
please reset the booktitle Reinhardt001Z 20231218092329 9

The Goal is simple, Catch as many Pokémon and Bang as many female trainers as possible. But of course it ain't always gonna be that easy, but with a Good Deal of Meta-Knowledge and Big Dick it shouldn't be too hard? Oh fuck was that Misty? Time for a show! The name is Tobio Lucendi btw.......

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Pa-Treon is launched

Alright so here's the deal, I've Launched a Pa-Treon, next Chapter Is up there, but it could take up to 48 hours to be able to viewed, Next few Chapters are gonna be up there soon enough, probably every Three Days or so.

Now because I travel internationally whenever possible and a good idea, it'll be in Sterling. Sorry if that's a problem. I'll be doing a number of Tiers for certain Stories. Plus I'll be visiting my brother soon so While I wait for the Borders of his Country to open up fully I have A lot of three time on my hands lately.

Reinhardt001Z is my Pa-treon handle