
Primordial Divine inheritance

The world of Orion is inhabitated by multiple races from Primordial beings like overpowered Dragons to adapting humans with even pest like Goblins but one thing in common is the touch of Mana. With Mana even the smallest creatures like rabbits and all sorts of insects can evolve into powerful beings and change their fate. Devan is just an ordinary elf with little to no talent in most types of elven magic and would considered increasingly incompetent if not for his very rare innate skill called the Ancient Abyssal Elderitch eye which led to him being kept by an elven Noble for personal gains. Though young in elven years and only about 100 years old Devan was no fool and knew his worth in the Ancient elven forest of Euphora so he mostly kept to himself and used every chance he got to grow in strength and find different ways to protect himself. But even after all the preparations he wasn't prepared to meet Alucard an immortal Deity with the power to create and destroy worlds at will who had ended up getting trapped in a subspace that turned into a dungeon which Devan had coincidentally chosen to raid due to its incredibly low magic rank. Grateful for being helped out of the Subspace now turned dungeon Alucard directly empowers Devan with the inheritance of multiple God's that tried to Kill Alucard but ended up dying in battle. Now immortal and basically assured of being overpowered and undefeatable throughout the known realms on Orion Devan after unlocking his abilities has to get used to his power while trying to live out the carefree and adventurous life he dreamed of but could not attain due to his weakness. PS : MC chooses to help heroes and other adventurers because he doesn't want all the trouble of their battles to disturb his pursuit of a normal peaceful life. And there is very little R18 like 1 in 30 to 40 chapters.

Derewz · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Extermination 1

The goblins cave was actually much deeper than Devan expected with multiple pathways but the goblin Devan had compelled knew the way though he almost lost him when the other Devan had commanded his compelled minion to drag woke up.

On seeing his comrade dragging him while Devan followed the Goblin bit the hand of Devan's minion and tried to pounce on him to bite his neck but Devan caught his neck before he could make any noise or cause problems and compelled it.

Suprisingly the goblin had slightly more knowledge than the first compelled goblin so Devan decided to put minion one to sleep and instead have minion two as he was calling the second compelled goblin Drag his friend.

As they walked on Devan begun thinking of what he had seen in the second goblins memories , apparently their goblin chief had a treasure that he wanted to use to strengthen and evolve his bloodline.

Devan's knowledge was quite enough to know the treasure the goblin chief had and it was not supposed to be capable of growing in a place like this at all but it's prescence meant that there was something here that was worth Decans attention after all.

The treasure that the chief had for awakening and evolving bloodlines was a special herb which only grew in a special type of rock that had the essence of a Vampire and a Dragon within it.

Obtaining that rock would be very useful in making a weapon fit for a Vampire so getting that rock was very crucial if Devan didn't want to stand out too much when he left the village as his current weapons were pretty powerful and would draw alot of attention if used.

Following the goblins they finally arrived at the first location where about seven goblins were sitted inside an area of the tunnel that was carved out into a room.

Using his command over Shadows Devan easily snapped their neck with some tentacles and pulled out of their bodies adding it to the blood he already had floating next to him.

This continued for a while until he reached an actual cavern with what seemed like a village that had tents made of animal skins and had a flimsy fence surrounding it made of wooden sticks.

This was the first group of goblins and probably the weakest one so Devan didn't want to waste alot of time with them and leaving the goblins he had compelled to go on and rejoin their kin to wait for him.

Meanwhile Devan went to the two only escape routes that could be used by these goblins and using the blood he covered the passages in long spikes before crystallizing the blood with his Blood manipulation.

When he was done with both passages they were blocked by sharp crystal spikes with a deep crimson colour making them look dangerous and he had added Abit of poison for an even more powerful effect if any goblin tried to escape and made it.

With his preparation complete he went to the entrance of the village suprisingly eager for the massacre he was about to do.

The fact that he was getting excited over the fact that he was going to slaughter a bunch of goblins made Devan pause to get his emotions in check as he remembered Alucard saying as a Vampire he would have better control over his emotions except one which was his bloodlust and that would take a while to control.

Calming himself down he prepared himself for the extermination and commanded the two goblins he had compelled to begin causing disruption through the telepathic connection he had established when he took control of their minds.

After a few minutes he could hear screeches so pulling out the poison sword he activated magic circles for the Mana shot spell all around him and jumped right into the settlement swinging while activating all the spell circles at minimum power and launching streams of Mana shots all around him.

It turns out the sword was of little use as it barely found any goblins to kill since his constant Mana shots just killed all the goblins around him even proceeding to almost clear out the whole settlement and perforate all the tents until everything had been flattened and Devan could see only three goblins still standing.

One hobgoblin stood in the middle of the now flattened settlement breathing heavily as he was covered in bruises from the Mana shots that managed to hit him while on either side of him two goblins warriors stood covered in blood and with brocken and battered bodies but still able to stand.

Roaring at Devan the hobgoblin ran towards him ready to squash him with it's huge club.

Activating his original innate skill Devan started scanning the movement of the hobgoblin with the new function of the Abyssal eye and predicted where it would hit.

To the goblins it looked like Devan was going to get hit and had frozen in fear but right before the club hit him Devan punched the hobgoblin in the chest causing a shockwave to radiate outwards pushing both goblin warriors down.

The hobgoblin now with a hole in his chest collapsed dead right before Devan who begun collecting all the blood from the goblins one by one.

The previously moderately sized ball of blood Devan had used to cover the exits in spikes had grown to almost his height so Devan used his innate Blood elf skill and all the blood rushed towards him turning to most then entering into his body through his pores leaving Devan free to now focus on something else.

The flattened camp marked one settlement down leaving seven more to go before he could safely attack the chiefs private cavern without worrying about reinforcements coming to bother him and drag out the fight too much.

Since he felt like he had infact used an unnecessary amount of force when killing off the goblins in the camp Devan decided to try another method but he wasn't sure which one he would use so he first meditated in his divine realm before hearing a buzz and the Poison sword connected to him causing him to loose focus for about a minute then he opened his eyes with a wide creepy smile on his face.

The sword had just given him a simple method to kill the goblins while he focused on studying the technique the Duke had given him and improving his control over his Dark blood Mana.