

STORY of Pirate world: i got the thunder Fruit. By chance, kazuma Yagami soul travel to the world of pirate king and became Enel who possessed the thunder fruit. He went to Qinghai as the original owner of his body and embarked on his on fantasy journey on the great route. Thunder fruit- one of the strongest natural fruit among the Devil fruit. Kazuma knows the original plot of the ONE PIECE WORLD what kind of Creaction could happen, can Enel who mastered all tri- coloured Haki and knows various abilities of devil fruit and obtain own Goldfingers as a transverser. "what is the strongest fruit ability, swordsmanship, conqueror Haki, Oberservation Haki and Armenment Haki?? Thinking of the old whitebeard who was killed by Akainu because of the fruit disease, kazuma choose the APEX Armanent Haki and Apex LIGHTINING FRUIT upgrader, to add himself and transform into human form. A walking disaster!! Note: Mc can travel to another third dimensional world He wants to return to his original world(Blue star) Note: pirate world is just the beginning,Mc, will face many new adventurous in different world Note:This is just fanfiction novel that i wrote, and i dont owned the original novel of this anime or manga (one piece and all the other character in this novel).

kenoi · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 15:Enel vs Aokiji (part:2)

In fact, Enel's body does not have any special structure, if i have to said it, it is the armed color domineering that has been refined to the extreme has brought a qualitative change to the body,

and also due to his thunder fruit ability that can strengthen or heal his body by self electrofying from the inside out!

Armed color domineering is a special power derived from refining one's own Qi and blood and flesh to the extreme;

The higher the level of the armed color domineering,the stronger your bones, meridians, blood vessals,muscles and senses will become.

When the body is strong, the endurance will naturally become stronger!

Aokiji quickly suppressed the shock in his heart,but his expression was unprecedentedly dignified, this guy's strength far exceeded his estimates,and it was very difficult to dealt it!

With him here, it is impossible to continue to pursue Fire Fist Ace;

Then you can only bring him back to the navy Headquarters,otherwise there is no way for the Marshal Sengoku to explain!!

Ice cubes, pheasant beak~!

Aokiji suddenly raise his hand,and the cold air gathered in his right arm,turning into ice,and then a big bird made of ice more than ten merers erupted from his right arm!

This is one of his famous moves,the ultra-low temperature ice bird has a strong impact, all the places he passes through turn into a frozen soil, and will continue to absorb the moisture in the air during the " flight" condensed into ice and strengthen itself;

And the person who is hit by the pheasant beak will face the double of shock and cold at the same time,which can be describe as "unsolvable move"!!

"pheasant beak?"

The corner of Enel mouth hooked up a sneer,his fists were clenched,and the domineering energy in his whole body flowed, gathering towards his right arm!

In the original pirate book,Aokiji used this trick to easily crack Ace's mirror fire,and the power was quite strong;

however, this move is not unsolvable,in a way this move is easy to crack,as long as you crush it with stronger force!

In the blink of an eye,the ice bird had rushed to Enel, and the biting chill came to his face,and the capillaries under his skin were frozen by the cold!

Enel's punch was like lightening,and a simple and fierce punch struck fiercely, directly against the huge ice bird!


The two collided, and the impact was like a ferocious dragon and tiger roaring!!

The flowing domineering energy turned into an invisible energy, penetrating the ice bird, causing it to fall apart and turn into a puddle of broken ice!

Almost at the same time,a chill appeared behind him without warning,making Enel's vest chill,and he subconsciously turned around,only to see an ice blade that was rapidly enlarged under his eyes!

Aokiji his holding the ice blade, and the tip of the ice blade is black and gray, which is obviously blessed with the armed color domineering!

"Deliberately unleashing a powerful trick like a pheasant beak to attract my attention, and then the body goes around my back and gives me a fatal blow with armanent haki covering ice blade?"

"Oh, interesting, so this is how you feel, it's to battle with a general!".

Enel show the opportunity, covered the armed color domineering fist and greeted him without hesitation.


Even the ice blades covered by the domineering color of the armanent could not escape the fate of being shattered under Enel's iron fist;

There is no skill at all in the head-to-head confrontation of armed color domineering. Who is stronger and who wins, and the armed color domineering of Aokiji and Enel are obviously not on the same level.

However.....the moment the ice blade shattered, Enel clearly saw that the corners of Aokiji's mouth were hooked with a trace of arc!

There is fraud?!

Enel realized something instantly, stepped forward and smashed Aokiji in front of him with a punch!

"Sure enough, it's an ice cube


Enel's strong battle instinct was stimulated to the extreme,and he hurriedly turned back, and sure enough there was another Aokiji behind him!

At first, the ice cube stand-in was around the back, and the real body was still hiding in the pile of broken ice, waiting for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

"Stand-in tactics? This Navy admiral tactics are unexpectedly ninja ah....."

The first that completed the charge slammed out, but Aokiji in front of him turned into ice again!


Is it an ice cube stand-in again?

Almost at the same time,a cold arm rested on Enel's shoulder from behind,and the magnetic baritro voice of Aokiji said, "Freezing Hour!"

The cold air in the palm of Aokiji's palm surged, and in the blink of an eye, Enel turned into ice sculpture!

Enel also understood that Aokiji holding the ice blade at the beginning was the main body;

The moment he was shattered, he used elementalization to confuse his vision,and used the ice cube that was hidden in Aokiji's mouth at the beginning to impersonate his main body to lure him into it.

When he thinks that he has defeated Aokiji's body, the real body of Aokiji will burst out!

"He is worthy of being a veteran admiral,and his sense of battle and fighting mind are quite powerful!"

Enel praised it, and at the same time began to mobilize the armed color domineering in his body...

Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief!


It's finally done!

It's been a long time since I've encountered such a tricky guy!

If it weren't for the fact that this guy's combat experience was a little worse,and he was confused by the ice cube stand-in, it would have been a lot of trouble to restrained him!

He breathed a sigh of relief, but Aokiji was not careless at all, his arm kept on Enel's shoulder, and the cold output did not decrease but increased.

This guy has even mastered the domineering spirit of Ryu-sakura, and his body must be quite strong, and if he is not careful, he will definately break the ice and run out!

"To avoid trouble, you must pass out in the cold!"


As soon as the words fell, a slender cracked appeared on the solid ice!!