
Pirate Hunter in Roger's Era(With Bodily Refinement Bead)

In a world ruled by pirates, Jack stands out as a fearsome warrior who only seeks two things: battles and women. He is a man who enjoys the thrill of the fight and the passion of the flesh, and he wanders the world in search of both. With the Bodily Refinement Bead, a powerful tool that enhances his strength and agility, he takes on any opponent who crosses his path. Starting his journey from the West Blue, Jack encounters a variety of challenges and obstacles, each one more difficult than the last. He faces off against other pirates, marauding sea creatures, and even mythical beasts from ancient legends. But despite the dangers he faces, he remains fearless and undaunted, always ready for the next challenge. Along the way, he meets many women who are drawn to his strength and his charisma. Some of them are pirates, while others are innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of his battles. But no matter who they are, they all fall for his rugged charm and his unbridled passion. Despite his love of battle and women, Jack still has a heart. He cares deeply for his family, especially his beloved daughter, who he adores above all else. And while he seeks the thrill of the fight, he is never cruel or malicious, always treating his opponents with respect and dignity. As he travels the seas, Jack encounters many legendary figures from the age of pirates, including the likes of Garp, Roger, and Xebec. But he does not see them as enemies, only as worthy opponents who he would love to fight someday. And with each battle he wins, he grows stronger, more skilled, and more determined to live life to the fullest. In the end, Jack's journey is one of adventure, passion, and excitement. He is a man who lives for the moment, never afraid to take risks or face danger head-on. And whether he is battling pirates on the high seas or seducing women in exotic locales, he does so with a zest for life that is truly inspiring. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · Tranh châm biếm
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159 Chs


Leaving his family and the children at the mouth of the cave, Jack, Shakky, Aria, Olvia, Robin and Lysa in tow, Jack looked around, captivated by the cave's grandeur. It was like stepping into a cathedral sculpted by the forces of nature. The ceiling soared high, almost in an attempt to touch the sky itself, and bioluminescent mosses on the walls emitted a soft, ethereal glow that lit their path.

"Wow, Daddy, it's beautiful!" Aria exclaimed, her eyes shining with wonder.

"It is, Princess," Jack replied, his calm blue eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment.

Lysa floated beside him, her levity unaffected by the cave's gravity. "You've activated a secret that my people have wondered about for centuries. Thank you."

Jack nodded. "Let's move on; there's more to see."

Jack, Shakky, Aria, Olvia and Robin moved forward, captivated by the ethereal atmosphere that enveloped the Entrance Hallway. The soft, bioluminescent glow beckoned them toward a corridor that seemed to narrow and darken as they approached. Their footsteps echoed lightly, hinting at the trials that awaited them.

After a few moments, the cave opened into a cavernous chamber where the atmosphere felt dramatically different. An erratic rush of air whirred around them, strong enough to sway Lysa, who seemed to bob like a cork in water.

"Aria, hold onto my hand," Jack instructed as the wind began to howl as he held Robin to his chest. Olvia was holding his arm, while Shakky was strong enough to walk by herself.

Aria grabbed her father's hand firmly. Her eyes were wide but determined. Lysa was having more difficulty; her near-weightless form was especially vulnerable to the chamber's whimsical air currents.

"Looks like you'll need a lift," Jack remarked, crouching slightly so that Lysa could hop onto his back for a piggyback ride. Once she was secure, Jack's strong, steady strides moved them through the chamber, occasionally adjusting his direction as he "listened" to the wind. His keen awareness helped them to avoid the sharper, more dangerous gusts that could have easily thrown them off course.

"You're doing it, Jack," Lysa whispered in his ear, awe evident in her voice. "You're listening to the wind."

He grunted softly in acknowledgment, focusing on navigating them through the cavern without incident.

The Whispering Winds Chamber was not just a test of physical agility but also a trial for the senses. Jack led the way, his every step calculated, his every glance measured, as if he were solving a puzzle only he could see. Aria held onto his hand tightly, her small frame steadfast despite the invisible forces that buffeted them. Robin, snug in the crook of his other arm, was strangely quiet, as if instinctively understanding the gravity of the environment. Shakky followed behind, a look of intense concentration on her face, while Olvia's grip on Jack's arm tightened whenever a particularly strong gust of wind threatened to off-balance them.

The wind currents were unpredictable, a maelstrom of air that moved with its own unfathomable logic. The cavern itself was a visual spectacle. Here and there, stalactites hung from the ceiling like nature's wind chimes, but with sharp, dagger-like points that served as a constant reminder of the danger above. A labyrinth of stalagmites reached upward from the ground, creating a complex array of obstacles that made direct paths impossible.

"This place is forbidden for a reason," Lysa spoke from her perch on Jack's back, her voice tinged with respect and a hint of trepidation. "It's said that the winds have a voice, and only those who listen can navigate it."

Jack felt Lysa shift her weight as a particularly strong gust swept through the chamber. He adjusted his stance accordingly, anchoring them both securely. "Listening, you say?"

"Yes," Lysa whispered, "the winds speak to those who are attuned to them."

The Whispering Winds Chamber tested more than just their physical prowess. As they navigated through the maze of stalactites and stalagmites, it became clear to Jack that there was more to it. The fluctuating winds seemed to follow a certain pattern—chaotic but not entirely random. He thought about Haki, particularly Observation Haki, which was often associated with sharpening the senses to perceive and predict even the subtlest of movements. Could he use it to "listen" to the wind?

A particularly strong gust blew through the chamber, and he could feel Lysa struggling to maintain her balance on his back. He focused his senses, utilizing his Haki to attune himself to the ebb and flow of the wind currents. Slowly, patterns started to emerge in the cacophony of moving air. The wind, it seemed, whispered hints about its next direction. With this newfound understanding, Jack made calculated turns and avoided treacherous air currents, leading the group with a renewed sense of direction

They reached the other side of wind chamber, unscathed but alert. The path ahead opened into another cavern, this one dominated by an underground river. But it was unlike any river they had seen before; floating above the water were countless stones, levitating as if imbued with some ethereal power.

Jack assessed the scene. "This is a strange river. Looks like we're going hopping."

It was a spectacle that felt both whimsical and ominous. The shallow underground river gleamed in the ethereal light, but it was the myriad stones floating above it that captured their attention. Like lily pads suspended in mid-air, the stones were a curious sight, levitating as if compelled by some mysterious energy. Lysa's eyes widened, her gaze almost reverent.

"These stones are infused with traces of Leviflora nectar," she whispered, her words tinged with awe.

Jack scanned the water below and noticed the sleek forms of predatory fish gliding effortlessly through the water, their dorsal fins breaking the surface now and then. "And those don't look friendly," he said, nodding at the river inhabitants.

"For LeviPeople, this chamber would be simple. My near-weightlessness allows me to easily jump from stone to stone," Lysa explained.

"That's a luxury we don't have," Shakky noted, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the challenge ahead.

Jack stepped onto the first floating stone. It wobbled under his weight but stabilized quickly. "Hold onto me," he instructed Aria, who still clung to his hand. "And hang on tight, Little One," he whispered to Robin, who was held securely in his other arm.


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