
please reset the booktitle Reinhardt001Z 20231218092329 9

The Goal is simple, Catch as many Pokémon and Bang as many female trainers as possible. But of course it ain't always gonna be that easy, but with a Good Deal of Meta-Knowledge and Big Dick it shouldn't be too hard? Oh fuck was that Misty? Time for a show! The name is Tobio Lucendi btw.......

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Updated Tiers

I've posted new Tiers for the Story on Pa-treon. Below you'll see them under; See Tier here. I'll post the screenshots. I'm willing to accept three donation Tier pledges as the three Tiers I need before I publicly release next Chapter. After that I'll release as needed, but if it drops below three, the updates stop until it gets back up.

Here's The first Donation Tier.

Here's the Second Donation Tier.

Here's The Third Donation Tier

Here's the First True Tier

Here's the Second True Tier

Here's the Third True Tier.


Here's the Fourth and Final True Tier.

Here's the link to my Pa-treon simply remove the Dash after A:
