
Possessive Addiction: Master Gu Is Bold and Powerful!

In her previous life, Mu Anhan abandoned her husband and son. It was only after her death that she learned that Gu Xiaozhan loved her madly. In her next life, she was going to cling to him tightly and give him a second child! Everyone sneered. “Mu Anhan seduces Master Gu all day long and only cares about giving him a child. She’s just trying to cement her position by giving him children. Master Gu will surely divorce her after.”Who would have thought that the Perfume Queen, top hacker, miracle doctor, genius designer, AI intelligence, scientific research master… All of her multiple identities were exposed. What annoyed everyone even more was that treasure appraisers, medical professors, and international celebrities were all kneeling at her door, begging her for guidance! At night, she snuggled in Master Gu’s arms with red lips, and was the most provocative little seductress. Eyeing her with his dashing brows slightly raised, the possessive Master Gu rasped out, “Darling, should we try for a third child?”

Fei Chuchu · Tổng hợp
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40 Chs

Chapter 37: No One Is Allowed to Bully Her Hubby

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mu Anhan did not know much about the Gu family aside from the fact that the four wives were vying for the head of the family's favor to climb the social ladder for prestige and status.

The fourth wife, Huo Yiwen, had been Gu Zhentao's favorite and pampered for over 20 years. It was hard to stay on the throne surrounded by so much ambition. Mu Anhan was sure Huo Yiwen could hold her own in a confrontation.

In front of Gu Xiaozhan, she had spoken gently and treated Mu Anhan affectionately.

Behind his back, she was cold and indifferent; it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she had no pleasant feelings toward Mu Anhan.

Mu Anhan stood quietly like a sculpture on display, letting her look as she wished.

"What sorcery did you use to charm Little Zhan to be loyal to you all this time?" Huo Yiwen sneered disdainfully. 

Mu Anhan sighed softly. "It's a mystery to me as well, Mom. Why does it have to be me? Why did my husband want to marry me?"

Huo Yiwen's eyes widened, and her face contorted in anger, dropping her refined lady facade.

"At first, I could not comprehend his obsession. But later on, as I got to know him, I realized that we're very compatible and love each other very much," Mu Anhan added. "He's a genius, so he figured it out sooner than I did. That's why he only wanted me."

Huo Yiwen thought she had lost her mind. "Treasure fell onto your lap, and you want to take credit for it? What kind of wife tramples over their husband as you do to Little Zhan? Is this your idea of love?"

"But I'm also true to him!" Mu Anhan answered solemnly. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to the Gu residence with him today."

Huo Yiwen had spent so long hearing suffering rumors of her eldest son's disastrous marriage that she refused to believe a word from Mu Anhan's mouth. "Mu Anhan, let me give you some advice: know your place! Once you marry into the Gu family, you must uphold the reputation as a daughter-in-law. You make it sound like you are doing us a favor by coming here when it's supposed to be a simplistic familial duty!"

"You're absolutely right, Mom!" Mu Anhan bent her head slightly in humility, the picture of an obedient daughter-in-law berated by her mother-in-law.

Huo Yiwen had heard that she was haughty and a menace. She was famous for terrorizing not just Gu Xiaozhan's men but Gu Xiaozhan himself as well. So why was she acting like a subdued child now?

"Little Zhan is now an influential public figure in Country A. As his wife, you can't just be eye candy on his arm. You must study proper social etiquette and show concern for your children. You must act like a woman worthy of the title Madam Gu." Huo Yiwen's heart ached for her son for getting married to such a troublemaker, but since she could not drive this woman away, she had to sort her out.

"I will, Mom." Of course, Mu Anhan was willing to do anything that could add to Gu Xiaozhan's glory.

Huo Yiwen felt like her every punch landed on soft cotton and grew tired of the conversation.

Mu Anhan tilted her head slightly like she was obediently waiting for her mother-in-law to continue the scoldings. Suddenly, sharp voices rang from outside.

Mu Anhan was worried that someone had tried to pick a fight with Gu Xiaozhan and jumped to her feet immediately.

Huo Yiwen was worried that the father and son would quarrel, knowing their temperaments, and warned Mu Anhan as she got up as well, "I trust you know what to say of this conversation when asked?"

"I know, Mom." Mu Anhan immediately replied, "I'll persuade Xiaozhan to come home more often to fulfill our filial piety."

Huo Yiwen could not tell if she was sincere, but it didn't matter anyway because she would not trust her.

When they exited the room, they spied a broken glass at Gu Zhentao's feet.

Gu Xiaozhan's handsome face was cold, and he did not react to the chaos around him, looking like an uninterested bystander.

Gu Yongjin was panicking, explaining, "Dad, they're just rumors I heard around town and may not be true; that the explosion at Sanwan bridge was to get back at Xiaozhan for playing with and humiliating a girl to the point of suicide. Apparently, she liked him while they were at university. Someone is trying to avenge her death by punishing him for his promiscuity."

Everyone at the gathering saw the situation for what it was: slander. How was this an explanation? He was shoving Gu Xiaozhan into hot coals!

All members of the Gu family were present, and they were all looking at Gu Xiaozhan, thinking that he should be the one to take responsibility for the explosion of the Sanwan bridge.

Mu Anhan pushed through the crowd, connecting a discreet elbow where necessary, and stood beside Gu Xiaozhan; her defiant face seemed to say that she would not allow anyone to bully her husband.

She glared at the audience and projected powerfully, "This is just a rumor. The truth is that Tang Xue had an unrequited love for Xiaozhan. She could not be with him, so she wanted to punish him instead."