
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews complaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · Anime & Truyện tranh
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865 Chs

CH8 (31), North Cleared And Bonds

As soon as Mikail entered the picnic area his parents noticed him, so when he greeted them, they were looking at the Natu on his head.

"Mikail, honey.

Why is there a Natu on your head?

You did notice the Pokemon on your head, right?"

Came the question from his mother.

"Yes, mommy.

I was walking around.

Then Natu landed in front of me.

Natu said he thinks I am interesting.

I think he is great.

Natu wanted to follow me.

I said okay.

He flew up and landed on my head.

Then Emerald came and talked with Natu.

After that, I continued walking."

His parents listened to his explanation and threw a look towards their Butterfrees after Mikail was done.

Emerald nodded to confirm Mikail's answer and his parents looked at each other before his father started talking.

"So Natu came to you and said that he finds you interesting.

Both of you "talked" and Natu said he wants to follow you.

You agreed because you like Pokemon and think Natu is great.

Afterward, you continued to walk around with Natu on your head.

Did I get that right?"

Mikail nodded.

"Natu said he likes me.

I like him too.

He wants to go home with me."

He put on a hopeful face, activated his puppy eyes, and continued with an upward look.

"Can he please?


He can play with me.

I like Natu.


Let's take Natu home."

His parents looked at each other before debating whether to accept Mikail's plea or not.

"This is the second time a Natu has taken an interest in our boy.

Mikail seems to have an affinity with Natus."

Arya began and Edward continued.

"Yes, that seems to be the case, but I want to know how a Natu of all things turned up at Hope Hill.

There were no Natu's living here before and I haven't heard of any Natu migration happening.

So there are a few possible reasons but 3 are the most likely."

Edward turned towards Natu who had been acting cute until now and had been quietly listening.

"Did you run away from the petting zoo?"

Natu simply acted confused when he heard the question.

Conveying confusion and seemingly saying petting zoo, what's that?

Mikail's father nodded when he saw Natu's reaction.

"So, you are not from the petting zoo.

I thought so as well but I had to make sure.

I believe we would have heard something if the petting zoo was missing a Pokemon."

Mikail after hearing his father's conclusion gave Natu a mental thumbs-up before he listened to the continuation of the exchange.

"Did a trainer release you here, or any other human?"

Natu who heard the question shook his head.


I believe Natu would have been a bit more cautious towards humans in that case, but it was one of the options that made the most sense.

My next idea is the one I believe to be the most likely reason for Natu's presence here.

Did you get separated from your family or flock while traveling/flying through here?"

Natu shook his head once more after Mikail's father had finished speaking.

Arya interjected after seeing Natu denying Edwards options.

"How did you get here then?"

Natu expressed that it was an accident.


How can one accidentally turn up at someplace?

Did you get lost?"

Natu once again shook his head.

Conveying that he wasn't the cause.

"Not done by you?

Wait a moment.

No way.

Did you startle another psychic and got randomly teleported away?"

Natu acted bashfully and shyly nodded.

Mikail's parents couldn't control themselves and started laughing after hearing the true reason.

Mikail was impressed by Natu's acting skills.

Edward seemed to get curious and asked.

"Was it an Abra?"

Natu simply nodded.

"Did you touch it while it was sleeping?"

Natu nodded once again.

Edward and Arya relaxed a bit after finding out the reason for Natu's presence, concluding that they would not have to deal with others coming for Natu.

Arya addressed Natu once more.

"Are you sure that you want to follow us home?

If you do, you will have to listen to us, and you aren't allowed to create any ruckus.

Besides, you will be Mikail's Pokemon not ours so we won't train you, that will be Mikail's job in the future.

We will simply provide you a safe place to stay and enough food to eat, getting stronger will depend on you and Mikail.

Knowing all of this, do you still want to come home with us?

Is your interested in Mikail enough to make such a decision?"

Natu pretended to consider before nodding his head and exclaiming.

"Na. Natu."

Conveying his acceptance and expressing something like no problem.

Arya and Edward looked at each other seemingly having a silent conversation, before nodding.

Edward then said.

"Okay in that case you are allowed to stay with us."

Mikail felt elated hearing his parents agree to his request.

He did what everyone, especially children, would have done in such a situation, he celebrated.

Mikail took Natu down from his head, he hugged Natu and started dancing while exclaiming.



Natu you can come home with me.

That's great.

You can be my friend.

My first Pokemon.


Mikail's parents were happy that their son was happy and Arya did not forget to film this important moment.

A bit later Arya told them that it was time to eat their lunch and they did exactly that.

After their lunch, they went on a short stroll through the hill together.

His parents telling a few stories while they were walking.

After their walk, they returned to their resting place and relaxed there.

They played some outdoor games before they returned home for dinner.

His parents made a small provisional bed in Mikail's room beside Mikail's own bed with blankets and cushions for Natu to sleep in.

They said they were going to buy a genuine bed for Natu later.

Mikail and Natu went to sleep after his parents had left.

Mikail was happy with how the day had gone and that he could keep Natu around without having to hide him.

Two weeks went by since that day.

Mikail had accomplished quite a few things in that time.

During these 2 weeks, Mikail and his loyal sidekick Natu had thoroughly combed through the northern part of Mikail's mental map.

He had found 3 new materials that he had not discovered before and the Pokemon living in that area had gotten used to the little kid that kept coming back.

He managed to interact with many Pokemon from most Pokemon species that were inhabiting the place except for the Spearow.

It was not because he didn't want to but because the Spearow seemed to prefer to stay away from him.

He had no idea why that was the case but he hoped that it would get better in the future or that at least Spearow in other places would not react like that.

Anyways he had fed most Pokemon he came across at least once and many Pokemon had no problem with him stroking them as long as he bribed them with berries.

He had not come across any lone Pokemon with yellow potential, though he did find 2 accompanied by a group.

One was a Rattata and the other was a Weedle.

He did not want to provoke the group by making one of their members vanish before their eyes.

No matter how much they had gotten used to him, that would have provoked an attack.

'Species: Rattata

Gender: Male

Type: Normal/Neutral

Potential: Yellow

Stage: (low) Iron-stage

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Run Away

Talents: None

Affinities: Neutral


Species: Weedle

Gender: Male

Type: Bug, Poison

Potential: Yellow

Stage: Stageless

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Shield Dust

Talents: None

Affinities: Bug/Growth, Poison'

Other than those two he found a few Pokemon with light yellow potential but ignored them because of his high standards.

That he could afford those high standards only thanks to the upgrade function of his space did not escape Mikail and he felt happy once again with his choice back then.

Mikail still noticed the occasional fight for survival but he had already accepted that this was part of the natural cycle and had gotten used to it.

He would sometimes watch the fights when he thought the match-up or the fight itself seemed interesting but most of the time he simply ignored them.

Like they said out of sight, out of mind.

The materials he found during his combing of the north area were a White Stone that Natu noticed, a Fearow's Beak that he found while checking an area where a big fight seemed to have happened a some time ago, and an Energy Root that definitely did not cause him to stumble.

'Name: White Stone

Type: Rock

Quality: Lowest

Faults: None

Uses: It's a piece of limestone that has been compressed until it became smooth.

Contains some compressed rock-type energy, increasing its purity.

Can be used as a supplement to help rock and ground-type Pokemon.

Name: Fearow's Beak

Type: Flying/Air

Quality: Low

Faults: None

Uses: It's the beak of a Fearow, that has been thoroughly steeped in Fearow's energy.

Contains a bit of air and neutral energy.

Can be used as a supplement to help flying/air and neutral type Pokemon.

Name: Energy Root

Type: Grass/Flora

Quality: Lowest

Faults: None

Uses: It's a root that has contains a large amount of nutrition as well as energy but has an extremely bitter taste.

Can be used as food, but may cause all Pokemon besides those liking bitter food to feel discontent because of its bitter taste.

Can be used to relieve fatigue and accelerate the natural healing process.'

Except for the beak, the quality of the other two materials was raised to low quality and Mikail stored them inside his space.

But he had not spent these two weeks only combing through the north, no Mikail had also used that time to interact with Natu and Caterpie to bond with them.

He used 90 minutes every day to enter his space twice while Natu kept a lookout.

Once, in the morning for 45 minutes and once in the evening for 45 minutes.

Mikail would use that time to not only personally feed Caterpie but also to caress and play with her.

He asked her to show him her current moves.

Surprisingly or should he say, as expected considering what her talent was, Caterpie knew quite a few moves.

Tackle, String Shot, which could be considered normal, as well as Bug Bite which was impressive for her young age.

That was not all she could do a 'not really' Electroweb, which looked more like a String Shot with the occasional spark, but this was already enough to massively impress Mikail.

Nevertheless, this was still not all Caterpie had to show.

No, this gem somehow had managed to use her budding psionic affinity to start learning something those in her species-line could only learn after becoming a Butterfree.

She could do what amounted to a sad attempt at a Confusion, but the fact that Caterpie managed even that was mindblowing.

After she had shown him her moves, he decided to focus on String Shot and Electroweb for now, because Confusion would need a higher amount of psionic energy than she had access to.

Mikail would spend 15 minutes daily with Caterpie to work on mostly String Shot but sometimes Electroweb as well.

Naturally, he did not forget Natu in all this.

Mikail would speak with Natu about many things, and involve him in his psychic training, be it telekinesis or telepathy.

He also asked Natu to demonstrate the moves he knew and found out that Natu had 5.

Leer, Peck, Night Shade, Stored Power, and surprisingly Gust.

This showed that Pokemon on Terra were indeed not limited by the moves they could learn in the games.

For Natu, they decided to focus on Stored Power and Gust for now.

They also went on his exploration trips together which Mikail used to bond with Natu by involving Natu in his search.

They did not start any real or mock fights yet, because they did not believe themselves to be ready and they had no need to do so.

Let's not forget the tasty berries he kept feeding him and the occasional petting that Natu seemed to like.

Mikail would sometimes give them some of the supplements he had gathered.

Caterpie got some silver powder from him, so that she could absorb the bug-type energy from it and Natu got the pidgeotto crest feather to do the same.

Those were unfortunately the only bug and flying/air type materials that he had enough of a stock of.

Caterpie managed to use 3 portions during this time and Natu used 2 crest feathers.

Anyway, by the end of the 2 weeks, he had managed to literally bond with both, turning Natu and Caterpie into his first official Pokemon.

He had could finally see their status screen in the format that was reserved for his own Pokemon instead of the one for wild Pokemon.


***A Big Thank You to g0lb0r for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Christoffer Pedersen for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

I started a poll on my Patre'on to decide if I should give nicknames to Mikail's Pokemon or not and if yes, then to whom.

This poll is only for patrons and goes on until the end of tomorrow, so those that plan to become patrons can still participate until then.

***A Big Thank You to g0lb0r for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Christoffer Pedersen for becoming a Patron***

Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/5 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on.

A self-made map of the Kanto region can be found on my Patre’on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate is increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


Azrail93creators' thoughts