
please reset the booktitle Reinhardt001Z 20231218092329 9

The Goal is simple, Catch as many Pokémon and Bang as many female trainers as possible. But of course it ain't always gonna be that easy, but with a Good Deal of Meta-Knowledge and Big Dick it shouldn't be too hard? Oh fuck was that Misty? Time for a show! The name is Tobio Lucendi btw.......

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

3: From Rags to Riches Part 3



Before we Begin....

Thank you.

The support of my loyal readers putting up with my unpredictable schedule is truly great. I'm always traveling with the wife, but you've put up with me regardless.

Now then, I got a quick announcement I'll soon be launching a Pa-treon and launch stories there

Okay sappy moment over onto the Story....


(Route 1)


Pidgey was a godsend. It's Move-Set was decent enough, but it's determined nature were what made him adamant on having it a main staple in his Pokémon Arsenal. Pidgey was a perfect scout with a very Ash-Like Determination.

Once it evolved it would really start coming into it's own. Tobio was nearing the end of Route 1 when a Large thuggish looking man stepped in his path. ''What have we here? Another Baby on his way to Viridian?'' Ignoring his twitching eyebrows at the man's wording, Tobio quickly picked up on the term used by Lieutenant Surge. Clearly this dick was from Vermillion City, and he certainly did look like Surge except his Hair was Black with White Tips as opposed to Surge's pure blonde hair. The man had a big Luxio at his side, a Shiny one if the Red Fur is any Indication

Rather than respond, Tobio went around him.

''Hey baby, you can't pass here without defeating me.'' Says The Surge Fake.

''Don't give a shit.'' Tobio said before continuing on.

''How about a Wager? Your best Pokémon against mine, winner gets to pick from the lovers Pokémon.'' Says The Dick.

''Pass.'' Tobio days continuing on.

''Too bad, now we gotta do this the hard way. Luxio use Thunderbolt!'' Says the dick.

Tobio meanwhile let's the Thunderbolt hit him. ''You'll regret that. Mags, Stand Up and Fight, it's turn to give him a good dicking.''

''Finally. Luxray Return. Come on out Totodile.'' Huh, Totodile eh? Type advantages aside, this was a interesting choice. Especially since it was a Shiny Totodile judging from the Green Skin.

''Totodile use Hydro Pump!''

''Dodge it Mags and use Sunny Day.''

Magby bounces around as it uses Sunny Day, avoiding the Hydro Pump. The Totodile was strong, but Hydro Pump was less accurate than Water Gun, so using it right off the bat against a smaller Pokémon like Magby was a shit plan.

Far better to hit it full power like that after wearing Mags down after multiple Water Guns have hit. This Guy powerful as his Totodile is, is still a thug. Shiny Starters were especially powerful, and this one was no different, as it was able to launch Hydro Pump for more Quickly than your typical starter, not to mention the pressure being several times stronger than the typical Starters Shiny or otherwise.

Magby doged and lept onto a tree before Leaping off higher.

''Flamethrower!'' Magby stands like the Rio Statue of Christ and then fires an especially strong Flamethrower. Because Magby was directly in the sun the Flamethrower was obscured until the last few seconds.

It hit Totodile head on, doing serious damage in spite of the Type advantage being in Mr. Dick's favor. Totodile was only standing because of that advantage.

''Mags use The Falling Momentum to close the Distance and Use Fire Punch!'' Tobio orders.

''MAGBY!'' With a shout it comes crashing down on Totodile.

''Looks like you lose.'' Says Tobio.

''Not yet, I still have two more Pokémon.'' Says Mr. Dick. ''Dratini Let's go!''


''Useless all of you! I've wasted my fucking time Training you Sorry Lot!'' The Dick screamed. Every Pokémon he threw at Tobio was beaten and only his Luxray lasted very long before falling. Tobio was angry however. Attacking a fellow trainer though really illegal was not what pissed him off. It was the way he treated his Pokémon.

His Totodile, Dratini, Luxio, and Silicobra all fell to Tobio's Magby, Bulbasaur, and Pidgey.

''Get Lost! I have no need for useless Pokémon.'' The man dropped their Pokéballs and stomped them. That was all he needed, Tobio came behind him, and kicked him the balls, he brought his Pocket Knife to the man's throat.

''If I ever see you do that again, treat another Pokémon like the garbage that you are, You'll beg me to kill you.'' Tobio threatens.

''W-Wha-Whatever.'' The Dick staggers off.

Totodile leads the three away.

''Hey!'' Tobio calls out, stopping them short.

''You four showed talent, determination, and pride. And I have room to spare. If you want to reach a pinnacle of strength your Lines have never reach before. Then your welcome to come with me.'' Tobio says throwing Four Pokéballs to their feet.

''Magby, Magby Mag, Mag.'' Mags adds in.

Slowly Totodile trots over to him.

''Totodile?'' It asks.

''You will always, ALWAYS, have a place with me. All of you.'' Says Tobio reaching to pat Totodile's Shoulder.

''Toto.'' With that it swallow his Pokéball and is sucked in once it hits his insides.

''How about you three?''


Luxio, Silicobra, and Dratini accepted a place with him. They didn't fully trust him per sè, but they believed him. Still, The fact each of them had a lot of TM's loaded up and still lost spoke volumes of that dicks quality as a Training.

He'll get reported by Tobio first chance Tobio gets. Technically what he did wasn't illegal, but at the very least it was heavily frowned upon. So by telling Nurse Joy, he'd have a black mark on his record and the Pokémon League would be notified. Plus he had been recording Audio and Visually using his Pokèdex which was at his hip.

Huh, he did fire a Thunderbolt at him, that was so very illegal that he'd lose his license for it without fail. Especially as Tobio had no Gym Badges and was registered a little while ago.

This was going to be Good.


Tobio scanned Each Pokéball of his new acquisitions, starting with Silicobra:


Basic Moves:


Sand Attack






Mud Shot


Dragon Rush

Poison Jab


Sand Spit

Shed Skin

Sand Veil


More than a Few TM's and TR's, but a decent bit of variety.



Basic Moves:



Hidden Power


Light Screen


Rain Dance



Iron Tail

Charge Beam

Volt Switch

Signal Beam

Furry Cutter






Mr. Dick clearly loved this one. More TM's than not.



Basic Moves:




Water Gun

Hydro Pump

Ice Beam

Double Edge

Dynamic Punch

Ice Punch

Aqua Tail

Seismic Toss

Ice Fang



Sheer Force


Totodile clearly had more than a few tutors....



Basic Moves:



Thunder Wave


Body Slam

Take Down

Dragon Rage


Dragon Breath

Iron Tail

Draco Meteor


Shed Skin

Marvel Scale


Huh, mayhaps Dratini was the favorite and not Luxio....

Either way soon as he was able to he'd hit the Viridian Forest and start Training them and capturing new ones. Course He could challenge Giovanni, but exciting as that would be it simply wasn't a good idea.

Giovanni was a Piece of work, but he was Kanto's Strongest Gym Leader for a Reason and that was before he got his hands on MewTwo. Plus, unless he had the Badges to back him up, Giovanni likely wouldn't help him with his deadbeat dad.

He'd register at The Viridian Pokémon Center though as his resident Pokémon Center in Kanto.

After that he'd go into The Viridian Forest hunting new Pokémon to add to his growing group, specifically A Machop, Beedrill, Nidoran, and Scyther. He was never very fond of them in his old life, but big surprise that they had their own little perks in Universe not known outside of it. Nidoran, Machop, and Scyther were his main wants, but he wasn't gonna let a Beedrill slip through his fingers if he could help it.

More than anything though, He wanted a Mega Stone and Mega Ring. He specifically wanted a Aerodactylite, Swampertite, Scizorite, Gardevoirite, Abomasite, Tyranitarite, Garchompite, Ampharosite, Aggronite, Lucarionite, Salamencite, Metagrossite, Gengarite, Gyaradosite, Steelixite, Pidgeotite, Venusaurite, Galladite, Beedrillite, Blastoisinite, Charizardite Y, and a Charizardite X during his journey through Kanto up to Galar.

Now he wasn't gonna capture all the Corresponding Pokémon naturally, but those The Stones he was targeting. If he had to shorten it, it would be the Aerodactylite, Swampertite, Gardevoirite, Abomasite, Tyranitarite, Garchompite, Ampharosite, Lucarionite, Salamencite, Metagrossite, Gengarite, Gyaradosite, and Pidgeotite and Venusaurite. Those were the ones he was getting consequences and risks be damned.

But first things first....


So, how'd you guys like that? I decided that the predator would become a longer term thing.

But I've got news, after almost God knows how long of thinking I'll be keeping the LI's but with two additions....

I won't be revealing who beyond the first two Letters, one will be rather obvious, but the other not so much.




So obviously Cy is Cynthia. But I am still on the fence with Li. Usually I would listen to my instincts, and go with someone like Serena. Bur I've literally only just got my Pokémon interest back so I'm gonna reacquaint myself with Pokémon.

Eventually I'll probably change it, but you get the point.

Now before someone comments on the Phanapy in the Story. I almost made the strays more outlandish. Silicobra and Totodile were my best off the top of my head choices. As for Luxio, it was originally Luxray. And Silicobra was A Ralts. That's what I get from getting kicked in the ass by a mule and landing on a bunch of rocks, my level of caring has been shot so to speak. Any way I'll be taking a few days off to reacquaint with Pokémon and play The Pokémon Sun Game I'm expecting tomorrow.