
please reset the booktitle Reinhardt001Z 20231218092329 9

The Goal is simple, Catch as many Pokémon and Bang as many female trainers as possible. But of course it ain't always gonna be that easy, but with a Good Deal of Meta-Knowledge and Big Dick it shouldn't be too hard? Oh fuck was that Misty? Time for a show! The name is Tobio Lucendi btw.......

Reinhardt001Z · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

2: From Rags to Riches Part 2

(Route 1: Kanto)


(Tobio Lucendi POV)


Tobio new enough about the games and the anime to know that he was practically guaranteed a shot at A Pidgey, Spearow, and many Bug-Types. What he did not expect was a motherflunking Pikachu with a slight Orange tint to it to be abandoned by the road. Using one of the potions he had on hand to heal it was a simple enough task. Since then that Pikachu had been following him. Watching him and his Pokémon.

Right now, he was camped and was making some dinner.

''Hey Pikachu, you might as well join us.'' Tobio calls out, and sure enough a Pikachu pops it's head out from behind a tree in interest. ''Come on, enjoy it while it lasts.'' He says placing a Pie down ready to eat.

Pikachu hops over and Sniffs it tentatively, before digging in appreciatively. Getting a better look at this Pikachu, Tobio saw that this was a slightly shiny one. The small tufts of Orange on the otherwise yellow Electric Mouse Pokémon confirmed it. But that didn't explain while it was abandoned on the side of he trail all battered and bruised. Something weird existed here.

Anyway Time to hit the hay....


Waking up to a gone Pikachu was somewhat disappointing but hardly a blow. Legendary Pokémon aside, Tobio knew he would try and get his hands on a Pidgey, Eevee, and a Certain Mweoth.

But first he had to find them....


Anybody remember that Racist joke that The Late Great Larry Linville said during his run with M*A*S*H? About not being able to swing a dead cat without hitting a Korean after Radar belatedly realized the Korean soldier in the American Army mess hall five minutes prior was a Northern Sniper and Communist sympathizer and then on the way to get the MP's instead ran right into Larry's character smashing a tray filled with crap food on him?

Well turns out if you toss out the Asian Racism and replace the Dead Cat with a knocked out Mweoth and the Korean with a Pidgey it's actually true. Route 1 was filled to the brim with Pidgey. So much so it wasn't even funny. A great many were low level and less moves. Tobio was specifically searching for a Low-level Pidgey but with uncommon moves or higher-tier abilities. An Underdog in essence.

It sucked using Paul's Catch, Test Strength, Release if Weak method but this early on he had little choice.

''Damn it, is it too much to ask for a Pidgey that is relatively weak yet has a collection of uncommon or higher-tier abilities? Even that Pikachu was a masterpiece of quality. What I would have liked to give to put it through it's paces and capture it.'' Says Tobio.

Sitting down with a tired sigh, He began eating a Slice of Pie when a Pidgey landed next to him.

''Pidge?'' It questioned pointing out his slice with its Wing.

''Tell you what, if you beat my Pokémon for it I'll give you the whole slice. If My Pokémon beats you, you not only have to join me, but you also have to accept whatever part, piece, or sliver of Pie I give you. Deal?'' Tobio asks deciding to just up and catch one and be done with it.

He had shit to do after all.

''Pidge!'' It seemingly agrees before fluttering a few feet away.

''Hmm. Bulbasaur Stand Up and Fight! Alright Bulbasaur you and me against Pidgey. It's a type disadvantage but if you power on through it you and me will be one step closer to the top of Kanto's League Pyramid. Magby will you count us down?'' Tobio asks.

''Magby.'' Magby stands between Pidgey and me and Bulbasaur. ''Magby.'' It says point three fingers. ''Mag.'' It says counting down to two. ''Magby'' It says as it counts to one before launching a Flamethrower into the Air.

''Bulbasaur use Sludge!'' Tobio orders, but Pidgey dodges using Agility before launching towards Bulbasaur with a Steel Wing.

''Dodge it and use Bullet Seed!'' Tobio calls out, but Bulbasaur stands there and is bathed in a white light. ''It can't be?'' Tobio Gapes.

The White light then gathered in Bulbasaur's Bulb before he opened his mouth and a bright beam shot out and hit Pidgey Hard.

''Hmm, Hidden Power huh? Interesting.'' Tobio notes, before switching back into Battle mode as Pidgey hits the dirt. ''Bind it with Vine Whip and hit it with a Leech Seed.'' He quickly orders.

''Bulbasaur!'' Bulbasaur affirms, binding it in it's Vines before launching a Leech Seed at the Bound Pidgey. Still staggered from the Hidden Power, Pidgey is unable to resist the Binding and that in turn restricts its movement enough that dodging Leech Seed is impossibly difficult.

The Leech Seed hits but doesn't immediately hit Pidgey as it is a long-term status effect move designed to Leech an opponents Health over a period of time.

Pidgey however escapes it's shackles by using Agility and uses Rest in order to negate Leech Seed's effects.

''Smart Bird. But not Smart enough. Bulbasaur Use Sunny Day and then Razor Leaf.'' Sunny Day primarily affected Fire-Types, but when Combined with a Grass-Types Synthesis it could supercharge an otherwise ineffective Typing's Moves. Now Bulbasaur didn't have Synthesis but Sunny Day did serve another purpose....providing Solar Energy to Bulbasaur's.....bulb which in turn increased Razor Leafs Power, albeit by just a fraction of what it did for Magby as a first stage Fire-Type Pokémon.

Swiftly dodging each Razor Leaf, Pidge used Aerial Ace to close the distance, but Tobio was predicting this tactic.

''Sludge!'' That caused Pidgey's Eyes to widen as Sludge was the one move in Bulbasaur's Arsenal that had no negative or positive Type Advantages abs as such did more damage.

Pidgey is hit point blank and the Poison attack poisons Pidgey leeching whatsoever remained of it's Stamina. Pidgey is still because the Poisoning has simply allowed it's previous damage to catch up to it.

''Here. This will help, and I think you've earned this slice.'' Tobio says applying first am antidote and then a Potion before letting Pidgey enjoy the well-earned Oran Berry Pie Slice. This Pidgey really was something special to say the very least. Steel Wing and Agility, this Pidgey had prior ownership, no doubt about it!


That's it folks. Since Corvinus is half done I'll try and get his first Chapter out before I complete the Rags to Riches trinity chapters. Now then I need votes on the polls present in the previous chapter for consensus more than anything else.

Oh and before I forget I wanna shout out to Cornbringer for giving me some inspiration. In my off time I will work on a DC Story involving a Young Talon of the Court of Owls trying to be good. So that Said I'll post a Poll before releasing a chapter to determine his Talon Ancestry.