

Austin was sitting in the cave leaning against the boulder next to the entrance. He was thanking god for the idea of robbing the two pillows from the barrack. He had half of one under him and one behind him.

Togepi was sleeping in the portable nest while eevee was sleeping on the other half of the pillow. In Austin's hands was a bottles that had repel. He filled half of it with water and shook it. He figured this would count as diluted repel.

He was honestly scared at this point he kept hearing terrifying roars. Sometimes he heard sounds of fighting. He was safe for now but after about two hours the repel will wear off. Even with the diluted bottle he might get lucky and survive for another hour.

The scariest thing was that the pokemon seemed even more active at night. the battles wouldn't end and if he focus he can even hear the sound of chomping to tearing and then chewing. This sound in such a situation further increased austin's fear and delusions.

He kept reminding himself that he already did everything he could. He knew he needed more than a few hours to reach the gate of the city. So this was his only plan. Not many Pokemon can break this boulder. Onix roar from before scared most Pokemon in the area. Finally the bottle of repel will keep him safe for two hours. He also never turned on any light or started a fire.

What scared him the most was that it was too dark. He was scared of ghost Pokemon would kill him without noticing. Thanks to eevee next to him and the warmth he felt from togepi hewas able to hold on to his sanity. He decided to meditate as it will calm one down and hopefully slow his heart beat. maybe he might even be able to sleep after emptying the repel bottle.

He stays in his comfortable position and let's go of the knife. He starts to regulate his breathing. He honestly doesn't know the correct way to meditate. The best he got was from joining his mother one time to a yoga class. So he was just trying to emulate the ridiculous scene he witnessed. He did everything without the 'Ummmm' or ' 'Nasmastay'. He also just maintained his posture.

Recalling that funny scene he calmed down. His heart rate returned to normal after some time. For some reason maybe it was because he got too comfy, he fell asleep without realizing it.

Time passed really slow Austin began to dream that he made it back in one piece. Everyone was happy that he survived. As he was about to brag about his adventure. His surrounding changes when a loud roar echoed in the surrounding. He felt a nudge on his side and who up.

He heard a small sound next to him "eve..". When he looked down he noticed eevee was shivering scared. It was still dark out and he didn't know how much time passed. He was sure that the repel effects must have weakened. He waited for a bit, but still did not hear another roar. He also could not hear any movement outside.

He started to pet eevee, trying to calm it down. Eevee looked up at him and saw his soothing gaze. It calmed down but kept looking at him. He then asked eevee if the beast was right outside the cave. As a beast and one that survived this long in the wild eevee had a keen sense for danger.

Eevee shook its head indicating that this beast is still a bit far from their location. The calmed Austin down quite a bit. He sprayed a couple sprays toward the entrance. He decided to spray every ten minutes. He began to recall every Pokemon according to the national Pokédex. He began to count silently.

'1 is Bulbasaur, 2 is Ivysaur,3...."

Just like that he would spray every ten minutes. Occasionally, he would hear roars, other times he would hear sounds of clashing. Sometimes that ground would shake. Time passed and the light of dawn entered through the opening of the cave lighting it up completely.

Austin at this moment felt lucky to be alive. He was so happy he wanted to run out of the cave and yell. He was still level headed and did not act on his feelings.

Austin had finished his diluted repel hours ago. He just kept counting and spray to pass the time and keep calm. After waiting another hour for the sun to rise. Austin grabs eevee and exits the cave slowly. Making sure there was no giant Pokemon he quietly made his way towards the gate.

Final chapter of the day please enjoy. Again I have thought of three scenarios.

1) Arceus and strongest legends bad guys

2) Arceus seal away so no one controls legendarys and world order.

3) team rocket did many fked up shit to the point they caused the legendaries to mistrust humans.


1) Mc Cultivates a Pokemon to overrule Arceus

2) Mc helps free Arceus bringing piece again.

3) MC brings back the trust. Through fancy adventure (mission from legends)

harem4lifecreators' thoughts