
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


---3 Days later---

---Mount Justice---

"This is an old HQ of the League." Batman states as he, Flash, Aquaman, Red Tornado and Black Canary stood in front of the sidekicks. "Since you are so adamant on joining in on the big fights, you will." 

"Covertly." Flash adds on. "There's a reason we have targets on out backs." 

"Yes." Batman nods, turning to Red Tornado and Black canary. "Red Tornado will live here and be your supervisor, while Black Canary will be in charge of training you. I will handle the missions." 

"So we're a team now?" Kid Flash turns to his friends, excited. 

"The six of you will be a team, yes." 

"Six?" Robin raises an eyebrow before the Zeta-Beam activates. 

[Recognized: 07- Martian Manhunter]

In a flash of light, Martian Manhunter appears with a young girl at his side. 

"Meet Miss Martian." Batman introduces. "Your new teammate." 

"Man, I am liking this gig more and more." Kid Flash mutters, slyly moving towards the new edition. "Name's Kid Flash. That's Robin, Aqualad, Beast and Superboy." He gestures to each individual. "It's totally cool if you forget their names." 

Stepping forward, Miss Martian clasps her hands together. "I'm happy to be included." She says. 

And so marks the beginning of the best (Debatable) covert team ever. 

---Next Morning---

"Haaah." Newt yawns as he steps into the kitchen. Newt decided to stay inside Mount Justice for the time being. 

The reasoning he told Batman was: Nothing. He didn't even tell Batman. Just staying here when they all went away after the meeting. Excluding Miss Martian and Superboy of course. They had been assigned their own rooms. 

Making some quick breakfast, Newt divides it into two plates before walking to a room door. 

*Knock knock knock*

He knocks and patiently waits before the door opens, revealing a grumpy Superboy. 

"You wouldn't believe what I saw in my room yesterday." Newt says, pushing the breakfast into the clone's hands before making his way into the room uninvited. 

Going to the flat screen on the wall, Newt turns on a box below it. "a Gaming console!" He reveals, turning to Superboy. 

"Great." Superboy says in a sarcastic tone. "What does that have to do with me?" 

"C'mon." Newt picks up two controllers. "You got anything better to do?" He asks, handing one of the controllers to the boy. "Plus I made you breakfast." 

Superboy glances at the basic breakfast in his hands before sighing and taking the controller. "I don't know how to use this." He mumbles, sitting next to Newt. 

"It's fine. I'm a great teacher." Newt flashes a grin. 

---2 Hours later---

"You fucker! You were looking at my screen!" Newt screams as the scoreboard pops up after their last match, showing Superboy at the top. "You cheater!"

"I did not cheat." Superboy huffs. 

"That's true." Newt breathes out. "I should calm down..." He glances at Superboy. "Seeing as how you're only this good since I taught you." 

"Tsk." Superboy doesn't respond, only clicking his tongue. 

Newt looks at the time before asking, "You wanna go do something else? Never knew a place as great as 'Mount Justice' could be so boring." 

"What's there to do?" Superboy asks, also feeling quite bored. 

"Oh!" Newt stands up. "I can show you around Gotha-" 


His words get cut short as his phone rings. 

"Yo." Newt picks it up and answers. 

["Dude where are you?"] Dick's voice comes through. 

"At H.Q. Why?" Newt turns to Superboy, covering the phone's mic. "It's Robin." He whispers. "Wanna say hi?" 

"No." Superboy responds, his tone the same as it always was. This bast-

["Dude school started an hour ago!"] Placing the phone back to his ear, Newt smirks. 

"I know. I called in using Bruce's voice saying I'm sick today." He explains. 

["Are you insane?!"] Dick screams, before his voice could be heard again. ["Call in for me as well. I have a free period right now and I'm extremely bored."]

Glancing at Superboy, Newt responds, smiling. "Fine. On one condition." 


"I still think this is the worst idea you've ever had." Robin sighs. 

"What's the worse that could happen?" Beast shrugs. "Let's go catch some bad guys!" He puts his right hand out towards Robin and Superboy as they stood atop one of the many rooftops in Gotham. "Go team on three?" 

"Hmph." Both Superboy and Robin jump down from the rooftop, moving towards an abandoned hangar. 

"Go team!" Beast mutters before catching up to the other two.

"I have intel about a weapons exchange happening here." Robin explains as they close in towards the hangar. "The sellers are the Black family. a Small family that started business here in Gotham a few months ago." His holographic computer screen pops up, showing an image of a middle aged male with neat black hair. "This is the Gotham branch leader. If we can bust this sale, we can go after him."

"Alright..." Beast mumbles as he drew a sketch of the man with coloring pencils he got from nowhere. "So basically we go in there, beat them up and then beat this guy up?" He asks, pointing at his child-like sketch. 

Sighing at Beast's nonsense, Robin nods before the three of them go to different entrances of the hangar. 

"In position." Robin whispers into his earpiece. 

["In position."] Superboy's voice comes through Robin's earpiece. 


"Beast?" Robin whispers, noticing the silence after Superboy's confirmation. 


The roof of the hanger breaks open and Beast falls in the middle of the two groups. "Hahaha..." Beast laughs silently before taking out a piece of paper from his back and unfolds it. "Have you seen this man?!" a Deep voice leaves Beast's mask, causing the group op people to look at each other in confusion. 

"Damnit!" Robin cursed. "Move in!" He commands through the earpiece as both he and Superboy bursts through the doors at each side of the hangar.

*Bang bang bang!*

The groups let out a barrage of bullets towards Beast, positioned in the middle. 

As if in slow motion, Beast draws his two sword, slicing the air in precise movements. 


a Bullet hits his sword and the gunfire stops after a while. 

"Holy shit." Beast speaks, blood flowing out of his mouth. "I actually got one!" He exclaims, rushing into the gang. "I fucking got one!" Kicking the man at the front, Beast launches him into the people at the back before turning around, swinging his sword and cutting a gun in half. 

"Unexpected?" Beast questions, looking at the shocked expression of the man who's gun he cut. "Trust me. I'm surprised as well." He states as he hits the man's temple with the sword's hilt. 


"What the hell..?" Superboy mutters as he held up one man while looking at Beast's healing body. Throwing the man into someone else, Superboy focuses back on the fight. 

"Hey Supes junior!" 

a Call to his side attracts Superboy's attention. 

"You know you could do so much better in fights if you actually knew how to throw a proper punch." Beast points out while fighting, slowly moving closer to the clone. "It escapes me about why they just didn't give you information about different martial arts." 

Superboy turns to Beast slowly, a gun in his hand before he simply crushed it. 

"Oh no~ So scary~" Beast puts both hands across his chest, mimicking a damsel in destress as he dodges a hit. "Look I'm serious. You don't have the types of powers a normal Kryptonian ha-" His words stop as he ducks under a flying body while sending a questioning look at Superboy. 

"I slipped." Superboy states. 

"Did I strike a nerve?" Beast raises an eyebrow. "Because all I'm doing is stating-" Quickly hitting the last man standing, he continues. "Facts. I'm not tryna be a dick about it. Just think of learning some moves. Me or Robin could teach you some things." He shrugs. "Hopefully me." Silently adding that, although it didn't escape Superboy's super-hearing, Beast looks around the hangar in search of- 

"Where's Robin?" Superboy asks.