
12.) Masquerade

Authors note: hey guys. I'm kind of giddy right now. I know my favor of the originals over TVD is known.

We're finally close to the originals coming to town. I'm so excited. Hope you have a great day and enjoy the chapter.



I wake up on Matt's couch. Lastnight was eye opening. The ability to make werewolves answer my questions brings up even more about the extent of my abilities.

Soon, I will take the moonstone after the Bennett witch betrays Katherine. I always thought how dumb the Salvatore's were for keeping the stone in the tomb with her.

Fortunately, being the noble soul I am, I'll take it for myself. No need to let it sit in there with her as a bargaining chip. Besides, giving it to the person coming to look for it should buy me enough goodwill to stay off the kill list.

I'm strong yes, but the 1,000 year old hybrid is another matter entirely. While I won't cow down to Klaus or any of the originals, making friends is always a better alternative than making enemies.

Truthfully, the only beings that scare me in this world are witches. Esther, Dahlia, Freya, Bonnie, and Vincent are all dangerous. Even if they aren't as strong or fast as other supernatural creatures, the versatility in magic makes those weaknesses for them less apparent.

I come out of the shower and dress while checking my phone. I see the invite from Tyler for the Masquerade party and decide I need a suit.

I head to the Forbes house and knock on the door. Caroline opens it. "Hey Zach. What's up?"

"Hey care," I say. "I'm in the need for a suit. I know your dad has some here, do you think it'd be okay if I used one?"

She smiled, "sure. The masquerade is tonight and you can't miss it." I nod and follow her inside to prepare.


3rd point of view

After Zach left the Forbes house caroline decided to go the grill to see Matt. They may have broken up, but that was because Caroline didn't know how to stay in control.

She saw katherine there and immediately went to the Salvatore home to deliver the message given to her.

She takes a glass of blood from damon while sitting on the couch, "thanks. I'm still shaking.

Stefan walked in, "what happened?"

Caroline takes a deep breath and damon pushes her. "Go ahead. Tell him. You're gonna love this."

"I saw Katherine today." Caroline started.

"Where?" Stefan asked.

"At the drill. I just stopped by to quasi-stalk Matt."

She begins to tell about her encounter with her ex boyfriend but Damon cuts in. "Skip the teen drama and get to it."

"Okay, well I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I'd didn't have to go because I'm a dufus."

"What's the message?" Stefan asked.

"Tell Damon and Stefan I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood." She said shakily. Remembering Katherine's words.

Damon speaks, "tell him the rest of it."

"She said she wants it tonight. At the masquerade ball." Caroline responds.

Stefan spoke next, "she wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard."

Damon speaks out, "she's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks."

Stefan cuts in. "We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her."

Caroline offered a suggestion, "can't we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?"

Damon speaks out quickly, "No. Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and kill her."

Stefan replied, "you're not gonna kill her."

Damon cuts him off, "don't give me that goody goody crap."

"You're not going to kill her. Beacuse I am." Stefan said.


Gilbert House

Jeremy, elena, and Matt are helping jenna get back inside after Katherine's compulsion incident.

As they're walking elena speaks, "the doctor said you have to take it easy."

"Yea you don't want to rip your stitches," Jeremy said closing the door.

They slowly lower her into the couch. Jeremy follows his sister into the kitchen. "So what are we gonna do?" He asks.

"Make lunch." She responds.

"About Katherine." Jeremy clarified.

"Nothing. We're not going to do anything Jeremy."

Jeremy wasn't having that, "she tried to kill Jenna. We can't let her get away with that."

"Yes we can. If it keeps us safe we can." Elena said. It was clear that the incident involving Jenna had scared her.

"What If she tries something else?" Jeremy asks.

"She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm doing it now. Stefan and I are over. The end. She wins."

"You're being naive and you know it." Jeremy said leaving and grabbing his coat. "I'm going out." Before leaving out of the door.



I get a message from Damon:

Want to help kill a vampire?

I smile. Knowing tonight is the night. I text back.

You know it. Be there in 20.

I put my phone back into my pocket and grab some the suit so I can dress at the Salvatore house.

I arrive to the house at the same time as Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie." I say to the green eyed witch.

"Zach? What are you doing here?" She asked. I don't get a chance to respond when Caroline opens the door. "Hey. Come on in."

Bonnie immediately goes to work mode. "I got Stefan's message. What's going on?" She asks as I walk past her toward Damon.

Stefan gives me a nod that I return before turning to Bonnie, "we're here to kill Katherine."

That comes from Jeremy who walks into the room. "I can explain." The youngest Salvatore replies. However, After a moment of silence he just repeated Jeremy. "We're gonna kill Katherine."

I'm brought out of that conversation as ric begins explaining vampire hunting tools. 'This is going to be so fun.' I think waitching the hidden blade like stake fly into rics hands while he punched the air.

"What? You wanted me to show you how to kill vampires."

I hear Stefan trying to convince Bonnie to help. She eventually agrees.


We begin coming up with the plan. "Are you sure you guys don't want me coming tonight? Ric asks.

"No. We need you to stay with elena. I don't want her to know about this." Stefan spoke for the group.

"Okay. I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight." Ric replied.

Stefan addresses the room now, "alright. If anybody wants to back out, now's the time. I'll understand."

Damon gives his two cents as well, "yea. Cold feet soeak now. I don't want this going wrong because someone chickens out. Caroline?"

"I won't. She killed me. Fair is fair."

Stefan looks at Bonnie. "Bonnie? You with us?"

She nods. "But no one gets hurt."

"Only Katherine." Damon spoke "tonight I'm gonna drive a stake through her heart."

I finally speak up from my corner, "and, worst comes to worst, should the Salvatore brothers allow past feelings and the looks of someone they both care about deeply, someone needs to just say the word and I'll bite her. She may be old and strong, but wolf venom is absolute. Once it touches the blood is game over."

I see everyone look at me while I begin to talk out, "all of you get dressed. I know my ass looks good in these jeans. But I'm a shy guy." That gets everyone to laugh despite the tension of what we were just discussing.

'Time to really start this thing.' I think knowing soon I'll get to come face to face with the originals.


Walking into the mansion, I begin my part of the plan.

#1 is make sure Matt doesn't get killed by Tyler.

#2 is to ensure any help Katherine has brought becomes obsolete.

I text Bonnie, remember Bonnie. Listen to your witchy powers. They will tell you things even vampires and werewolves don't sense. Trust yourself.

Input my phone back into my pocket and begin looking for Matt or Tyler. One of the two is my immediate concern. I don't care about the girl Tyler kills. Just need to make sure no ripples occur because of my presence.

I find Tyler escorting Carol Lockwood down the stairs. "Mrs. Lockwood, may I say you look absolutely stunning this evening." I say reaching for her hand which she gives while I lay a kiss upon it.

I turn to look at Tyler. "Hey Ty. How about we go get the party started?" He smiles at me before kissing carol on the cheek.

"Yea. Let's go."


3rd point of view

With the Salvatore brothers

Damon approaches Stefan, "have you seen her?" He asks his younger brother.

"Nope." Stefan replies. "Are you sure you can do this?" He asks Damon.

"Who are you talking to?" he asks.

"I'm just saying i had a chance to kill her and I hesitated." Stefan said.

"Well, that is the fork in the road between you and me, my friend. I don't hesitate." Damon spoke.

"You spent 145 years loving her. It could happen." Stefan tried to test Damon.

"I won't hesitate." His older brother said quickly.

"Okay." Stefan said before walking off. Damon's expression shows he's conflicted as he watches his little brother go off into the crowd.



I'm outside the mayors office where Tyler and Matt have the two girls. "We're really not supposed to be in here." Tyler says to Matt.

"I know. But we really need to just turn this party up," the blonde quarterback slurs indicating how drunk he is. "Another shot?"

All the kids responde in affirmative while heading back down to the party. I keep my eyes on them while waiting for the text that says we're either all clear.

I slowly make my way after the group focused on finding the witch to get this party moving faster.


3rd point of view

Gilbert house

Elena brings the pizza in while Ric goes to Open some wine. "Where's jeremy?" Elena asks pulling out pizza for Jenna.

"He already left for the Lockwood party," she replied. Elena immediately became suspicious.

"I'm gonna go grab some napkins." She aid making her way to ric.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" The teacher replied.

"I haven't heard from anyone All day. It's like they've been avoiding me. And now Jeremy is supposedly at the Lockwoods?" He hates stuff like that."

"I don't know what to tell you, elena." The phone vibrates and ric snatches it before elena can pick it up.

"So then you'll be okay it I just head out, and try to meet up with everyone?"

"Wait." Ric said stopping her.

"What are you hiding ric?" She asked.

"Stefan asked me to keep an eye on you. Just incase katherine showed up while he was at the party."

"So Stefan's there too? He would never do that for himself he did those things for me."

"Just let this one go Elena."


Lockwood house

Bonnie and Jeremy come down the stairs ready I tell the Salvatores they're ready when bonnie feels something. "Do you feel that?" She asked Jeremy.

"What's wrong? You cold?" The clueless Gilbert asks.

"No." She turns around and begins walking aimlessly. She approached a women.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

"No. I'm a plus one. I know nobody here. Great party though."

"You okay?" Jeremy asked.

"Just got a weird vibe." Bonnie said. "Let's find Damon."


After Katherine killed the girl for stefan refusing to give the moonstone to her he and damon meet yo to regroup.

"I put her body in the truck for now."

"We'll dump her when we get back." Damon said.

"This is what I didn't want Damon." The younger Salvatore begins pacing.

"Stefan. It's collateral damage."

"Right. Which is why need need to call it off." Stefan said.

"What? Who's hesitating now? Hey! Don't do this to me." Damon speaks while walking toward Stefan. "This women ruined our lives. She destroyed us. Tonight it ends. We can do it. I've got your back."


Katherine walks around the party while her witch friend comes up. "You didn't tell me there was another witch here. "

"Didn't I?" the vampire acts clueless.

"No, you didn't. No one is supposed to know I'm involved. This changes things Katherine."

"This changes nothing. You're here because you owe your dear friend a favor. You wouldn't want to lose my friendship, now would you?"

Jeremy lures Katherine out to the spot they picked for her, shooting a text when she walks away only to be grabbed by elena. "What the hell is going on?"


Across the house, Caroline watched Matt and the drunk Sarah girl having a good time and laughing. Before she can get too far into her feelings though the phone vibrates.

She looks at it and sees Jeremy's text. Your turn. With that she puts her phone up and begins making her way. Once she's alone, Katherine attacks her.

"What are Damon and Stefan up to?"

"What do you mean?" The younger vampiress asks.

"I've got Jeremy Gilbert luring me out to the lake. What's going on?" Katherine asks.

"I don't know…. Nothing."

"Don't lie to me caroline. They're up to something. What is it?"

"Okay okay, they're trying to kill you."

"Figured as much. Where's the moonstone?"

"Bonnie has it." Caroline answered.

"And where's Bonnie right now?" Katherine asked.

After trying to say she didn't know Katherine's Patience wears thin. She pins Caroline up tot he walk by the neck, "okay. She's upstairs." She's let back down to the ground and slides onto her butt.

"Let's go." Katherine said while grabbing some of Caroline's hair.

They get to the room and she walks in before Caroline. After crossing the threshold Caroline starts to chuckle.

"I did it. I really didn't think I'd be able to fool you. But I did."

Katherine tried to blur to Caroline only to be stopped by a barrier on the door. "What the.." she trials off before speaking again. "Stefan?"

She turns to see him and he speaks. "Hello Katherine." From behind Caroline speaks as she leaves. "Goodbye Katherine."

Seeing the stake in his hand Katherine speaks. "You don't really think you can kill me with that do you?" She asks walking close.

Stefan ponders for a moment before replying. "No,but he can."

After he says this Damon shoots a stake into her back. What he doesn't know is elena also feels that pain.

"Ahh!" Elena screams as blood begins to fill her shirt.

"What's happening?" Jeremy asks.

"It's Katherine. She's linked to Katherine. Get them to stop now." Jeremy takes off while Bonnie types a message to Zach.

I need you.



I look at my phone and see a text from Bonnie. I reply, 2 minutes.

With that I leave Tyler and Matt. Hopefully everything works out.

I race outside to smell for Bonnie. I spot her and elena. "Whats up Bonnie? Holy shit. You're hurt!" I state the obvious about elena.

"Zach, can you help her?" I begin to shake my head. "I don't have healing blood Bonnie."

"I know. But can you take her pain away? Like you did with me that night at the Quarry?"

Ah. Now I see what's wrong. "Of course." I say as I walk toward elena. "Hey. I'm gonna see if I can take some of that away. Stay still. I just gonna touch your shoulder."

With that i lay my hand on her and see the black viens accompanied by jolts of pain starts. I look over at Bonnie and see her with a smile that could stop all wars.

"If she's linked to Katherine, a witch must have done it bonnie." I say to her. I see her begin to mull it over and then she jumps up. "I have to go. Keep her safe." She ran off to find her relative.


In the mayors office. Tyler is kneeling over Sarah. "Open your eyes. Wake up. This can't happen. This can't be happening. Sarah! Sarah! Get up! Open your eyes! Oh god. This can't be happening." Tyler begins to pace around while Caroline checks her pulse.

Then Tyler is in pain. He falls to his knees and hits the floor. "Tyler?" Caroline asks. "Tyler what's happening?"

"Get away!" He speaks.

"What's happening?!"

Tyler lifts his head and the golden eyes begin to shine, proving he's activated the curse.


Bonnie all but pushed her way through the crowd looking for the mysterious women. They lock eyes and Bonnie pursued her through the crowed room.

"You looking for me?" The older witch asks.

"Who are you?"


"What are you doing here?" Bonnie oushed.

"I should've known I'd run into a Bennett." The older witch says.

"How do you know me?"

She sighs. "You figure it out. Look I have no interest in fighting you."

"Then stop the spell on my friend."

"Give Katherine the moonstone and I will."

"Why are you helping her? Don't you know what she is?"

"Tell your friends to hand over the moonstone and all will be groovy." She tries to leave but Bonnie blocks her path.

"You're not leaving this room until you stop the spell."

"I don't wanna hurt you," the older witch said.

Bonnie replied with the same words.

"I don't have a choice. The bitch saved my life. Now I owe her." She goes to leave again but Bonnie grabs her arm.

Lucy looks at Bonnie, "you have the moonstone. I can feel it on you." She grabbed Bonnie's arms.

"You feel that? You can trust me. Give it to me. It's okay."

Bonnie remembers what Zach said earlier. You have to listen to your witchy powers. Believe in yourself.

So she did.


Lucy brought the moonstone to Katherine.

"The spell on this room has been broken you can leave." Katherine walks toward her and gestures for the stone.

"When I have this over, my debt to you is over."

"Done," said Katherine.

"I owe you nothing." Lucy kept going.

"I said 'done," Katherine said. "Give it."

Lucy sets it down in the palm of Katherine's hand but something unexpected happens. She started shaking.

Lucy spoke, "you should have told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett Katherine. But I'm sure you knew that."

Stefan sees the pain Katherine is in, "wait, elena?"

"Elena is fine. The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly." Lucy spoke. "I apologize for my involvement," she said before leaving.


Outside the two witches meet again.

"I'm sorry about that spell." Lucy said.

"How do I know you?" Bonnie asked. "When I gave tou the stone, how did I know I could trust you?"

"That feeling you got, ever felt it before?"

"Around my family and this boy." She admits with red cheeks.

"My mother is Johanna. First cousin twice removed from Pauline, niece of Sheila aka…"

"Grams?" Bonnie asks to Lucy's nod. "We're related?"

"Yea. Kinda." Lucy replies. "See you later cos." She said before leaving.


Katherine wakes up In the tomb. Damon is standing there, "where am I?" She asks.

"Where you should've been all along."

Damon began closing the tomb. "Damon no, wait. Elena's in danger. Why do you think I haven't killed her? The doppelgänger must be protected."

"Then I'll protect her. While you rot in hell."


Katherine was right. Elena was kidnapped.

Little did the kidnappers know, two glowing red eyes followed them.


Authors note: hey guys. Gonna be the only chapter today. Using my lunch break to write and post. Hope you enjoy and have a good rest of the day.