
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · Teen
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


The next day, Lakshman's eyes opened to the hospital ceiling, the white color haunting him in the bright daylight, and in addition, the equipment cornered him in the center giving him unwanted attention. Lakshman rose up from his bed, a sudden pain screeching his arms reminded him why he was here at first. His arms were wrapped up in white cloth sheets, which were more like a warrior's arm shield, his eyes jumped from every inch of the room.

Then, he remembered," If I am here then Vidyut ji would be here as well but I fear he might be more injured than I am. I need to check whether he is fine or not. Yes, I am fine now, so I can get out of this room."

Just when Lakshman's feet touched the ground, the door opened welcoming in his accomplices; Dhansi ji and Kritak, and his parents entered with worried stricken lines on their foreheads. Lakshman's mother outright scolds him as she stands by his side," Who told you to be a brave stuntman? I understand it's your job to handle criminals but would it be too hard for you to sometimes.. sometimes think about your safety as well.

Like the childhood times, always stubborn…and courageous. हे भगवान, मैं इस लड़के का क्या करूँहे भगवान, मैं इस लड़के का क्या करूँ ( Ohh God, What to do of this boy !) Laksh, please, next time be careful of your actions. I don't want to see you at the hospital next time. Your dad has talked with the doctor and he approved that we can take you home after filling up the discharge form formalities.

And don't stress yourself about that case that you are completely immersed in. If you become completely immersed then it might bring some unexpected danger behind your knowledge.. just like your sir." She whispers the last words in a low whisper which catches his ears.

Lakshman repeats her last words," Just like you sir. What do you mean by that? Are you indicating something that I should know? Wait !....." His sentence faded into a nervous silent atmosphere in the room, his pause made them impatient with seconds passing by.

Kritak then diverts him in a different direction which makes him a bit confused but relieved. While speaking, Kritak's eyes were so assuring that whatever he says is truth itself," Aunty, do not worry, he has also gained wisdom from the courageous police officers, right sir? I mean, I am sure like Lakshman sir, Vidyut sir will recover quickly after all Vidyut sir doesn't like to remain in the same position for more than 10 minutes."

  Lakshman agrees," Absolutely yes, he has a habit of moving from one position to another, every 10 minutes. Dhansi ji, do you remember how he always changed his positions like the moon while we were at any place? I bet there is no corner left that hasn't been graced by his feet. Are his injuries too painful? He looked ghostly pale when he was in that prison chamber.

I was really scared for him, you know. Now, I am feeling better as Kritak assured me that he is good although in pain just like me. Once I walk out of this room, I am going to visit his room and….I will, so don't block me because I am injured, I need to rest and all.."

Dhansi ji voices out in an urgent tone," No, you can't sir." Lakshman's eyebrows raised as his eyes inspected his sudden behavior, his arms extended in the air, gesturing him to answer the inevitable question. Dhansi ji utters out in a fidgety tone," Because the doctor hasn't allowed anyone to visit him yet as he still needs proper rest and advised to not disturb him at all.

His family and friends can visit him after 1-2 hours and you can't afford to wait while you are hurt and you also need proper bed rest as well. So, you can visit him maybe next time.

Lakshman sir, If you don't mind I want to suggest you take a few day's leave to allow your wounds to heal fully."

  Before he could answer, Lakshman's father re-enters the room and informs them that he is discharged from the hospital and he can go home now. Lakshman's parents hold him from both sides to help him support his arms upon their caring shoulders, he slowly without putting any pressure on his arms walks with the help of his parents.

During his walk to the parking lot, his head is swimming with the memory of that incident that happened yesterday, his eyes squint whenever he remembers those hideous demons purging out of their bodies. Then Hrida's image reforms, the small girl who had to face her hideous parents who made her run away into an unknown road. Lakshman's eyes drooped low for a second feeling guilty for his inability to save her then his eyes gleamed with raw determination to find that small girl as soon as he could run faster than time.

Lying on his bed, his eyes tracing the frame line of the window, he sighs for the 4th time, the boredness is new for him, his body wants to get back outside but he is limited to his own room until his arms are free from numbness. Lakshman ponders when a particular scene projects into his mind as his gaze focuses on those white-clothed sheaths being his frequent friend these days.

He chuckles when the scene of that girl named Hrida attacking with just a mere tip of her pen; a vicious attack indeed but done in defense. His nose scrunched when he recalls the pain of a needle poking inside his body," That girl is surely a courageous kid though the pain of pen was irritating yet I can't help but think why she ran away.

Did I look too serious that made her scamper away? Oh…oh if that's really the case then I should have been present as a harmless being. I can't think of taking a leave from your duty at all, if my arms are fine by tomorrow then there will be no leave for me, simple.

Demons rising in such a modern era is a scene out of place in this era but somehow matches in sync with the current era's atmosphere at the same time ironically. I will squeeze these shadows out from those criminals and then I will…find..Hridaaaa….." He elongates the last sentence fading into sound of breathing sounds resonating on the comfort walls of his room.

Lakshman woke up from his sleep when he felt his hair being caressed by her mother's caring hands, he rubbed his eyes and rose, his nose caught a sniff of a tasty sandwich, he looked down and found a tasty pair of sandwich placed upon a patterned plate staring back at him, tempting his tongue to savor them at the moment but the slight sound of snap of fingers took his eyes to his mom's face whose face was printed with 'First freshen up' all over her face.

After 10-15 minutes, he is finally able to grab the sandwich in his hands and take a bite but then he hisses a little, his mom takes the sandwich from his hands and feeds him to not let him give any chance to put pressure on his arms. 

While chewing, he speaks in between," Mom, my arms are fine. You saw right how flawlessly I grabbed the sandwich, it's just that I felt pain for a few seconds otherwise my arms have recovered quite well. Mom, I know seeing me in this state doesn't make your heart agree with me being out for my duty again.

But you know, I feel that I will heal faster if I am working. Listen...I know I don't look like I am in the state to be put under much pressure in this state and I won't. I will try to keep my workload only to mental duties, I promise. But I don't want to remain still doing nothing although sometimes doing nothing is the best but the time is not right now for me. Please, Mom, please."

Lakshman's mom chuckles and his father also emerges into his room with a burst of laughter," Son! your mother and I can't deny your pleas, you very well know that. Still, now, he is using the same technique to convince us of something just like in old times. Laksh! Remember, when you were injured pretty up like now, actually, he was more badly injured than now.

You were trying to catch our neighborhood's thief. You were chasing him like a mad train till your hands grasped his shoulder but then that thief threw you against a light pole all of a sudden and your temple started bleeding.

Still like a crazy boy, you crashed into his back making him fall face flat on the ground while you sat upon his back and twisting his ears. Woahhh.. At that moment, I knew this was not the end but the beginning of your stubbornly courage acts. But still, you made me proud, Laksh. "

Lakshman's mom intervenes in a teasing tone," Laksh, today is your lucky day. After such a long time, he has called you a brave police officer rather than a stubborn fool. Congrats, son! tchhh…"

Lakshman's dad heartily laughs," I agree that I used to call him a fool but he had already proven since he became  a dutiful police officer that he is no more a fool although I used to enjoy his foolish acts, which are best memories for me, Laksh's mom."

Lakshman confirms with a slow-paced tone," So, that means I can return to my duty today itself. I will consider it as yes. Thank you, Mom, and Dad. Okay, let me change my outfit into my uniform." Lakshman's parents advised him to not put much stress on his body, only let his mind do the work in the police station, to which he agreed and playfully answered, " Yes, SIR !"

Lakshman arrives in front of his police station by the auto-rickshaw ( three-tiered vehicle ), he prances forward into the police entrance door but his step is blocked by Dhansi ji's figure who is currently staring at him with strictness in his eyes, behind Kritak stood looking torn to take whose side; Lakshman sir or Dhansi sir. 

His one eyebrow raised in curiosity towards his action while contemplating the reason behind it. He voices out in an innocent tone," Dhansi ji, is something wrong? Why are you standing at the door? Are we waiting for someone's arrival…? " Dhansi ji didn't react for a long second then Lakshman's gaze shifted to Kritak behind Dhansi ji.

He gestured with his eyes asking for an explanation but Kritak suddenly felt his tongue being caught in his mouth. Lakshman lets out an impatient sigh and encourages Kritak to speak out in a clueless tone," Kritak, could you honor me to speak out whom we are waiting for? And why does Dhansi ji look so rigid and serious? Is this related to those criminals? Kritak, right now, answer me...Kritaaakk."

Kritak opens his mouth but his mouth shuts as fast he opened as he confronts the glare directed by Dhansi ji towards him. Dhansi ji informs with a firm and respectful tone," Sorry, sir but you can't enter because the order has been given from the head of the police itself to not let you be allowed to return to duty until you are fully recovered.

And I bet you don't want to disobey his order, Lakshman sir. Apologies to you because I am currently blocking your way and rebelling against your order. Lakshman sir, you should return home, it is a request from me. Please !"

Lakshman inspects their faces and knows the actual matter behind this order; he smiles instead of being angry or irritated. He didn't utter a word and simply turned back and walked straight out of the police station. Kritak is stunned because he knows Lakshman sir who wouldn't back down without trying and trying till he makes the situation in his favor. Mr. Dhansi is a bit shocked as well but he doesn't let appear on his face rather he traces Lakshman sir's footsteps till he enters the park just opposite the police station. Dhansi Ji chuckles," I knew it. He will not give in easily. See !"

Lakshman strolls in the park admiring the flowers while keeping an eye on the police station secretly. Dhansi ji and Kritak returned back to their duties whereas he felt bored waiting for almost an hour. But he didn't have any intent to return home till they gave in to his silent protest to let him in. 

He hums an inaudible tune under his breath while pacing within the park then a discussion reaches his ears, he looks sideways and finds a bunch of 2-3 police officers having a serious and deep conversation regarding the subject which he is already interested and invested in.

He swallowed his pride for a few moments and eavesdropped on their conversation while pretending to be oblivious because there was no other way to know what was happening inside there.

One of them spoke in a sympathetic tone," These days have been hard for us police officers, especially after past days incidents. And it affected our senior police officers who were handling those criminals who were recently put up in jail."

  Another police officer voiced out with a scared tone," I had heard from Mr. Dhansi and Kritak that the prison chamber at some point transitioned into a hell chamber when they were inside. Those criminals appeared more like demons than mere human beings.

I don't believe in demons but I am not sure, right now. After witnessing the condition of our strong police officers, I am in serious doubt that any police officer would dare to enter that dangerous den."

Another police officer declares with an uncertain tone," But if what Dhansi ji suggested is approved by all police officers then we might be able to request our Additional Director General through a letter to shift those abnormal criminals to a solitary confinement building away from city present in the middle of Arabian sea from Aare Ware beach, which is secluded beach approximately 320 km away from Pune (6-7 hours to reach ). I think that would be a safe option and wise choice to do for the people and our safety as well."

Lakshman listens with concentrated ears, he agrees partially with the idea because it might turn out the opposite if those criminals are away from their sight, it could possibly invite even more dangerous outcomes. But at the moment the decision seems fine and doable to him. 

One of them again expressed with a melancholic tone," Although Lakshman sir was heavily injured, he seems to be doing better, which is a relief...but….that is not the case for Vidyut sir.  Vidyut sir is facing the worst outcome right now. He is not ready to wake up from his unwilling sleep in a coma. He is stable yet when he will finally wake up no one knows. I pray that he wakes up soon."

The rest of their conversation blurred out and he sank into a state where he was experiencing a state of nothingness. His ears couldn't believe what he heard from his own ears, he then realizes the reason behind Dhansi ji and Kritak's behavior. The reason was Vidyut sir's health condition, which is indigestible news to his mind. He stood still for long minutes then finally snapping back to reality when he heard barking sounds coming from street dogs.

Lakshman touched his cheeks as he felt something wet on his cheek, he wiped the wet liquid and raised his finger to his eye level, water spread over his finger representing the tears gushing down his cheeks.

Lakshman contemplates and regret and guilt swoops inside his heart and again his arms start hurting, his thoughts screaming and accusing him,"  You could save him but you didn't. If you had been a little observant towards Vidyut Ji's statue then it would have been better. You were slow and obstinately stubborn to remain inside even after the red flags.

You should have sent him along with Dhansi Ji and Kritak then he might have been in better condition then. But of course, you don't listen to anyone but yourself like always. You are responsible for Vidyut Ji's condition. You FAILED him. You are to be blamed. You…. and only you."

Lakshman's head bent in shame and guilt directed to the ground while his arm pain increased but the physical pain was less than the mental pain that he is currently dealing with. Suddenly he wipes his tears and his dull eyes fade into a burning gaze with determination sparkling like fire. He decides something and he is willing to go to the end to catch the actual culprit behind all these incidents.

  Lakshman looks back at the police station with a concentrated feature on his face. He speaks to himself with a realized tone," I know the police won't allow especially Dhansi ji to handle any cases for some time but it is the crucial time to act and I won't let it slip. Even though I can't return to my police station. But that doesn't stop me from performing my duties without the uniform. I am going to go undercover and untangle this bunch of twisted threads choking the lives of human beings. And I will do it no matter what. But I need to be cautious to be not caught in the vision of Dhansi ji.

But how?... Ohh yes. I remember those criminals mentioning the same detail that they saw a girl with a cat doing their crime time and this girl is somehow linked to these criminal cases and Hrida is missing as well.

Can she be? No.. She was alone and she had no cat and we didn't find any photos or albums in her house which is strange itself. Maybe the girl is related to Hrida or there is a possibility that Hrida is that girl and maybe I didn't notice the cat in the rush.

But there is no evidence or clue confirming my theory but I do know someone who can. Nimit ( teen thief) might have been caught by that same girl whom the recent criminals sighted after all we received a call from an anonymous number about the murderous theft crime and also that Vanya's husband's crime was informed by an unknown stranger.

This all indicates one fact that the girl or Hrida is involved unintentionally with these cases and Hrida's broken phone whose image unexpectedly popped up in my brain and this Nimit are my leading blocks to uncover the hidden road to truth."

Lakshman didn't think much and took a rickshaw and went back home, which was remarked by the police officers at the park, they informed Dhansi ji about Lakshman sir's sudden leave. Dhansi ji finally felt peace and was relieved that Lakshman sir understood the situation. Dhansi ji went back to his work although Kritak didn't look convinced about the fact that Lakshman sir's leave reason was his surrender rather it was more of an indication that he was up to something big and he needed to know it because he won't let him do this alone. Then next second he went back to his usual mood and behaved like nothing had happened.

On the other side, in a secluded park, the sun's rays blazed making the trees glow, birds returned to their nest for a nap but someone was not feeling bright or calm today. During the cozy afternoon, the beautiful hypnotic blanket of warmth made the surroundings fall asleep but the blanket couldn't hover over Hrida. Hrida, who is currently on the phone with dissatisfied expression and a small frown on her lips.

She retorts with an emphasized tone," Do you realize that this could give away my cover? I know you are worried but still, you did promise me that you would support me in this silently. Then why are you not understanding the consequences of your action? If by any chance, Aunty catches you saying my name or notices you calling someone numerous times, then she will obviously get SUSPICIOUS. And we don't want that, Shashi, you know."

Shashi replies in an irritated tone," Hrida, I just wanted to talk to you to ask about your well-being and nothing else. You are scolding me as if I enjoy your stupid banters. You really are a scaredy cat and no offense to Tapish. Actually, Tapish is braver than you. And, currently, you are sounding selfish right now. You are scared that you will be caught but you can't see that I am getting myself in trouble as well and I am willing to do it even if you are angry. So, stop running like a coward and face the problem. "

Hrida fumes in anger," I am a coward? Oh, thank you gracious Shashi for making this revelation to me. Actually, I am stupid to expect a fool to understand what I am trying to indicate. And you find my banters stupid right, then you are also stupid because you are listening to a stupid person.

Ugh! I can't believe you are saying I am selfish I just want to be careful because...your stupid action will expose me out before them. Idiot! Think clearly, I have gone missing and their only clue or way to find me is you and I am suspicious that they might be already keeping an eye on your actions or even your phone. So, it is better to act normal, your constant calls may indicate something to them. That's what I have been trying to say. But an idiot will always stay as an idiot. "

She heard his tired sigh, she closed her eyes and spoke in a forced bitter tone," In reality, you are the one who is acting selfish right now. You want to talk and converse with me so many times that you don't realize you are putting your best friend in a tight situation.

It would be best if we don't talk for some days because I don't want to talk to you. And I even think.. that you purposefully want to expose me and help the police to capture me. So, bye and don't call me because if you do though then also I will not answer."

Hrida cuts the call and doesn't let him speak a word at all, she finds Tapish staring with a curious gaze as if questioning her action. Hrida explains herself with a heavy heart," Tapish, you know how Shashi can be peculiar to the extent he doesn't stop until he reaches the end. And....I don't want to drag him into my chaotic messy life, especially after that nightmare that I experienced in the sleep.

I can't let that...that...stupid sweet best friend of mine suffer. I can't ignore the fact that wherever I go, I bring that shadow following behind me like a tail and If I don't separate myself from Shashi then the tail might catch him too. But I won't in my presence, let him touch my best friend or my loved ones on my count."

Tapish meows and Hrida understands, she sits on the bench and pats her lap, and Tapish jumps and settles on her lap. She hums a random tune with having soft ring to it, her other hand caressing his neck, Hrida softly whispers," You know we have been running for days, found ourselves different places to stay for nights, and also experienced kindness from the countable number of people.

But I felt most comforted and even happy since I collided with Shashi otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy our stupid banters as he named it. I love when we talk like silly beings and I know that he didn't mean when he called me out selfish but to be honest, some of his sentences were partially true of mine, which I am not ready yet to accept. Shashi! Even when he is angry, I couldn't help but find it stupidly adorable. Shashiii.....is just Shashi. Hmmmph."

Tapish let out a happy purr grabbing her attention, she cooed," You are happy. My cute elder brother is feeling happy. Oh! The sun is going to set soon; we need to find ourselves a place to stay for a night. Let me check on the phone. We can't afford to remain at the same place in plain sight like this and the place is quite chilly at night."

  She knew one place that she wanted to visit with her parents but they didn't allow it because they didn't think it was worth their time and a doll always looks best with perfect and pristine doll houses. She didn't agree but she kept quiet as she didn't want to hurt their feelings.

She mapped the distance and pathway to ' Parvati Hill Temple' situated distant from Pune, she zoomed in and out on the map application and memorized the landmarks for the 10th time. So being that she switched off the phone because of no need to use it and also to stretch its battery for a bit longer period although the battery percentage is just a mere 5 %. 

Hrida bought half a gram of grapes with left money on the way to that temple. Tapish was prancing swifter than Hrida, whereas Hrida's feet felt light as a feather and her body felt warm suddenly, the heat creeping from toe to head despite the breezy evening. Her mind went blank for a second, the vision before was swimming in blurred angles. She took a small sip from the water bottle to preserve the remaining half a liter of water for both of them; she fed a few grapes to Tapish as she felt he needed it more than her.

Ultimately, they arrived at the temple after 30-40 minutes approximately, she carefully walked upon the stony stairs which were many like around 100 but they weren't steep which made it easier for both of them to walk into the entrance of the temple upon the hill at an altitude of 2,100 feet  ( above sea level).

She sneaks behind couples while exploring the temple from the inside to avoid being numb finger in the crowd. Tapish was attracting attention and few of them were irritated by its presence for invalid reasons, so she grabbed him and sneaked him inside her shawl and let him see through the shawl.

Hrida felt safe and protected under the shelter of Parvati Maa ( Mother Goddess), she bowed down on the ground touching her forehead to the ground, and prayed," Maa ( Mother), I have come under your shelter, please help him find my way back to truth. Till then I ask for you to forgive me as I am going to hide in the temple for a night stay. I am safe here, so please let me hide from the eyes and shelter myself here. Please, Maa."

Slowly as the sun sets deeper down till vanishing at some point, the people disappear, she finds herself in a corner where no one can catch but the last person; the priest checks every corner to ensure no one is left because the darkness slowly seeping into the sky.

Hrida mutters silent prayers to be not caught while Tapish is staring silently at her through the shawl. The Priest approaches her but somehow he gets diverted and his footsteps fade away as he steps outside and walks down the stairs fading into the size of an ant and dark blue hue has already overtaken the sky and the stars shining bright.

Hrida rested for a while but then she felt the urge to step out of the temple and sit on the stairs and she did that, Tapish following her. She sat on the stairs glancing at the stars twinkling vividly calling her to focus on the surroundings. She looks beyond the stairs, lined with uncountable trees and bushes, the sweet scent of flowers invites her to take a close look.

She stepped beyond the stairs and heard a symphony of crackling sounds of leaves beneath her feet like a piano. Her heart was syncing along with the melody and she let her melody float in the jazzy breeze, 

" Run, Run

That's what I have been doing current.

I want to run and run, far away from everyone

Finding a place to stay every day

But it seems no day wants to stay, after all,

I am a runaway that wants to run away.

I don't want to run but I have to run

Otherwise, I will be left with none.

But, but,

I have no problem running into you.

The dancing trees, the jazzy breeze 

Are making sway with ease

The cricket's noise and the bubbly stars 

Are making sing out loud that I, 

  I-I would love to stay,

I want to stay, I don't wanna run,

Just stay along with you.

Run, run, that's what I have been doing current,

But my heart is running into you, Current.

Hmm. Hmmm. Hm. Hhmm. Hmmh

Hmm. Hmmm. Hm. Hhmm. Hmmh."

She paused letting out a heartfelt chuckle when she remarked Tapish acting out his energetic walk upon her song. She cheers him up by continuing the song, 

" Right now, no more run, 

  Just enjoy the fun, tap your feet

  Tap, tap, Tapish there he is.

  No more run cause we are having fun,

  No more run, no more, Run.

  Run, run that's what I don't wanna do current

  I don't wanna do it current. I just stay here currentttt…."

Hrida lets out a happy sigh, " Waaah. I feel good." Tapish found something flying in front of his eyes with glorious light, a butterfly with large wings painted sea blue hovers over Tapish's head, he is entranced to capture within his paws but the butterfly makes him run in a circle chasing it. Hrida giggles witnessing this scene, she playfully mumbles, " Looks like you got yourself pretty lady to chase, brother."

A melodious enchanting hum coming from the deep forest captivated her mind and unconsciously her feet automatically started moving in the direction of the sound. On the other hand, Tapish is busy running in circles while her little sis is exposing herself to unknown territory.