
Pokemon: The forsaken world

In the world of Pokémon A boy named Grey woke up on the world of Pokémon but it was nothing like what remembered A world where there is cut throat competition and a crazy group of fanatics follow the mc on the journey beyond P.S no potential no pokefillia no Harem no BS this world will not be based on any region for now but it will eventually reach there the plot will be mine and if anyone has ideas or queries regarding Pokémon abilities they can ask my own knowledge is very little and all of it comes from half forgotten anime and some Pokémon games

Duke_Sahib · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

Chapter 6 The outcome

After a while two people entered the room Both were completely average looking and almost forgettable

I pulled out the Pokeball and it was on the ground

Houndour came out with a flash

" Houuundour" It howled

with lullaby already on the floor

The other kids pulled out a Meowth and Raticate

" Houndour use smog " trying to poison both of them

" Vullaby use gust " The boy next to me commanded

' Huh smart play kid ' I thought

" Houndour use Ember on Raticate"

" Meowth use fake out " Boy one called out

Meowth intercepted Houndour making him flinch

" Raticate use bite, " The second boy said coming out of shock

" Houndour use rock smash on Raticate " Houndour jumped on command hitting directly the raticate on his head with a rock smash

Raticate fainted

" Vullaby use dark pulse " Vullaby let out dark-coloured energy which hit the Meowth

making it faint

the opponents returned their Pokemon and left this happened two more times

Berg entered the room

" Come on kids round is over " After that, we left the room

we again returned

this time the crowd was considerably less than before

" Congratulations on completing the round " Iris spoke this time with a hint of admiration

" Now you are the cream of the crop but this is not what we want but the very best so this round will filter out the average "

suddenly the lights went out

" This round is going to be a... death match" now that caused some uproar

Iris clicked her tongue making everyone stop there and muttering

" As you know dark types are known for their brutality if you aren't brutal you are worthless to us," Iris said retreating

The room went silent I pulled out my pokeball by feeling around and covered my face

with a flash, houndour came out confused

the light illuminated the faces of everyone for a brief second

I slowly made my way to a corner while everyone around we're noisy people using moves and trying to kill each other

" Houndour spam Smog quickly " I commanded silently

After about two minutes people found the poison in the air but until then the poison had done the deed

Suddenly the lights turned on revealing the room

bodies all around the room some were bloodied with paw marks all around

The same eye patch boy was in the corn or opposite to me with a dead body near him

and in the centre was the purple hair boy with his Pawniard who was panting trying to get a breather

Iris opened the door with a gas mask on her face with Berg trailing her with a gas mask of his own

" Good job to you now you three are officially Dark side's members" and turned around going back

turning around

" Are you going to follow or plan to sleep here" she squinted at us

Berg crouched down next to Paul the arrogant boy and plunged an EpiPen thing into his thigh


he gasped and opened his eyes

I walked past him returning Houndour to his pokeball

The other boy too returned his Pokemon

we followed Iris through the hallways at a point we were going down after about five minutes we reached an opening

looking at the sky I noted how the sun was still about to set but then I realised that the sun was rising rather than setting. we were out of the city and in front of us was a shut power.

' most of the power plants in the Pokemon universe are either shut or taken by legendaries' I mused in my head

we entered the power plant looking around the plant the inside was quite well furnished instead of transformers there were large battlegrounds and offices were turned into rooms. the power plant itself looked clean with people leaning on the second floor looking at us with scrutiny

Iris clapped her red bracelet shining with a stone

wait a minute

a keystone

a fricking keystone

I kept my mind blank so that my emotions cannot be seen and stashed the thought for later

" Today we have three more promising recruits now as their seniors we have the responsibility to take care of them " she shouted the last part at a girl far to the right

the same girl lifted her hand. she was a Burnett with pale yellow eyes and some big assets.

" Yes Monica " Iris lifted her eyebrow

" So how do we have to take care of these kids the only way I know is " Monica made her hand into a fist and mimicked stroking up and down while making a slurping noise. the eye patch kid made a disgusted expression while the Paul kid just looked at her equal amount of disgust.

" Seriously don't touch them Monica " Iris scowled at her and left

after that, we followed her to the office

There she sat in the reclining chair closing her eyes

" Any questions? " she asked lifting an eye

" Why did you release the poison gas if it was a death match " Paul burst out in outrage," I thought you didn't work with the Poison gang

" It wasn't us kid it was him," she said pointing her finger at me

Paul turned his face at me and was about to burst into another tantrum but when Iris replied

" I do not condemn your act Kid what you did was brutal and effective but that is what we respect by any means necessary one must secure victory"

She said looking at me with interest sparkling in her eyes

" Here write your request here on this form for your starters " she gave them the forms

picking up the form I read through the list. there was no good dark type to have on the list

now that was a bummer

looking up I pulled out my pokeball of Houndour

and gave her the pokeball.

" You don't want a Pokemon" she lifted her brow

" I already have one " I rasped as my throat was dry

she nodded and then handed me a card

" This is your card to your room in the upper part of the plant near the too we don't have much room for now but the view up there is good" she gave me a genuine smile

I lifted my bag and lugged the heavy ass bag up the stairs now that was a pain

The attic was smooth with a glass window on the roof revealing the sky

there was a mattress on one side and some blankets to the right pulling out my pokeballs I released my pokemon

Pancham looking around one ran up to the mattress and claimed it

which made my already bad day worse

pulling out the bowls I gave them their food and tried to bait Pancham off the mattress

but he just stayed on the Mattress

so at last I gave it to him

and unfolded my bedroll suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder turning around I saw Frogadier

" Froga Frogadier," he said pointing at the mattress

" Nah you can take it Frogadier I can use the bed roll use the mattress," I said feeling a little touched

Frogadier swiped some Frubles off him and placed them on the floor to add extra spacing for me.

" Thanks, Frogadier " I nodded to him

Golett just waddled near me and then turned himself off like a bot I too went to sleep

' Do golett even need to sleep ' I thought before falling asleep with the fricking mask on


I woke up late in the afternoon and pried the mask off

" How the hell did I sleep with this thing on" I muttered

" But it did feel good " I shook my head picking myself off the bedroll I stretched a little

Pop Pop

" Ah " I grunted as my back stretched out

I slowly made my way to a corner and tried to stretch my body ever since I came here I had tried to do some exercise for flexibility but now it just made me feel good so I did it out of habit I packed my bag and prepared food for both me and my Pokemon and then started preparing myself

with a mask on

The mask was to hide my face so that no one can relate me to an official trainer as this will give me a bad mark on the Id

I pulled on cream-coloured shorts which reached up to my knees with black shinobi socks up to the knee with shinobi sandals

I had brought these here in Riverside

I pulled on a black T-shirt and fingerless gloves

" At least I look cool " I narcissistically said to myself in the mirror I strapped on the magnet belt

and proceeded to make my way down


from now on there will be one chapter a day or sometimes a chapter every two days( very less likely of happening but meh)

so bear with me

but on holidays I think I will try to push out two chapters

I got to school and shit so have to prepare

keep supporting my friends