
please reset the booktitle Letranette_Hinton 20231218092329 87

Letranette_Hinton · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Chapter One: The Past

Nico grabbed Brianna and pulled her in his and his girlfriend's room. Sam and Bianca went to go see their parents who were hours away. Nico couldn't hold back anymore and kissed his mistress as he closed the door behind them. Brianna kissed him back, closing her eyes, and wrapping her arms around his neck. Nico closed his eyes as well; he decided to deepen the kiss.

Nico lifted up the girl and wrapped her legs around his waist. She moaned out softly in between the kiss. He slowly broke the kiss to breathe. "Damn I've been wanting to get you in this room for so long." He mumbled softly. They both opened their eyes just to meet each other's.

Brianna giggled softly before she kissed him again. She slowly took off his shirt as their kiss went deeper. She opened her mouth softly offering Nico entrance. He gladly took the offer and slid his tongue in her mouth. Slowly exploring her minty mouth with it. She closed her eyes and moaned softly.

Nico placed her on the bed before taking off the rest of his clothes. Brianna groaned softly as she didn't want to wait any longer. She slowly sat up and took off her shirt. "Did I tell you that you can move?" Nico's deep husky voice asked her. She looked up at him and shook her head slowly.

"Lay back down." He demanded. "Now!" His voice went deeper when he said now. Brianna nodded and did as she was told. He got on top of her and kissed her baby soft mocha neck. She closed her eyes and moaned softly. She tried pushing him away afraid that their partners would come back quicker. "Come on baby.... Let me at least make you feel better."

"No...." She whispered unsurely she opened her eyes just to see Nico looking at her with lust. "What?" She asked. "We can't do this Nico. Not now."

Nico rolled his eyes and got up. "You were just kissing me like you wanted it." He said a bit angrily as he grabbed his clothes and put them on.

"I do want it. I'm just scared, I'm sorry baby."  She responded.

"Yeah whatever." He walked out the room and slammed the door. He wasn't mad that they couldn't do it; just that he had to be hard until Bianca was there. He thought about breaking up with his girlfriend just to run away with Brianna. The only thing that's holding him back is Sam and Brianna.

Two hours later Sam walked through the door. Nico was sitting in the living watching tv. "Hey Nico." Sam said as he seen his sister's boyfriend. Nico turned around and smiled.

"Sup bro. How was y'all trip?" He asked. Brianna walked into the living room wearing Sam's shirt and some Booty shorts. Nico looked at her and blushed slightly before coughing. "What's with that outfit ma'am?"

"Yeah why would you wear that? What are you trying to do? Get with my sister's boyfriend?" Sam questioned her. Brianna quickly shook her head.

"No Sam. I don't even like him, if I did I wouldn't be here with you." She blurted out. Sam thought it the wrong way and walked to her.

"So you're planning on leaving me? You want to leave me huh? And be with those niggas you be texting."

"No Sam I'm not leaving you I love you ok. I don't want anyone other then you." Sam glared at her. Brianna can feel herself shaking a bit. She closed her eyes waiting to be hit. But she didn't get hurt.

It seemed like a year without anyone speaking. Nico stayed out of it and went outside. "Go fucking change." Sam suddenly said. Brianna nodded and ran off to change. Her heart was pounding as she got in her and Sam's room. She sat on the ground by the door and hid her face in her arms and knees. She then began to cry.

"What the fuck you call me you bitch!?" A male's voice shouted at her. Brianna looked at the male with tears in her eyes. "Oh so you not going to answer me?" He waited on her response again. She tried saying something but she wasn't able to get anything out but sobs.

The man slapped her in the face. "What did you call me?" He repeated. He then punched her in the chest which made her gasp for air.  He then began to beat her. No one heard her cries for help and if they did no one cared.

After the beaten Brianna laid there bleeding almost everywhere. She couldn't open her eyes or feel her body. She just stayed where she was, crying.

A few hours later the man came to check if she was still alive. "Hey Brianna?" He asked now in a worry tone. "You still alive? Look I'm sorry just please be alive." He slowly picked her up. She was alive and breathing softly it was getting a bit weaker the minute. "You'll be ok."

"Brianna!" She could hear someone scream out her name from the other side of the door. "Open this damn door!" It sounded like Sam. She slowly got up and opened the door. "Why didn't you change like I-" He was cut off to see her crying. "Hey hey baby it's ok." He quickly hugged her. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not like your ex... Wanna cuddle and try to go to sleep? I'll be right here where I'm needed."

Brianna sniffled and nodded. "Mhm." She hummed in response.

"Ok." Sam picked her up and laid her on the bed before cuddling her. "Wanna talk about?" She shook her head. "Ok just tell me when you're ready I want to know what he did to you to mess you up." He rubbed Brianna's dark short hair trying to calm her down. It always worked with that and she'd fall asleep in no time.

Brianna fell asleep in Sam's arms and he continued to play with her hair. Bianca walked in the room. "Is she ok?" She asked worriedly. She looked at the sleeping adult. Even tho she was only two years older then her she still felt worried about Brianna.

"Yes she's ok. Just that I scared her you can leave now." He responded and with that Bianca walked away and closing the door behind her. Sam slowly started to fall asleep with his girlfriend in his arms.