
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Thanh xuân
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58 Chs


The drinker's eyes were staring straight into Lakshman's eyes with an intense gaze, small dark ring circles appeared on the drinker's throat and his laughing resonated in the whole jail chamber, the temperature seemed to be increasing by higher numbers, turning into a boiling chamber. The skin itched and the hot crisps of air poked their skin, their bodies feeling heavy four of them couldn't leave from there.

Lakshman sir demands with an authoritative tone," Ojas, there is no one in your jail cell except for you. Don't joke with us. Your eye seems to be infected and your throat is turning black, this all indicates that you need a doctor urgently. I will send a doctor for you immediately. Let me call."

Lakshman dials the hospital's number but before he can place his phone on the ear, his phone flies away from his hand and crashes at the feet of Dhansi ji. Dhansi Ji hisses in pain as the bottom of his pants gets stained with splotches of blood dots. Kritak exclaimed in horror as he immediately unfolded his pants up a bit and just above the boots was a thick glass piece pierced and steeped on his right leg.

Kritak gently removed the glass piece which made Dhansi ji groan loudly in pain, which birthed a bubble of anger inside Lakshman. Lakshman ordered Kritak in a forced gentle tone while keeping cool for a bit," Kritak, take Dhansi ji out right now and treat his wound. And you can come again inside when his wound is bandaged up. Okay !"

Kritak nods yes and he supports Dhansi by lending his hand on his shoulder. When they were out of the scene, Lakshman growled in a low voice," Ojas !  You crossed the line of my patience, I was being too gentle on you, wasn't I? For hurting any police officer, your charges will be increased no doubt but for acting out recklessly like a wild animal. You need to be controlled and I will make sure that you are properly aware of your limits and our limits.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Vidyut ji, you will be in charge of this new duty of teaching them how to behave and stay within their limits and if they don't do then you are free to punish them to a certain extent in your style. Is that clear, Vidyut ji?" Lakshman didn't hear any response from him, he turned back and found Vidyut ji in the same position since we entered and when he observed closely, he was not blinking at all and staring at the wall of the jail cell with a hollow expression.

Ojas giggles with unpleasant chirpiness and points out in a slurry voice," Looks like he can see him or maybe he has already enforced into his soul through his eyes. Look-Look, look, his eyes are fading into a beautiful soulless white hue. Isn't it beautiful! Lakshman, that is your name, right?

So, Lakshman, the situation you are currently witnessing is a just teaser of the future. The trailer and the film will project into the whole world very soon, actually sooner than you can think of through this brilliant brain.

Brains are powerful despite that people use them for useless concepts like hard work, humanity, working for others, etc.... So boring and useless humans tend to be. Since the beginning of this year, the fruits of shadows are already in the process of blossoming and the results are quite evident in this chamber. Soon the fruits will mature into pure demons with rawness of greed, anger, lust, hunt, and chaos will enhance the beauty of this city, then roots reaching over more regions of this country and then slowly all over the world.

So, just chill, have some popcorn, and enjoy the film, after all, films are for entertainment and fun and if you can't tolerate fun then don't be a spoiler and spoil the fun for others. Am I CLEAR?"

Lakshman rebukes," Just keep your sadistic mouth shut. The lines of humanity have been blurred by your drinking vision and you are swallowed in a horrifying pool of illusions. You be there but I won't let whomsoever that is your master to provoke our people. We are police and the police's main duty is to catch the evil and stop the evilness from reaching the innocent civilians. Protect at any cost is our duty and you and all those people who are supporting your mastermind won't be spared. "

Suddenly his shoulders felt like a huge pile of stone was weighing him down and he felt his inside burning with provoking anger and a taste of disgusting bitterness on his tongue. His rational and practical side is fully drowned in his anger but his warrior spirit doesn't let him give up yet. His head felt dizzy and his shoulders hurt so bad still he walked one step at a time with extreme pressure. He mounted his whole strength and dragged Mr. Vidyut along with him in his frozen state.

Out of nowhere, Lakshman heard someone scoffing in a thunderous voice," Vanya. Stupid arrogant wife of mine. You didn't deserve to stay alive after your rebellious offensive act. You dared to overpower me and put me under your feet. Your favorite heel that used to adorn your feet is the same heel that decorated your forehead with blood. I felt stupendously satisfied when you fell down at my feet and you looked pretty and beautiful beneath me. Hihihi. HAhahaha hahahha Hahaha…Hghhhhahaha."

Lakshman witnessed the second time the picture of insanity through his own eyes, at the first jail cell stood a man throwing his arms against the tough jail rods, his arms covered in blood and his veins peeking out of his skin layer, his hair seemed to have grown longer reaching his neck within just one day. His short sleeves were ripped, his eyes were pitch black, and his pupils were bloodshot red.

He mocked Lakshman and Mr. Vidyut for messing with him and Lakshman withdrew his hands from Vidyut sir and threatened him in the rudest tone," Keep your arms to you and your mouth shut otherwise your arms will tied tight behind your back. Do you want that? Your wife must have been unlucky to get you as her husband. Your ego reaches the height of a cloud but your heart is as small as a speck of dust. Now, if your arrogance is still not punctured, then don't worry it is for your own safety because you wouldn't be alive without ego because that's what are you made of."

  The man insults with a prideful tone," Don't credit yourself for catching me or that guy whom you were shouting upon, you were just lucky that you caught us otherwise a powerless police officer like you doesn't even deserve to come near us. That guy talked about a sweet-looking young girl who didn't obey her, coincidentally I also saw a young girl standing straight opposite me at a far distance and suddenly she ran away and then you came running in just after her exit, isn't it strange.

Maybe this teen girl is somehow connected to the master in the shadow or might be a precious target that he wants to prey upon. She did look innocent and way too easy to hunt but I saw a wilderness and a delicious sense of fear radiating from her eyes and she also had a companion along with her, a tabby black cat. Aside from all this, I guarantee you this time you won't be able to handle us and our master; soon you will all be in his grasp. HEHEHEHAHAHA.."

Lakshman felt buried in sand and his body went numb and he fell down on his knees still he crawled near Mr. Vidyut's frozen body and taking his body support he stood up and pushed his body forward with heavy force till he reached outside the chamber into the main room.

As soon he stepped outside, he felt his body leaning closer to the ground as Mr. Vidyut instantly fainted limp on the floor but Kritak swept in the right time and saved Lakshman from facing the ground closely.

Kritak gasped while his brows creased in worry," Lakshman sir, what happened? Your face looks pale and your arms look strained and Vidyut sir looks unwillingly limp and unconscious. Did those demons do this to you both? Sir! sir, sir. Can you hear me?"

Lakshman faintly speaks before the darkness swallows him in," Call the doctor urgent. Urgent, do it before it is too… late."

The whole department is in panic and restless under an unknown pressure whereas Kritak and Dhansi ji hurriedly carried him into the ambulance and went along with them to the nearest hospital.

After 15-20 minutes, the doctor came out of the patient room with an unreadable expression on his face, this caused ripples of tension forming within the minds of Kritak and Mr. Dhansi.

The doctor informs in a neutral tone with a hidden tone of melancholy," Both of them are stable right now but Mr. Lakshman had strained his muscle with extreme pressure to an extent if he had strained a bit more, he would have seriously injured his vein and it would have been fatal for him. Fortunately, he is in stable condition but the pain will last for at least a week till then complete bed rest and no work pressure or lifting even a finger. He needs serious care and if he does prioritize his health over work then I am afraid next time it wouldn't be easy to keep him alive."

Mr. Dhansi expresses his gratitude to him and God for saving them and prays for them to heal better soon in silence although the doctor still didn't move away from them, staring at them with an unresolved expression like he has something more to say but he somehow is unable to convey. Kritak noticed his expression and asked him," Doctor, is there anything else you want to inform us about them? Is it? "

The doctor nods with knitted brows in concerning angle, he clears his throat and his face suddenly turns neutral as he says," Mr. Lakshman will be fine within a week, no doubt about that. However, Mr. Vidyut might need a lot more time than him although his vital organs are stable yet he is not in the state to wake up."

Kritak finally released a long breath, " You scared us for a minute. For a second I thought that Vidyut sir was in a critical state but thank god! He was not critical. He is weak from the inside, needs a proper nutritious diet to energize his body and recently he might have fainted out of sudden weakness, right? "

The doctor shakes his head unwillingly and corrects them," Mr. Kritak, he is not unconscious or sick, he is right now in deep sleep, he is in a coma. I checked there is no internal injury or any external injury but his body seems to be paralyzed and his mind has been heavily affected by something but I don't know what. It is strange; it looked like a groundbreaking shock paralyzed his consciousness and sent him into a slumber.

Surprisingly, everything is stable inside and out but that puts him in the zone of uncertain life-threatening state. He might wake up tomorrow, yesterday, or even after years or never come out of his sleep. It's not pleasant news but still theirs a hope that he might wake up anytime. We just have to be patient and take care under the surveillance of their family which highly likely will increase the chances of waking up. Please call Mr. Lakshman and Mr. Vidyut's families in order to fulfill their formalities of a family member and to visit them."

Mr. Dhansi steps back till his back hits the wall stopping him from disappearing while Kritak hasn't still not moved from his position and is mumbling under his breath," How is this possible? Everything.. everything was just fine until we entered that jail chamber, even after being there we were fine except for the fact that Dhansi sir got hurt. Still, What happened inside that chamber that led to such a crisis?

Wait, those criminals… those demon-looking criminals, they did this to them without crossing the jail cell. How can that happen in real life, in a logical, modern evolving world? Do demons still exist? Is this some kind of indication of the rise of hell darkness rising from the deepest grounds beneath the people's feet?

Vidyut sir is...Lakshman sir did say that these are not normal cases but rather a mysterious and spine-chilling horror movie. Each one of them is a live horror show. Right now, we need to be away from this case and isolate those criminals somewhere far from mankind, only then the city will be safe. "

Mr. Dhansi is still not ready to accept that something like this actually occurred today, his head in his hands while one hand rubbing his temple, he grimaced in horror when he remembered those criminal's satanic forms. Mr. Dhansi made up his mind and spoke with a determined tone, "  Lakshman sir will be kept away from this case from now on and I will make sure that. I.. I can't let him put himself in danger line after witnessing Vidyut sir's condition.

And about those criminals, I will personally alongside Kritak request a brief discussion with the Police head and all other station branches of Pune because this is a major threat and needs immediate action to be taken. Until then, Lakshman will be fully healed and this case would have been handled well before he returns to his duty."

In Lakshman's patient room, he slept with a carefree expression but suddenly his expression fades into creased brows, hands shaking, and rambling in short breaths," I will save....save you....Hrida beta ( child), don't worry… i... I am there... NO... Leave her... Satan.. don't do it.. do this...Aghhhh.. Save me.. save me, I am alone.. in the forest... I'm starving... Mom, Dad.. where are you? Someone help...Help! Help!! "

The doctor penetrated into the room hearing his loud shout, he checked his pulse, his blood felt strained, his body was burning, sweat running all over his face, and he was rambling while twisting the bed sheet beneath his grip. Both police officers appeared in the room hearing his loud call for help; they saw him twisting and turning, the doctor trying to calm him down while the nurse was preparing the anesthesia syringe. They heard him uttering incomplete words and sentences," I will…Hrida... Beta.. Save me... Help .. Alone .. in the forest. Mom, Dad. Hrida, save you. save youuuuu...

Lakshman sir finally relaxed soon after the nurse injected anesthesia fluid into his arm, his tensed brows relaxed, his frown reduced into a limp straight line and his arms were now static. The doctor explains," I think, he was having some flashbacks which might be a traumatic memory for him and who is this, Hrida? Is she his daughter? He wants to save her, is she unwell or in trouble? If not, then bring her, he needs her."

Both of them leave his question unanswered and simply nod regardless of knowing the fact that she can't come here and indirectly she is partially responsible for his current state.