
Possessive Addiction: Master Gu Is Bold and Powerful!

In her previous life, Mu Anhan abandoned her husband and son. It was only after her death that she learned that Gu Xiaozhan loved her madly. In her next life, she was going to cling to him tightly and give him a second child! Everyone sneered. “Mu Anhan seduces Master Gu all day long and only cares about giving him a child. She’s just trying to cement her position by giving him children. Master Gu will surely divorce her after.”Who would have thought that the Perfume Queen, top hacker, miracle doctor, genius designer, AI intelligence, scientific research master… All of her multiple identities were exposed. What annoyed everyone even more was that treasure appraisers, medical professors, and international celebrities were all kneeling at her door, begging her for guidance! At night, she snuggled in Master Gu’s arms with red lips, and was the most provocative little seductress. Eyeing her with his dashing brows slightly raised, the possessive Master Gu rasped out, “Darling, should we try for a third child?”

Fei Chuchu · Tổng hợp
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40 Chs

Chapter 22: Anhan's Awkward Kiss

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Xiaozhan's expression was cold and unwavering, proud like an almighty king.

In front of Mu Anhan was a beastly man who pressed against the helicopter wall. He trapped her in with no way out.

Of course, she had no desire to leave.

All she had to do was take a step forward. Not only did she have to walk into Gu Xiaozhan's arms, but also his heart.

"Hubby, I'm telling the truth. What can I do to make you believe that I miss you?"

As she spoke, her eyes filled with tenderness.

"I'm sure you'll come up with something." Gu Xiaozhan's thin lips curled threateningly.

Mu Anhan thought, 'Why don't you look into my heart and see?'

Of course, she dared not actually speak the words.

"The law clearly states that the one who advocates something must provide the evidence to reason," Gu Xiaozhan added.

"Home is a place of love, not the law!" It was the first time Mu Anhan criticized him for saying something wrong after her rebirth.

Gu Xiaozhan watched her regain her defiance like a lioness. That's right, gentleness and obedience were all pretenses. Her true colors were unruly, arrogant, and unbridled.

When Mu Anhan saw the catch in his eyes, she realized her words had been too impulsive!

Why did she talk back at him?

After her reincarnation, she had sworn to dote on this overbearing and stubborn man!

She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her moist red lips landed on his sexy ones.

Her lips were like soft, bouncy jelly, fragrant and charming.

Gu Xiaozhan never expected her to initiate a kiss with him. He couldn't help tightening his grip on her waist to pull her closer.

Despite the romantic atmosphere, her kiss was very awkward.

He was the first and only man she had been with in many ways.

Mu Anhan had lived for two lifetimes, but they had only been intimate twice.

"I miss you. I want to kiss you. Here is your evidence!" Mu Anhan boldly announced after she stopped.

Gu Xiaozhan fell silent like the calm before the storm. His cold eyes were as bottomless as an ancient well, without a hint of emotion.

Mu Anhan could not decipher his thoughts, but she had already kissed him. What was he going to do now?

The atmosphere grew tense.

Was he so paranoid to think she was conspiring with other men to kill him, and he wanted to lock her up?

Mu Anhan's breathing quickened at the thought.

She didn't want her second chance to go to waste just like that, with their relationship still needing mending and full of misunderstandings.

"Mr. Gu, the presidential house called." Fortunately, Zhu Chen ran over, interrupting their moment.

Gu Xiaozhan released his grip on her and turned away coldly, striding off.

Mu Anhan's eyes followed his back. Even his silhouette was tall, authoritative, and charming.

She was so glad that he came back safe and sound.

"I'm not taking the call." Gu Xiaozhan suspected that this matter had something to do with the presidential house.

Almost no one knew his travel schedule.

Besides the few people closest to him, only the presidential house knew.

Furthermore, as he gained more power, money, and troops, the presidential house gradually feared him more. 

"Understood!" Zhu Chen immediately replied.

Just as he was about to leave, Gu Xiaozhan called him back, asking, "What was she doing at home today?"

"Madam went to the dungeon to visit Miss Pei," Zhu Chen said honestly.

When Gu Xiaozhan did not respond, Zhu Chen continued, "Mr. Gu, the surveillance video shows that Miss Pei's dress indeed got dirty because she tried to snatch Madam's juice away."

Gu Xiaozhan rubbed the space between his eyebrows to soothe a forming headache. In the past, if any woman coveted him, they would target Mu Anhan as the butt of their pranks. She would be submissive and surrender to it to humiliate Gu Xiaozhan. She did not care either way.

It was really different now. She would fight back!

Then, was it true when she said she missed him?

"And is there any progress on the G&M perfume designer?" Gu Xiaozhan asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu. I don't have any leads yet." Zhu Chen lowered his head.

"Bring Shaochen to me!" Gu Xiaozhan waved his hand, dismissing him.