
Plundering Across the Cosmos

*Upload speed is unspecified, I will upload whenever I have free time.* *DISCLAIMER* This is NOT my original novel. I found it on an MTL website and found it fun and interesting so I decided to go down the rabbit hole and edit it with proper English (to the best of my abilities) so that others could enjoy it too. I changed the names for a lot of things, rewrote many others, and tried to make this story read as fluently as possible. If I'm being honest, the whole novel may have been exciting in its original language, but it isn't in English. So like I said before, I'm pretty much rewriting this novel to my liking, still following the original plot and story, but adding A LOT to it. So it technically is a fanfic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If you guys want to go read the original MTL, its original author was "banana too dog" under the original title of "I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age" *END OF DISCLAIMER* In the interstellar era, gangs and predators run rampant across the galaxy. Ajax, a skilled artisan crafting energy blocks, finds himself at the bottom of society, subjected to relentless bullying. He plunges into the shadows to ensure his survival, ultimately joining a notorious gang. Ajax stumbles upon a remarkable discovery along his journey – a super warship capable of upgrading limitlessly, given the availability of resources. With this newfound power, he establishes the infamous bandit gang "Reapers." This marks the beginning of an era characterized by endless plundering and ruthless exploits.

Crimson_Reapr · Khác
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75 Chs

Chapter 33

Judging from the results of the last battle, Ajax cannot take on more than 3 or 4 Knight-Level mechs at a time. He could handle at most 2 Parallax-Level mechs at the same time and only one of the more formidable adversaries, the Rakshasa-Level mech.

Although not as powerful as his Warlock-Level mech, a pilot capable of operating this level of mech would not be an easy foe to fight and probably has a lot of experience under his belt, he may even be able to suppress the rookie Ajax.

Rushing out right now might, at most, create some chaos, but it would be quelled soon after by the members of the Hell's League. With only sixty of them and two mechs, it was impossible to withstand the siege of hundreds of enemies that were accompanied by 12 mechs, let alone rescue anyone in the camp.

But if they allowed the Hell's League to engage in a fight halfway through the camp before launching their sneak attack from behind, the fight could turn out entirely different. The members of the Hell's League would be caught in a bad spot, trying to fend off enemies attacking them from in front while having to fight off enemies on their flank, being forced to fight a battle on two fronts, dividing their overall strength.

Moreover, the enemy mechs were spread out and scattered among the crowd of enemy combatants. If he planned things out correctly and acted with preciseness after choosing the right moment to enter the playing field, there was a higher chance of causing more damage.

Of course, the surrounding operators followed Ajax's orders, after all, if it hadn't been for him, they wouldn't have lived through the ambush, let alone be able to come back after learning of the camp's crisis.

At this moment, the barrier that had fended off the enemy's attacks for over half an hour, finally collapsed, exposing the camp's gate to enemy firepower.

"OPEN FIRE!" Bomen ordered his men.

"swooooooonnn BRRRRTTTT" The 40mm Vulcan cannons in his hands unleashed hell through the barbed wire fence each firing a rate of 20 rounds per second, creating sparks as they hit the enemy vehicles.

Several old-fashioned off-road vehicles in the front were immediately blown up, and members of the Hell's League were pulverized, turning into pink mist as they were hit by the rain of bullets.

The operators behind Bomen also opened fire collectively from their Hesco Bastions and sentry towers, and the network of firepower they unleashed eviscerated the first wave of the Hell's League.

However, Hell's League members weren't afraid of casualties. Seeing that the barrier had finally given out, they let out wild cheers and returned fire. Unfortunately for them, they lacked the positional advantage, and most of the bullets they fired hit the alloy door or Hesco Bastions.

Only a few missiles and rockets managed to cause damage to the operators behind cover. Feeling that such an attack was meaningless, the commander of the Hell's League quickly changed tactics. Two trucks equipped with huge alloy plates took the lead, with ordinary members and mechs following behind, and collectively pressed forward.

This was indeed a good strategy. The camp itself lacked heavy firepower, so they couldn't penetrate the thick alloy plate, which quickly pressed forward nearly 30 meters.

Even Bomen's 40mm Vulcan cannons only produced sparks and deep dents, unable to penetrate the alloy. At the same time was continuously peppered by the mechs of the Hell's League, causing his durability to drop sharply.

The two sentry towers were also accurately hit by enemy missiles, only leaving the operators behind the Hesco Bastions struggling to provide support.

Estimating the distance between the two sides, Bomen's heart skipped a beat. He opened the missile ports on his shoulders, and all six missiles that were packed heavily with explosives were shot out, hitting the two modified heavy trucks in front.

Intense flames covered the front of the battlefield, and a scorching heat accompanied by a shock wave spread out. About six seconds later, a single modified truck rushed out and continued towards the camp missing a third of its thick alloy plate. The other truck had been destroyed as it just stayed remained motionless emitting black smoke.

Although effective, it fell short of Bomen's expectations, and the enemy continued to press forward.

When it was about fifty meters away from the camp, the modified truck accelerated intending to ram the camp gate.

"Stop him now! Use an RPG!" Bomen shouted anxiously.

In the next second, two rockets flew out of the camp, hit the truck, turning the driver into pink mist and hurting into fire. However, the truck was too close to the camp and its momentum allowed it to slam into the camp's alloy gate.

The two alloy plates rubbed against each other violently, emitting an ear-piercing "Clank" sound. The device fixing the gate twisted in an instant and was overwhelmed by the load. A loud "claaaank claaaank claank clank clank ank ankankankank CLANK" rang out as the twisted gate snapped from its hinges and slowly fell backward with a loud "THUMP" as it hit the ground. It sent a cloud of smoke and dust everywhere.

"AAAAHHHHHH..." Member of the Hell's League shouted in unison as they rushed forward desperately under the cover of the mechs, pouring into the breach of the camp.

"GO TO HELL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! AAAHHHH!" Bomen was not frightened by the enemies rushing up and held up his Vulcan cannons, making indiscriminate left-to-right and right-to-left sweeps until the barrel of the gun was piping red. Clouds of pink mist could be seen rising and quickly dispersing with every sweep he made.

The operators opened fire through the breach until their magazines ran dry. RPG's, high-explosive grenades, and anything that could maim or kill multiple enemies were thrown out desperately.

A Knight-Level Echo-Type mech held the energy ax in its hand and slashed at Bomen, intending to stop Bomen's output. But this only caused Bomen to start another burst with his cannons at the cockpit of the rushing mech.

"swooooonnn BRRRRTTTTT..." bullets rained down on the cockpit of the rushing mech, piercing through it in an instant and eviscerating its pilot inside, then triggering a core explosion.

However, Bomen was also hit by three missiles, causing parts of his armor to fly off in chunks and destroying his Vulcan cannons. He fell to the ground from the hit as another Knight-Level Echo-Type mech rushed at him, brandishing a hammer-shaped energy weapon, ready to take down Bomen and end the battle in the camp.

Bomen ignored all kinds of warnings from the CI system and forced his smoking mech to stand up. If his cannons hadn't been destroyed, he would've turned this mech pilot to paste, just like his comrade.

Bomen barely managed to dodge the attacking mech and then rushed directly to the area where Hell's League had the most people. Without waiting for these people to react, Bomen activated the self-destruct of his mech and ejected from the mech.

The unmanned mech slid forward for a short distance. The core gradually turned a bright orange before violently exploding, covering a large area and setting off shock waves. A large number of the Hell's League members who were in the group were engulfed in flames and were killed by the debris that was sent flying by the explosion at the speed of a bullet.

The Echo-Type mech that Bomen had dodged was foolish enough to chase after him and when Bomen's mech exploded, a large and sharp metal plate sliced right through its cockpit, splitting its pilot's body in half. No one expected that this explosion would have been as violent as it was...

Bomen, who had landed safe and sound, quickly climbed out of the ejected cockpit, picked up his rifle, and ran towards cover while shooting.

The core part of his mech was equipped with a self-destruction option, and the higher the level of the mech, the more energy it had, and the greater the power of its explosion.

It's just that this core option was not generally used by anyone because once activated, there was no going back. There would only be bits and pieces of your mech left...