
Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse

this is the story of Aiden-El, twin brother to Sho-El tho separated by many years, they both come from the same source, Zoa. Zoa is the oldest and most powerful of all Kryptonian Gods. He is both a Martial Arts God as well as a God of Creation. Aiden and Sho are both created at the same time but Zoa sends both to seperate ends of the Omniverse. They are meant to protect the Omniverse in Zoa's place after he was punished and eternally sealed by all the other Kryptonian Gods. Join Aiden as he discovers worlds across the Omniverse as he grows in strength, becoming a god that protects life. Aiden will journey to worlds both known and unknown. He makes friends and possibly lovers along the way. I only own my own original character and do not have any copyrights to the world and stories that the MC enters. There may be worlds that I do create but that would be later.

Sykocyrus · Phim ảnh
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78 Chs

Chapter 60: Ulthos

As Daven and his men were making port successfully, bribing the port master to ensure that everything went smoothly, Tyrion and Cersei hid within the ship. Both would easily be recognized even if they dyed their hair, especially Tyrion.

Daven and eighty of the men disembarked and split up into several groups, each group went to seperate taverns throughout the city to ensure they could speak to as many people as possible.

The taverns and city weren't as lively as usual, many people were in sour moods. Not only due to what happened when Princess Arianne arrived, but also since then the City Watch had become very strict. It began to seem as if the gold cloaks were out to specifically look for trouble.

In fact they were, although not to arrest them and throw them into the dungeons, but to basically blackmail them into enlisting into the guard to grow the numbers they had to defend against the Lannister army.

This made Daven and his mens jobs much easier, they used the gold dragons to buy rounds for the patrons of the taverns, which opened up the chance to speak to them with better success. They did have to be careful with how and what they said due to the City Watch patrols, but even so it was working to their advantage.

While they were setting the stage to create chaos within Kings Landing, Aiden found himself looking at what remained of a large ship near the shore of Ulthos. His eyes narrowed at the sight, he could tell this was a Lannister ship.

The ship was laying on its side, only a quarter of the side of the ship poked out from under the dark waters of the ocean. It had been attacked by something large, it was not attacked by humans from the type of damage it had sustained.

He could see gashes that had been ripped from the deck of the ship, not one body could be seen in or around the ship, but he could see gold and other treasures still within. The mast had been splintered into pieces, the sails torn to shreds.

Aiden could see dried blood all over the side of the ship that wasn't underwater, telling him there should definitely be bodies around, so this could only mean they had been eaten or taken.

Looking to the shore, he could see evidence of a large group making it to land, but no campsite or fire. It was eerily silent, only the sound of the waves hitting the beach, and the occasional rumble in the sky.

'The weather here seems unstable, it must be the combination of the hot air from Essos and the colder than usual temperature of the ocean here.' Aiden thought after he flew over and landed on the beach and looked up at the dark clouds that were beginning to form overhead.

It was quite strange, he studied the ground and could see that those who made it to the beach were in a panic, running into the tree line in a hurry as if they were running from something.

'Well at least now we know why no one ever returned from a trip here, something is attacking and sinking any ship that comes into the territory. So lizard, wyvern, or perhaps kraken. No scorch marks so not a dragon.' Aiden thought as he continued to investigate the waters in the area, there were several ships that were sunken entirely in the water.

'I need to find Oberyn and the others, there is something very strange about this place. The wildlife her is larger than normal, pretty diverse too. Giant apes, basilisks, large vampire bats, extra large arachnids, biting flies, all manner of dangerous creatures. That also means that this place has many diseases. I will reclaim the treasures on all the ships after I find the survivors.' Aiden then thought of something and then opened contact with Kelex.

"Kelex, I need you to run a scan of this continent. Look for any diseases, poisons, viruses and bacteria. Create a vaccine that can be administered to anyone infected." Aiden stated as he began to follow the trail into the dense jungle.

"Affirmative. Several diseases have been detected. Blood boils, green fever dancing plague, sweetrot, bronze pate, Red Death, greyscale, brownleg, wormbone, sailor's bane, pus-eye and yellowgum have all been found on the island." Kelex responded.

"Well damn, I don't know what's more deadly, the wild animals and bugs or the amount of diseases." Aiden said in surprise.

He continued to make his way deep into the jungle, observing the changes within. The jungle was so dense that almost no light came through the canopy above.

Using his vision to peer into the jungle he quickly found the first body, it had been drained of all it's blood. The white vampire bats were said to be able to drain a full grown man in seconds, effectively turning them into husks of meat and flesh.

'Alright it seems I need to make this quick or else they are going to be picked off one by one. This island literally is full of deadly animals, I mean not one rabbit or squirrel or one nondeadly creature.' Aiden thought as he found another body.

This one was currently in the process of being swallowed whole by a ten meter snake, it had wrapped him up and asphyxiated the man. Continuing on Aiden then heard a roar, several miles to the north east of his location, Aiden dashed forward with lighting speed in the direction of the roar.

Trees were so close together that a large person like Robert Baratheon or Mace Tyrell would be unable to casually walk thru the jungle. As he ran he passed by several other dead sailors, all who died by different animals that resided on the island.

Arriving at the location, the sight Aiden saw was a bit shocking, he took a moment to get a full look at the situation. He found the ships crew were under attack by several large Lizard men, they had scaled bodies like that of a snake, looking like large crocodile's but they walked upright like a human.

They had long powerful arms and legs full of muscles, with only four fingers and toes on their hands and feet, with sharp white claws that protruded out of them. Their heads were large with a snout full of sharp teeth, from the top of their heads, down their spine all the way to the tip of a long thick muscular tail was a row of white bone spikes.

The lizard men stood at around 3.6 meters, or around 12 feet tall, towering over the crew as they attacked. They were all frozen in time due to Aiden moving so fast, he saw Oberyn standing in front of a attractive woman with black hair, as if he was defending her from danger.

What surprised Aiden was the woman didn't show fear on her face much like many of the men, she held a sword firmly in her hand, showing bravery in the face of death just like Oberyn. She wore a leather armor similar to Oberyn's, that did have some pieces of metal that covered vital parts of her body.

There was also a taller man not to far from Oberyn, standing at 1.8 meters or about six feet tall. He had long wavy golden blond hair and full beard, a muscular frame and a full set of plate armor decorated with the head of a lion etched into the chest plate and his shield. Aiden could tell this was Gerion Lannister, he too had a lizard man in front of him, but this one was about to skewer him with its spiked tail.

Not wasting any time, since doing so would cost more lives, evident by the several bodies that littered the ground behind the lizard men. It looked as if this fight had started not long ago, but already twelve bodies had been torn apart. Aiming for the two lizard men in front who were about to kill Oberyn, the black haired woman, and Gerion, Aiden dashed forward and superman punched the one in its ribs which launched it into the other.

This hit sent a powerful shockwave along with a loud crack. Aiden landed in front of the crew, a powerful gust of wind then blew past everyone as soon as he stopped, which started all who were behind him.

Every crew member was shocked since just a moment ago they had two towering creatures who were right in front of them attacking, only to suddenly feel a shockwave that even vibrated their bones, then a huge gust of wind, to find the two lizard men gone, replaced by a black haired man with a red hooded cape, a black S in the center of the cape.

"Nephew! HAHAHA! I knew you wouldn't let your uncle die. Good man!" Oberyn shouted in excitement, relief could also clearly be heard in his voice.

He too had been shocked by the sudden turn of events, but as soon as he saw the S on Aiden's cape, that shock turned to relief and joy. The other's, upon hearing Oberyn speak, had their brows scrunch in confusion. Which was short lived, when the three other lizard men who were behind the two who were attacking Oberyn and Gerion, noticed the two missing, stopped gorging themselves on the dead men and attacked Aiden.

"Yea sure you did Uncle, one second..." Aiden said as he looked back over his shoulder at Oberyn.

Aiden then took a deep breath and let out his cold breath on the three, since they were lizards, he knew this would be the easiest solution. Lizards were cold-blooded, needing to use the sun's warmth in order to regulate their heat. By using his cold breath, Aiden was sapping them completely of their energy to move, effectively putting the three instantly to sleep.

As they fell forward, one of the lizard men Aiden had knocked away came from above, trying to crush Aiden completely. Lizard men were able to use their powerful tails and legs to push off the ground, launching them high into the air.

"Watch out!" The woman shouted in alarm as she saw Aiden about to get crushed.

However, what they saw next had all their jaws practically drop to the ground, exception being Oberyn who just laughed heartily as he enjoyed the show. Aiden raised his arm and caught the clawed hand easily. It looked as if a baby had caught an adults punch successfully, which was not only shocking to see, but was comical as well.

"My turn." Aiden said with a smile as he stepped in and crowched down, golden energy lit up his fist then Aiden performed a Hado Shoryuken, or Surge Rising Dragon Fist uppercut, it landed directly into the lizard man's chest at point blank.

As soon as it landed, golden rays of light shot out of the ground as it shattered from Aiden leaping into the air to increase to force and complete the attack, the image of a golden dragon appeared, it's head was Aiden's fist while its body seemed to come from the ground. The lizard man was launched directly into the air like a rocket, causing a massive sonic boom.

Now even Oberyn's laughter immediately stopped as he was amazed by such a display of power and beauty. The golden image of the dragon continued up along with the giant lizard man, eventually passing thru its body completely, then exploded high in the air as Aiden landed back on the ground.

The only sound that was heard was the wrestling of the leaves and Aidens cape billowing in the wind. The woman that was standing next to Oberyn stared intently at the back of Aiden's head. When he turned to face Oberyn and the others, the black haired womans breath hitched in her throat. She had never seen such a handsome man before.

"By the gods! Nephew, when the bloody hell did you learn to do that? It was amazing! You must teach me that." Oberyn stated as he saw the dark clouds that were building over the island completely disappear after the dragon exploded.

Oberyn then thought of something and continued, "Aiden, you must come meet my Paramour Ellaria Sand. She is the mother of four of my daughters. Ellaria, this is my nephew Aiden El."

As Oberyn turned to Ellaria, he noticed her breathing heavy, her olive skinned face was a light shade of red and her black eyes sparkled with lust, and started chuckling, he knew that look very well.

"Ah, so you must be the mother of Elia, Obella, Dorea, and Loreza Sand. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." Aiden said with a smile.

"Nay, the pleasure is definitely all mine dear nephew." Ellaria answered.

Aiden then turned to Gerion, "You must be Ser Gerion Lannister, I have heard many things about you."

"All good things I do hope." Gerion said with a smile as he shook Aidens hand.

"My uncle Oberyn did have quite a few good things to say about you. I see you all are injured, allow me..." Aiden replied back, noticing the injuries on the men and Ellaria he began to activate his healing.

A warm and comfortable golden light began to eminate from Aiden, covering the group completely. Ellaria let out a moan of pleasure as she felt the light wash over her body, while the others were also releasing long deep breaths as they felt euphoric.

Ellaria looked to Oberyn and began to whisper into his ear, "I want to have a taste of him, my love."

Oberyn chuckled and then replied, "Ashara has already claimed him my love, so you may want to wait until after she has had him first, otherwise you know how she can get."

"Hmmm, that makes me want him even more now. Coming with you on this trip was well worth it." Ellaria stated as she began to kiss Oberyn deeply.

Much like Oberyn, Ellaria is bi-sexual, so they both have participated in many orgies that they themselves had set up. Both were sexually active with not just themselves, but with others as well. Ellaria was the bastard daughter of Lord Harmen Uller, who is the Lord of Hellholt in Dorne.

House Uller is one of the Martell's most powerful vassals and were known to be impulsive and unpredictable. In fact there was a saying in Dorne, "half of the Ullers are half-mad, and the other half are worse."

Ellaria was Oberyn's favorite Paramour, that was why she had four of Oberyn's eight bastard daughters. The other four were from two other women. She was good friends with Elia Martell and Ashara Dayne, like most Dorish women she was a fighter.

After healing everyone, Aiden looked to Oberyn strangely, he had heard their whispers and was a little surprised that he didn't outright deny or stop her from getting him into her bed. He definitely wouldn't like it if Dacey slept with another man, but he did know that some men either didn't care or enjoyed watching their wives sleep with other men.

"So mind telling me what happened to the Laughing Lion? What destroyed your ship exactly?" Aiden asked curiously.

Aiden wanted to see if he was right or not, he was leaning toward them being attacked by a wyvern. They were basically dragons, except that they weren't as big and couldn't breathe fire or any kind of breath attack.

Gerion let out a sigh, "We were attacked by a few black wyverns and a silver one. Now we are stuck here, not only that but all that gold and treasures we got in Essos are gone."

Aiden looked at Gerion with a smile and responded confidently, "Not necessarily. Come, I'll take care of it."