
Primordial Divine inheritance

The world of Orion is inhabitated by multiple races from Primordial beings like overpowered Dragons to adapting humans with even pest like Goblins but one thing in common is the touch of Mana. With Mana even the smallest creatures like rabbits and all sorts of insects can evolve into powerful beings and change their fate. Devan is just an ordinary elf with little to no talent in most types of elven magic and would considered increasingly incompetent if not for his very rare innate skill called the Ancient Abyssal Elderitch eye which led to him being kept by an elven Noble for personal gains. Though young in elven years and only about 100 years old Devan was no fool and knew his worth in the Ancient elven forest of Euphora so he mostly kept to himself and used every chance he got to grow in strength and find different ways to protect himself. But even after all the preparations he wasn't prepared to meet Alucard an immortal Deity with the power to create and destroy worlds at will who had ended up getting trapped in a subspace that turned into a dungeon which Devan had coincidentally chosen to raid due to its incredibly low magic rank. Grateful for being helped out of the Subspace now turned dungeon Alucard directly empowers Devan with the inheritance of multiple God's that tried to Kill Alucard but ended up dying in battle. Now immortal and basically assured of being overpowered and undefeatable throughout the known realms on Orion Devan after unlocking his abilities has to get used to his power while trying to live out the carefree and adventurous life he dreamed of but could not attain due to his weakness. PS : MC chooses to help heroes and other adventurers because he doesn't want all the trouble of their battles to disturb his pursuit of a normal peaceful life. And there is very little R18 like 1 in 30 to 40 chapters.

Derewz · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Primordial divinity

Devan got up to find himself now in a different place similar to a large grand hall and on either side were portraits depicting battles were countless beings all fought against one man with white hair and crimson eyes only to die to his blade.

As Devan moved closer he spotted a few characters among the vast army that he could strangely recognise and knew their names among them was a Dragonic creature the size of a whole planet covered in deep green scales who was Arnet a World Dragon deity.

There was also a tall human like being with horns and a tail plus wings who was Tahmet a Demon God to name a few after a quick check he discovered he knew the names of exactly 12 beings in the portraits which was strange coz before this he had never even heard of them.

As he stared at the portraits the voice of the dark figure sounded again in his head "I see you have recognised yourself in all the paintings , follow the carpet and come see me.

Seeing no other option he dragged his tired figure forward following the hall with the crimson carpet until he reached a throne room of sorts with a single black throne on which sat the most handsome man Devan had ever seen in his life and being an elf he had seen some very handsome people but they were all beneath this man.

His most striking features were his unique crimson pupils and his pale skin , he wore a pitch black armour and a bloody sword leaned next to his armrest but he seemed to be wounded as he held his side where a large wound causd by a blade was festering.

Smiling he stood up from his throne and said "you are quite the lucky elf aren't you , well I guess it's well deserved because you are not like all those snoobish elf brats who think too highly of themselves."

By now Devan had gathered the courage to ask " Who are you and where am I."

Smirking the man said "I have many names but you can just call me Lord Alucard as you are now my kin though not pure of blood.

Have you noticed any changes in your body after that whole unpleasant reconstruction process."

Focusing on his body Devan noticed he could now feel Mana in the air and his body seemed much more stronger plus his already pale skin had paled slightly more and he could tell instinctively that his once blue eyes had become crimson coloured.

"What has happened to me."

Walking forward Alucard flicked his finger only for a mirror to appear before Devan allowing him a full view of his new and improved body which also gave him Divine beauty similar to that of Alucard though still lacking in comparison.

"You Devan are the first Blood elf of your world , I assume you have questions so fire away."

Feeling strangely calm about this Devan started asking every question he was avoiding due to fear.

"Who are you , why do I know the name of random people on portraits , where am I , what did you do to me , how did i get here..."

Sensing Devan's flood of questions Alucard stopped him saying Stop and suddenly Devan could not say a word or move or blink and just stood their until Alucard started speaking.

"First of all I am Alucard , Primordial son of chaos and an Eternal Primordial Deity of Evil and you are in my Divine realm. While battling against an army of traitorous God's who wanted to kill me due to my title as an Evil deity I lost a piece of my soul and it was trapped in a Subspace which kept it safe.

The Subspace then ultimately got connected to this world as a dungeon but with it's weakened state and since it was only about 0.5 of my power it could not break out.

Your entrance into the dungeon however helped me retrieve the piece of me soul so I rewarded you by fusing your soul with the souls of twelve God's among the thousands I managed to seize from the battle.

That process allowed your soul to evolve along with your body and now you have an immortal Primordial Divine soul with a huge divine realm within it the size of a Universe containing 24 planets if I'm correct.

Though your soul has changed I also changed your body first of all by sealing your divinity so you can unlock it slowly inorder to get used to it and not get intoxicated with power and emotions from the different divinities within you.

To unlock your Primordial abilities you have to strengthen your ordinary abilities first so I had to get rid of your low magic talent hence I turned you into a blood elf which is a hybrid between a Vampire which is my primary race and an elf which is your primary race.

The reason you can identify some of the beings in the painting I'd because you are now them as they are all now a part of you though sealed away."

After receiving the information Devan was still strangely calm which was scarying him alot "So am I going to have to become your servant or slave and also why am I currently unnaturally calm , it's disturbing."

" Well as a Vampire made by me you have a stronger reign over your emotions something which most vampires struggle with along with abilities such as increased strength and speed plus phsychic powers and Blood and Shadow affinities. Anyway you are free to do as you please and are not obligated to serve me but I do hope u will consider if I ever ask for your assistance."

Nodding in understanding Devan then responded "if u ever need my help I will respond without fail and thank you Lord Alucard for your blessings."

Smiling Alucard then snapped his fingers causing an orb to appear before Devan along with a ring. "The orb is a bloodline for you to assimilate and the ring contains items you will need for your cultivation.

Lastly Devan be proud of your lineage as a noble Vampire and do not rid yourself of it when your other Divinities are unsealed , any other information you feel you may need is already in your soul you just need to unseal it."