
Primordial Divine inheritance

The world of Orion is inhabitated by multiple races from Primordial beings like overpowered Dragons to adapting humans with even pest like Goblins but one thing in common is the touch of Mana. With Mana even the smallest creatures like rabbits and all sorts of insects can evolve into powerful beings and change their fate. Devan is just an ordinary elf with little to no talent in most types of elven magic and would considered increasingly incompetent if not for his very rare innate skill called the Ancient Abyssal Elderitch eye which led to him being kept by an elven Noble for personal gains. Though young in elven years and only about 100 years old Devan was no fool and knew his worth in the Ancient elven forest of Euphora so he mostly kept to himself and used every chance he got to grow in strength and find different ways to protect himself. But even after all the preparations he wasn't prepared to meet Alucard an immortal Deity with the power to create and destroy worlds at will who had ended up getting trapped in a subspace that turned into a dungeon which Devan had coincidentally chosen to raid due to its incredibly low magic rank. Grateful for being helped out of the Subspace now turned dungeon Alucard directly empowers Devan with the inheritance of multiple God's that tried to Kill Alucard but ended up dying in battle. Now immortal and basically assured of being overpowered and undefeatable throughout the known realms on Orion Devan after unlocking his abilities has to get used to his power while trying to live out the carefree and adventurous life he dreamed of but could not attain due to his weakness. PS : MC chooses to help heroes and other adventurers because he doesn't want all the trouble of their battles to disturb his pursuit of a normal peaceful life. And there is very little R18 like 1 in 30 to 40 chapters.

Derewz · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Tier 1 dungeon dive

Deep within the eternal Euphora forest a shirtless youth of around 16 years with pale skin stretched taut on his well built muscles and silver hair held a silver saber slashing at a rock.

The loud clanging sounds of metal against rock rang out as the boy exhaled loudly counting his swings.

"97,98,99,100...200 Finally record brocken Devan you have done it again."

This was Devan's routine at every end of the week and when he exceeded his previous limit he always congratulated himself before his Mana meditation.

Being a talentless elf who could barely form a connection with Mana was incredibly strange hence Devan kept training his body making it much stronger than a normal elf's body but that didn't mean much against a Mana user.

Taking a meditation pose he started gathering what little Mana he could attract then circulating it through his body , after about an hour he stood up and grabbed his sabre and wrapped his arms with bandages before wearing his shirt and walking behind the rock into a cave.

The path was ordinary uneven rock for some distance until it smoothed out and became a well cut rock before mold started appearing along the wall the deeper Devan went.

After reaching an area that was closed with planks of wood Devan took a striking stance and in two swings cut through both sides causing all the wooden planks to fall before he continued straight through.

As he entered deeper he became alert and held his sword steadily not breaking his battle stance then finally he reached his destination , the cave was infact a dungeon and there were Goblins in the cavern before Devan.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe the saber glowed then Devan stabbed it into the wall , pausing his right eye glowed dark purple and a rune appeared on the eye looking like a four pointed star with a circle in the middle and four crosses.

After activating his innate skill Devan grabbed the sword and dove into the cave rolling then swinging at both of the short green humanoids cutting right through their wiasts.

After killing the two at the entrance Devan turned to the rest of the Goblins who had now noticed him and begun slicing through them with his reinforced saber , each swing took down a goblin and soon all the twenty goblins were dead and Devan begun cutting out the goblins Mana cores.

With his eye still glowing and the rune active he continued down the cavern until a loud screech resounded along with loud beating of wings.

With his innate abilities active Devan could see the horde of bats coming from the cavern , these were rock bats so they would basically destroy anything they came across with their rock crushing bites.

Stepping into a dark part of the passage Devan waited for the bats to pass before continuing down the passage up to stairs.

Dungeons were ranked differently from F which is the lowest then E, D, C, B, A all the way up to S then SS plus SSS after which came the Ascended ,then the Demigod rank dungeons and the Divine dundeons plus the Primordial dungeons that have never been seen or discovered so far.

This dungeon was a mere F ranked dungeon with two floors and the boss was a low ranked goblin shaman , it had taken Devan almost ten years to prepare to enter the dungeon enough to be sure of his strength and since he was the first to find it and no one knew of it's existence he didn't have to rush his preparation.

Reaching the top of the stairs he reached a crudely made wooden door , with his innate ability of the Ancient Abyssal Elderitch eye he could see right through the door and quickly made a plan before kicking the door open then ducking behind a wall causing a sharp ice projectile about a metre long to shatter against the wall.

After the projectile flew by Devan dove into the room stabbing right into the Goblin holding a spear standing next to the door , Lifting the goblin with his sword still stick in his chest.

As he lifted the goblin a fireball hit its back causing it to screech loudly before Devan flung him right at the shaman , as the goblin flew forward a blade of compressed wind sliced right through the goblin aiming at Devan.

The blade through empty air as Devan had already moved and ran right up to the goblin bringing his sword to it's hand which held a small wooden staff before he lifted the sword again plunging it right into the Goblins chest killing it.

It had taken a while of preparation but finally Devan had cleared the dungeon and could claim the reward rumored to be in a he boss room of every dungeon.

When Devan confirmed the Goblins death he turned his attention to the door further back in the cavern where he assumed the reward would be and walking to it pushed it open only for a sense of dread to wash over Devan as he noticed his innate skill activated all on its own.

The room Devan had entered into was completely dark with not even a shred of light in it and when Devan stepped into it an aura that felt like pure chaos directly fell onto him killing him and bringing him back to life multiple times before he heard a voice in the darkness.

"Well well well this is interesting , an elf with horrible magical talent. But you have quite the interesting innate skill a piece of the Abhorrent Elderitch Overlord himself's eye. It appears I might like this world more than I thought and as a sign of my gratitude for releasing me I will bestow upon you the souls of 12 traitorous God's , use them wisely and don't become traitorous like them or I will personally hunt you down."

During the whole speech of the strange being Devan was still under the effect of the aura and could feel his mind slowly begin to break apart and his soul start shattering.

Right as his consciousness started drifting off and he started passing away he suddenly felt power begin flowing into his body and his soul begin changing evolving constantly while his body also rebuilt itself then he was shocked back into consciousness.