
Chapter 1 - Universal Creation

In the absolute nothingness of the void where nothing should exist, there floats a single light, then suddenly it expand then shrinks then in a bright flash everything was made time, space, matter, antimatter and dark energy, thus a universe was born and outside of this baby universe are the primordials, the Vermillion Bird, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise and the white tiger who watched over the creation of their new universe. "Grrrrr, why did we go through all this trouble just to create a new universe it takes too much energy!" A large white tiger growls in annoyance towards it's fellow primordials, "Calm down, there is a reason for everything and the reason for this new universe is because humans were a plague on the old one, they destroyed life all around them because of their own greed and had the mindset of a little bird looking down on its prey," the black tortoise sagely reminded the tiger of the objective of doing this.

"Besides we are beasts granted heavenly beasts, and in their minds they are different from the beasts in the wild which is entirely untrue, they go out of their way to annihilate any beasts that remotely endanger them and we take that as an insult especially because of their arrogant attitude." The large vermillion bird reasoned with the rest of them, then a low pitch voice that was very guttural that someone could mistake for the devil, "In this universe there will be no humans only beasts, they will form civilisations, kingdoms, clans and colonise their worlds but will always stay true to their instincts and form bonds of loyalty out of respect for strength." The Azure dragon spoke with such strength that the other primordials could never deny, they could only agree and watch over their new universe in patience.

Unknown to them a single soul exists in their universe billions of years before life will exist, it was in-fact a human soul that had survived the total annihilation of its old universe and had somehow invaded this universe, it is totally unaware of whats going on around it and doesn't remember a single thing about who it was, what it was and what happened to it. It will float around for eons to come until the fateful day of its rebirth.

Epic first chapter, the universe of the beasts and only for beasts created by the primordials.

This chapter was smaller then the next ones as it was more world building or rather universe building but it also explains why there are only beasts in the universe.

Small chapter hopefully you enjoyed it even then, and also future chapters.

Riley_Benglercreators' thoughts