
Chapter 5 Dark

The next day I woke up early in the morning and then went to the centre's cafeteria I had my breakfast with the team this was to introduce both Frogadier and pancham to Golett while Frogadier and Pancham had a little conversation with the Golett who replied to them with great enthusiasm

Golett is automation but still being a ghost has sentience. its core was shining dimly sometimes with occasional flicker what I found about him was that Golett follow orders quite faithfully so deciding to get a look at its talent

walking out of the centre we went to the battleground behind the centre

the area was quite spacious to look at I called out both Frogadier and pancham to see the capability

" Golett you will fight pancham are you ready to fight? " I asked

Golett bobbed his head in affirmation

"so let us get started, Pancham you will use arm thrust and use it as I have taught you " I commanded sternly Pancham gave a little salute to you. I had taught Pancham to strike multiple times in a row with the left arm striking first then the right arm and then an uppercut then repeat the circle

Pancham then came inside the ring and charged up to Golett

" Golett use astonish" Golett shot out a dark purple energy shot which hit Pancham point blank in the face who had come within the striking distance this made Pancham flinch as the accuracy of the attack was high because of Golett's ability no guard. this ability was like a double-edged sword

" Now attack with thunder punch " this was a TM move which I had been curious about

Golett suddenly rolled forward covering the distance which left me shocked and then admiring the fighting specialist who had taught Golett.

By rolling Golett had overcome one of its weakness that is speed

Golett rolled forward and punched Pancham in the ribs with the thunder punch. this didn't damage much but still made Pancham twitch.

Pancham who had come in a range of Golett used Arm thrust hitting two times before Golett could retreat

Golett now had suffered some injuries as Golett had lower attack power and defence was weaker then Pancham

" Golett use mud slap " Golett bobbed his head and retracted his legs to get near the ground and started windmilling his arms this caused mud shots to be fired at Pancham

Pancham at first dodged but as He shifted his position Golett just too shifted his position like an artillery unit

at last Pancham hot hit in the head making him faint

I nodded sagely Golett was superior to pancham in the fighting aspect but only barely that too while pancham not using dark type move

I returned pancham and golett and then brought them to heal in the centre

while I made Frogadier try to learn smackdown and water pulse. what I want was for Frogadier to learn Hydro pump.

Now all I needed was some training and resources which can be provided by a gang. I held back on the money because I wanted to buy some TM's

After calling out both Golett and Pancham I crouched down and started drawing their plans

" Pancham you will spar with Golett and try to catch him and use Seismic toss. Golett try to reinforce yourself with Steel energy " I said then lifted a brow " Do you understand Pancham saluted while Golett too followed him and waddled to the side of the ground

They had a competitive streak in them that I could understand

I walked over to Frogadier

" Frogadier are you free," I asked Frogadier gently

" Frogadier Froga? " Frogadier asked looking at him

I nodded not understanding him but still, I could sense his meaning

"I want to discuss some strategy with you," I told him

after a while, we tried to use the tactic Frogadier started using quick attacks in succession

what I have learned is that some moves cannot be taught to most Pokemon but that doesn't mean no other Pokemon can learn Them. In this world, some circumstances can lead some Pokemon to learn odd moves which others of their kind cannot learn. Like a Pikachu learning Endeavour because of its abused past

I plan on teaching Frogadier Extreme speed while it could not learn now but on Evolution, it can. Extreme speed is a move which can only be learned by Pokemon which is the fastest of its kind

Now If we practice he can learn the move of Evolution

I leaned back thinking of the possibility that the move can bring

After an hour I returned my Pokemon giving them the rest. after that, I went to the mask shop that I had contacted earlier that day. I had ordered a custom mask with some black clothes like a jacket with a big hood and some black baggy pants. The mask is mainly made out of leather and covers most of my face except my left eye and hair. The mask has "artificial" teeth and exposed gums on it to make it look more realistic. The mask also has a zipper on the mouth area. this was a tribute to the man who I have the appearance off. pulling on the mask It fits snugly on my face. I grinned to myself I always wanted to try this mask in my past but never got over the shame of wearing it in public

pulling down the hood I started my journey towards the sixth ward

That was where the Dark gang resided

after entering the ward what I noticed was that everything was silent there was an occasional flicker of street lamps but nothing else

I made my way to the central building in the area that used to be a corporate building

I could feel some eyes on my back as if watching my movement

after going to the Entrance of the building I stopped

Suddenly an Umbreon appeared and with a flick of its ear It motioned to walk on

I opened the door revealing myself in a spacious reception where a man with an oni mask stood

I froze

" what are you here for, " The man asked stiffly but the pressure which excluded him was palpable

" I want to join, " I said calmly

" Go away, boy," He said sternly

I didn't move

" Come on then your funeral " he huffed Umbreon at his side

looking at him now he was wearing a military black cap and a fur cloak draped on his side it also had a silver chain as a clasp

I followed him deeper into the building

the building was bare of any furniture they walked down the hallway and then went down the basement

In the basement, there was a huge crowd of about fifty people present and next to them was a dim lit stage with a ' woman' standing there staring at them. people, all around we're getting with each other and looking around there were a fair bit of people doing a mask

I shrugged and went into the crowd while silently starting at the girl because whom I had mistaken for a woman was a girl about eighteen years she had long spiky silver hair and piercing blue eyes she wore a grey tank top with white baggy pants and ridden sandals with black socks overall she looked cool and hot

" so everyone presents here wants to join? huh Berg " the girl spoke her voice a calm and monotonous voice

" Yes Iris, " the man who had brought me named Berg said

she started her head

" Hmm so everyone here will take one Pokemon from that nice-looking guy whom I don't remember then I will give you an hour to prepare for the battle until then, adios," she said and then returned back

that caused a lot of promotions people hurried to get a Pokemon some stayed behind to chance to get a better Pokemon in their leisure

I walked up to the guy who was giving out Pokemon

" what Pokemon do you have, " I asked quietly

" We have Dark Rattata, Dark Raticate, Dark Meowth, Murkrow, Houndour, Poochyena and stinky "

' Typical grunt Pokemon I think they are going for grunt recruiting' I thought what I had learned that The Dark gang sometimes organise tournaments for trainers but to see their skills they provide them with Pokemon this had a hidden motive to train the Pokemon that was kept in reserve I had also learned that they give out rare Pokemon but this seems like a typical recruitment

I picked up a Houndour from the crate it had a sticky note attached to it telling me its moves and ability

ability flash fire

moves: Ember, Smog, Bite, Fire fang, crunch thunder fang leer, howl, taunt, and nasty plot

all houndour had the same move with some having an egg move like mine houndour had thunder fang

I went to corn or of the room then released Houndour

Houndour was a pup-like Pokemon he blinked once then sat down looking at him with tongue lolling out

" Hound " he barked

"Now houndour if you follow my lead I will win us this match and if you get lucky you can become more powerful and get adopted too so how about we work together huh, " I said with a businesslike tone

Houndour contemplated my words then nodded and placed his paw on my hand

This will be great houndour was trained and knew that he was just to follow the orders of trainers

I quickly made my way to the stall giving TM's for use these were just for us and we were free

I picked up a flamethrower, protect and rock smash

only three uses were allowed by a member

after a while, Iris came back this time with an Absol

" Now everyone lines up here" she pointed to the side of the room

after everyone had lined up she pulled out a tablet and looked at it

" First round will be a double round partner with a person and shake their hand to gesture "

I looked around for the first time two people caught an arrogant-looking boy with purple hair and the other was a blond boy with an eye patch

I walked over to him and extended my hand

he was surprised but after gauging me accepted

after that, we were ushered to the next room


there will be Two fight scenes then finals

I don't want this hanging too long

but please give me some remarks

and some ideas about new Pokemon

Team 1




physic. ?



Team 2

( Larvitar or Gible)

( Treeko or...)


