
Pokemon: Skill Index

He looks like Nanami need I say more?

Pupipow · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

You know the drill

Main Character

Gale Cook


Worked at an outsourcing company.

Grew up watching zoids, pokemon, yu gi oh, basically kids anime from 2000's.

Reads manhwa, manhua, manga after work.

Have an imaginary social energy bar that pretty much gets depleted easily.

Likes silence but always wanted a companion

A cat lover but doesn't plan to keep one

A good cook not because he wants to but because of his last name

Both parents died when he was 16 (for development lol)

Likes chisme whether it be office chime or neighbor chisme

Died from overwork, gets to meet God then given two choices (because of karma yadayada), either reincarnate to pokemon world with perks or reincarnate to same world to an oligarchy class.

The choice is pretty much obvious from a guy at mid 20's who grew up watching pokemon.

His perks are status index from unscientific beast taming. (manhua) (watered down version) (because I want to)

Ability to understand pokemon's speech.(basically N's ability from pokemon black)

Miscellaneous cheats from pokemon games like max money, all items, medical items, tms and hms, berries, pokeballs. (I won't include legendary items like arceus plates, griseous orb, etc. Because well wtf it's pretty obvious) This comes with storage space but items from the cheat can be stored

Quick Mastery (I read a fanfic with this as a cheat but it was pretty glonky for me. Still it was a good read.)

Handsome I mean if it was you being reincarnated would you want to be an average looking fapper or a complete stud fapper??

I start of with this as I personally don't read every fanfics first chapter so yeah kiss my ass.

He look like Nanami but I don't want to name him as Nanami because I want to follow pokemon's naming scheme. (Proffessor oak, ash, red, leaf, blue you know the drill so he's gale lolol)

I'll adjust the world's legal age to be a trainer to 18. I mean who in their right mind will let a kid travel around the country on their own? (It's like Bianca's dad from pokemon black game is the only person in the entire pokemon world to think that it's pretty wonky to let his daughter run around the coutry on her own.)