
Price Of Honor (Avatar Fanfic)

Awakening in a completely unknown world, unaware of anyone or anything is a daunting experience no matter who the person. Especially if the only thing you're aware of is that you have to help some random stranger regain the honor he had previously lost. By any means necessary. //1 chapter every other day. Upload extra onto P@treon as well so go take a look. I'll be keeping a stock of 10+ chapters at all times. Join my Discord https://discord.gg/uQUcWbm _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- P@treon.com/ShadowDrev

Carlos_Drevna · Ti vi
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3 Chs


Hi there, it's me, your author speaking. I figured I'd just hop on here before the novel starts and talk to you guys directly. It would help build up our relationship directly since I'll hopefully be seeing you some of you frequently.

Or not, which is understandable since I'm a completely new writer in this field.

So let's do the best thing and talk about the novel so we don't have any misunderstandings going forward.

As you probably can see, this is an Avatar Fanfic.

The novel follows the story of a youth named Cinq whose unceremoniously shoved into a world completely unlike his own. Using the wits and knowledge garnered from the do or die universe he's from, he'll have to complete the mission of regaining Prince Zukos Honor one way or another. As you might have guessed, this means that he'll be directly following Zuko and his journey, influencing it and completely changing the course of the story into the nesr future. The timeliness will start from just before when Zuko sees the beam of light from episode one and will continue onwards.

Will it be a harem? Most likely not since I'm more focused on the story aspect and true romantic relationship building takes time. I personally prefer an unbreakable bond of one rather than weak bonds of many.

Plus Tai Lee is Bae. We all know that.

I don't wanna follow Canon but I'll also be adhering to everything aside from that. Characters will act in confines to how they do in the show and so will the laws of the given world.

All that being said, I hope you enjoy the story. Just cut me a bit of slack as I try to improve my writing and such. Go in with low expectations 😅