
Prime: Mystic Arts in DC

"Step aside and witness the true meaning of Young Justice," Aiden Cross. --- In a world where the boundary between good and evil blurs, sixteen-year-old Aiden finds himself thrust into the heart of it all. Rescued from impending danger by the sorcerer Giovanni Zatara, Aiden's ordinary existence takes a dramatic turn as he uncovers latent powers within himself. "Master of the Mystic Arts?" Aiden ponders, feeling the knowledge, wisdom, and experience stir within him. He recognizes the Cloak, the Eye, and the Sling Ring, contemplating whether to join the ongoing conflict between the Justice League and Wotan. However, his journey is far from smooth, and his transformation is one of Cosmic evolution as he teaches DC what it truly means to be a Sorcerer Supreme and the Undisputed Master of the Mystic Arts. ~Prime

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14 Chs

Chapter 12. Dreams

(General POV)

"You guys are practically here all the time; it's hard to believe you actually have homes," Aiden observed, noticing Kid's departure.

Kid Flash chuckled. "Well, I guess you could say this place feels more like home sometimes," he said with a grin, offering a casual wave before disappearing out of sight, leaving Aiden, Superboy, and Megan alone in the Cave.

"Now it's just the three of us... minus the cookies," Megan remarked, glancing at the empty tray that had been full moments ago.

"I don't think even an entire mountain of cookies would be enough to satisfy him," Aiden quipped, strolling around the common area.

"So, what's the plan?" Aiden asked, sinking into a comfortable sofa in front of a huge screen and picking up a gamepad.

"Uh..." Superboy looked uncertain, and Megan mirrored his expression.

"Well, we could play some video games if you want," Aiden suggested, noticing their hesitation. "Come on, I'll show you how it's done."

Aiden scrolled through the game library, his eyes scanning the titles with a hint of perplexity. Eager to delve into the gaming offerings of this world, he selected a multiplayer game promising excitement and friendly competition. None of the titles sounded familiar to him, piquing his curiosity even further.

"Alright, prepare yourselves for some intense gaming action," Aiden declared, handing out the extra controllers to Superboy and Megan. Despite his mediocre gaming abilities, he anticipated a fun time together.

However, he reasoned that being in a different universe, the games were bound to be different.

Superboy eyed the controller in his hand with curiosity, while Megan examined hers with a mixture of apprehension and excitement.

"I've honestly never played this game before, and I don't know if I can keep up with you guys," Aiden admitted as he navigated and familiarized himself with the menu. "Let's discover this game together."

With the game loaded and the characters selected, the three of them dove into the virtual world, their focus shifting entirely to the screen as the game began.

At first, Superboy and Megan stumbled through the controls, their characters moving awkwardly and fumbling with their actions. Aiden, on the other hand, effortlessly navigated his character through the game world, executing precise maneuvers and landing devastating blows on his opponents. He soon realized that gaming in this universe wasn't much different from his own, even if the games were unfamiliar to him.

"Hey, watch out for that power-up!" Aiden warned, pointing to a glowing icon on the screen. "It'll give you an extra boost."

Superboy and Megan scrambled to collect the power-up, their characters gaining new abilities and increased strength. With renewed excitement, they launched themselves back into the fray, determined to give Aiden a run for his money.

The competition intensified, with Superboy and Megan starting to find their footing and landing some impressive hits on Aiden's character. Laughter filled the Cave as they taunted each other and celebrated small victories.

"Take that!" Megan exclaimed triumphantly as her character delivered a powerful combo move, sending Aiden's character flying across the screen.

"Nice one!" Superboy cheered, following up with a devastating special attack of his own.

Aiden grinned, impressed by their progress, though he knew he was holding back. "Looks like you guys are getting the hang of it."

As the hours flew by, the three members of the Team lost themselves in the excitement of the game. Any worries and stresses faded away in the heat of the moment, and they found a sense of connection and belonging that transcended the virtual world.

With a final cheer and a round of high-fives, they powered down the console, the Cave echoing with their laughter and the echoes of their shared adventure.

"That was awesome," Superboy declared, a satisfied expression on his face. "It was almost like what we do, but different."

"How so?" Aiden inquired, intrigued by Superboy's perspective, and personality.

"Going all out without worrying about the consequences, or the fear of being overshadowed by someone else," Superboy explained.

"It's like owning your own personal world," Aiden mused. "That's why games are awesome. We should do this more often."

"Yeah, we should do this more often," Megan agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aiden nodded, his mind already exploring new possibilities. While the game they had played was entertaining, its graphics didn't quite meet his expectations for a DC universe experience.

"I suppose the heroes are busy creating gadgets to fight in the real world, neglecting the potential of immersive virtual worlds," Aiden pondered, noting the disparity between the technological advancements in the real world and the somewhat lacking gaming experience.

As he thought about the future, Aiden couldn't shake off the idea that video games could become a tool for exploitation and control, particularly in the hands of adversaries like Granny Goodness. Determination flickered in his eyes as he resolved not to let anyone tarnish the joy of gaming for himself or others.

"I won't allow Granny to ruin gaming for me, or for anyone else in this world," Aiden affirmed silently, his mind already formulating plans. "That's why I'll establish my own gaming company, bringing the vast adventures from my mind to reality."

Technically, these adventures would originate from another world, but in the DC universe, they would become his ideas and creations.

As the others settled in for the night, Aiden busied himself in the common room, arranging pencils, pens, and papers of various sizes to create a makeshift workspace. Megan noticed his activity and approached him, intrigued by his sudden burst of energy.

"What's going on?" she asked, peering over his shoulder at the organized chaos on the table.

"Just getting ready for some drawing time," Aiden replied, mustering enthusiasm despite the fatigue weighing on him. "I find it hard to focus in my room, especially when I'm on the brink of falling asleep."

Megan furrowed her brow, concern flickering across her features. "You look exhausted. Why not just get some rest?"

Aiden shrugged, a tired smile playing on his lips. "We got caught up in those video games for hours, and time just slipped away. Don't get me wrong, playing with you guys was, Crash, but sleep seems like a distant dream right now."

He knew that before long, his mentor would likely barge in, ready to start the day with a rigorous training session or a lecture on justice and heroism. The thought made him shudder.

To stave off the impending exhaustion and keep himself occupied until then, he had resolved to lose himself in his artwork, a passion that always seemed to rejuvenate him.

"Well, I don't need much sleep, being Martian and all," Megan offered, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Mind if I keep you company while you draw?"

Aiden's eyes brightened at the suggestion, nodding gratefully as he reached for a pencil. "I'd love that."

As Aiden began to sketch, Megan settled in beside him, her curiosity piqued by his creative process. Ever since they first met, she had been drawn to his positive demeanor and easygoing nature. Aiden seemed to effortlessly navigate social interactions, making everyone feel comfortable in his presence.

As she watched him work, Megan couldn't help but admire his talent and dedication. Despite the fatigue evident in his eyes, there was a passion that fueled his every stroke, bringing his drawings to life with vibrant energy.

Reflecting on their initial encounter, Megan couldn't help but reminisce about the enthusiasm that had characterized their interaction. Aiden had shown a keen interest in her, sparking a sense of anticipation and possibility that she had found both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

However, as time passed, their dynamic had shifted, settling into a comfortable friendship that lacked the same intensity as their initial meeting. While Megan missed the thrill of uncertainty, she also appreciated the stability and companionship that Aiden brought into her life.

Suddenly, Aiden's murmurs caught her attention, and she turned to see him dozing off mid-sketch. Despite his apparent exhaustion, his subconscious seemed to be expressing affectionate sentiments towards her, causing a warm flush to spread across her cheeks.

"Your hair... I love, eyes... Beau- smile... Fondle... Hug... Kiss."

Listening to his sleepy mutterings, Megan couldn't help but smile at his unwitting display of fondness. Perhaps their story was still unfolding, with new chapters yet to be written.

But for now, Aiden desperately needed some sleep, his exhaustion evident in the way he had dozed off mid-sketch. Sensing his need for rest, Megan volunteered to assist by using her telekinesis to gently lift him from his seat and guide him to his room. 

Before she left the workspace, her gaze fell upon the sketch Aiden had been working on, and a soft blush crept onto her cheeks. The sight of it filled her with a warm flutter of emotions, knowing that even in his subconscious state, Aiden had been thinking of her.

Unable to resist the urge, Megan carefully picked up the sketch, intending to keep it as a souvenir.

