
please reset the booktitle Letranette_Hinton 20231218092329 87

Letranette_Hinton · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter Three: Where’d Sam Go?

Brianna woke up to an empty side of the bed beside her. She opened her eyes thinking she didn't just feel him. He was actually gone. She quickly got up and went to look for him. He wasn't there, no where to be seen. She ran to their room and called his phone. "Please leave a voicemail after the beep." The phone told her. She hung up the phone and sighed.

She then went to the kitchen to cook for the others, she thought nothing of it. Even if he'd wake her up to tell her he'd be leaving her or at least tell her. Brianna sighed and started to cook breakfast for her and the others. Bianca smelled the bacon and walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. "Hey…" Her angelic voice spoke. Brianna smiled and looked at Bianca.

"Hello Bianca. How are you?" She asked, her voice sounded flat. "I'm making breakfast…." Bianca smiled and decided to help Brianna. After a few minutes the food was done cooking and everyone was eating.

"Where's Sam?" Nico asked. Brianna shrugged and continued to eat. "Damn I was wondering if he wanted to play 2K today."

"Well he's just no where to be found. I'm sorry Nico." She whispered. She got done eating and got up to put her dishes in the sink. She looked at the other two then left the kitchen. She went to her room. "Maybe he left me cause I hurt him." She thought. "What if he found out me and Nico were fucking behind his back!" Her mind started to race with thoughts.