
Primordial Divine inheritance

The world of Orion is inhabitated by multiple races from Primordial beings like overpowered Dragons to adapting humans with even pest like Goblins but one thing in common is the touch of Mana. With Mana even the smallest creatures like rabbits and all sorts of insects can evolve into powerful beings and change their fate. Devan is just an ordinary elf with little to no talent in most types of elven magic and would considered increasingly incompetent if not for his very rare innate skill called the Ancient Abyssal Elderitch eye which led to him being kept by an elven Noble for personal gains. Though young in elven years and only about 100 years old Devan was no fool and knew his worth in the Ancient elven forest of Euphora so he mostly kept to himself and used every chance he got to grow in strength and find different ways to protect himself. But even after all the preparations he wasn't prepared to meet Alucard an immortal Deity with the power to create and destroy worlds at will who had ended up getting trapped in a subspace that turned into a dungeon which Devan had coincidentally chosen to raid due to its incredibly low magic rank. Grateful for being helped out of the Subspace now turned dungeon Alucard directly empowers Devan with the inheritance of multiple God's that tried to Kill Alucard but ended up dying in battle. Now immortal and basically assured of being overpowered and undefeatable throughout the known realms on Orion Devan after unlocking his abilities has to get used to his power while trying to live out the carefree and adventurous life he dreamed of but could not attain due to his weakness. PS : MC chooses to help heroes and other adventurers because he doesn't want all the trouble of their battles to disturb his pursuit of a normal peaceful life. And there is very little R18 like 1 in 30 to 40 chapters.

Derewz · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Home sweet courtyard

The town that Devan lived in was pretty simple and was self sufficient hence the noble lord who took care of Devan was mostly free and only handled the few disputes that rose up among the elves.

Lord Ails manor was outside the town and surrounded by a grove of trees that created a captivating scenary because they were fused to the wall around the manor and some were fused to the manor itself.

Behind the manor was the maid quarters which is where Devan's small courtyard was with his simple house.

Since the surrounding area had beasts only below 3rd stage the defences were simple , if any beast wanted to reach the eleven town it would have to get past the much larger elven city that was a few miles deeper into the forest.

Circling round the house Devan reached the part of the wall that his house was built near and jumped right over soaring over six feet into the air and landing right in his backyard gracefully.

Silently he snuck in through the front door having already skipped the gate and walked right up to his room making sure the manor gaurds on patrol didn't notice him but immediately he opened his room he was met with a fist right to the face.

The fist was tiny and Devan knew who it belonged to , after Devan used his ability on the Duke's whole household and his family it was found that along with some corrupt workers the dukes first wife was infact having an affair with a noble of a distant territory which is why she used to travel alot and they wanted to kill duke Ail and take over the territory.

After cutting all ties with that distant duke Duke Ail exhiled his first wife due to her children begging for him not to kill her then he made his second wife who genuinely loved him the official lady of the territory.

Of the 4 children of the first wife two chose to go with their mother and the other two both girls chose to remain one of whom was studying at the royal elven academy with her step brothers and the tiny fist belonged to the second daughter who remained , twenty year old Anies Algreth.

The twelve year old seemed to have immediately liked Devan after seeing him use his cool *Godly* eyes as she called them to see who is lying.

Ever since then she likes playing with Devan whenever she gets the chance or watching him train as she tried to disturb him , the girls admiration for Devan surprised even her father and stepmother but they just let it happen as it was not bad if they managed to keep Devan here forever.

Expecting her to start scolding him he was surprised to see her just quietly staring at him so he just had to ask , "Ani are you okay."

Backing away she scanned him from head to toe asking , "Devan what happened to you and why are your purple eyes now red. "

Smiling Devan just said " Relax Ani , I just awakened my bloodline so I got stronger and changed Abit but I can tell your father that you escaped from your room. "

Being threatened with her parents name Ani pouted and curled up on Devan's bed and pretended to cry but Devan just walked past the bed and got out the back door heading for his personal pond perfectly nestled between two bonsai trees.

Being trees that grew stronger and more precious the older they grew the Bonsais currently had light pink leaves showing that they were only about 80 years.

The trees along with the pond were within his courtyard and a few metres from the 3 metre vine wall around the courtyard. Confirming that he was alone Devan pealed off his clothes and slowly sunk into the water of the pond to relax and clean off the sweat he had gathered today which was more than he had in all his years.

The bath was the best he had ever had but the strangest thing kept happening as he soaked in the water , the shadows in the water kept circling around his form and getting absorbed into him and when he focused he could feel his cultivation improving slightly.

Curios about what that was Devan meditated only his conscious into his Divine realm only to land on a patch of Black Rock , Devan knew he would always appear in the middle of his divine realm so he should be floating in space surrounded by Blood runes.

Willing it his mind spread around the divine realm and he noticed a new planet that wasn't there before and it was completely Black looking like a large mass of barren Pitch black rock. Now his divine realm had 25 planets in total and the Black shadow world as he had identified had three rings of Bright Blood runes around it that were now even more complicated , and numerous with a powerful aura around them.

Deven studied the now more refined Blood runes and the Dark planet for a while and soon understood them as if he had always known so he exited the Divine realm only to feel a dull thump on his back.

On opening his eyes he heard an annoyed Ani asking "What is wrong with you pervert don't you remember you left a lady in the house why would you undress yourself knowing this."

Laughing he turned and noticed Ani was red all over her face but thought nothing of it and just replied to her "I would be ashamed if the lady in question was not just some 20 year old baby elf who had barely grown in any of the attractive areas."

With a loud huff Ani turned and attempting to act dignified tried to return to the house but I stead tripped only to be caught by a naked Devan. Now seeing his whole body Ani was even more flustered and blushed harder but Devan just took it as embarassment.

Lifting her up Devan again moved with speed she could not follow and entered the pool to continue his bath , A flustered Ani just left on her own leaving Devan alone to go through the information dump he had received from the new Shadow planet and the improved Blood runes.