
Pokémon, I became Charmander

In a forest under a giant tree sleeps a dragonlike creature. The creature had an orange body with a cream-coloured underside, and on top of its slender tail a fire was burning, but weirdly this flame did not hurt it. 'Yawn' A yawn was heard, as this strange dragonlike creature woke up. Staring with its light-blue-eyes at the sky, the creature sighed and said tirely: „Cha Cha mander (Sun, just go away, I'm sleeping)“ Closing its eyes again, it falls asleep.

Iruma_kun99 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 3: Dusk Attack 1


In a lit cave, a Pokémon can be seen sitting in front of a fire, that Pokémon being little Charmander. Next to little Charmander, was a bunch of Pokemon tied together with a long iron rope. As for why they here, well to find that out. We need to go back to where it all began.

-1 hour ago (Past)-

"Cha char mander!! (That was so delicious!!)"

Laying under a tree, on the grass, with a bloated belly, is Eren. Eren, feeling stuffed, sighs and looks towards the bones that are scattered all over the grass. 

Arceus probably would have never thought that one day a cannibal would appear amongst Pokémon.


Tiredness overtook him as he curled up his body and fell into a deep sleep while muttering. "Charchar (Rattata's meat is the best...)"

But what Eren did not know was that in the exact same bush where the Rattata appeared were the two small red eyes of a creature just staring at him.

Suddenly two more eyes appeared, then more and more until there was a full set of 10 eyes, all of which were staring at Eren.

Seeing that the Charmander fell asleep, the creatures slowly moved out of the bushes. Finally revealing their forms, which were a total of five Rattatas. 

The biggest one looked ugly and ferocious, had sharp claws, and had blood-red eyes, while the second biggest walked elegantly and had a motherly aura to it. The rest of the three followed behind them like children following their parents.

Walking carefully towards the charmander, the ugly Rattata stopped and lowered its head as it blood-red eyes focused on a skull laying near its feet. Lifting up his front paw it steps down hard, smashing it to pieces.


Looking at the smashed skull, the elegant Rattata eyes showed a hint of sadness as it whimpered, but suddenly felt something stare at it and looked up.

The blood-red eyes of the ugly Rattata stared down on it. Fear flashed in the elegant Rattata's bright-red eyes as it lowered its head.

While this was happening, under a giant tree, a little charmander (Eren) woke up due to the noise. 

Walking up, full of annoyance, Eren screamed. "Char charman cha mander!!!!(Why can't someone just sleep in bloody peace gosh it's like I got some noisy neighbours or something!!!)"

As he lifted his head, he looked dumbfounded towards the five Rattatas in front of him, then suddenly became speechless when he saw the skull near the ugly Rattata's paw. 

Guess I did get disturbed, but rather than noisy neighbours, it was by a family of Rats, by the way, why did they crush the Rattata's skull? Could it be some kind of rival of theirs or something.

While Eren was thinking, the ugly Rattata let out a loud screech as its aura grew. Seeing this, Eren's blue eyes narrowed as he called up the game system's basic info. viewer.

[Pokemon: Rattata (Male){Adult}}

Health points: 21/21

Level: 7

Nature: Rash

Type: Normal

Danger: Slightly High]

Wait, why does the panel look different? Anyway, I can think about it later. What I should solve now is how to get out of this alive. Although I can probably finish this ugly one by relying on Oran berries, uggh, the rest....

[Pokemon: Rattata (Female){Adult}}

Health points: 22/22

Level: 7

Nature: Gentle

Type: Normal

Danger: High]

[Pokemon: Rattata (Male){Teen}

Health points: 18/18

Level: 5

Nature: Rash

Type: Normal

Danger: Moderate]

[Pokemon: Rattata (Male){Teen}

Health points: 17/17

Level: 4

Nature: Mischievous

Type: Normal

Danger: Slightly Low]

[Pokemon: Rattata (Female){Teen}

Health points: 19/19

Level: 5

Nature: Naughty

Type: Normal

Danger: Moderate]

Looking at the information on the panel, Eren was speechless, and at a loss for words, only two words exited his mouth.

"Char char (I'm dead..)"
