

This will be updated 1-3 times a week depending on my schedule. . Follow my Instagram: Frostfalltw for details on when I'll be uploading chapters . . This is journey of a Hero going through several reincarnations until he loses his sight of heroism. After being tempted with an escape of his nightmare he agrees. Starting an entirely new life, as a different person. In mind...and body. Note: I'm not good at this synopsis thing but I just wanna ask you to join me for the ride. I promise it'll be worth it!

frostfall · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Big Hiatus

I need time to get myself together. So I'll be putting this on hiatus until further notice. Thank you to anyone who cared about reading until now. I'll come back next year with a huge pep in my step, my life together, good money, and most importantly...time.

I'll need a good 2k to invest in this book, otherwise it'll never end up on anyone's lap.

I'm really excited to finish this off and improve this, but I don't have enough time to do anything, my free time has be taken from me and I don't want to jump into writing as soon as time opens up otherwise I'll be stressed.

So, for all the readers, no matter if you like this at all, it means a lot that you've checked my book out, and for readings this little rant. You're all very dear to me.

Now finally, it's time to say bye. Sayonara