
Chapter 2 - Awakening

Billions of years pass, many galaxies, solar systems and planets now exist but only some of those planets can harbour life and on one of those planets a single human soul exists floating on the planet. This planet is named Xenon by the beasts that inhabit the planet, every single beast on this planet grows stronger by cultivation, they also have either one element they are born with or two and they can't oppose each other

The soul unconsciously stops over a volcano and plummets into the lava then starts absorbing the fire element towards itself forming a red egg around itself then it waits while the element is condensed and purified inside the egg. 9 months pass and the egg starts to crack, if you could see inside you would see that the soul is no more and is instead replaced by a small draconic like lizard inside, the soul had made itself a new body even though it had no idea of this. 'Huh, where..am..I,'

<Answering host, you are in a shield volcano on the planet Xenon who's inhabitants are beasts that increase their power by cultivation>

'Wait I wasn't ready can you repeat that!'

<Very well host.....Repeating now>


'World of beasts huh.... Why am I here though? it just doesn't make any sense, I can't even remember where I was before this or who I was'

<Host had died and then had the chance to become something more, only one soul in the entire multiverse will ever get the chance to be what you are now, the primordial hydra>

'I'm a hydra? what's that?'

<A legendary beast that was famed for growing back its heads and highly toxic poison venom and blood, and you host are the primordial hydra who has the ability to ascend the heavens and travel the multiverse>

'Primordial hydra? Multiverse? I don't even know what to do right now'

<System recommends host to exit his egg and leave the volcano and hunt for food as you started with the fire element do not stray far from the volcano as it is easy to cultivate your fire element near heat sources>

'Can I gain other elements'

<Would host like a brief explanation on the elements>


<In this universe there are nine elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Darkness, Light, Space and time, all beasts are born with one element and as their cultivation grows they can gain an extra element so long as they don't oppose each other>

'Interesting.... can you tell me what you are? how do you know all of this? and why do you help me? '

<I am the system which was created solely to guide you and I was created by the multiverse itself to help you ascend to be the strongest>

'What is the multiverse'

<The multiverse is every single different universe in existence but don't worry too much about it as you can't travel the multiverse until you ascend into the heavenly realm, there are three realms which correspond to three levels of the multiverse: The mortal realm, the heavenly realm and true God realm>

'Hmm, this is a lot to take in and all this stuff seems more important in the future than now except the information about the elements, but right now I should focus on getting out of here and get some food'

<System recommends that creating a sneak skill would be useful for hunting, skills can be gained by performing certain actions, i.e. crouching and creating little noise will have a high chance of creating sneak skill, Skills can level up after using them enough and gaining enough experience, skills can be listed in the status menu which can be accessed with the 'status' command>

'Eh, uhh status'


Name: ????? (No Name)

Growth Stage: 0/9 (Egg)

Cultivation level: 0/9 (No Cultivation / Elemental Movement Stage)


- Fire (inadequate)


- Poison Body (Poison immunity and any poison would strengthen your own)

Passive Skills:

- low Regeneration (Small scratches and cuts will heal within an hour or two)

Active Skills:


Racial Skills:

- Decapitation Denial (When decapitated head will grow back, takes up large amounts of energy)


'As expected I technically haven't been born. I don't have a name yet, lets think of a good one.....hmmm..... AHA! Daydra that will be my name, wait.. can I name you system'

<Yes, plus you don't know the language of the beasts here so you will be lonely here until you learn it so it would be good for your mental health to treat me as a normal person>

'Wait the beasts here can speak!?'

<Why yes they even form civilisations, granted only with those of the same animalistic nature, i.e.

Avians, Reptiles, Mammals, Fish. They even have formed huge sects and clans which consist of a single species that are all over the planet but they all fall under those four categories>

'Wow, that's a lot of beasts, how do I learn their language?'

<If you listen to their conversations enough maybe you could gain a skill that can let you speak to them>

'All right, makes sense. Now lets get back to naming you....hmmm.... I GOT IT! your name will be CCODEX!'

<Registering name please wait......ding! Done, thank you for naming me Daydra, now it would be recommended to leave the volcano now and find food, water and shelter, you are weak and in need of sustenance to grow and become strong>

'I know, it's going to be tough from now on, guess I have to be tougher. Now lets get out of hear.'

The egg in the volcano cracks, then it cracks again, then finally bursts and what is left is a small dragon-like creature, this is daydra he only has one head but when he passes each cultivation level he will grow a head with a new element. Right now he starts swimming like a crocodile upwards until finally he exits the volcano.

Mc introduced, reborn as a primordial hydra

He y'all hope you enjoyed the chapter, constructive criticism is very helpful especially for the status window, thank you and see you later.

Riley_Benglercreators' thoughts