

"Why is she so heavy!" Vaughn murmured as he struggle to lay Chlea on her bed.

"Pika pika chuuu!" A drunken Chlea exclaimed and then went back to sleep instantly as if nothing happened.

Vaughn then removed her shoes so that she can comfortably sleep once again.

"You will never drink too much again!" Vaughn told her as if Chlea is in the right state to understand.

She is sleeping like an angel right now. And then suddenly, Chlea began sobbing and tears were dropping from her tightly shut eyes.

"Ma, I... I miss... you." She unconsciously said as she sobbed in her sleep.

'She is missing her Mom. I wonder what happened to her. She seemed so hurt earlier today right after she hang up on a phone call.' Vaughn thought to himself. He just put a blanket over Chlea's body and then he went to get the spare blanket in the cabinet as he gets ready to sleep on the sofa near the glass window.

At this moment, the temperature is already getting cold and it will certainly reach at its coldest at dawn. During the dawn, wild monkeys go down to the waterfalls from the mountains to eat some food tourists have left for them to eat. It is said that hundreds of monkeys go down and have a feast.


At Mr. Regan Alcala's Home Office:

"Staying up late, again?" Vivienne said in her usual seductive voice as she entered Regan's office wearing a magenta satin nightdress.

"Yes." Regan's thrift reply.

Vivienne, being the attention seeker that she is, sat down on

Regan's marble table.

"Will you stop it? You'll end up breaking the table. What's your deal? I know you have something to say so stop beating around the bush." He said while intently looking and flipping documents to sign with a pen in his right hand.

Unabashed, Vivienne continues to speak.

"Well, I was thinking. Why don't you also buy Odette a house in Cebu like Chlea's? I heard her estate is very nice. I wonder how much you spent on it." She said as if insinuating something.

Regan paused for a while and looked at her seriously, "You sure have envy problems, do you? Among us here, you are the one who knows most how much Odette spends every day, she could buy a house for herself using that!"

"Why can't you just treat Odette the same as Chlea! You are clearly playing favorites!" This time, Vivienne snapped.

"You know how much I love my daughter! I treat my children equally so you do not have any single right to strip Chlea of things she deserves." Regan scowled echoing his entire massive office.

"You are being partial! It has been years since Miranda died and you can't marry me still! I can't deal with this any longer!" She fought back.

"Then go! The door is wide open for you to leave! Stop making my children bicker over these superficial things. Miranda, my wife, could not even disrespect me the way you do. Remember, I could find another woman. Be careful." Regan said as he stormed out of the room.

Left alone, Vivienne cried helplessly in the corner questioning how much effort does she need in order to surpass Miranda's place inside Regan's heart. Over the years, she did everything she can to get what Miranda has. A perfect life, an affluent family, a once devoted husband, and lovely children.

Vivienne's affair with the aristocrat Regan has stirred up a lot of rumors and gossips against her but she just ignored these all. As long as she gets what she wants, other people's opinion is void.

She has been asking Regan to marry her from the moment Miranda died due to heart failure and Regan keeps on saying no. Deep in his heart, he can't forgive himself for committing adultery against his precious wife.

Regan can't help but ask what must have gone up to his mind and cheat against Miranda, his only love who bears him two beautiful children: Sierra, a cardiologist, and Chlea, a college student.

Sierra, his eldest, has been estranged from his family for years now. When she was 18, she moved away from home and went to pursue cardiology. Since then, Sierra has never kept in touch with his father nor seen him. Unbeknownst to Regan, Chlea has been constantly in touch with her sister.

It was Vivienne's plan to hold their weekly Sunday dinner at Chlea's new estate. She has been itching to see how it looks like and how she can pursue Regan to buy something for Odette as well.

This is clearly why Chlea liked to move islands away from them

because of Odette and Vivienne's toxicity. She just can't seem to handle them, they are just too much.

Meanwhile, Regan can't help but agree with Vivienne's suggestion as he also wants to see how her daughter if his daughter is doing alright. Their dinner with the family of Chlea's fiancé so he has not seen his daughter for quite a long time now. Regan still holds on to the idea that one day, his children will be complete and will get along well.


Chlea woke up to feeling the worst headache she ever had in her entire life. She can feel her head throbbing in pain and the nerves twitching whenever she moves.

"How much did I drink last night?" She asked herself while holding her head with her right hand.

Chlea's hair is disheveled like a bird's nest and all in all, she looks like a mess. After all those drinkings yesterday, she could not care more but for the headache to go away.

"Oh, you're awake now. Good morning, love." Vaughn casually said.

The corners of Chlea's mouth rose as she heard the word 'love'.

"And you decided that's what we will call each other from now on?" She teased.

Vaughn looked at her and laughed, "Yeah, I just thought of it inside the shower."

Lying. Definitely lying, let's just say he spent most of the night

what their endearment should be.

"My head feels like it's about to crack open."

"It's okay, the headache will soon go away once you eat something warm. I ordered you hangover soup, it should be here any minute." Vaughn, who looks fresh coming out from the shower said.

Chlea looked around the room while squinting her eyes to see clearer, there are folded blankets and pillows on the sofa so she believes Vaughn might have slept there. Birds can be heard chirping outside, it is a bright and sunny day, just perfect to start their waterfall adventure.

"I'm a bad drinker, am I?" Chlea said.

Vaughn could not stop himself but laugh, "You should have told me honestly. I could've stopped you from drinking so much."

"I wasn't able to stop myself because it just looks like water!"

"Looks like water but it hits real hard," Vaughn replied.

"I know, I now know." T^T

"...Love?" Chlea called.

"What?" Vaughn looked at her trying not to smile.

"Nothing, I just thought how my friends would react once they know we are dating. It was like only yesterday when I told them we are not and then now we are. We even almost got into a fight-..." Chlea came to a halt and covered her mouth.

Vaughn stopped sipping his coffee, "Got into a fight? With whom? When? How?"

"Well, I don't know if you recognize Missy. She sort of asked me if we are dating." Chlea just told him the truth.

"Hm, yeah. I know her. Did she hurt you?" Vaughn worriedly asked.

Chlea shook her head, "No, she did not stand a chance against Gayle. A feisty woman as well."

"Aren't you worried how things went by so fast between us?" Chlea asked all of a sudden.

A sudden knock was heard on their door, it was the delivery for Chlea's hangover soup.

Vaughn then set up the breakfast table for Chlea to dig in. Chlea then went to eat her meal and Vaughn looked at her while peacefully having his cup of coffee.

"To be honest with you, I am a little bit worried. There are these problems I have personally that may come our way. I don't want you to be dragged in this." Vaughn replied on a serious note.

"That's what I am feeling as well, love. I feel like we are sort of in the same situation. But I can't give you further details about it. I think, when the right time comes we will let each other know, right?" Chlea asked while sipping her soup.

Chlea added, "But for the meantime, let's enjoy this first. Can we?"

"Of course," Vaughn replied.

He then went to the balcony closed the sliding door and as Chlea can see, Vaughn placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it using a metallic lighter.

"I hate smoking but why does he look cool?" Chlea said to herself while shaking her head.

"I can hear you, love," Vaughn informed from the outside. He then put off the cigarette and placed it in the ashtray as he went back inside.

Vaughn sat down on the vacant chair in front of Chlea.

"I didn't know you smoke," Chlea said.

Vaughn stroked his jet black hair aside, "I've been trying to quit for a year now. But at times, I just can't help it. There, you can have it."

He placed the cigarette box and lighter on the table and slid them within Chlea's reach.

She put the spoon down and moved the bowl aside. Chlea picked the cigarette on one hand and the lighter on the other.

"What should I do with this? I don't smoke, love." Chlea said innocently.

Vaughn chuckled, "I know. I just want you to keep it, I want to quit for real."

"Err, I am not asking you so. It's not a decision for me to make." She replied.

"I know you wouldn't ask me but still, I want to quit. For sure, I can resist the urge to do so as long as I'm with you." Vaughn winked at her.

"Why are you being so extra cheesy today! It makes me giddy!" Chlea laughed as she put Vaughn's cigarette and lighter inside her bag.

"Oh, you gotta get used to it from now on, love." Vaughn teased.