
please reset the booktitle Reinhardt001Z 20231218092329 9

The Goal is simple, Catch as many Pokémon and Bang as many female trainers as possible. But of course it ain't always gonna be that easy, but with a Good Deal of Meta-Knowledge and Big Dick it shouldn't be too hard? Oh fuck was that Misty? Time for a show! The name is Tobio Lucendi btw.......

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Defined Story Arcs and Auxiliary Information

So just to be up front, The Character, Tobio Lucendi, is a member of the Lusamine Family, maternal wise at any rate.zHus mother had an accident involving the Ultra Beasts leading to her hospitalization. For a Time Tobio was officially Interim CEO, though in truth Hobbes did most of the work as Tobio was seen as still a child.

Tobio would bond with a Magby and took at as his Starter Pokémon. I originally chose a Litten for him, but that can happen much much later. He'll end up with a Kanto Starter and eventually all three, but Magby will almost always be at Tobio's Side.

Now to be clear in his LI's. He is Set on May, Caitlin, and Lillie. And though May and Caitlin are non-negotiable, I am considering replacing Lillie for possibly Mallow or Serena.

The Arcs though will be split between A Main Arc, with several Smaller Arcs comprising them. Here I'd the Main Arcs and their composition:


Arc 1: A Journey begins

Sub-Arc 1: Route 1-Viridian Forest.


I'll update this as required, so check back from time to time....

That's really all I have for now, see you Beautiful Bastards sooner rather than later....