
Pokemon: Story of a Master

This story will take you to the journey of a trainer who became pokemon master through his adventures. I tried making it realistic as much as possible, but still you may find some content or some part absurd. My English isn't that good and I don't have a translator to translate it for you all, but will still try to make it as understandable as possible. May have similarities to some novels (My own which I stopped due to work load, Pokemon-Master of Steel)

devil_trainer · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs


Vermilion City:

Vermilion City port was lively today early in the morning, reason was because ship from pokemon university was going to reach here today with students, students were returning back to their home after whole one year.

*Puh* *Puh* Their were two short horns followed by one long horn sound from the oncoming ship, it means ship was reaching near port and it also works as a warning to those standing too close to port.

After 10-15 minutes ship was docked near Port 3 and Anchors were down, Ethen and team heard the announcement about ship reaching to Vermilion port. "We are finally back home." Said Ethen to his Scyther who was also excited to return home after one whole year.

Ethen recalled Scyther back to pokeball, picked up his poke-phone and then exited the his cabin. When he turned towards way to exit he saw Max coming towards his cabin along with Shauna, Janina and Tommy.

"Excited to return home ?" Asked Ethen to his friends.

"Yes, I am too excited. My sister May sent me message on my pokephone that she is here to pick me up." Said Max excitedly.

"And my brother Brock is coming to pick me up." Tommy also entered conversation.

"Wow, I will be meeting Brock again after 4 years, I really miss those days when I was travelling through Hoenn along with my sister May, Ash and Brock. Those were really great memories." Max said making a face like he was recalling his beautiful memories.

"I really envy you Max, you travelled along with my Idle Ash Ketchum." *Sigh* "I hope, I will be able to meet him some day too." Sighed Ethen.

"I promise to help you meeting Ash when he returns from his journey from that faraway region." Max said while putting his hands around Ethen to cheer him up.

"Yeah, I will tell my brother to help too." Said tommy who put his hand on other shoulder of Ethen.

"Boys are such emotional fools." Sighed Shauna while shaking her head and Janina just giggled covering her mouth with her small hands.

"What did you say, say it again if you dare." Max said while looking angrily at Shauna.

"Yeah I can say it, who is afraid of you. YOU ARE A FOOL." Said Shauna with a taunting face, saying last sentence word by word. Max almost jumped on her to hit her if it wasn't for Ethen and Tommy who hold him back.

It wasn't first time when Max and Shauna bickered with each other, Ethen has already seen it countless times in last one year. There was one day when Ethen wasn't around and only Max and Shauna were training when Max commented on her training style which angered Shauna who punched Max on face, after Ethen returned he had hard time controlling his laugh because Max's left eye was black and swollen and he also had bruises over his hands and neck, Shauna wasn't much well off too but her bruises weren't as visible as of Max.

"Can you two stop it, we have reached and almost everyone has exited ship, let's go or you both want to return to University on same ship ?" Said Ethen with a little anger on face. Ethen was youngest member of group but was most intelligent and also more mature than others. Whereas Max was intelligent but was not mature enough compared to Ethen, Shauna was mature but she always try to find fault in whatever Max was doing which resulted in fight or bickering between them. Whereas Janina was an easygoing and friendly person, she can mix up with people easily. Tommy on other side pretended to be a tough and unapproachable guy but Ethen knew he was most caring person in group.

Finally group of five exited the ship and looked around to find their guardians. Ethen quickly found his father who was standing with Scizor in a corner. Ethen pointed towards his father while telling his friends that he will be there and they can come there after they found their guardians. After saying that he ran towards his father.

"DAD." Ethen sad while still running towards his father.

"Slow down young man." Said William who was little worried about Ethen.

After finally reaching to his father, Ethen hugged his father who bend a little so that Ethen can easily hug him, then Ethen greeted Scizor who nodded back with a smile on her face.

"How was your journey ?" asked William to Ethen who was still breathing little heavily because he ran almost 150 mtr.

"It was great. Don't you wanna know about how was my year." Said Ethen Excitedly.

"I want to but you can tell all of us together when we return back home. Shall we leave ?" Said William while caressing head of Ethen.

"No, wait, My friends are here too, I will introduce you to them." Said Ethen who looked behind to see if his friends were coming but there was no sign of his friends.

William also looked at Ethen who was looking behind towards Ship, after only 5 minutes Ethen smiled and started waving his hand, William looked up and saw a kid of age around 10 who was wearing specs was coming along with a girl age around 18 or 19 (I am showing here that May started her journey at age of 15.) walking towards them. William recognized girl as Famous pokemon coordinator from Hoenn, May Maple.

Max quickly arrived where Ethen was standing and greeted his father, " Sister, this is Ethen, my best friend and roommate about whom I have told many times." Said Max to May while introducing Ethen.

"Hello Ethen, I really heard alot about you from Max. He told us about how you both train your pokemon together." Said May to Ethen, "Ah, by the way where are other members of your training group, you said there are total five of you." Asked may to Max while looking a little confused.

But before either of Max or Ethen could reply they heard, "Ethen, Max." it was tommy who was coming towards them with his brother and behind him were Shauna with a guy who had Blue Spiky hairs and Blue Eyes, and Janina with a Man in his thirties who had black hairs and brown eyes and was wearing glasses.

Within sometimes they reached and Tommy introduced Ethen to his brother, there was no need to introduce Max as Brock already knew about Max. After introduction from all, Ethen found that Man with Shauna was Brawly, Gym Leader of official gym in Dewford City and man with Janina was her father Mr. Jack Ferrand, he worked in a government office in Olivine City and was at high post.

Ethen talked alot with May and Brock about how he idolize Ash and how he is a big fan of fighting style of Brock and May. Both of them as a senior gave tips to the kids and brawly also gave training tips to five kids who were going to join University as second year student after two months, where they will have to train pokemon provided by University, also do some quests as per instruction of University and Battle with wild pokemons then there is a compulsory tournament for each year's students among them which also has some weightage in their marks.

After having lunch they all bid farewell to each other and Max warned Ethen not to slack off from training because after two months they will have a fight to see who is more powerful and this time he was determined to defeat Ethen.

After everyone left, William looked towards his son and asked, "Ready to return home ?" Ethen nodded in reply and William called out his Pidgeot which flew towards Mulberry City with William and Ethen riding on him.

Chapter Ends.