
please reset the booktitle Reinhardt001Z 20231218092329 9

The Goal is simple, Catch as many Pokémon and Bang as many female trainers as possible. But of course it ain't always gonna be that easy, but with a Good Deal of Meta-Knowledge and Big Dick it shouldn't be too hard? Oh fuck was that Misty? Time for a show! The name is Tobio Lucendi btw.......

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

5: Viridian Forest Encounters

(Viridian Forest)


Tobio kept his Pokémon outside their Pokéballs as he entered The Viridian City Forest. He wanted his new friends and his old ones to get used to each other. Speaking of which, it was high time they began to set up a standardized training routine.

''Alright listen up, it's time we set up a training plan. Bulbasaur, you and Mags are the Teem Leaders, so for the rest of you, follow their examples. Anyways, Totodile, I want you and Dratini to begin practicing Water-Tye Moves together, specifically ones the other doesn't know. No Dratini I realize you won't be able to learn everything and most of what you do is from TM's, TR's, and HM's, but if nothing else it'll help you be better fighter against Water-Types. Silicobra, I want you to practice your accuracy with Sand Shot against Magby. Mags is petty Quick, and a Moving Target is always better. Mags, Fire an Ember back every so often. You all understand so far?'' Tobio asks them

''Magby, Cobra, Dile, Tini.'' The Reply at Once in unison.

''As for you Bulbasaur, I want you to practice increasing your speed and Reaction Times, so for that Reason you'll be with me as we try and bring in some new reasons. Luxio, I want you to observe each bit of Training, and at some point teach Dratini Electric-Type attacks. Remember all of you, never stray more than fifty meters from the campsite, and never leave your Companion alone against an enemy.'' Says Tobio as he walks away with Bulbasaur. ''I'll be back in an hour or so, if I'm not back before then wait another hour before you come searching for us.


(POV Change: Magby)


His Master left him in charge while Bulba and he went off in search of new comrades. Magby would lead them satisfactorily for him, he owed his Master his life after all.

His Tribe was attacked and his Egg was taken by Poachers. He remembered being in a Cage after escaping his egg. Then his Master came. Broke him free and took him back to his Tribe. Mother Magmara entrusted Magby to him, and Magby was by his side always.

But now his Master had told him that with Bulba he was a Leader, and that he had to help Silva with his accuracy. Magby would do this, but he just hoped Silva was up to the task.

''Oh, one more thing. When your with me, you get a name. You might not get one right away, but you will eventually. Totodile, I'm gonna call you....Waylon. An old friend of mine was misunderstood because he looked like a Feraligator. Dratini, your name will be Vritra. A Dragon King's name. Silicobra, Gonna call you Silvio. A wise man's name. Luxio, gotta call you Thor, a Redbearded man with the Thunderbolt of Zapdos at his beck and call. As for Bulbasaur, he'll be Boba from now on. Mags, I'm trusting you to lead them in my absence.'' Says His Master.


(POV Change: Tobio Lucendi)


Having named his Pokémon after Killer Croc, Thor, A DxD Dragon King, Boba Fett, and A Sopranos character. Tobio and Bulbasaur departed in search of new friends to join them.

They wouldn't need to go far, but He needed Dratini to know Waterfall, Surf, Rain Dance, and Aqua Tail. But more importantly how to combat them and use them to it's advantage. Likewise Silicobra needed to know how to accurately hit a moving and nimble target like Mags and how to Dodge and counter a back shot from Mags.

The Thing with them though was Tobio did not know how to exactly train them fully. For now teaching them how to adapt to and combat certain techniques would be best until such a time that he was able to sit down and take stock of their skills with each of them.


Walking along, Tobio and Boba were confronted by a group of Kakuna.

''I seek the one with the greatest potential, please send them out.'' Tobio tells them. Typically Pokémon were better judges of character when it came to Potential. After all Paul though not abusive was unable to recognize how to bring out Chimchar's true potential, and thus abandoned him. With Pokémon they nine times out of ten knew how to get the best out of each other so by asking for the one with the greatest potential, he could get more out of them instead of simply asking for the one with the most strength.

The Kakuna exchange glances before a rather Large Beedril appears. It points to a rather gnarled looking tree.

''My thanks.'' Tobio says.

Walking over Yobio spies not a Beedril, Weedle, or Kakuna, but a Scyther that promptly slashed down at him. ''Scyther!''

''Alright then. Boba. You ready? Let's dance with this Scyther. Razor Leaf.''

''Bulba!'' Boba shouts, sending Razor Leaf at Scyther, but it blocks and shouts.

It's quickly joined by a whole Pack.

''Okay hold up. You know for a mighty pack your not as strong as you could be?'' Tobio says stepping in front of the group.

''SCYTHER???'' You can practically hear the word NANI in their reaction.

''I get the pack mentality guys, really I do, but ask yourselves this...If you won't interfere in a challenge on your Pack's Leadership, what gives your the right to Interfere in my battle for supremacy. I come here not for the strongest Pokémon, but the ones with the BEST potential, not the biggest or smallest potential, but the ones with the best. Those Kakuna said this one of your Pack was one such Pokémon. If you fight together, then yeah you stand united, but your also denying him a chance to prove his strength in a situation where you lot won't always be around to help.'' Tobio says as an old Scizor approaches him.

''Scizor.'' It says as he points first to The Scyther then Tobio.

''All I want is to prove that my Pokémon are the best of their line. Bulbasaur here, and MGs back there, I made them promise. As for Silicobra, Luxio, Totodile, and Dratini. I took them in after they were abandoned by their trainer because I bested him. Let Me and my Pokémon prove ourselves worthy of taking this one into OUR Pack.'' Says Tobio.

''Scy!''The Scyther responds.

''Scizor. Zor.'' The Pack and the Scizor hover around the trees allowing the one-on-one match to at last continue.


Boba tanked a lot of damage, but he managed to just outpace Scyther.

''Well done Boba, you've earned yourself a long rest.'' Says Tobio as he applies a potion to Boba's wounds, before stroking his bulb, qnd then returning him to his Pokéball.

''Bulbasaur.'' Boba says tiredly as it returns.

''Well, I won. But the question is whether or not you believe in my worth as a Leader?'' Tobio says as he approaches the old Scizor.

Scizor turns to the Scyther and nods its head before turning to Tobio and placing a rather unique Item before him.


The Mega Stone needed to evolve Scizor into Mega Scizor.

''It can't be that easy.'' Says Tobio in a low whisper as he stares at the Scizorite in his hands dumbfounded. Because unless senility was common in old Pokémon why would a Pokémon just hand over a Mega Stone?

''Scy?'' The Scyther says tilting its head.

''Doesn't really matter I suppose, welcome to the team....Marduk.'' Says Tobio, naming Scyther after the ancient Babylonian Hero who slew Tiamat, and coincidentally was sn Alias of legendary DC Villain Vandal Savage, as he captures Scyther with his Pokéball.


Having returned to camp to recuperate and swap Boba with Thor or Mags, as well as to introduce Marduk to the others, Tobio Sat down to enjoy some Oran and Sitrus Berry Pie.

Hus Pokémon all loved his cooking, and helped him prepare it. Scyther sliced the berries rather well, making him a good addition to the team.

First thing to do after letting the pie settle in his belly would be to search for more Pokémon....

''Ow fuck!'' Whatever hit him head on was very big and very heavy..

''Gengar! Gengar!''

''Finally Found you you big meanie! Good job Rapooh!''

''Huh? Wait I know that voice! It belongs to....oh shit.'' As soon as the Gengar got off of him he was being stared down by none other than Acerola, his friend from Alola....whom he had left without saying goodbye to.

''That's Right! Me, Acerola.'' She says hands on her hips, glowering down at him...rather cutely he might add.


So fellas been a minute huh? Don't have much to say beyond LI has been replaced by Acerola. Don't want to say I fell in love with her as the missus is right next to me driving, but I kinda did.

Originally I wanted May to come in first, but I can probably add her soon. Caitlin will come farther along and you know how far forward Cynthia is...or do you?

I'm thinking that Acerola will be an interesting foil to May and Tobio. Especially given their prior relationship. In any case please bear with me, at least for the. dxt few Chapters or so before you place judgment.