
Pour Out {ᏢϴႮᎡ ϴႮͲ}

Demenssion_8888 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

ՏᎬᏟϴΝᎠ : Disability

"Sent is one of the eight foster kids.... what makes her different from the others is that she's not able to walk. She's stack in a wheelchair, never the less she is one of Master Benson's favorite children. Sent is a sweet and kind eleven year old who loves everyone regardless, its rear for her to see Erts, but if they do it's on there way to the back yard".

Erts and Corner were on their way home from the circus. Laying in am hip of garbage was a man with a faded white coating of paint on his face. The two friends argued about weather or not they should give some money to the helpless looking man, Erts opposing to Corner's request. Due to there constant yapping, the man yelled out "Leave me along! You rotten kids!". Erts apologized and reached out to help the man up, upon contact his Erts's scare glowed a furious orange corresponding to the man's faded face restoring to it's paper white color.

With what had just happened Erts instantly recognized the clown that stood before them. The clown full with joy and happiness once more thanked the both of them for saving his life, without thinking of the harsh turn of events there actions had caused. With the ludacris day finally over the next morning was just as strange. Erts shockingly discovers that he can exhale fire at will, at school he informs Corner who sees this ability of his best friend as a gift blessed on him in order to he a super hero...Erts consistently rejects the far out idea of Corner, mis Cooper on the other hand (also knowing the secret) advises Erts to use his abilities to his advantage when making a fire. With his teachers words orbiting in Erts mind, he tries it out... the results are glorious and give birth to a fire, which the over excited the fourteen year old triggers him to constantly feeds the flame with wood and other materials until it rose to the sky like a massive bush fire... his stress was extinguished by the flame in front of him, he dropped to his knees and a tear gently ran down his cheek.