
Pokemon: Trainer’s log in a Chaotic World

A Pokemon fanfic based on the fanfic Pokemon chaotic worlds. On fan fiction.com As I have another book and I don’t wanted to get into too much character development. Story will move moderately with occasional timeskips. This story will have light romance but barely. It will focus on Mc. So there will barely be interactions. The story is about a journey of an Mc who is the leader of a Pokemon fan club with the title of professor( I like Pokemon but not to that level) who died and luckily was reincarnated in Pokemon. Only to find out it’s not as innocent and friendly as he thought. Prologue will be the same as chapter one from chaotic world except the ending. I thank revenantzero for a fantastic fanfic. I’m known for haram so most likely it might be haram but since light romance most likely will be only one girl. I have been known to have some grammar issues but it is getting better so help me out when you can. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or its character as well as the original characters made by revenantzero in chaotic world. I do own my own characters and any fakemon if I decide to add them. Also most Pokemon facts will be taken from pokemondb.net. If I change anything I will let you know. Most of it though will be from this database. For anyone looking for detailed info check it out

harem4life · Book&Literature
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94 Chs

The Ordeal 7

After austin finished settling togepi he fed it some moo moo milk, which was provided to him by his late parents, from the pendant. Austin then pulled out potion and applied it to his bruised shoulder and back. As well as his swollen arm. He also applied a potion on eevee's body, so it doesn't accumulate damage from it's time surviving in the forest.

Once he finish he saw onix roar angrily toward him. He also saw that nothing was left from fearow not even its bones. Austin new that onix was angry at him for not feeding him.

"Sorry buddy I could exit to feed you without becoming a trainer. Thankfully I'm currently in the examination stage of becoming a trainer. Don't worry I'll be able to exit as much as I want to feed you.

Oh I wanted to ask you since your a crystal onix are you able to sense crystals and gems in mountains. This has to due with helping you evolve.

It's much harder for you a crystal onix to evolve but don't worry buddy. I have researched this topic and I think I found a way for you to evolve."

Austin's round about words calmed onix down. It also became excited when it heard it can evolve. It always thought it couldn't since it was almost as strong as a steelix. With the right moves it might even win against a steelix. Austin was known as the professor back on earth because he theorized all kind of things about Pokemon.

After making sure onix calmed down, Austin stood up and looked at the sky. He sighed because he felt troubled. He caught an eevee and a newborn togepi but he lost track of time. He read on the computer before the Ordeal that when it gets dark the higher level Pokemon get out to hunt. It's also more dangerous. Some trainers even sighted some ghost Pokemon during the dark.

Even with onix, pokemon in this world wont give him the chance to fight them one on one. Also many of the Pokemon are small and are faster than his onix, so he might not survive if the pokemon decide to attack him directly.

"Onix are you still hungry?" Austin asked. Onix nods back.

"What do you say about eating out a cave for me in this small hill." Austin said pointing on the cliff/hill where togepi fell. Noticing onix not respond, Austin added, " fine I'll also offer a pound of berries that you like."

His parents did put a lot of food in the pendant. He would need at least a year to finish it. Among the food were berries and in his parents note book, onix's favorite berries was mentioned.

Onix doesn't respond but directly begins chomping into the cliff area. Very quickly a small cave formed. Austin then pulls out his knife and begins to cut patches of grass. He places them in front of the entrance. Then he asks onix to bring a boulder and cover most of the cave, leaving a small space enough for Austin to fit in.

Austin then pulls out his the bottle of repel he got from Philips. He dumps it around the opening of the cave. Then he grabs eevee and returns onix, who just finished gulping down his berries, back into its luxury ball. Austin enters the cave. He tells both togepi and eevee to stay silent. He gives them a small meal and remains alert.

It seems that Austin will be spending the night in the forest.

Back at the city gate.

The escort trainer sighs then turns to Philip," It looks like he isn't coming back, its quite possible he is being digested in some victreebel stomach. Let go back at least 4 made it back alive."

Enjoy dudes I’ll release on more chap I think.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts