
Pokémon: Police Heroes

Somewhere between Hoenn and Sinnoh, a new region was established called Bashto. A strong bond formed between Pokémon and People there. They were accepted as equals and even allowed jobs such as firemen,mailmen ,nurses, construction workers, and POLICE Yes,the Pokémon Police. A specialized unit of Pokémon working in union with each region's police force. They could communicate with their human counterparts with new and highly-advanced technology. In 2051,The Pokémon Equality Act was passed. All Pokémon were equal to humans by law. But the world wasn't without flaws. evil organizations and even outlaw Pokémon still ran freely in the region. Something had to be done. And soon. This is the story of a Treecko and how he is would endure hardships and be put to the ultimate test. His destiny will determine the fate of Bashto.

StarKnightStories · Du hí
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 ..........................

For Police Code references, please feel free to use the link below as they will be used in the story.



*A policeman is shown walking into view on a dashboard cam video*

"Good evening sir,do you know why I pulled you over?" the policeman asked.

"Not a clue officer" the man in the car replied.

"You were driving past the speed limit and ran a stop sign back a few miles" the officer said.

"My bad, I'm in a hurry to get somewhere" said the man.

"To where if i may ask"?

"Im dropping off a parcel for a friend in the next town" the man said quickly.

"Well you still were speeding and i'll have to write you a ticket" the officer said. "Already had a driver hit a Zigzagoon a couple of months ago"

"Come on, officer" the man replied sweating profusely. "I was just trying to make it on time"

"You sure are jumpy" The officer uttered. "This parcel must be pretty important"

*The policeman pauses for a minute*

"Well alright, but i wanna see the parcel first"

*the man remained seated and stared at the officer*

"Sir, im gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle"

"I don't have time for this" the man scowled getting out of the car.

"I do" the policeman replied. "Where's the parcel?"

*A loud banging noise is heard from the trunk*

*the officer quickly pulled out his baton,

"WHAT WAS THAT?" he said yelling. "OPEN THE TRUNK!"

* The officer presses a caller on his chest and a Jolteon leaps from the police cruiser and begins barking at the trunk*

"What is it Baron?" the policeman said to his pokemon. "What do you smell?"

*Suddenly the man presses a knob in the car and the trunks flies open, a Ekans leaps out at the smaller Pokémon as the officer jumps back in surprise*

*The man reaches in the car and pulls out a axe and raises it at the officer*

*the video pauses right as the man throws it*

The lights come back on and the projector powers off.

"Now what did we learn today gentleman?" said the Commissioner walking into view.

The aged man looked around the room left to right and waited for an answer.

Slowly,a Cadet from the back of the room raised their hand in the air.

"Yes,Lewis?" He asked.

"When did this happen?" said the young policeman

"This is footage was taken in 2047 from Officers David's patrol car"

replied the Commissioner. "He was a fine officer to work with and never failed to impress us". "But unfortunately he was put into a coma by the suspect and his Jolteon was injured". "The suspect remains at large to this day" He said finishing.

"Commissioner Pyle,why are we watching this?" said another voice from the back of the room.

"We are using this footage as a training exercise and to honor our fallen officer". "It goes to show these mistakes can be prevented if these circumstances are to arise for other patrolman" he said firmly.

The Commissioner gave a slight smile before turning to the man beside him. "Officer Graves will now present his speech"

The Officer stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat before looking around. "Good evening gentlemen". "Im sure you all have noticed the Pokémon standing in here" he said raising his hand next to him. The unnatural silence in the room created a strained atmosphere.

"We are here discuss The Equality Plan" said Graves. "Not to be confused with the new Equality Act, this plan will our new foundation based on the law". Standing next to him was a tall and stout Charizard. He looked quite fit, but had an aged look to him. Next to Charizard was a Prinplup and Electabuzz. They all had a badge on their chests with a visibly "PP" and a strange looking device on their wrists.

"As you may know, the new law states that all Pokémon are equal to humans". Graves said continuing. "We plan to address this with our new system". Many others seated around the room began groaning and making disappointing faces. "Listen up people, the new rule is that all Pokémon are considered equal to us now and no longer "Tools" in society" growled Graves. "Pokemon will no longer be our partners in turn..... they have the potential to be officers themselves!". There were cries of disbelief around the room and much head shaking. "Let me asks you this...How many times has your Pokémon partner saved your live" Graves said firmly. Many officers stopped protesting and gave him their full attention "HOW MANY TIMES HAS A POKEMON SAVED A LIFE!?" he screamed. "WHO SAVED THE JENKLEY BOY DROWNING IN THE RIVER!?". "WHO RESCUED THE PEOPLE FROM THE HIGGINS STREET FIRE!?". "THATS RIGHT!". "A POKEMON!".

Just as all the officers finished their thunderous applause two little Pokémon stepped down from peering in the window.

"Boy,there must a real special reason that those Pokémon are standing there with the cops" said the Gible.

"Of course, silly" said the Ralts. "That's the legendary Officer Charizard who helped the Pokemon Rangers save everyone!". "He's helping the police now!" she shouted cheerfully.

"Geez, keep yer voice down would ya?" griped the Gible. "It's not like they want us to hear the meeting".

"Oh...ok" she said.

The Ralts eyes began forming tears as the Gible realized what he said.

"Uh.....i'm sorry!" he quickly said. "Wanna go look for free Poké Puffs?"

Ralts's face grew bright with joy as she processed his request.

"Yah!"..."Sure!" she said happily.

Right as the two turned the corner of the street a figure blocked their path.

They looked up and saw a hunched old man with a weary face.

Before they could say anything, Ralts bursted into tears.

"Where have you two been!?" yelled the aged man. "How many times have I told you not to run away from the day care during nap time!"

Gible hung his head in shame as Ralts weeped next to him.

"I've told you those stories of lost Pokémon before!" he said still raising his voice. "What if something happened to you, huh?" the man asked. "How would I feel?!" he finished as his eyes started tearing up. By then all of them were crying. The sniffling Gible pointed at a sign near the police station. "NEW POKEMON POLICE WANTED. APPLY NOW". Suddenly the man's soft eyes light up and a small smile formed on his face. "Ah, I see" he said chuckling. "You wanted to see the new recruits?". The two Pokémon below him nodded. "Next time try to tell me things before you little munchkins run off...okay?". They all smiled as he took their hands and walked back with them to the daycare center.

After dinner, all the Pokémon curled up next to each other so Mr. Nasu could tell them a bedtime story.

Ralts smiled warmly and listened to the story. She soon felt a familiar nudging at her side. "Hey" said Gible. She stop listening to the story and turned towards him.

"Wanna go to the forest outside town tomorrow"? He said smirking.

She made a surprised face before replying, "Mr. Nasu said we aren't allowed to leave without his permission". Gible rolled his eyes and exhaled. "You realize he says that because he's worried?"

"Yes but it's good that he does" she said making a angry face. "Aw come on, i've been to the woods plenty of times" he replied quickly. " I've found all sorts of things...even a bag of berries". Ralts closed her eyes and imagined a dry, juicy berries on her tongue. She opened them back up and said "Is it safe?". " Of course" Gible said smiling. "Okay....I guess" Ralts said frowning. "So you'll go?" Gible said as his eyes grew wide with anticipation.

"Gible, Ralts...pay attention please" interrupted Mr. Nasu. After the story, all the Pokémon snuggled on their mattresses to sleep. "Goodnight my children" Mr. Nasu said before turning out the lights.

Gible looked over at Ralts to see if she was awake to talk. But she had already turned to her side and was fast asleep. In the morning the Pokémon were fed breakfast and and sent out to play in the outside pen in hopes someone would come and take them home. "Ok...now's our chance" said Gible sliding under an immensely small hole he hand dug and managed to hide. He got through before looking back to see Ralts tearing up and holding her arm.

"Look...it's okay to be scared" Gible assured her as he grabbed her hand. "Everything will be okay, i promise nothing bad will happen" he said smiling. Ralts took one more look at the play pen before running off into the woods with her friend.

They had a fun time once they were well into the woods. They picked flowers and poked at Magikarps in a stream. Gible spied a Blukberry Bush and happily began chowing down. "MUNCH....GOBBLE..SLURP...uh...did you want some?" Gible asked smiling with a mouthful of berries. Ralts blushed as she quietly took a few berries from his hand. After they had their fill they saw a Zigzagoon munching down berries at another bush. Gible walked up and spoke with a friendly "Hello". The Zigzagoon hissed at him before running off with big puffy cheeks filled with delicious berries.

Gible and Ralts laughed as they watched the furry, and quite hungry Pokémon run away. It reached around noon and the sun was beating down as the blazing heat began wearing them out. "I think we should head back now" Gible said as Ralts wiped her forehead. She nodded in approval and they began walking back the way they came. Not long after, the both of them began hearing loud and strange noises. Ralts began crying a little as she hid behind Gible.

"I'm scared ... ". "Don't be" replied Gible. "That's a Pokémon calling, and I can't tell who it is". "We gotta help them, they sound hurt!" Ralts yelled.

The two Pokémon began sprinting as fast as their legs could carry them toward the direction of the sound. They ran until they reached a clear tall grass field and looked around. "GRAAAAHH....TREEEE...CCKKOOOOO!" moaned the voice. Gible and Ralts ran towards the Pokémon and saw a little green lizard curled up and moaning in agony. He had large scratches and bruises visible all over his body. It was clear another Pokémon had done this. "It's....a Treecko" gasped Ralts as her eyes began tearing up. "I've never seen one before" Gible whispered next to her. "Do you think he was left here?". "Maybe, but he needs our help" replied Ralts.

The sunset and nightfall began Mr Nasu cried in frustration when he found out the two Pokémon were missing. He quickly called the police and alerted them of the disappearance and looked around the play pen. He looked down at the Happiny as she pointed to the open hole in the fence, and beyond it...the woods. He then grabbed his flashlight and ran into the forest.

After two hours searching alone in the dark forest, he saw three little silhouetted figures huddled together against a tree. He shined his flashlight over them and saw Ralts and Gible clutching the wounded Treecko and crying. "Oh....My goodness" he said.

He then cradled the wounded Pokémon all they way back to the daycare center. After patching Treecko up and a good night's rest, he slowly but surely began moving better the next morning. He looked around on top of his bed until he felt something gently touch his hand. "H-Hello" said Ralts smiling at him and blushing a little. "H-hey" said Treecko smiling weakly

5 Days Earlier.

Everyone at the ceremony clapped and sat in their seats. Almost everybody in the town was attending, from the baker to the mayor. Three Pokémon stood proudly on the stage. A Marshtomp, Electabuzz, and an aged Charizard. A policeman began walking toward the front with a bright and joyful smile. "I am proud to be here today for this moment" said the Commissioner. "It is my honor to commemorate these new officers and form the long awaited Pokémon Police!"

A man stepped next to Commissioner Pyle and showed a box with three shiny, brand new patches. They had two dark PP's on each of them. The Commissioner walked up and grabbed the badges and presented them to the Pokémon . Pyle gratefully put each of them on the Pokémon's chest. A massive applause followed as the now Pokémon Police officers were saluted.

The Charizard was given a medal to hang around his neck. " I would like to thank Officer Charizard for serving the Bushville Police department for 42 years" said Pyle through the microphone. "He was my partner and several other lawmens partners for many years". "I am honored to present the no longer Bushville Police department assistants and now Pokémon Police!" Charizard was named Chief of Police and head of security. People smiled and clapped as they cheered for their new found "heroes". But a dark cloud was approaching in the future...one that would force the citizens of Bushville to their knees. But what could it be?