but a day before our plan leaked and law

enforcement agencies were stationed all around the campus premises, very early

on the day for the protest, I was arrested by the school securities and handed

over to the Nigeria police force,after two days I was released and on that same

day we stagged our planned peaceful protest but Joe and his team hijacked it

and turn it to a violent demonstration. You knew all this events but do not know

the details because before my arrest a counselor whom I consulted told me to do

away with anything that can be holding me back in my fight for justice, that is

why I did what I did then. After the violent demonstration, SUG activities were

suspended with Joe ,his team, I and my team appearing before the panel. I was

given a year suspension while Joe was rusticated our team members were

pardoned. The right judgement was passed because the panel was headed by

another set of people as those who headed the panel which led to my arrest was

bribed by Joe and his team. Before I left school to serve my punishment of one

year suspension, Joe walked up to me and said: "You strong headed idiot, you've

won twice buh I'll later have the trophy in this matter". I was thinking that

what else can he do afterall he has been rusticated but he meant a lot of evils

for me.



When my dad who is a high profile barrister lawyer got to know of all what

happened,he was so displeased with me that he threatened to disown me and stop

my education,but after several pleas for about a month or more he gave in to me

and advised me to detest from anything that could cause an hitch to my

personality and education, I promised him that such thing would never happened

again. After my one year suspension,I returned back to school to continue my

education, when it's time to go to law school for the one year training before

graduation, it was then I discovered Joe's plan. He has through some top

officials of our institution wrote petition against me to the school in other

to obstruct my entering into the school. The institution authorities tried all

they could but all prove abortive, twas then I informed my dad about latest

happening and he uses his position to write against Law school to the

presidency and the Senate. Swift actions were taken by both parties with all

perpetuos of evil nabbed and I gaining my undisturbed admission to law school.

Currently Joe and his cohort are serving their terms in prison.

Temilade, all tru diz while I'm always thinking of you buh the circumstances

surrounding me don't allow me and I don't want to do something that will affect

you. All these crises started while we're in 300level, you are already busy

with project work and other important stuff, in a bid to see that you succeeded

that's why I left you out of the circle, moreover some damn folks are after

your life and the only way to rescue you is by moving away from you for a short

while .Olajumoke temi nikan the short while is over let's come back together and

pick up from where we paused,you know I love you with the whole of my heart...

In a bid to reach out to you I stumbled upon your HOD at a function one

day,twas from he I get your contact and all your social media handles Olajumoke

come let's listen to your favorite EJI OWURO together as we normally d0...."

As he is saying all these my heart bleeds for him and I'm nearly moved to

Tears ,but I maintained a blank face no smile no cry,no frown. After some

minutes, Nikki asked him"Richard, what are you up to"He replied smiling "I'm

currently working with my dad but very soon I'll have my chamber "Sounds cool

Nikki replied,now that you've express yourself, what else do you want? "I want

my Olajumoke Temilade to please find a place in her heart to accept me back and

we should continue with our love episode,I promised you forever and I'm ready

to stand by it"Sharply I replied" wrong address bro, because as you me so ,I'm

already engaged and my wedding holds next month for old time sake I'll send you

an invite kindly send your address. Good day" .Leaving Richard alone to bear the

shock,I ended the call, move to my room and gave way to lingering tears.



I began to get ready for the Tv show mustering all my energies and all

available resources trying to prepare at all possible best. Two days to the

D-Day my boss called me and admonish me not to be nervous even though it's my

first time of being on air, I confidently told him that I will put in all my

best. Nikki also helped me greatly in the preparation and encouragement. On the

D-Day, I woke up feeling very nervous as all my courage depletes as if

formated, with fake courage,I get prepared and both myself and Nikki left for

office as instructed to firstly report before leaving for the television

station. Om getting to the national tv stations, myself, Nikki and Kate were

welcome by the officials,at few minutes to ten,we were ushered into the

studios,my heart pace increases like someone who just ended a marathon race,my

presenters, a guy and a lady sense my apprehension but calmed me down in such a

way that I couldn't even explain or understand myself .Soon the show started

with all was going well until the guy asked : " miss assuming you're dating a

guy, what offence or offences do you think he can commit and would remain

unforgivable by you"My heart skipped a bit, before answering the question, I

replied that : "before any one can talk of being in a relationship, one thing

that is valid is dat both parties have understand themselves to an unreasonable

doubt of being compatible and would have understood both the likes and dislikes

of each other, with this understanding there can not be any unforgivable

offence from both sides, my suggestion."Hardly had I landed that my hosts

clapped their hands and praised me for my response,at the same instant my phone

vibrated alerting me of a new SMS, I passed my phone to Nikki in other to avoid

distractions.Later the studio line was opened for messages alone,an anonymous

sender whom I'm very sure was Richard sent a message which read thus:



"How can I win my lover back after being apart for quite a while?

*Anonymous*"When this question was read out and my host seek a reply from me,I

think deeply because I don't want to say a word that will put me in a situation

in which my word would be use against me so I gave my reply as thus: "To win a

lover back is not a problem if you both understand your love term language,

your love language would help in winning back your love. But paradventure this

key failed then you need to trace, erase and retrace your love". Tom, the male

host asked" miss Tiwalade could you please enlighten us on the last point "I

replied: " *Trace*you traced how you met, the aspiration of both of you and

what causes your break. Erase: if from your acts you noticed a glitch or you

foresee a future problem you erase whatever might have caused the breakup from

your heart, cos a wounded heart leads to a broken heart,if you've did this then

you retrace your love either to be apart totally or to start from the scratch

all over "Hmmm Tito my Female host said, then she asked what is the sole

foundation of every relationship which will uphold it till the end? Trust and

communication, I replied, to others there might be other factors but those two

keys are very important, imagine someone who claimed to love me but not

checking up on me for about a month or more is that love??( I intentionally

said diz because ever since I told Richard that I'm engaged and that I'll send

his invitation card for old time sake, he stopped talking to me, well maybe he's

hurt can't say).My host nodded in affirmation then asked me to make a song

request,I gladly requested for IFE BI EJI OWURO by Shola Allynson, my hosts

look at me in a weird way and asked why I make such request and I replied

confidently that the lyrics of the song teaches me to fall in love in the right

way and with the right person.After the musical break, other messages were

attended to after which I was asked to make a shout-out to at least three

people.I replied: first I make a shout-out to my parents Mr and Mrs Jacobs, I

make a shout-out to my boss Chief Festus Kingsley,I make a shout-out to my

bestie Nikki,I make a shout-out to my colleagues and lastly I make a massivel

shout-out to Richard Raymond.Unknown to me I've committed myself but others

take cognizance of.While on our way back to the office, Nikki who sat by me

besides the wheel whispered to my ears "I make a massive shout-out to Richard

Raymond" I looked at her with a frown look but kept quiet wondering what she

meant.. Sooner we were caught in a traffic, while trying to find a way out I

noticed a guy who did something really weird. The guy put on a white top with a

blue jean and an addidas canvas,he stood beside a Lexus Rx jeep, not quite long

after, I noticed a slim blonde hair lady advancing towards him, he smiled at her

and said:

Fine girl from New York City

Walking elegantly on Naija titi

I saw her and called her beauty

Cos she's more than sweety

Come let me give you a free ride

My charming bride

Mother of my unborn child

Hope this makes you smiled

Or I should for go extra weird.

The sun don't shine brightly like you

Cos you're more beautiful than new born ewe

Seeing you I have nothing to do

Than to fall over and over for you

As your beauty flows from your heart

And appears right in sight

Come be with me and be mine

For the rest of your years be mine

My perfect lady and queen

Good day how are you doing??

Are you done? She asked with a frown on her face

Beauty,I'm sure this weather is likely to be harsh on you buh if you don't

mind,wait here with me for a while as my business associate went down there to

get something but he'll soon be back. The lady without saying a word opened her

purse, brought out her car key, unlock the vehicle door with the remote, opened

the door and said " you jobless, senseless, shameless loot,get thee behind my

vehicle,or else I disgraced you,get something worthwhile doing and stop being a

nuisance all around. With this she zoomed off speedily.

Myself and all on board bursted out laughing. Piii horned the car behind ours

angrily, when he noticed that we're not moving when the traffic was freed.Still

laughing I sped off to the office.


On getting to the office,we were welcomed with an overwhelming ovation, I

wondered how they get a wind of all what happened, almost immediately I

remembered that there's a television set in the conference room, probably boss

has skipped activities and ensure that all watch the event live on air.Nikki,

Kate and I went to the CEO'S office in other to give a detailed report, after

our report,he applauded us,makes correction where necessary and bid us

farewell, Nikki moved out first,then followed by Kate,as I was about to get out

he called me back and asked me"Miss Jacobs who is Richard Raymond?"My heart

skipped a bit but I frankly replied:"He's my colleague in the University"He

responded"be free with me, what relationship exists between both of you?".I

contemplated within myself as weather to say the truth or evase the

question,well I gave my response thus:"We were once together but somethings

happened which drift us apart,and...."(I wanted to skip the part that he's

trying to get back my love for him but....)"Miss Tiwalade Jacobs,if you're

truly in love with someone, nothing can drift you apart,give the young man a

chance if he comes back to you,I can forsee a great future between you

both,wait a minute is it Barrister Richard Raymond whose father is the current

Anthoney General of the federation?""Yes Sir,he's the one " I replied."Wow,

what a lucky soul to find a noble soul like you, my dear why don't you gist me

about this before...Ohh pardon me I don't want to intrude into your affairs,do

have a nice day, you're free to go"I hesitated before taken my leave to join my

colleagues who are gisting and laughing loudly,on arrival,a colleague of mine

shouted out to me "I make a massive shout-out to Richard Raymond,miss Raymond

why you no tell us that something nice is going on in the corner " we all

laughed to her words. Another colleague called our attention to a video which

all of us directed our attention to, it was the scene of the guy whom we saw on

our way back from National TV station,a freelancer recorded it and uploaded it

to social media,I as well as Nikki and Kate were not surprised but what shocked

me was the embarrassment the guy would faced as his pictures were uploaded with

different embarrassing captions, some which are:"A lazy jobless broke guy

trying to woo a damsel""Borrow pose go wrong""My first assignment after taking

the weed,woo a lady using her vehicle"After the chit-chat, I headed to my

office,I saw a letter on my table sent from the office of the CEO.

On getting home,twas then I have enough time to attend to my phone, I missed

2calls from mom,4calls from Richard,2calls from my junior bro,and 4calls from

an unknown caller.I ignored all but switch over to wathsapp,I met a lot of

messages but I decided to check important messages first before attending to

others.After a while Nikki called me to have a chat with me.



"What is your stand with Richard Raymond,will you consider him or you're

completely done with him??" Asked Nikki"Why the question,I asked in return.

Jummy,if I can't tell you the truth,then I'll be worser than the worsest enemy

you could ever think of, Richard truly loved you with the whole of his heart,

think about it,he did what he did for you, imagine if you were in his shoe

facing all that he faced then simply because of a lady,would you consider her

again? But not minding the past he still consider you..."She continue talking

for a short while before she paused, but one thing I discovered about her is

dat she's never a great talker but if she should speak once it'll be a matter

she has been nursing for at least two weeks, although deep down within me ever

since Richard had that discussion with me and told me his mind, the love which

we bore then that was waxing cold got ignited from within me and on a daily

basis I'm missing him. But one thing I stubbornly refuse to do is to express

myself to him without he setting the ball rolling,but since then he never sent

me a message nor called me until this day valentine's day which he sent me a

love message and also applaud my performance on Talk show on National TV."Well

to be honest Nikki, I wanted him back but seems like has moved on cos eversince

he's back to communicating with me,he is found of messaging me at least three

days in a week but since this five weeks he has stopped... maybe he has found a

better person " I concluded.Well to be sincere he has found a better person

whom he's not willing to part with, don't ask me who cos I won't tell you, and

by the way,I'm expecting a visitor this weekend, please try and help me prepare

greatly for my visitor. Nikki said.I was dumbfounded at her speech but fake a

smile and answer her positively."How about mom,dad and other members from your

side?" Nikki askedWell they're fine even though I missed mom's call today but I

can fathom what she wants to say,it must be about what she discussed with me

last October on my birthday about marriage, but can she just calm down a

bit,cos I need to get things right." I blurted out..Olajumoke all will be well,

she responded.After this we gisted various things,watch some movies before

finally fall into the hands of sleep.On Saturday morning,we started making

preparations for Nikki's anonymous visitor,soon she brought out various frames

which are covered but numbered and insisted on me hanging them on the wall and

arrange them the way I liked,I did as instructed and arranged them serially

left and right,at exactly 10am,our door bell rang,as I rise to open the door,

Nikki stopped me and rose to open the door.


Nikki said as she opened the door for the visitor



S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E !!!Nikki said loudly as she opened the door for her guest,I

tried to look behind her to behold whom the visitor is. He wore a complete

blazer suit of Royal blue color,he has his hair cut low in a fashionable

style,he's averagely tall but well built, without waiting for any introduction

or greetings,I jumped from where I sat and hugged him cos he's no other person

but my lovely Richard Raymond R-square,i hugged him tightly cos his hug comfort

me,his warm body, his soft lips as he enclosed them in mine in a tight kiss,his

cool touch as he caress my body,mere hugging him I wanted him at the instant

cos I'm already feeling it on me, but no,our reunion must not start on that

note,after a while I could hear my phone ringing,I ignored for the first and

second time before Nikki informed me dat the caller is my boss,I left Richard

reluctantly picked up my phone and made for my room to answer the call. I

returned shortly with a frown on my face, Richard rushed to me and asked what

amiss "nothing serious"I replied but Nikki understand my plight," Tiwalade,

accept the offer in good fate cos there's nothing you can do to avert it", she

said."You babes have left me in the dark, could you please shed more light so

that I can understand?"cried out Richard.Well you need to remain in the dark

for you foil my plan and I'll make sure you pay for it. Retorted Nikki.What's

going on here are you guys up to something? I asked rather confused..Olajumoke

temi nikan,I'll fix everything in a while, Nikki,calm down all is going as


Twas at this juncture that I remember that I've not offer Richard anything not

even a cup of water,I left the sitting room in other to get a drink for

Richard,on returning to meet them,I could sense that they had made a plan which

I'm oblivious of,but I offered the drink to Richard who accept it with

thanks,poured a cupful and sip leisurely. After this, Nikki spoke:"Jummy thanks

for welcoming my guest on my behalf, the hugs, kisses,drinks and all you did

was soo nice of you,I really appreciate it."Confused I blurted out: Nikki what

does that supposed to mean Richard is my love whom... Before I could complete

the sentence, Nikki cut me short: madam calm down and hear the latest update,

okay to be sure, their are 20 frames here hanged by your self,now open frame

number one.Like lightning I moved over to where the frame marked one is a d

opened it, what I saw shocked me. I saw Nikki in the frame with caption "the

first day I met you,was love at first sight"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Nikki?? Can you

ever do this to me?? I yelled.With a blank face she asked me to open frame

three skipping frame two, there I saw,"the feelings I had for you was

mutual,and when you sees this, you promised me eternity."My body temperature

was becoming hot,on her command or is it instructions,I opened frame five which

read "I'm ready to be yours now and forever,any where with you I'll go"

"Haaaaaa,it's okay" I concluded trying to go away from there.



"You know that I love you and will always do"said Richard to me as he tried to

restrain me from leaving.Well maybe, I answered casually trying to hide my

annoyance.Without saying a word he moved to the frame, unveiled number two from

which I saw,*What a wonderful prank,chillax and unveil the rest frame before

reaching a conclusion "I looked left towards Nikki who still maintain a

innocent look,I looked right towards Richard whose face looks begging. I opened

number four and behold I saw myself and Richard kissing ourselves and a caption

was written how it started, courageously I opened number six where I saw

Richard holding a microphone with the caption, before God and man I promise to

be with you forever, number Seven read thus, check the door a visitor is there;

I moved to the door and behold there standeth a lady with flowers in her hands,

she handed the flower to me alongside an envelope; on opening the envelope I

found a beautifully designed love card with my picture right in the heart of

the card with a short but deep love poem. I made attempt to hug Richard when a

guy suddenly burst in take a picture of me hugging Richard and left the house

in a hurry.We ignored him but continue in opening the frames, when at last we

opened the tenth frame, what I saw makes me open my mouth wide, "After a sea

comes a calm,After the cross comes crown,After our challenges, marriage nowFor

I can't wait to have you properly.Lots of love fromRichard Raymond ~R-square .

I hugged him again and behold this strange guy comes in again only to disappear

after taking a shot, Nikki smiled and said."Olajumoke,I'm glad you make it,

congratulations. Wishing you abundant blessings and joy in your reunion,I'll

excuse you guys so that you can have a heart to heart discussion". With

this,she kissed my forehead and moved out of the house.Myself and Richard

talked for almost three hours, sometimes hugging, sometimes holding our hands,

sometimes kissing and sometimes chasing ourselves inside the house.After a long

while,we heard Nikki's loud laughter from outside,I peeped out through the

window to see her and a guy whose face I don't really see cos he's backing me,

running after each other,as I was watching both of them entered the guy's car

and zoomed out of the house."Who is that guy? I asked Richard.



"You'll know him when they are back "Richard responded evasively. He brought

out his phone to check something when I snatched it, on looking at it,I could

see that he's trying to send a message to Nikki,I scrolled up the chat and from

there I behold a shocking revelation.Nikki confided in him that he had a little

misunderstanding with Justus her fiance which is heading towards breakup,she

begged Richard to help her appeal to him, Richard on his part agreed to help

her win her lover but she should also help him in talking to me.Both party

played their part well and decided to finalize it by killing two burds with a

stone,so this day was fixed so that myself and Richard could talk and

reunited,in the same vein, Nikki and Justus would as well meet for reunion.I

looked up to Richard and said "nice game,but is this not all that you're

hiding? You been afraid of winning your love back, and she afraid of loosing

her man,so what next?"Richard looked me for a long time and said "Olajumoke

temi nikan, I did what I did for the sake of love,but there remains a scene

unknown to Nikki yet. What's it I asked. Justus is willing to propose to her

today.Wow, where will that hold, here or elsewhere? I asked with my eyes

brightened. Here he answered and trust me it'll take her by surprise..

Later I prepare food which both of us ate, leaving some for Nikki and Justus.

We chatted,play games and have fun for a short while after which I felt

dizzy,but I want Richard by me. The two of us made for my room,on getting to

the room,I felt like making love with Richard,but this we've never done before

so I don't know how to express myself to him. After thinking for a while, I

feigned stomach ache holding my belly with my both hands, Richard carried me on

his lap resting my head on his chest and rubbing my back. I'm enjoying this and

think within myself that I'm getting it step by step, when I could bear my

feelings no longer,I told Richard "Richard, I want to have you in me,I want us

to make love, make me a woman".He looked at me and smiled,he kissed me by my

neck,I still on his lap rub his chest, bringing my hands to his stomach, going

downwards towards his waist,I could feel him rising already,so I stood from his

lap, locked the door and undressed myself,he undressed himself, lay me on the

bed,he kissed me,dip his fingers in my opening, fondle my twin fawns, when he

see that I'm already wet,he put his in mine, moving in and out slowly,at first

when he came inside me,I felt a sharp pain like I'm having a cut,but I endure

the pain and later get used to it. After the first round,he pull out,I hold his

with my hands in other to feel it's texture,I've read in a comic about sucking

but I'm contemplating either to try it at my first experience or delay till

other time, without delay,I held it close to my mouth,tufia,I spat out, Richard

come in the second time, now I enjoyed it better than the first time.After

having like four to five rounds I felt weak and sleepy,I tried to stand up to

go and have a cold bath,but I'm too weak to rise by myself. Richard upon

noticing this carried me to the bathroom,bath me and carried me back to the

room. The soiled bedspread I rolled to a side but I'm proud to see it blood

stained,I lay on the bed and in a giffy I slept off.




Richard woke me up at 5pm, i wonder if it's because of what we did makes me

slept off for almost three hours.are they back? i asked him.not yet dear,he

replied.i rose up to go and prepare super as i'm feeling hungry. i went to the

kitchen with Richard following me, and together we prepare a delicious dinner

of wheat semolina and melon soup. hardly are we done that Nikki and Justus

arrived. we welcome them and another round of loud gisting spice with laughter

ensure.at about 6pm,justus went into his car which was packed outside,but i'm

aware of what he wanted to do.few minutes later he came in,he gave richard a

meaningful look,then he switched off the lights.Nikki screamed cos she's a

creature who hates darkness, even when there's power supply,she would still be

armed with a torch and light,for incase,she would always say.as justus switched

off the lights, almost immediately a red light appeared on the wall with the

inscription"will you marry me nikki daughter of ojo"

awwwwwwwnnnnn,i shouted as the words i read,justus was already on his knee with a silver ring in his hands holding nikki's hand and looking at her eyeball to eyeball."oh my gosh, nikki

said in surprise,yes now and forever"myself and richard cheered as justus fixed

the ring in her finger, nikki lifting him up and both parties hugged and kissed

each other as richard played a romantic song by westlife.after this,the lights

were restored and we ate,drank,make merry and celebrated myself and richard

reunion alongside nikki accepting justus proposal..

a week later my boss called me to chide me "why don't you responded to my

message? do you want me to use force?"do you remember the letter i met on my

table when i returned from the television show on valentine's day? the letter

was from my boss asking if i would be interested in occupying the vacant

managerial post in the organization, well i'm interested but how would my

colleagues felt, that is why i'm reluctant in replying the message, but now i

have to give my reply. so i gave my reply in the affirmative,my boss smiled at

me,shook hands with me and authencitate my promotion.


Myself and Richard continued in our love relationship, although some minor

challenges do occur but we're able to scail through. Four months after our

reunion,he took me home to go and see his parents. His dad the current Anthoney

General of the Federation and his mom who is a successful business woman who

owns three large supermarkets in notable location within the country,both

welcome me wholeheartedly with genuine smile on their face. They asked about my

parents, family and other random but vital questions which I'm able to answer.

His dad asked me a question which almost caught me off guard but thanks to God

that I'm smart enough to handle the situation,he asks:"Olajumoke, what is your

plan for our son if you marry him❔"I answered " sir and ma,my plans for your

son who is my lover is to make him be the best he can be in his field and also

to bring pass his dreams and alleviate his fears.The compatibility which he

sees in me must I ensure its fulfilled"His mum rose from her seat,hug me and

give me a passionate kiss. I was overwhelmed with joy that I almost shed tears.

Richard's parents give me numerous gifts which I appreciated with utmost

respect. Two weeks later,I called my mom that I would love to pay her and dad a short

visit cos it's been a while I've saw them.My mom filled with gladness gave me a

date both her and dad would be free so that I can have my chat with them.I was

bewildered as I never made mention of discussion with her but how can she

just.....well it's okay."lest I forget I'm coming with a friend of mine who

wants to meet you" I added before ending the call.

On arrival home,my parents and siblings welcome me and Richard warmly and was

served delicacies.At evening time, I,mom, dad and Richard sat in the compound

where I introduced Richard to them and our plan of marrying each other.Dad

bombard Richard with questions which he swiftly and expertly answered.Well Dad,

I expect more from him as I know that that's how he would behave,but I've

prepared Richard beforehand.After the talk,my parents gave their Blessings and

told Richard that he would love to host his family for formal introduction so

that wedding activities can commence.


"Can you please plan towards next week Wednesday,I want us to have a day off

work and go for a date" Richard requested one day after our both families had

met for formal introduction.Well let see how it goes, I replied.I, the now

manager of the organization, wrote a letter to my boss asking for permission,

to be off work for a day. Luckily for me my boss granted my request almost


On Wednesday which Richard requested we met, I wore an outfit which Richard

sent to me for the day.At about 11am he drove to my residence to pick me up and

off we went to a five star hotel. We moved to a VIP section which he had earlier

paid for.We sat at the table eating, drinking gisting and watching the TV there

on which romantic songs are being played, I was so immense in the song and was

about challenging Richard to a dance when two uniformed police men came to

where we are "you're under arrest, hands up" they says.What why who sends

you,these are the words which came out of my mouth angrily. Madam stay calm,

your man is whom we came to arrest with order of our DPO, says one of them. To

hell with your DPO, I retorted, by the way for which offence did you come to

arrest him? I asked. Stealing, both officers chorus.I was bewildered and faced

Richard,"why are you silent, can't you silence them,or are they correct with

their proposition?""Yes, they're correct, I did steal" Richard responded to my

utmost shock. Before I could say a word he added,"will you help me escape"I

pondered over the words and concluded within me that if I could escape this,I'm

done with love forever,so I replied"I'll, what is the way out?"He smiled at me

and said to myself and the police,"let's go"."Where to? " I asked angrily.

Jummy what I stole is kept somewhere around this building,once I showed it to

this men they will let go of us" I looked at him then switched to the officers

who nodded in acknowledgement.

We moved clockwise when we come to a curtain, Richard says a word and the

curtain was roll,we made our way into a dark room but on Richard's order

everywhere was illuminated.Speechless was my expression at what I behold.The

room was beautifully decorated with blinking lights all over,at the center of

the room was a three step cake which was elegantly decorated with an

inscription on top of it which read thus:You're the heartbeat of my body,

therefore I can't do without you" I smiled coyly, almost immediately,the lights

were dimmed and I could felt a cold touch on my hand,I looked and saw Richard

on his knees holding my right hand,he speaks:"Olajumoke temi nikan, here's what

I stole (he dipped his hands in his pocket and brought out a golden Ring) WILL

YOU MARRY ME ??,he asks looking straight into my eyes.I also decided to play

him,I looked up only to saw my picture displaying everywhere with various

romantic captions there with.I looked at him and said "I'M YOURS NOW AND

FOREVER"Hardly had I completed my statement when I heard a resounding clapping

from various angles, Richard fixes the rings and we hug for a very long time.

While we are still hugging,doors opened left and right and was surprised at the

various people who appears. Firstly it was Nikki and Justus,followed by my

junior bro then the last person who shocked me was my boss as he appeared and

take a shot.Twas then I knew that it was a set up plan by Richard as the police

officers were his aide whom he assigned a role to in his proposal drama.


Our wedding date was scheduled to hold on Christmas day which will make it

unique. Nikki and Justus planned to have theirs two months ahead of ours.

Preparations started in earnest and I anxiously anticipate that glorious

day.Our parents get us marriage counselor whom explained so many things that

marriage consisted unto us,lest I forget, immediately after the introduction

ceremony our parents suggested that both Richard and I go for medical check up

in other to check our compatibility and luck smiled on us as we were fit for

each other. My mum called me one day and started explaining to me how my first

sexual experience would look like and admonish me in so many ways. But deep

down within me, I knew she was wrong for once because I already had my first

experience and even after the first time we had met on two other occasions but

at which time we used contraceptives unlike the first time which was direct

contact. Well, I knew you would call me a bad child but never the less, I never

regretted my actions in any form.

Wedding invitations were printed and shared out to every important people.I

was so glad that I made the right choice by accepting Richard back into my life

after the three years plus departure.

My traditional wedding or engagement ceremony as you wish to call it was super

as Richard and his family surprised us by increasing all that was requested by

my parents in multiple of five. At a point when the gifts were being moved in,I

began to contemplate wether Richard Raymond had another plans for me which I'm

oblivious of.A week to my wedding(as we planned to hold the traditional wedding

a month to our wedding day,of which has been done), Richard travelled out of

state to defend a case, while he was away,I heard from the news that an

accident occurred and on description,his vehicle type was announced but with a

different registration number.I tried Richard's line but was unable to reach

him, I felt bad and cried all night. Very early the following day,I had a knock

on my door and on opening it was Richard,my joy knew no bound as I hugged him.

He was surprised at my attitude, but when I explained to him he was grateful.

Twas then that he explained to me that his trip was cancelled as his client

seek a suspension on the case for time being.

Time flew like kite and it came to pass the long awaited day DECEMBER 25


On December 24 a day to my wedding, someone posted a picture of mine on social

media with a caption *at last, she's set to sign the deal*Which deal? I

screamed when Nikki (although married) showed it to me.But quickly my senses

gat the right part of me and I quickly reasoned who can play such prank.It was

Toyin who happened to squat with Nikki and I for a semester while on campus,

the picture which she uploaded was a picture of I on braziers and a short

skirt,one thing that annoyed me was that, whosoever sees such post would have a

bad picture of me,so I sprang to action,I did not have her contact so I

requested for it on our alumni group which was given to me in a giffy by the

admin of the group. I screenshotted the post to Richard and her contact as

well.On my part as well,I gave her a call and expressed myself with deep

annoyance. I could only fathom what Richard could have said to her that make

her sent me a long epistle of apology and said she was only cathing cruise.

Very early on Saturday morning December 25,my mother made her way to my room

in the hotel where myself,she and my friends choose to have my bridal shower,

upon arrival,I knelt down to greet her,there and then she prayed wholeheartedly

for me, and wish me all the best. My dad gave me a call praying for me as well.

Soon I had a good bath after which I started getting myself ready for my

wedding program.Richard called me while I'm having my breakfast and asked about

situation of things, with joy in my heart I gave him a detailed report of what

happened at my bridal shower and the stage we reach that is having breakfast.I

put on my wedding gown veiling my face, Nikki although a month pregnant then

insisted on being my best lady which I agreed with.My bridal chain was loaded

as I had people who surrounded me.On getting to church,I could notice a set of

vehicles about a dozen which was tagged *RICHJAY* It was when I saw this that I

remembered that Richard sent me a package which he called symbol of the day,I

quickly sent one of our driver to go and get the items and pasted them on all

our vehicles.Although our vehicles was beautifully decorated just that the

symbol was missing which we quickly need to put in place.

My wedding program started with an opening hymn which would be used to usher

me in.As the choristers started the song *TO GOD BE THE GLORY* my dad came to

my right side,held my right hand and I,my dad,mum,best lady, bridal chain and

some notable personalities walked in gently to the solemn rythm of the

choristers. I sat beside Richard who was dressed up in a complete blazer suit.

As the program progress in high gear,I sometimes steal glances at Richard and

each time our eyes met we smiled, photographers were in excess on that day and

Even some reporters were in attendance in a bid to put the event in their

broadcast and publication.

Then the minister asked"who giveth this woman miss Tiwalade Olajumoke to be

married to this man Richard Olayinka"My dad came forward holding my hands and

handing it over to the Minister.The congregation cheered and clap.Then the most

important aspect


FOR RICHER FOR POORER,IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH TILL DEATH DO US PART "Richard repeated this loudly after the Minister and after his I followed suit.The whole

congratulations cheered as we exchanged the wedding vows,our vows was

thereafter sealed with the Holy Bible and our wedding ring after which the

Minister declares:


A loud resounding clap echoed the church,after the noise subsides, the

Minister faced Richard and said "you can now kiss the bride"Richard draws me

closer to him, interlock his lips in mine and sucks me that I nearly fall.Even

Nikki forgot herself as a best lady and brought out her phone to record the

scene.After we signed our marriage certificate,we made for the reception venue

as the choristers sang the song *THROUGH THE LOVE OF CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR*


Lest I forget, I would love to tell you some dignitaries who were in

attendance, legal practitioners are in overabundance that if any suspect was

Nabbed his case would be decided right at the instant, well what do you expect

before it's the occasion of the Anthony General so little wonder about

that, apart from having legal practitioners, politicians of high caliber were as

well present, important people in the country all came to grace the wedding of

such a little girl like me, celebrities journalist, security agencies were

surplus that one can mistake our wedding for a governor program and some others

whom I could not remember again. Most importantly,my colleagues, seniors and

even juniors from the University all came to grace my ceremony.Toyin the girl

who misplayed a prank also came.There's no sufficient time to talk in details

about what happened at the reception program but I'll just hint you of the

important ones.Wedding cake was surplus as we having prepared our cake,UNN

alumni group also presented us a cake,NBA also presented so also do some other

forum,foods and drinks were in excessive,even I start to develop a phobia that

EFCC officials won't come after us, and I'm glad to tell you that they didn't

come.Gifts which we received were innumerable,cash was just too much at a time

when I'm tired of receiving envelopes,I wrote out my account details and hand

it over to Nikki to give out to anyone who cares. RICHARD was also bombarded

with gifts,cars,houses,lands house gadgets, furnitures just mention them were

given to us.We could not wait for long at the reception program as we had

visitors to attend to at home.After cutting the cake,danced together and do

some important things we left escorted by security agencies *RICHJAY* was

displayed on all vehicles instead of the popular "just wedded" "newly wedded"

"latest couple" among other display tag which was usually displayed on new

couples vehicle. On getting home, we were welcomed by Various dancing group whom

we only greeted with a wave of hands and moved in to meet our guests. Our both

parents, high profile politicians,my boss and some notable personalities were

already seated.Upon arrival,all rose to greet us and remain standing till we

sat.To cut the story short,we ate together with dignitaries after which

something bizarre happened.


We were high in celebrating mood when my boss told me"Mrs Raymond,

congratulations on your wedding,but do you know that that is taking you off our

organization?". How could that be,I reasoned within myself even Nikki who got

married a month ago is still doing fine in the organization but I quickly

reasoned that it might be another surprise.So in response I looked up from my

plate and said:"Sir, thanks very much for all you did, from the period you

employed me till now and even for what you will still do, I'm very grateful

sir.Your wish I accept with gratitude "He smiled at me even though my words

shocked him,even Nikki could not hide her feelings,Chief Mrs Raymond my

mother-in-law then speaks,"Olajumoke my daughter, you've prove yourself at this

juncture to be strong and always aspire to be the best,in lieu of this,my

husband and I have decided to hand over to you,one of my supermarket,to be the

owner right from this moment till eternity " like a dream,she brought out a

file which consists of all the documents about the supermarket,I don't know

what to say or how to appreciate them,I could only gave her a big hug and knelt

to appreciate both she and her husband.All documents were signed and I become

the new and rightful owner of *DALIA SUPERMARKET* , to perfect my surprise abi

shock whichever,my husband also unfold his private firm which he set up all by

himself to the surprise of everyone.

On my wedding night, I've got myself prepared for the night activities by

reading weirdly, make inquiries and even my mother has explained to me in

details some of which I've even had the practicals.Our bedspread was plain

white, which symbolizes purity even though...I've had my PINKY (using Richard's

word) clean shaved in anticipation.

At night, after supper,I put on my transparent nighty which is also was made

of white linen after having a shower, went into the bedroom, dimmed the light and

await Richard.About thirty minutes later, he came out of the bathroom,after he

had dried his body,I rose to hug him,rub his chest and he in turn kissed me,

fondle my twin fawns and clasps me to the bed. One weird thing which he does

which amazed me was after pulling off my gown he tied my hands to the bed stand

and with a remote control he turned on the room stereo system which immediately

started playing IFE BI EJI OWURO BY SHOLA ALLYNSON, one of my favorite love song.

He climbed me and whispered to my ear, this shall be different, twins or

triplets he asked. I looked at him and replied smiling twins. Plain or mixture he

asked again, I replied confidently mixture, then he replied watch out. Hardly had

he completed his speech when he came inside me in a very fast pace completely

different from what we used to have before time, I must confess this is not fun

cos I felt it in all the part of my body and even during the process, I squirted

times without number to the pleasure of my husband, after a while, I felt

something popping inside me and almost immediately I felt nauseated but Richard

never worried but continue with the assignment.. After we had made out I slept

off almost immediately.

At day break I was woken up by a phone call, when I checked it was my mother, I

picked the call and she asked me how our night was, it was fine I managed to

reply because up till that moment I was still feeling some pains in my

pinky, How was it mum asked. What? I asked back.She smiled and started a sermon

on mother hood, after her long lectures,I explained my predicament to her and

she recommended some medicine for me. My mother-in-law also called me to ask

about our experience which I said was good.I looked beside me on the bed,

Richard wasn't there, where could he be,I asked myself, almost immediately I

heard his voice he was on a call with someone, I rose up from the bed and knelt

down to greet him playing the role of a good wife. He also greeted me raise me

up and for the first time chant my eulogy.


Nine months after our wedding,I put to bed a bouncing set of twins, a boy and a

girl.My family and Richard family were extremely happy at my birth and shower

upon me praises and gifts as usual.On the naming ceremony, they were among lots

of name given were called Joan and Johnny respectively.

Two years after our wedding, Nigeria Bar Association chapter nominated Richard

Raymond to run for president of the Federal Republic. Initially we blindly

disagreed with this but upon consulting with people that matters and making us

realize the importance and efficacy of we being in power and controlling the

affairs of the country. Richard with my full backing gave his word and consent

to the wish of the association,he obtained the ruling party ticket and obtain

the presidential form,his colleagues and top officials in the legal system gave

their full backing and offer full support both in cash and kind.I with the help

of my childhood friend Nikki and other notable personalities who are women,we

supported our man even though he's my husband and I would be the first lady of

the Federation. Campaigns started in every part of the country with massive

support for Richard Raymond R-square. On election day, we went to cast our vote,

everyone who saw us started praising us and even congratulating us in advance

after which we returned back to our personal residence which was unknown to the

masses,but highly secured with security agencies. A week later, the results were

announced with RICHARD RAYMOND topping the poll .Myself and Richard with our

twins rejoiced greatly and started receiving congratulatory messages from the

masses.One day, I received a call, without waiting to ask who the caller was,he

introduced himself as Joe. Joe, Joe, I'm trying to fix the puzzle.He added Joe

from University of Nigeria, Richard Raymond friend from the faculty of Law

who....What do you want!!! I screamed loudly. He sigh heavily and said," Mrs

Olajumoke, please ma I want you to help me appeal to your husband and our

incoming president to forgive me of my past grievances as I've learnt my

lessons and please I want you also to please forgive me" He completed his

statement with a break in his voice like he's crying. I ended the call without

making a comment.I explained all to Richard, he said it'll be in two sides,one

is our new position now needs us to accommodate everyone but he'll be counted

as one of the masses not like before,if paradventure he called again talk to

him in a good voice but don't book any appointment with him. The next time he

called,I did as Richard instructed me and it was then he told me that he has

been out of prison a year earlier and that he needs help and assistance from

us, myself and Richard decided to let go of the past and set up a mini business

for him within a space of two weeks. On the swear-in-day, we drove to the

national stadium by our official chauffeur, alongside the deputy and other

notable personalities. As we were about to alight from the jeep,a man with gray

hair came to our vehicle and prostrated himself before us,we were slightly

embarrassed but on closer look it was Joe.He looked haggard and older than his

age, Richard raised him up and hugged him (all the help we rendered unto him

was done virtually and through phone calls no physical meeting was held for

safety reasons)They hugged for a long time as Joe wept like a baby.Later

Richard told him they would meet later for better discussion and further


We walked into the inner bowl of the stadium and right there in the presence

of all citizens of the country, we swear an oath of office and pledge of

allegiance to the country. Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other

end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I

looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he

gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium to make

his first speech as the president of Nigeria. After the speech, we made our way

to the presidential Villa to entertain our guests and started work effectively

as the president of the Country.



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