

This will be updated 1-3 times a week depending on my schedule. . Follow my Instagram: Frostfalltw for details on when I'll be uploading chapters . . This is journey of a Hero going through several reincarnations until he loses his sight of heroism. After being tempted with an escape of his nightmare he agrees. Starting an entirely new life, as a different person. In mind...and body. Note: I'm not good at this synopsis thing but I just wanna ask you to join me for the ride. I promise it'll be worth it!

frostfall · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

Evolving Aura


I quickly raise my hand out of the blankets, 'Stop Alarm'

The ringing quickly stops and I sit up on my bed, glaring at the Alarm clock. I tilt my head a little. 'There was never anything like this in my past life, not much has changed but it's still changed.'

I flick the clock and it gives a long *RIIIIING* in retaliation.

Chuzen's still sleeping, in fact I can hear a slight snoring. I get up and gently shake Chuzen's shoulder. "Chuzen, get up, classes will start soon." I say in a loud whisper.

He doesn't react at all.


I put my hand close to his face, at the perfect angle...aaaaannd *THWAP*

He immediately shoots up, "OW!!"

He looks over at me with a glare. I give him a smile in return, "Wakey Wakey!"




I went straight to my classroom after saying bye to Chuzen since we have different classes. Surprisingly I'm the first person in the classroom.

I look around the room in awe. 'So this is it! After all those years I get to be a student now!'

I look around at all the seats and decide to sit in the middle. I plop down in my seat and start gleefully waiting for the class to start.

Other students start to flood in the classroom after a bit and I end up seeing the one girl who got attacked by Elsen.

I laugh to myself, 'It's funny how I know his name but not hers.'

I also so Elson walk in the classroom, and almost right behind him walks in Nev. 'Great the whole crew is here.'

Right behind them walks in a man with an impressive mustache who must be our teacher.

He claps his hands together and I swear I hear an explosion. "Alright class! As the fresh talent of the academy you must first know what aura is! Anyone Volunteer to answer?"

No one in the classroom raises their hand, in fact they look confused. I look towards Nev and even he looks stunned. 'I thought he'd be smart.'

I raise my hand.

"Seiran! Go ahead!"

I lower my hand, "Before I anwser I'd like to say we haven't gotten your name yet Sir."

His eyes widen a bit, "Ah! That's right! Now where are my manners? Call me Mr.Fendall! Go ahead now Seiran introductions are done!"

'His tone, he doubts I know the anwser, fine I'll show you teach.'

I stand up from my desk.

"Aura, the way we measure raw power. While Aura is our raw power we can't use it without magic. Aura can be manipulated in many different ways, for example changing Aura flow or density, to help with specific magic such as healing magic, attack magic, or mind magic. Aura also measures the highest tier of magic a person can use. Aura also has a small on physical power but it is small. Shall I continue teacher?"

The teacher looks a bit surprised, he begins to clap. "Bravo! Bravo indeed! Seems like you've studied a lot Seiran! You may be seated now."

I look around the classroom, some are looking at me in awe, some look annoyed.

I look at Nev and he's giving me a thumbs up, I give him a smile.

I return my attention to the teacher and he's also smiling except...deviously.

"Seiran...you missed something important, aura cores."

'Aura core?! What is that?!'

Mr.Fendall points at the empty wall behind him and a body begins to appear. It's just like a mannequin except it looks more human. Everyone in the room gasps.

Mr.Fendall smiles, "This will help me teach you about aura cores, but I'm guessing you all want me to explain how I did that?"

Everyone in the class says "Yes!" In unison.

Mr.Fendall laughs "Alright then! Though I shouldn't be teaching you this early, it wouldn't hurt!"

He points at the floor a few feet away from him. "I'll make another one right here, I'll do it slowly so watch closely."

Everyone perks up in their seats, eager to see. I do the same.

A dark mist comes from hishand and quickly starts to form a body.

He points at the remaining mist as it's absorbed into the body. "This is aura!" Everyone gasps, Mr.Fendall laughs. "This is what aura looks like outside of the body."

Everyone starts chattering loudly, some sound intrigued, some sound...scared?

Mr.Fendall claps his hand twice, "Alright now to explain how it works." Everyone quickly quiets down.

"Aura is all around our body, no matter how much it'll always be everywhere in our body. Circulating through our limbs, ears, hairs, eyes, absolutely everywhere..."

Mr.Fendall pauses to see if everyone's listening. Everyone nods, urging him to continue.

"Though if you have enough aura and if you practice enough, you can modify your body, such as Hardening skin, creating canine like ears to hear more, or eagle like eyes to see further. Everyone understand?"

Most nod, but Nev raises his hand.

"Yes Nevelon, what's your question?"

I look at Nev, 'Nevelon?'

Nev flinches, "Please call me Nev Mr.Fendall!" Mr.Fendall simply nods. "Back to my question, how do you actually do it?"

Mr.Fendall looks a bit confused, "Nev you know how to move your aura right?"

Nev nods "Yes sir."

Mr.Fendall looks even more confused, "All you have to do is focus and move your aura out of your body wherever you want to modify, and visualize what you want your aura to create. Simple as that, so you understand Nev?"

Nev nods sheepishly, "Yes sir, I thought we had to do something extra to do it."

Some of our classmates giggle a little. Mr.Fendall sakes his head, "Nope, nothing special to it. You just need to know that it's possible, that's about all."

I pause for a minute, I switch flips in my head. "So that's what that was!" Everyone turns to look at me.

I immediately flinch, "I said that outloud."

"You said that outloud." Mr.Fendall says with a slight laugh.

He arches his eyebrow, "So what did you figure out there Seiran? Seems like it was something important."

"Well it's not too important, I just figured something out about one of my skills that's all."

"Well that peaks my interest Seiran, why are you being so vague?"

*Sigh* "Well what you explained earlier about how we can modify our bodies. That's what my skill is except it also amplifies my aura. Let me show you."

'Race magic, Bloodline Transformation.'

I feel my body morphing again but it's not as disturbing anymore, when my transformation finishes I'm a bit smaller but I'm in my full fennec form.

Everyone gasps, except teach he seems very intrigued. "Race magic? Specifically bloodline transformation...interesting. You're one talented kid."

He claps his hands. "Alright class calm down calm down. Let's focus on this lesson, we still need to discuss aura cores..."

'Bloodline transformation, revert form'

I return to normal and try to focus on the lesson.

Mr.Fendall finishes his sentence. "...and how they can make your auras evolve."