
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs



Robin puts a hand to his ear and replies, "Superboy. Beast. I let one of the members from the Black family escape on purpose. I'm in pursuit right now. Sending coordinates." Quickly typing on his holo-computer, Robin jumps off the roof he landed on as the car came to a stop at a mansion.


Superboy lands right next to Robin after jumping, with a shaking Beast in his hand. 

"Fuck I'm giving you 1 star." Beast mutters as his motion sickness slowly gets better. "So what we looking at?" 

"This seems like the hideout of Jackson Black. Our target." Robin explains, once more showing the picture of the black haired male on his holo-screen. 

"Doesn't seem much secretive..." Beast points out. 

"Yes..." Robin mutters. "They seem arrogant. It's like they have someone backing them for them to be out in the open like this..." 

"Well..." Beast draws out. "Let's find out." He says, walking out in the open before ringing the bell next to the gate. "Hello?! Anyone ho-" a Hand covers his mouth and he gets dragged to cover. 

"Are you insane?!" Robin hissed, while Superboy only raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Beast asks, seeing nothing wrong. "Dude, we have someone that can't get scratched by normal means..." He points to Superboy before pointing to himself. "And someone that's literally immortal. Not to mention the fact that you've been doing all this shit since you were 9!" Beast exhales, calming down. "Listen. Me and Supes Junior will go in normally while you go by the shadows. Easy. Come." He speaks and drags Superboy with him. 

Sighing, Robin jumps onto the wall and moves across it to the back of the mansion. 

"Immortal, huh?" Superboy speaks, causing Beast to turn to him very slowly. 

"Yeah... You too if you get enough solar energy stuffed in yo stomach." Beast pats the surprised clone on the shoulder. "Don't worry, bud. I'll be with you till the ends of time." 

Superboy smacks Beast's hand away. "What do you mean?!"

"I did say I'm from the future, right?" Beast raises an eyebrow. "SO as long as Superman didn't have a child that looks identical to him, then I'm sure Kryptonians are immortal as long as they are subjected to a yellow sun's radiation." He explains before looking to the four approaching guards. 

"Who are you?!" One of the guards shout, his and his friend's weapons readied. 

"Calm down." Beast raises his arms. "We are with the Daily Bugle. We're here for the appointment with your boss." 

The guards say nothing and just stare at their attire, which basically screams heroes. "Sure..." The guard draws out. "And I'm Batman." 


"What?" The guard looks at the sad Beast, unknowing about where the other kid went. 

"I knew you'd be back." Beast wipes away his tears. "I'm sorry mom left cause of me. I really really didn-"


The leading guard falls unconscious as Superboy lands on top of him. Before the rest could react, he punches them. 

"Awesome!" Beast squeals, rushing towards Superboy. "We did such amazing team-" Superboy punches Beast in the face before the latter could hug him. "Not the touchy kind. Noted." Beast mutters as they made their way inside the mansion.


"Ugh." a Lonesome guard inside the mansion drops unconscious as Robin appears behind him. "Alright... Let's see what I can do..." He mutters, plugging a wire from his arm into the alarm system panel. "Bingo..." He lets out and looks up to see the cameras, which had red lights, turn off. 

"Let's get to the office." He drags the unconscious guard to cover before looking at the building plans on his holo-screen. 



The front door flies open, revealing the immortal duo. 

"Knock knock!" Beast exclaims, jumping onto a surprised guard's shoulders. "We should make a cooking show." He says, pulling the guard's hair before knocking him out. Looking to the side, he spots Superboy already finished with four guards. 

"What?" Beast asks as Superboy looks at him. "You gotta balance work and play, buddy." He shakes his head at the clone. 

*Bang Bang.*

a Hail of bullets come from the second floor, striking both of the sidekicks. One of which only puts his arm up in front of his face, while the other falls to the ground. 

"Did we actually get one?" One guard whispers to the person next to him. 

"Yeah. Why?" The other whispers back. 

The first guard only makes a confused face. "I don't know man. Don't we usually miss the heroes while they take us down one by one?" 


"Right you are Guard 1." Beast's voice reaches their ears as he stands up, his mask torn at his mouth. "Ribbit." 

"Ribbit?" Superboy echo's before Beast's tongue shoots out of his mouth and grabs one guard's gun. 

"I'w take that." Beast says, tongue gluing to the gun before it shoots back into his mouth, the gun hitting his face in the process. "Fuck. Didn't think that through..." He mutters as he shoots his tongue out again while Superboy jumps to the second floor, taking them out one by one. 


*Bang Bang!*

Muffled gunshots reach the office, agitating the occupant. "What the fuck is going on out there?" The man mutters. 

"Justice." a Deep voice comes from all around the room. 'Fuck. He's rubbing off on me.' Robin thinks as he stood behind the man before slamming his head against the table and holds it there. "Who do you work for?!" He growl at the man. 

"B-Black Family." The man instantly answers, his wits scared out of him. "How didn't you know this?" His quivering voice questions. 

"I did." Robin responds. "I wanna know who the Black family is working with to have the balls to come into Gotham as brazenly as you did!" 

"W-what?" The man's voice sounds confused. "I don't know what you mean. It's just us. Boos tasked me with coming into Gotham and establishing myself here in the name of the Black family!" 

'Damn. This guy has no loyalty.' Robin releases his hold on the man, letting him sit up. "You're telling me that you just came into Gotham by yourself?" 


"Haaah..." Robin sighs and knocks the man out before walking out, meeting up with the other two at the main hall. 


"Fucking really?!" Beast slams his fist on the table. "I was so excited for a big fight! You're telling me that their just stupid?!"

"Pretty much, yeah." Robin nods, much to the disappointment of Beast and secretly Superboy. 


Robin pulls up his holographic computer after hearing the notification sound, his face getting paler as the seconds pass. "Dude..." Robin lifts his sights to Beast. "Batman's asking where we are." 

"What?!" Beast jumps up in fright. "Fuck. Supes, jump me to Mount Justice!" He demands, shaking the poor boy by the shoulders, not that the boy shook by much. 

"Why?" Superboy questions, confused. 

"Why?! Why?! Dude! Batman's why! Now get!" Beast urges on, causing Superboy to sigh before grabbing Beast by the collar. 

Beast turns to Robin, a grin plastered on his face. "Later sucker!" 


"Fuck..." Robin curses, watching on as Superboy crashes through the ceiling with Beast.


Alright. After this chapter, I'm focusing more on the actual series events. I just wanted to make a small outing with Robin and Superboy, to start building a connection with Superboy. Superboy didn't attack and knock Beast out because Beast took out the psych genomorphs when releasing Superboy, so the general attack was just out of confusion. Now, he hasn't been "controlled" by psychic powers, although he still holds a grudge against it cause it gave him a false world n shit, but the grudge won't be as large.