
Pokemon: Skill Index

He looks like Nanami need I say more?

Pupipow · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Quick Mastery

It's been 16 years since I was reincarnated, even though there are some rough days I thoroughly enjoyed my days at this new magical world.

I was born at Pewter City, Kanto Region from a couple who runs a bakery.

I'm currently here at Pokemon School apparently at this world those who aspires to be a trainer have to be atleast 18 years old and must be a graduate from a Pokemon School to be eligible for a Trainer ID.

It's kind of a really good setting because up until now it still doesn't make sense to me that an underage brat is traveling the country on foot then camping outdoors.

It makes you wonder how was it possible for those kids to survive in a world with literal bees half the size of humans.

The education system here is pretty much the same from my old world. You start elementary school at the age of 6 after that high school for four years then additional two years for specialization.

Though it is pretty boring going to school again but I've always liked this kind of stable life if there wasn't the existence of pokemons here I will pretty much stay here at this city and inherit the family bakery.

One thing that's pretty wonky though is that the status index that I've got still have not been activated, apparently I have to get a pokemon partner and surprise surprise there are laws here that prohibits people under the age of 16 to be bonded with a pokemon unless it was an accidental bond or pokemon that are affiliated with the family.

Before, I thought that people who can sense aura were pretty rare but it was pretty common here rather those who can manipulate their aura were the ones that's very rare.

Being bonded with a pokemon means that the pokemon and yourself has acknowledged each other as a partner rather than the game setting where you can just throw a pokeball at any pokemon and if you catch them you're pretty much good to go.

It's a cool setting but it just makes being a trainer much more harder fortunately there are pokemon daycare that acts as a pseudo breeding center where you can try your luck.


"Alright kids for those who don't have a pokemon that is prepared by their families tomorrow we will be going to a pokemon daycare just remember to bring your important documents!"

The teacher reminds the students who are visibly bored from day long lessons.

'Man I wish there were electabuzz or magmar at the daycare.'

As I was getting ready to get out of the classroom my seat mate approached me and whisper something to me.

"Hey I have a really super secret info for you!"

"Everythings a super secret info for you Todd."

I replied while battling the urge to twitch my eyes.

"No, really this one's a really good secret info."

"Alright man spill it out."

"You know my Uncle Wyatt right?"


"He just graduated as a Profesional Breeder and got a job at the daycare and he told me that there was a newly hatch Scyther at the daycare!"

'A Scyther is a really great pokemon but with their temper it will be pretty hard for a beginner to initiate an aura bond with them though it's still a pretty great choice for a starter.'

"Meh. Even if there is a Scyther we pretty much won't be the one who will have a chance to interact with it."

Todd pretty much deflate at my words

"Man what a way to kill the mood. Anyway it doesn't hurt to dream right? After all it wasn't that long since the discovery of Scyther's evolution to Scizor so it's pretty much the trend right now."

"That might also be the reason for the boom for Scyther's population."

"Yeah but enough about that. What pokemon will you be getting tomorrow? My family prepared a Poliwag for me apparently it was the son from my uncle's Poliwrath."

"A Poliwag huh? That's a pretty good Pokemon if you were aiming to compete for the Indigo League with. After evolving to Poliwhirl you'll have a high chance of defeating Brock. You just gotta watch out for his Onix."

"Baaa! Brock's Geodude is still a force to reckon with, even though his Gym was recommended to the new trainers by the League doesn't mean he's weak."

"Alright anyway I'm pretty tired so I'll be going on first."

"But you still didn't answer my question!"

Todd shouts as I quickly walk away from him. I'm pretty excited for tomorrow as I will be able to activate my skill index, even though the quick mastery is super op as throughout the years I've been constantly using it to strengthen my body.

As of now my body is at the stage where I could run as fast as a cheetah for an extended period of time probably like 2-3 hours I don't know the exact limit as I haven't test it before anyway it was pretty clear that human body in this world have a limit as I've reach the limit of strength and speed of a human though my stamina kept on increasing even if it's only by a bit.

What's special about Quick Mastery is that it helps with the awakening and development of aura and mental energy. I'm a pretty good aura user myself and I've developed it to different types of elemental energy. At first I thought that aura can only be use to strengthen the body and aid for personal battle but that was the very basic way to use it.

Through repeated experiments with my Parents Pidgeot I've developed it to aid on their training. Mental energy in turn were really useful as it will passively protect my mind to avoid getting mind fuck by Psychic type Pokemons though it wasn't that strong when I was just starting but I can confidently say that I'm pretty much immune to level 30 and below Psychic attack.

Bit of an info dump no worries though as I'm only explaining his abilities that are not self explanatory

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