
Pokemon: A New Path

Naoki, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the vibrant Pokémon world. Inheriting a charming, yet modest ranch, he dreams of a tranquil life surrounded by adorable and fluffy Pokémon. Despite the challenges, Naoki's heart is set on crafting a life filled with simple joys and magical meals that bring him and his Pokémon closer together. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the cover image. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed, I will take it down promptly. ------- This is a Translation ------- Raw Name: 这次不当训练家了 Original Author: 骑车的风 If you want early access join my Patreon :- patreon.com/Keepsmiling818

keep_smiling29 · Tranh châm biếm
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227 Chs

Gundam Tactics

"Sanction the Judgment! That was Arceus's signature move Judgment attack!" 

Naoki took a sharp breath, stunned by the sheer power. Alcremie had somehow managed to use Arceus's signature move through pure luck! Not only Naoki but the Pokémon watching nearby were equally shocked.

They looked up at the night sky, where the streaks of red-tailed light passed overhead, reflected in their wide eyes. 

After the attack, the ranch was left with more than a dozen deep craters, though fortunately, the damage was limited to an open area without affecting the rest of the ranch.

The watching Pokémon stood frozen, their jaws practically dropping. How could this seemingly delicate Alcremie have unleashed such a terrifying move?

Even Alcremie herself didn't have an answer. She stood there, wide-eyed, staring at her own tiny hands in disbelief. Was that incredible power really hers?

Naoki broke the silence, asking, "Want to try again?"

Alcremie blinked, then nodded eagerly, waving her fingers once more to use Metronome.

This time, as the rich white light enveloped her, a thick beam of destructive energy shot forward, straight into one of the craters left from before. The grass evaporated in the intense light, turning to dust and leaving a barren path across the lawn.

Naoki's mind raced as he recognized the move. "Hyper Beam," he thought to himself. A general-type move with a power of 150.

"So strong!" Naoki exclaimed, impressed by the strength of Alcremie's moves. "Unfortunately, the effects of the pumpkin cookies are temporary. They only last for about ten minutes."

"If only the effect was permanent..." Naoki mused, recalling all the dishes he'd made since arriving in this world. So far, the only dish with a permanent effect had been the Lucky Pudding he made for Teddiursa before.

'Could the effects of pumpkin cookies become permanent, like the lucky pudding?' The key seemed to lie in one thing: emotion. The emotion he poured into the food as he made it…

"Pah, pah, pah!" 

Indeedee, standing nearby, clapped happily for Alcremie. It had successfully mastered the Metronome technique, and the power of the moves she performed was incredible. 

Alcremie's face flushed slightly at the praise from her gentle mentor, feeling both proud and a little bashful.

Naoki chuckled and asked, "How does it feel? Are you happy now?"

"Mree!" (Yes!) Alcremie nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling.

Naoki thought for a moment before adding, "Actually, rather than focusing on head-to-head battles, I think you're better suited for supporting other Pokémon in battle."

Alcremie tilted her head in confusion. "Mree?" (Support?)

Naoki smiled and explained, "For example, when the Naclstack evolves into Garganacl, you could ride on their shoulders during battle."

He continued, "The Garganacl can be the main attacker, while you support it with moves like Decorate, Aromatic Mist, Aromatherapy, Helping Hand, and Baby-Doll Eyes."

He listed off the benefits of each move: "Decorate will boost Garganacl's Attack and Special Attack, Aromatic Mist will raise its Special Defense, Aromatherapy can heal any status conditions, and Helping Hand will increase the power of its attacks. As for Baby-Doll Eyes, it will lower the opponent's Attack."

Naoki grinned, finishing with, "I like to call this combination the 'Gundam Tactics.'"

Alcremie's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Mree!" (That sounds amazing!) This was a whole new way of thinking, one she had never imagined before.

Seeing this scene, Naoki knew that Alcremie was touched.

"Okay, it's getting late. Time to go back and rest!" Naoki said gently.

"Mree!" Alcremie returned to her usual innocent and lively self.

Indeedee headed to the tavern to entertain the Pokémon from the town.

Pawmot and Glaceon also followed, eager to join in the fun.

Naoki, meanwhile, took Alcremie back to the cozy living room.

After making sure Alcremie was settled in her favorite spot, Naoki went to check on Cyclizar's tail injury.

"How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" Naoki asked with concern.

Cyclizar wagged its tail slightly, focusing on the sensation: "Gaoo~" It didn't seem to be in pain anymore.

"Good to hear it doesn't hurt anymore! Get some more rest. I still have some things to take care of," Naoki replied.

Cyclizar nodded obediently, curling back up to sleep.

Satisfied with Cyclizar's recovery, Naoki headed to the cream workshop on the second floor, where he began preparing ingredients for another batch of pumpkin cookies.

He had been thinking about how to put more emotion into his cooking, hoping to extend the effects of the pumpkin cookies.

But emotions… they're something you can't see or touch, a mysterious force that makes things feel special.

Naoki closed his eyes for a moment, recalling all the moments he shared with Alcremie.

The first time they met, when Alcremie and Smoliv looked at him curiously, unsure of what to think.

The way Alcremie's cheerful personality blossomed over time as she grew comfortable around him.

How she'd taken on the role of a big sister, helping to care for the five Naclstack Pokémon and playing with them.

Their first time making a cream cake together.

The summer evenings spent by the river, watching fireflies together.

Their peaceful life together, from the vibrant spring days when everything was in bloom, to the calm autumn as the leaves turned golden.

And Naoki imagined the future—the two of them growing older, sitting by the fireplace, reminiscing about these very moments. Alcremie curled up beside him, as they looked back at all the beautiful memories they had shared.

With a deep breath, Naoki opened his eyes, now filled with determination.

"It's time." 

Naoki opened his eyes and, with emotions flowing through him, began to make the second batch of pumpkin cookies.

Thirty minutes later, with a soft ding, the oven signaled that it was done.

Naoki pulled out the baking tray and checked the information about this batch of pumpkin cookies.

[Pumpkin Cookies (A): Made from pumpkins grown on the farm, these cookies are infused with the maker's emotions, creating a warm, homey dessert.

Cooking Effect: Lucky Level 3. After being consumed by a Pokémon, the chance of inducing abnormal states from moves like Sleep Powder, Hypnosis, Stun Spore, and Ice Beam is significantly increased. When using the move Metronome, the odds of landing powerful moves are greatly enhanced.

Effect duration: 1 hour.

Comments: A delicious cookie made to celebrate a bountiful harvest, rumored to bring good fortune to Pokémon.]

"Still not quite there, huh?" Naoki muttered to himself, though he wasn't too disappointed.

He had expected it. The emotions he tried so hard to summon still felt a bit forced. They didn't have the same effortless flow as when he had made something special for Baby Bear in the past.

Perhaps he would achieve it when something truly meaningful happened—like if Alcremie were setting off on a journey, or during another special occasion.

Even so, this improved batch had a much stronger effect.

The "Lucky" level was upgraded from Lv. 2 to Lv. 3, enhancing the chance of inducing abnormal states from moderate to significant. The duration was also extended to a full hour.

It was definitely useful.

At the very least, Naoki thought, Alcremie could carry a small pouch of cookies and eat one whenever she needed to maximize the effect of Metronome.


The next morning, after finishing breakfast, Naoki received a call from Mrs. Dantes.

He answered the phone and heard her familiar, gentle voice.

"Naoki, I still don't know Cyclizar's exact measurements. Do you have a tape measure? If you could measure its height and waist circumference, and let me know the size of the tire-like structure on its chest, that would help a lot."

Naoki suddenly remembered the coat for Cyclizar. "Ah, I completely forgot! I'll measure it right away and send you the details."

Mrs. Dantes chuckled. "No rush, dear. I'll be waiting at home."

After hanging up, Naoki found the tape measure he had bought earlier, which was tucked away in the utility room on the second floor. He then went to find Cyclizar, who was lounging comfortably.

With a confused look on its face, Cyclizar watched as Naoki began measuring its height, waist circumference, and the size of the tire-like air sac on its chest.

"Gaoo?" Cyclizar tilted its head, unsure of what Naoki was doing.

Naoki: " I am measuring your height to see if you've grown taller."

Hearing this, Pawmot ran over, eagerly waiting for Naoki to measure him too.

"Alright, one at a time, line up!" Naoki said with a smile.

Pawmot immediately stood behind Cyclizar, his little paws fidgeting with excitement.

Koraidon let out a creaking noise and stood behind Pawmot, his massive frame towering over the others.

Seeing this, Sister Indeedee happily joined the lineup, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

She glanced at her brother, who stood nearby, hesitating. His face was conflicted, clearly wanting to join but trying hard to maintain his image as the calm, mature butler.

"Ai-ah…" sighed Sister Indeedee, rolling her eyes playfully, before grabbing her brother's arm and dragging him over.

Naoki noticed and couldn't help but laugh out loud at the sight.

Brother Indeedee immediately put on a stern expression, doing his best to look composed and adult-like, though his embarrassment was clear.

While measuring Cyclizar's waist, Naoki chuckled and said, "Your brother's been like this since he was little. He had that exact same face when I first met both of you."

The two siblings seemed to remember the moment.

Back then, Naoki had visited, bringing them some delicious snacks.

Sister Indeedee nodded, smiling at the memory.

Brother Indeedee, meanwhile, blushed slightly, recalling how, after Naoki left, he'd been caught with his face full of crumbs from the snacks. 

Naoki found their personalities quite amusing. "Honestly, your brother is still pretty adorable. He may act all grown up, but he's still just a little Indeedee not even a year old, always trying to look so mature."

Brother Indeedee's face turned even redder.

Sister Indeedee couldn't help but laugh.

"But," Naoki added warmly, "even though I tease him, your brother is really reliable. Thanks to him, I can take it easy now. Before you two came along, I was so swamped with work, that I barely had time to finish everything!"

Hearing this, the two Indeedees' eyes softened.

They both felt Naoki's genuine gratitude and as they sensed his emotions through the small horns on their heads, a warm energy spread through their bodies.

Feeling that gratitude, Sister Indeedee beamed with happiness. "Ai-ya!"

Brother Indeedee gave a slight nod, still maintaining his composed demeanor, though his eyes sparkled with appreciation. "Ai-yi."

"Alright!" Naoki said cheerfully, having finished measuring Cyclizar. He patted its head and looked at the eager Pawmot next in line. "Your turn now!"

"Pawmot!" Pawmot chirped, running up excitedly, standing tall and puffing out his little chest, ready for his turn to be measured. 

Naoki measured Pawmot's height and smiled, "Well, it's 1.1 meters tall. That's one strong Pawmot!"

Typically, a Pawmot's size ranges from 0.7 to 0.9 meters, but Naoki's Pawmot was quite large for its species.

"Pawmot!" Pawmot cheered, feeling proud, and then stepped aside for the next Pokémon.

Next up was Koraidon, who required Naoki to look up.

Naoki climbed onto the sofa and measured Koraidon in its combat form. "Hmm, 2.6 meters… Incredible! You're the tallest Pokémon on the ranch!"

Koraidon puffed up with pride: "Raao!" It also considered itself the most powerful Pokémon.

Naoki chuckled, understanding the look in Koraidon's eyes. "Yes, yes, you're the strongest. Now can you please move aside?"

"Raao!" Koraidon was so excited that it licked Naoki with a big, sloppy tongue.

Naoki winced, wiping his face. "It smells like fried pork chops. Go get me a cup of tea to rinse my mouth!"

Koraidon, looking a bit deflated, hung its head sadly and trotted off to fetch tea from the fridge.

Next was Sister Indeedee's turn. Naoki gently patted her furry head before taking her measurements.

"Alright, 0.8 meters tall. You're perfectly healthy!" Naoki smiled. "But you're not even a year old yet, so I bet you'll grow even taller."

Sister Indeedee beamed with happiness, "Ai Ai~"

Finally, it was Brother Indeedee's turn, standing there with a stern expression, looking quite serious.

"Relax, don't be so nervous," Naoki reassured him as he took his measurements. "0.9 meters—taller than your sister by 0.1 meters. You're also perfectly healthy. Alright, height measurement's done, you can all go play!"

Brother Indeedee, feeling relieved that Naoki didn't tease him, quickly fled the scene. He grabbed a broom from somewhere and busied himself with housework, still trying to maintain his composed demeanor.

Naoki watched, amused. "Well, alright, I won't tease him."

He put the measuring tape away and decided to leave the house to the two Indeedees for now. It was time to visit Mrs. Dantes, so he went outside to find Dragonite.

As he prepared to leave, Naoki noticed something curious.

In the grassy field nearby, Alcremie was busy using its magical cream to decorate a fort made from Naclstack. The creamy decorations made the piles of salt look like playful, giant cats.

Naoki watched in amusement.

"That must be Frosty's exclusive move, Decorate," he thought.

In the Pokémon games, Decorate is a Fairy-type move that boosts a partner's Attack and Special Attack by two stages, making it a fantastic supportive ability.

It seemed like Alcremie had really taken Naoki's words to heart from last night.

After a few moments, Naoki smiled and turned to Dragonite. "Alright, let's head to Mrs. Dantes's house!"

"Awwooo!" Dragonite responded cheerfully, flapping its wings as it took off, carrying Naoki towards the distant town of Kosaji.


Alright, I see you holding those Power Stones—don't be shy, share the love! 💎