
11.) Kill or Be Killed, Plan B

Authors Note: hey guys. Will put both S2 E5&6 into this chapter. I feel they go together hand in hand. I appreciate each and everyone of you who support. Hope you enjoy the chapter.


At the Lockwoods House

"Tell me how you trigger the curse!" Tyler yelled then gets pinned to the wall by Mason.

"You have to kill somebody! There, you happy now tough guy? Think you can handle that? Human blood. You take someone's life away from them and the curse is yours forever."

What follows is the story of how Mason killed his friend in self defense after the guy was compelled to try to kill him.

We see Mason and Tyler sitting down while the uncle speaks. "Trust me Ty. This isn't something you want. On every full moon if I don't sedate and chain myself up I'll kill anything in my path."

"All right, where's the moonstone? Deals a deal. I answered your questions." Mason asked.

Tyler replies, "Yeah, I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's in here." He said standing up and moving to a long rug in the room they were in. "My dad, he was very kooky about his hiding spots but I've figured most of them out over the years." He said pulling it back to reveal a false panel in the wood that had a safe. Tyler entered the combo after putting the panel aside before opening it.

"It's all yours." He tells Mason. "You gonna tell me what's so important about this rock?" Tyler asks while his uncle digs through the safe.

"I told you. It's just something I want. Sentimental value." Mason replied.

"Yeah, I'm not really buying that. Why do you really want it?" Tyler asks.

Mason finally begins to Lose his patience, "do you know where it is or not?"

Tyler sighed. "No man. I thought it'd be in here."


In the Gilbert House

"I can't believe Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf." Jeremy said to elena while she was getting ready.

"We're not sure about that yet. The only thing we know for sure is that Mason Lockwood is."

"It should be easy for us to find out." Jeremy said.

Elena responds quickly. "No there is no us. I said I wouldn't keep things from you anymore. That doesn't mean I want you involved."

Jeremy chuckles, "by definition of being in this family I'm involved in it."

"This is dangerous Jeremy. You have to stay out of it okay?"

"All right. Just saying." Jeremy said before walking away with his pack pack over his shoulder.


Elena and Stefan begin sneaking around. "Hi."

"Hi," stefan responded. "You ready for today?" He asked.

"No. I hate fighting with you. Even if I know it's fake." Elena said.

"I know. But if she thinks we're fighting she'll think she's winning. And that means she won't follow through with her threats." Stefan reasons.

"Yeah I know. But that doesn't make it any easier. Neither does knowing Caroline will be there reporting everything back to her." Elena says.

"Hey. Everything's gonna be okay. Yes, we have to keep this ruse up for a while, but it's the best way to keep her from hurting anybody."

"Just promise me that she won't get her way with us. We can fake fight, we can pretend that she's tearing us apart with her threats, but none of it is real. Okay?" Elena asks, clearly worried.

More kissing follows.


At the new park being built in the town

Stefan walks up to Mason unloading his jeep. "Stefan, right? The other Salvatore."

"The nice one. The one offering an apology." Stefan said.

Mason shook his head. "Not interested."

"Look. My brother acted impulsively." Stefan tried to explain only to get cut off by Mason.

"You think?"

"You know if you and Damon keep at eachother like this someone innocent is going to get hurt. And I don't want that. You have family here, so I can't imagine you'd want that either. So what do you say we stop this whole alpha male fighting thing and call a truce?"

Mason replied, "You know I made that same offer to your brother. He turned it down with a knife."

"He made a mistake." Stefan said. "I'm here to make sure neither of you make another one."

Mason speaks this time. Venom dripping into his tone, "tell your brother to watch his back." Before trying to leave only to be grabbed by Stefan's hand on the forearm.

"Well, im guessing that he only has to worry about that during a full moon, or you're not as strong. otherwise you'd have killed Damon already. There's one of you. There's two of us. I think it's you who needs to watch his back."

"If he comes at me…" Mason says.

"He won't." Stefan cut him off extending his hand. Mason shakes it and walks away.

"What are you doing?" Damon asks after appearing behind Stefan.

"Negotiating peace on your behalf." Stefan replies.

"But i don't want peace."

"Consider it Opposite Day then."

"Stefan." Damon says walking around to his front and grabbing him by the shoulders. "Please tell me you don't think a handshake will solve our problem."

"Oh no. I think the first chance he gets Mason Lockwood is going to drive a stake through your heart. And then through mine. All bevause you tried to kill him. So thank you, because we didn't have enough problems." Stefan says patting him on the face and walking a way.


Mystic Grill


I walk into the grill and see Tyler on his phone with Jeremy drawing at the table. "Yo Tyler!" I call out walking up and putting a seat.

"Hey man. What's up?" He asks me.

"Not much. Just got settled into Matt's." I say while hearing two girls talk about Jeremy. "When did Jeremy Gilbert get so cute?" One asked.

"Oh no. That guys damaged goods. Better to stay away." The other said.

I also hear Jeremy come up to Tyler and I's table. "Hey? How you been? He asks speaking to Tyler before nodding to me in greeting. I return and and hear Tyler respond. "Since when?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen you much. Since your fathers funeral I just figured that—" Jeremy started.

"Geez Gilbert. Way to make an entrance," I say to him. He looks at me, "the first thing you mention is a recent tragedy. Come on." I say laughing. That lightened the tension Jeremy had caused with his stupid choice of questioning.

Tyler decided to respond like someone with half a brain, "listen? You were cool that day at the funeral. Thanks for that. Felt like a freak show."

"Yeah. I know the feeling well." Jeremy said. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I'm just here to kill time. Have to meet with a friend today." I said waiting for the text from Damon. The next big community event is here which means Mason Lockwood is about to be interrogated and die. I want to test some things out.

"I'm distracting myself," Tyler said as the two girls from earlier came up. "Thanks for the text. Where to?"

"My place. Moms gone all day. Empty house. Fully stocked bar."


"Sure, you two in?" He says looking to Jeremy and I. I'm about to respond when I see the text I've been waiting for.

Come to the park. Business.

"Sorry Ty. I've got to run. I'll see you later yeah? You too Jeremy." I say leaving the two bimbos without a word.

"Yeah see ya zach. I'm in Tyler. Let's go."


Mason speaks to Liz, "I was hoping to talk to you about the Council."

"I don't know what that is," Liz said trying to make her way away from Mason.

"I know the founding families have a secret council."

"If that were true then you'd know that was a secret and not one to be discussed with non-council members."

"I know. I rejected all that. But it's only beacuse I wanted a life outside of this town. Not because I was a non-believer. Look I know vampires exist and you have two of them living right under your nose."

"Really?" Sheriff Forbes asked.

"Yea." Mason replied.

"And who would they be?"

"Damon and Stefan Salvatore."

"That's impossible." Liz replied. "I know Damon Salvatore. Do you know what he's done for this town?" She argued.

"I know it's a lot to digest," Mason started but Liz cut him off.

"No, no, no. I have watched him kill vampires. He's an ally. He's part of the council."

"Think about it. When did the attacks start? When they moved to town." He tried to reason.

"They walk in the sun, Mason."

"They've evolved. It's not 1864. They've figured it out Liz."

"No. Damon Salvatore is my friend."

"What if I could prove it?" Mason asks.


Damon spits out the vervain.

"He's dead." He says talking about Mason.

"Okay. I don't like it. But he's making threats. He could expose us. We need to put him down."

"Way ahead of you little bro." Damon says texting Zach.

Come to the park. Business

"Why are you texting Zach?" stefan asks.

"Because we made an agreement that when I went after Mason Lockwood I would let him know." Stefan obviously had more questions but Damon cut him off. "All right. Let's do it. Woods. Trash duty. Come on."

I make my way where I can hear the most commotion on the town and eventually I arrive at at the park. It's a beautiful area all truth be told.

I look for the Salvatore's but remember they went to go get Mason who lured them into a trap. My suspicion proves to be right when I hear a gunshot.

Moving quickly I make my way towards it.

There I see the scene of Damon and Stefan layed out while sherif Forbes has her gun pointed at them. "Thank you Mason. You've done us a great service. Where do we go?"

"This way. Come on. It's in the old Lockwood ruins."

They begin to move the downed vampires while I take my time walking behind them. I know Caroline handles Mason in the series so I'll let her do that and get some confidence while I go take out the deputies.


Arriving at the Lockwood holding cells, I stay outside while listening to the conversation between Liz and Mason. "You need to leave. This is now official council business."

"But sheriff," Mason began before being cut off.

"No Mason. Go. Thank you for this. But it's better if you're far away from what's going on here." Mason looks hesitant but nods and goes to leave before stopping, turning around and speaking.

"Just don't take any chances. "

With that he leaves and I know it's only just a bit more of a wait. I hear the next gunshot from Liz that hits damon before I hear the tell tell signs of footsteps from Caroline and Elena.

"Zach?! What the hell are you doing here?" Caroline says.

"Waiting for you. Let's go. Your mom is about to kill her boyfriends," I say gesturing to elena.

"Try to keep up Caroline." I say turning my eyes on while my fangs lengthen and I blur away.

Caroline and I begin blurring around the room while Liz questions Elena about who else is with her. Caroline begins feeding on one of the deputies while I pinch the other on through the heart.

Liz sees Caroline for the first time. The look on her face is one of pure horror. "Caroline?"

Damon gets done feeding and speaks to Stefan. "Come on. You need deputy blood."

"No. No. I'm good. It'll just take a bit longer."

"If there's ever a time to break your diet.." Caroline begins only to get cut off by Elena.

"He said he didn't want it."

Damon stands up, "this is a most unfortunate situation. 2 deputies dead. And you. What am I gonna do with you?" Damon asks Liz.

"Mom please. He will kill you." Caroline said to Liz after she ignored everything else.

"Then kill me."

"No," Caroline argues.

"I can't take this," Liz continued. "Kill me now."

Damon gets in her face. "But you were going to drag it out so painfully." He picks her up and pins her to the wall.

Everyone freaked out, "Damon don't!"

"Damon please."

"Relax all of you," I say bringing everyone's attention to me. "Damon isn't going to kill Liz."

He gives me a somewhat grateful smile, "thank you Zach. No one's killing anybody." He says to the group before turning back to Liz. "You're my friend."

He turns back to us, "we gotta clean this up."

" I got it. Don't worry. Nobody will be down here for a while. By the time the vervain is out of Liz's system, they'll be no more."

I say. I get nods while they leave. I begin to make my way to the Lockwood house after getting rid of my bloodied hoodie.

I walk in silently and hear the girls drinking. I walk up the stairs to see Tyler and Jeremy talking on the couch.

"It's a moonstone. I looked it up online. It's a natural rock, but they're supposed to have all sorts of supernatural legends attached to them."

Jeremy asks as i walk in, "why haven't you given it to him?"

"Because he's a dick," I say. "What's up guys. Saw your car after my meeting and decided to see what's up. Cool looking rock."

"Hey Zach, grab drink." Tyler says before continuing his story, "It's important to him for some reason. But I don't trust the guy. So I'm not just gonna hand it to him." The girls game in and ruined the moon before taking the moon stone.


Tyler takes deep breathes hearing Sarah's laughter after pushing her down the stairs. "You alright ty?" I ask seeing how scared he is.

"Yea. Yea. I'm good."

Jeremy spoke up, "look he didn't mean it okay?" the girls left and we all shared a glance.


Salvatore House

Damon speaks to Liz in the cellar, "it's not the ritz. But it's secure. I brought you good threat count. And once the vervain's worked it's way out of your system, I will compel you to forget everything and you'll be a free women.

Caroline, stefan, and elena are coming down the hallway toward the room Liz and damon occupy when Liz speaks. "Keep Caroline away from me please. I don't want to see her."

"She's your daughter Liz." Damon says.

"Not anymore. My daughters gone."

Damon noticed Caroline and elena glanced at them before speaking, "you don't know how wrong you are about that."

Caroline storms off leaving Stefan and Elena outside the room.

They both go to Chase after her when Stefan drops outside the bloodbag freezer. Elena comes back to see him ioeneint it and picking one up.

"Stefan I think that we should-" she paused. "What are you doing?"

"Katherine took vervain everyday. Built up a tolerance to it. I could do the same with blood. I could learn to control myself on it." Stefan said still looking a the bag in his hand full of the crimson liquid.

"But you can't. You dont Have to." Elena says.

"I almost died tonight elena, because I was too weak." He said finally looking at her.

"But the last time you drank human blood—" Elena said

Stefan cut her off. "I told you I'd find a way to stop Katherine, didn't I? Well this is the way. This is the only way, because she's stronger than me and unless that changes, I can't protect you."

"Can we talk about this later?" Elena says motioning to her ears meaning damon can hear them.

"He can us where ever we are because he drinks this," Stefan said gesturing to the blood in his hand. "This is the only thing that can help me."

"Are you serious?" Elena said trying to understand where this is coming from. "Because I can't tell if you're pretending to fight."

"No this is real. No more pretend." Stefan said. Elena then rushes away up the stairs while Stefan watches her go.


Upstairs elena and Caroline talk about Katherine. "What does she want?" Caroline asks.

"That's the million dollar question." Elena replies while Caroline hugs and cry's on her shoulder.


Lockwood house

Tyler sees mason hanging up a call. "Hey," his uncle says.

"I almost killed a girl today." Tyler said.

"What?!" Mason asked.

"It was an accident. I was being stupid. She's okay though. But there I was. You know, just for a moment, for a split second, I hoped she'd die." Mason shakes his head but Tyler continues.

"Look. Whatever this is inside of me, I don't want any part of it. I don't ever want to feel that way again. I won't." Mason has an understanding look in his eyes.

"I know." Tyler takes a deep breath and reaches into his pocket to pull out the moonstone.

"Thank you." Mason said.

"Yeah." Tyler replied before walking out of the room.


Salvatore House

Elena tucks Caroline in on the sofa as Damon walks into view. "Caroline's sleeping on the couch."

"I heard. And you?" Damon asks.

"I'm going home." She said walking toward the door. "What you did for Caroline's mom… that's the Damon who was my friend."

"Hey," Damon calls out. "Stefan didn't drin the people blood, if you were curious. But he needs to. And you know it too. Deep down." He says before walking away.


In the woods Mason gets into a car with Katherine. "I've been waiting."

End of episode


At the Gilbert House

Stefan and Elena wake up in bed together.

The vampire is leaning back with his eyes closed while the human stares at him. "You're staring.

"I'm gazing." Elena replied.

"It's creepy," Stefan continues grabbing a pillow and putting over his head.

"Hey!" Elena said pulling said pillow off before they begin to kiss in bed. She paused and speaks, "oh, this is bad of us."

"Yes it is," stefan replies while kissing her neck.

"If Katherine finds out…" Elena started but stefan cut her off. "Katherine who?"

A similar Scene Happens across town between Mason and Katherine.

"Stop it. Mrs. Flowers will think I'm a floozy if she learns I have a man in here." Katherine said.

"Why are you even staying in this place? Mason asks.

"I because I like this little bed and breakfast, don't you?"

"I love it," Mason replies.



I got a call from Caroline lastnight explaining the situation with her mom. Why she called me and not one or both of her two best friends doesn't make any sense but I did what I could. A few words of wisdom and she calmed down.

Today I learned the Lockwoods are having a charity thing at their house. A quick phone call to Tyler got me in there without being questioned.

While there I'll go grab the moonstone and then see what I can do.

I hear Matt still asleep in his bed and decide he's mature enough to wake up on his own. Besides, it's still early. The sun hasn't even really gotten into the sky.

Instead of being a human alarm clock I get dressed. My hair is beginning to get long. As is my facial hair. Looking at me now looks more like a 21 year old than someone who's about to turn 18 in January. I shrug, liking this style better before moving away from the mirror into the shower.

I go towards the Salvatore house and see Jeremy. "Hey Gilbert. What's up? Why are you coming here?"

He looks at me suspiciously. "Look." I say turning on my red eyes that are followed by the blackening of the whites of my eyes. "I'm special too. Now tell me what's up."

I say knocking on the door of the Old home. Damon opens it. "Zach. Come in." Jeremy begins to walk in after me but is stopped.

"I need to talk to you." Jeremy said.

"And why do I need to talk to you?" Damon asked. Before beginning to shut the door.

"Tyler Lockwood has to Kill somebody to activate his curse." Jeremy said. Damon looked at me for confirmation to which I nod.

Damon turns back. "Fascinating. Not enough."

"But mason Lockwood is, and he's looking for a moonstone, a special rock connected to werewolf legend. That's why he's in Mystic Falls."

"Moonstone?" Damon asks clearly interested.

Jeremy takes his chance, "and I know where it is."

"And you're bringing this to me why?" Damon asks.

"He's a Gilbert, Damon." I say to him which earns a chuckle from the vampire. "Look, the kids trying to help. I say we let him. Who Better to make sure he stays safe than us? I can kill any vampire anytime with a single bite and you, my friend, are ruthless.

We make a perfect team to ensure Jeremy here is safe. Also, should we fail, he has a ring that protects him from supernatural death." I say. Jeremy smiles while damon rolls his eyes.

"What did you sister say about this little discovery?" Damon continues to push. Jeremy's face says it all, "oh you didn't tell her did you?"

"Elena doesn't want me involved in this. And you're a Gilbert and just can't help yourself." Damon replied. "Your search for a purpose is as obvious as it is tragic."

"Cmon Damon. Let the kid in." I say before turning around to go find a glass and a drink.


At the Lockwoods

Bonnie and elena come face to face since Caroline became a vampire. "You're here." The doppelgänger says.

"I'm here," Bonnie replies looking around.

"Caroline's not here Bonnie." Elena says.

"I'm just making sure."

"You know eventually you're going to have to talk to her." Elena said.

"Could you make it less obvious you're on her side?" Bonnie speaks.

"There are no sides Bonnie."

"Oh come on. Since caroline became a vampire we barely see eachother. Losing her was bad enough. I didn't think I'd lose you too."

Elena decides to really speak to Bonnie. "Come with me."

"Where?" The witch asks in suspicion.

"Not here. Somewhere quiet. We need to talk."


In the Salvatore basement caroline comes in to speak with Liz.

"You didn't eat much. But good news! Dr. Damon said the vervains almost out of your system. So with any luck, you'll be freshly compelled and back in your own bed by tonight."

Liz doesn't even acknowledge caroline. "Are you really going to pretend like I don't exist?"

"Yes. So please go." Caroline scoffs at Liz's answer and picks up the food.

"As usual, you don't care. Got it." She turns around when reaching the door. "It's not like I died or anything."

"Are you…" Liz began and caroline stopped before turning around. "Are you really dead?"

"Yes and no." Caroline replied.

"How is it possible?" Her mother asked.




I hear Ric come in carrying a box. As he closes the door damon greets him, "Ric!"

"Yeah." He says before he sees Jeremy. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Helping Damon. I'm the one who found the moonstone." Ric looks to Damon and then me before back to Jeremy.

"Does Elena know you're here?"

Damon shakes his head while going toward me to look in the box and Jeremy replies. "Not exactly."

Seeing our curiously Ric speaks, "this is isobels research."

"Do you remember the old Aztec curse we heard about at duke?"

Damon replies, "sun and the moon, blah blah blah."

Jeremy cuts in. "Aztec curse, cool."

Ric continues, "yea supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until the shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun." Damon shows his daylight ring while i flash my red eyes.

"Most of them anyway." Damon says then Ric continues.

"The werewolf part of the curse… it's sealed with the moonstone."

"Seal?" Jeremy asked.

Damon cuts in, " it's a witch thing. Whatever seals the curse is usually the key to unsealing the curse."

Alaric spoke, " maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse."

Damon speaks, "If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book we're idiots. Who has the stone now?"

"Tyler Lockwood." Jeremy said.

This is where I speak, "actually he gave it to Mason. I came over there lastnight and overheard it happen."

"Damn it." Damon said.

"So you do believe it?" Jeremy asked.

Damon responds, " that same book says a werewolf bite kills a vampire. Ignoring it would make me an even bigger idiot. Let's go."

With that we make our way to Lockwood house.


Lockwood Estate

Mason is carrying some things when he sees an impossible person. Stefan Salvatore. "Hey stefan," the werewolf said.

"Hi Mason." Stefan replied.

"Wasn't expecting you here." Mason said setting the box he was carrying down. "Or anywhere." I says with a smile that says how nervous he is.

"Yeah, I had this little accident. But I'm fine now."

Mason walks toward the table Stefan is standing behind. "What did you do to sheriff Forbes?"

"Oh, she's fine too. But from now on you'll have to do your own dirty work."

"Not a problem." Mason says before walking away. As he does so he bumps into Bonnie.

She sees him kissing Katherine this morning.

"Bonnie what's wrong?" Stefan asks.

"When I touched him I saw something."

"Like a vision?" Stefan asks.

"I saw elena." Bonnie said.

"You saw elena?"

"He was kissing her." Bonnie says.

"No, Bonnie elena wouldn't kiss…" Stefan trailed off until a look of realization comes to him. "You didn't see elena. You saw Katherine."


Damon comes up behind Elena, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for my baby bro. Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop following me around?" He says before walking away followed by Jeremy.

"Jeremy what is he making you do?"

"He's not making me do anything. Damon and I…" Jeremy begins but is cut off by his sister.

"Ah, no. There is no Damon and you. There's Damon and whoever Damon's using. And those people end up dead. Whatever's going on Jeremhbj want you to stay out of it."

"I don't really care what you want Elena." Jeremy replies. "It's because of you I'm in this mess in the first place. So sorry, you don't get to tell me what I'm going to do." He says and walks away.



Damon Stefan and I are away from people while the younger Salvatore tells us what he found out.

"Katherine's with Mason Lockwood?" Damon asks askance.

"We missed it. He got into town right after she did." Stefan replies.

"Yea but Mason Lockwood?! Werewolf thing aside the guys a surfer. She's gotta be using him she has too." Damon reasons out loud.

"You're right. It's to get the moonstone. But that's what bothers me. Why would she want the key to breaking the curse on werewolves all over the world?" I ask and see both Salvatore brothers look at me.

"What if she wants to use it to trade? Think about it. Why would she fake her death in 1864? She was running from somebody."

So how are we going to get this moonstone. "Jeremy's gonna see If Tyler can find it. "

"Why would you involve Jeremy?" Stefan asks.

"He kinda involved himself." I answer for damon.

"Kind of?" Damon's asks. "He's playing Indiana Jones."


We find Bonnie after hearing Tyler say he wants no part of the moonstone. "This is as far as I go," she said. "What do you want?"

" A favor." Damon said.

"Like that's going to happen." The witch replied.

"That's why I've brought him," Damon says gesturing to Stefan.

"I know how you feel about belong js but since your the one who linked Katherine and Mason, we finally have a chance to get the upper hand on them. So just hear me out. Please."

From the side I can hear Stefan's phone going off. "I'll be right back I have to tell Elena what's going on. You," he says pointing at Damon. "Place nice."


Damon speaks to Bonnie getting agitated. "Mason Lockwood is a werewolf. Katherine's evil. They're the bad guys. Really? You're going to play morality police with me. Let me put it to you another way. They're a threat to elena. So you witch, are going to get over yourself and help us."

"Bonnie damon is right." I say drawing attention away from the tension, "even if he could've said it in a better way." I say looking at damon who shrugs.

"Mason Lockwood has no control over himself on a full moon and he will kill people if vampires aren't around. Not to mention Katherine who killed your best friend Caroline turning her into a vampire. I know you don't like any of this. But we do need your help."

She sighs as Stefan comes back. Time to get the plan in motion.


Salvatore Estate


Caroline is talking to her mom, "I've been stealing Damon's supply."

"So as long as you have blood you don't have to kill?" Liz asked.

"It's not that simple. It's apart of my basic nature now. I want to. But on a healthy diet, I can control it. I'm getting better too. Even more so than Stefan. He's a bit of a problem drinker. A blood-aholic."

"I don't want this for you." Liz said.

"I know. But when life gives ya lemons."



We get Mason all set up in the chair. Bonnie grabs his head, "what are you doing?"

"You're looking for a moonstone I'm trying to help you find it."

"Oh yea, good. Find out if he gave it to Katherine, and find out where she is. And what they're going to do with it once they get it."

Bonnie sees it. "Somewhere small. Dark. There's water," she says.

"Like a sewer?"

"No. A well?" Cant be right."

"Of course!" I say from the side while looking through masons stuff. Both Damon and Bonnie look at me.

"The Lockwoods have an old well on their property somewhere. I just can't remember where exactly it is."

Bonnie goes to leave after Mason grabs her arm. "Hey judges, thank you." Damon says.

"Time to wake up wolf boy." Damon says slapping the shit out of Mason.



I get a text from Bonnie.

Look in well. Old Lockwood property.

I look at elena before leaving.


Salvatore estate


I watch damon torture Mason. "I have all day."

Jeremy comes in showing the wolfsbane. "I found something in Ric's box of stuff."

"Oh. What is it?"

"I did a search on my phone. It's a plant. Aconitum Vulparia. It grows in the mountainous region of the northern hemisphere. Commonly known as blue rocket or wolfsbane."

"What else did you read?"

"We'll every source said something different. Some say it causes lycanthropy, while some say it protects people. And another says it's toxic."

I touch it and burn the fick out of my hand. "Damn it!" I say seeing the skin heal.

"I'm gonna say toxic." Damon says with a huge smile while grabbing one of the plants and walking toward Mason.

"What's Katherine doing in Mystic Falls?" He asks the werewolf to no response. In retaliation he drug the plant down masons cheek. "Why is she here?" He asks again.

"She's here with me. Why do ask? Jealous?"

"How rude of me." Damon says looking to me while I nod. "I haven't offered you anything to eat." He says before mushing the wolfsbane into Masons mouth.

Mason throws it up while I can feel Jeremy getting uncomfortable. "Why would a vampire help a werewolf break the curse?" Damon asks.

"Beacuse she loves me." Mason says and Damon starts laughing.

"Now it get it. You're just stupid. Katherine doesn't love you. She's using you, you Moron."

"I'm done talking." Mason says.

"Yes you are." Damon replied. "Time to take a walk Jeremy."

"I'm staying."

"No you should go."

"I'm staying. He's had enough Damon."

"You wanted to be apart of this? Well here it is. Kill or be killed. The guys a werewolf he'd kill me the first chance he got. So suck it up or leave."

"He wants me to kill him anyway. It really is a curse isn't?"

"You know I look at you and see myself. A less dashing and intelligent version." Damon says.

"I love her." Mason Replied.

"Oh I know!" Damon said. "I've been where you are. But Katherine will only rip your heart out."

"Wait damon. Let me try something." I say getting his attention.


I don't respond to him and just walk up to Mason. "Why does Katherine want the moonstone?"

He shakes his head but i roar at him exposing my eyes and teeth. He answers. "I don't know. She won't give me a straight answer," the spoke while his eyes became the glowing yellow.

"How did you do that?" Damon said beside me.

I turn to look at him, "I'm an alpha."

With that i turn to leave. I'd found out another part of myself. Time to go. "Appreciate the call Damon. I'll see you later." I say grabbing some of masons things to help clean up a little.

I also take some wolfsbane. I'll need to begin developing a tolerance to it now.

"See ya Zach." Damon says before turning to look at Mason. "Why couldn't you be more like him huh? He and I haven't had any problems. Oh well. Back to my monologue. Katherine will only rip your heart out. I'll do it for her."

Damon said and punched through masons chest.


Later that night

Stefan returns to his house and sees masons body.

"I see you exercised your usual restraint."

"Had to be done." Damon replied while typing a text to Carol Lockwood.

"Let's get rid of the body," Stefan spoke while damon looks throught he phone.

"Last number dialed. I wonder who that could be?" Stefan immediately knows what Damon's means and retorts.

"No, no, don't provoke her." Damon dodges Stefan and waits for the person to answer.

Katherine comes on the other side of the line. "Mason, I've been waiting. You were supposed to be here an hour ago. "

"Wrong boy toy," Damon said.

"Damon." Katherine said. "For once you've surprised me. I assume masons with you?"

"Oh Yeah he's right beside me. Although his hearts across the room."

Katherine looks stunned, "you shouldn't have."

"I've had a busy day today. Killed a werewolf. Found a moonstone, hey did you know your boyfriend out the stone at the bottom of a well full of vervain? Guess he didn't trust you very much. Though he did love you. Poor guy. Hey where are you cause I could bring him over, last goodbyes and all that."

"You have no idea what you've just done." Katherine responds to Damon's probing.

"Aww. Did I throw a kink into your master plan?" Damon asks.

"Do you honestly believe I don't have a plan B? And if that doesn't work a plan C and D. Then, we'll you know know the alphabet goes. Send my love to Stefan." She said hanging up.


Authors Note: hey guys, a long one. Was going to put the next episode 'masquerade' i here too but I wanted to get it out tonight and if I put in the third episode it wouldn't have been posted tonight.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and have a good night/day.