
Pokemon: The Journey Begins!

The goal of all pokemon trainer is to have their pokemon battle against other pokemon in order for their pokemon to get stronger. If a pokemon gets enough battle experience, it could evolve into another, more powerful creature. In order to be a good pokemon trainer, you must capture a lot of pokemon, train some of them to be really strong in pokemon battles, and most importantly, you must get your pokemon to love you and trust you, or else they won't obey you! This Pokemon fan fiction follows the adventures of Clan Eclairè, a pokemon trainer from Twinleaf Town, who will travel through the different regions of the pokemon world with his friends, meeting all kinds of people and pokemon, stopping evil organizations from stealing and controlling rare pokemon, battling against other trainers and gym leaders, and all the while, Clan Eclairè tries to fulfill his dream of becoming a someone great. .... In every chapter, it contained 1800 - 3500 words in average. ... I'm a 3N person. NO Harem. NO System. NO Cheats. ... If you want to support me in my own journey as a Pokemon Author. An Author that would focus in making Fan Fictions of Pokemons, go to the website: Patreon . com/(not yet available). In here you can find yourself reading chapters ahead of others but in exchange of donating/paying me for the service. For those who are interested, you may go to the website for further explanation.

GRVYRD · Anime & Truyện tranh
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24 Chs

Chapter 022

After the call with his parents, Clan sat down on a sofa, intending to wait for his pokemons before going to his room. While he was waiting he was organizing the days that had passed by and the things that had happened since he had arrived in the city.

Although it was just a few days ago he had gotten his first pokemon, Clan had initially been more focused on training before. But now that he had experience borehand how a life of a trainer was, he had to admit, he had to make his mind straight and create a more specific goal for himself.

Sometime ago, he still had experience one of the greatest shock of his life when he had stumbled upon Anguisa. He had never ever imagined or thought of a person hurting and torturing a pokemon to such extreme lengths not until he had met her. Fortunately he was there to provide help for the poor pokemon, but what of the others who are not so fortunate?

He doubt that in this wide and massive world of pokemon, there would not be a case similar to this one. In fact ever since that day, he had been tinkering with his Pokedex - researching on articles made with cases related to pokemon poaching, and even though he had steeled himself, his stomach chirred inside when he saw videos and pictures of pokemons similar or even way worse than what Anguisa had experience. He was unable to continue reading the contents from the disgust and unconcealed anger that flowed through his being when his thoughts had procceced humans were the ones responsible for such horendous acts.

Not disputes between pokemon, not infights between herds or schools of pokemons, nor generally just pokemon hurting another. But, from his own kind.

That was when, even he knew himself, he got to make a move to this, his person couldn't and wouldn't want to let this continue. It isn't just a simple matter as 'want', it is in the threshold of 'need' because it is essential for every pokemon and human, in the matter that it could potentially ignite turmoils if left unattended.

Clan sighed as he massaged his temples. He truthfully wanted to make it happen, but how?

That was when an old man who named himself Mustard appeared, and from Nurse Joy's reaction, he was a bigshot. Clan was stoked when his identity as a ex-champion of a region was revealed to him.

When it came to foresight, Clan was confident to say he humbly had a knack of it. However, his path ahead is quite uncertain. On the past, given the opportunity he would jump on it without hesitation. Joining a powerhouse such as Mustard on his dojo could do wonders on his growth if he decided to go for it. But, is it really ideal for a newly licensed trainer to join some training institute? Clan doubt he'll learn the real cruelty of realities as a trainer as a more confined trainee. Besides, he is still young, he was at the start of his growth spurt, being free and not being tied to anything is a more preferable option Clan was leaning on.

Most dreams don't follow common sense, his dream was to become strong like a gym leader, a champion of a region, a pokemon ranger, etc. At the same time, help pokemons who were treated so unfairly. His sight could even be beyond those individuals who posessed such great strength, he wanted to be more. The only problem is, he don't have a damn single clue on what to start with to achieve that, besides the part of training his pokemon for future challenges. As a trainer, strengthening his pokemon should be his priority. But, for what case exactly? Just be be strong? Protect his family from dangers? How can he do that when he couldn't even settle his own personal goals.

His thoughts were in a conflict. His mind was throbbing as he lowered his head and tried to relax and think less of the matter.

He stood up from where he sat when the speakers notified his pokemon ready to be retrieved.


Clan absentmindedly grabbed his pokemon's pokeballs and clipped it on his belt, deciding to release them inside his room later.

He thanked Nurse Joy for the service before slowly climbing up the stairs heading towards his resting place.

After getting inside he released Solaris and Anguisa from their pokeballs. With a flash of red lights, they immediately chirpped and growled at him when they materialized.

Both of the pokemon noticed the droopey eyes Clan had on his face, worried they approached him and rub their head on his pants.

Sitting down on his bed, Clan smiled reassuringly at them and said. "I'm alright guys, I'm just a bit tired that's all. We've been grinding on our training really hard lately. Also a human's physiology is different to you durable life forms." When he saw their puzzled faces, he explained. "In other words, I'm weaker than you guys."

He picked both of his pokemon up and placed them beside both his sides from where he sat on the bed. "Oh wow Anguisa. You've really gained some weight, that's really good. You're even more heavier than our buddy Solaris at the moment. I guess all the stress and tension from training and duels with other trainers paid off aye?"

Anguisa crooned in an agreement, she looked at her small frame and noticed muscles were on her still malnourosh but improved body. She rubbed her head happily on Clan since without him, she would have been an unknown cause.

"Solaris, Anguisa. I had an important matter I wanted to discuiss." Both pokemons perked up in attention as their gazes bore fully on Clan. "A person approached us earlier and asked about joining a massive training institute that could train us in pokemon battling and forms related to such." Both of them seemed to be excited by that, if it relates to 'training' or 'battling' Anguisa and Solaris is a hundred percent in for it, they kept listening.

"It is called a dojo, also the thing to note is, it is located on another region, far far from here, a region called Galar. I wanted to hear what you guys think of this. Should we go for it?"

Clan decided to share the troubles his mind was having currently since sharing problems with each other was what a family should do. Also, he wanted to hear his pokemon's own opinion since the circumstance is associated with them.

This bought both pokemon into thinking. Eventually though, they deeply rested their gaze on Clan while also calling out their pokemon names. Pokemons are not just magical creatures but they also held great intelect and logic, pokemons could dicern what humans spoke through their mouth but it doesn't work vice versa, humans had to perceive through body language, expression or other ways. That's why when Solaris and Anguisa spoke their opinions, Clan had to take a moment to fully interpret it although with the help of great body acts of both.

"You're saying you will leave the decision wholely to me?" Clan was left in a daze for a few seconds. He blinked a few times before noticing the trust his pokemons had, he wasn't that surprise with Solaris however, Anguisa was the surprising one, just a few days ago she had been skeprical and distant with him.

Clan smiled cheerfully as he bear hugged both of them. All that training had developed a bond with them, having spent with them for just a small amount of time frame was enough for their little team to quickly resonate with each other.

What he doesn't know, however, even to Solaris and Anguisa, that Clan had a unique charm to him that attract and made people and pokemon alike lean on him unknowingly.

Clan talked to his pokemons for a bit before ending it shortly after. Clan, who was very exhausted to begin with, felt even more tired having been thinking all those relatively important stuff.

He had Solaris and Anguisa situate comfortably beside him on the bed but he knew helplessly they would sprawl over his body after falling asleep.

Clan also got himself ready for bed. The second his body hit the bed he fainted to dreamland.



Hello my dear readers. I humbly apologise for my tardiness regarding posting and updating for a month, almost two on the fanfiction. I've been too occupied lately with my schedule since I'm still a student, additionally I don't want to post and create a chapter that isn't up to par with the quality I would prefer because of being mentally tired. For a few weeks, there's a rest fortunately given to us by our school, so expect some consistent release and some. Thank you so much my friends, adelante~!