
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Tranh châm biếm
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780 Chs

In O'Hara 20 years ago, the giant trees all over the world were under fire.

Colorful lights flicker in the holy land of Mariejoia. This scene can be seen even in Marineland and even the Chambord Islands.

 Many people raised their heads and looked in Mary Joa's direction, wondering what was going on.

 At this time, time had begun to distort inside Mariejoia. From the outside, a dark, invisible, but extremely obvious twisted vortex appeared here.

 After just a few seconds, the vortex disappeared...


 "Robin, since you are a scholar from O'Hara, you should know. History is the wealth of mankind, and it will definitely illuminate your future life path. However, the history passed down from the past will disappear if it cannot be passed on. ······Stay alive, Robin!"

 Under the gunfire, smoke and dust were everywhere, and O'Hara, known as the "Devil's Land" by the Navy, was in a mess!

 Standing on the top of the Tree of Omniscience, looking at the scene below, neither Moen nor anyone else said a word.

 When he saw the giant Lieutenant General Sauro leaving with a little girl, Moen finally spoke.

 "How's it going? I've looked back at the scene that year. Do you have any thoughts?"

 Standing next to Moen, Robin's body trembled, and tears had already flowed down uncontrollably!

 "Go down."

 Morn sighed, and a hurricane dragged their bodies down in front of the scholars below who were desperately trying to throw the ancient books into the lake.

 "Who are you!"

 Looking at Moen and others who were dressed in either rich or expensive clothes, Olvia looked at them very warily, with some anxiety in her eyes.

 Now, scholars must fight every second to save those precious ancient books, but they can no longer be interfered with.

 "Mom... Olvia, why, why don't you go with your daughter."

 Robin spoke with a hoarse voice. Just as he was about to shout something, he stopped and just asked in a very calm tone.

 "History must be carried by someone. We need to open a way for the future!"

 Olvia's expression was very determined, and at the same time, her body was blocking Robin's way of leaving. If the person in front of her wanted to hunt Robin, she would definitely resist until the last moment!

 "Scholars...are really a group of people who can't see clearly."

 Morn chuckled. The violent hurricane blew through the dust, and the sound of artillery fire in the distance continued, but not a single cannonball could reach the cage of the Tree of Omniscient!

 At the same time, all the books in the Tree of Omniscient flew up uncontrollably, and all the scholars who were still holding ancient books were driven into the air, and then fell heavily!

 "How is this going!"

 Looking at the ancient books flying out from the Tree of Omniscientity, Olvia looked obviously panicked.

 What she fears more than death is that history will be forgotten and erased!

 "Someone will come to recycle these things in the future, so you don't have to worry about it now."

 Morn sighed softly. The light blue light enveloped all the ancient books, and a thin layer of frost formed on their outsides. Then all the books were thrown into the lake under the Tree of Omniscient. , sank to the bottom of the lake!

 Dolag once casually mentioned that after the O'Hara incident, they had visited the O'Hara ruins and found many ancient texts in the lake under the remains of the Tree of Omniscient, which also ignited their revolution. Tinder.

 "Who are you?"

 As a scholar who has sailed overseas for more than ten years, Olvia's knowledge is not comparable to that of ordinary people in O'Hara.

 This is obviously a very powerful Devil Fruit ability!

 As for the move just now, the many naval generals who had been chasing them before were probably unable to do it.

 "Mom... I'm Robin. Nicole Robin!"

 Robin finally couldn't bear it any longer and rushed forward, the tears that poured out wet Olvia's dusty clothes.


 Olvia pushed Robin away and stared at this woman who obviously had some resemblance to her...

 Eyes, hair...

 "We come from twenty-two years later. The person in front of you is your daughter, Nicole Robin."

 Ain and the other girls also came to Olvia's side, and Moen's eyes looked towards the sea in the distance.

 Demon-Slaying Order-level warships lined up in a row, and their artillery fire continued to pour on O'Hara, who could not moan or resist, blasting open deep pits one after another!


 In the forest in the distance, it seems that the climate is gradually turning into a severe winter. Even here at the Omniscient Tree, you can feel the drop in temperature!

 "Sauro!" Robin suddenly came back to his senses, suddenly recalled the scene in his mind, and was ready to save Sauro!

 Ain and Lyrela immediately grabbed her. Although Big Wolf's time shuttle has no side effects, no one knows what the future will look like if history is changed!

 Sauro will not die in the future, but if Robin kills or defeats Aokiji and saves Sauro now, then after Robin leaves, Sauro will really die!

 "It seems that Kuzan has made the choice that he regrets the most."

 Time gradually passed, but the Tree of Omniscientity never fell down, and the artillery fire from the Demon-Slaying Order never stopped.

 A bonfire that had been raised on the sea let everyone present know that except for little Robin, no one left the island alive.

 "You really...are my daughter! Robin!"

 After talking for a while, Olvia hugged Robin with tears in her eyes and cried loudly.

 Just now, Robin told Olvia about his more than ten years of escape. Although his tone was calm, Olvia could hear Robin's hardship.

 She already regretted why she didn't leave with Robin just now!

 At least Robin won't feel lonely while on the run!

 "Come with me, twenty-two years later. The world government has been overthrown, the world is completely peaceful, the truth of history has been revealed, and we can rebuild O'Hara!"

 Robin looked at his mother in front of him with a very serious expression.

 Olivia shook her head with a smile, and she turned to look at the Tree of Omniscientity.

 "History needs to be carried by people. Robin, you must live well in the future!"

 Olivia wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Robin and smiled.

 Robin looked at Olvia who was very determined in front of him, and his expression was a little excited. If he couldn't save her, then this time travel would be completely meaningless!

 "Robin, don't worry."

 Morn came over and gently stroked Robin's head.

 "It'll be fine if she doesn't leave."

 At some point, frost began to spread under Morn's feet. The frost extended to Olvia's feet, and then completely froze Olvia before she could react!

 "Memory Fruit·Memory Blockade!"

 Moen's hand crossed Olvia's head, and a scroll like a picture scroll appeared in his hand, lightly sealing Olvia's memory of Robin. On this seal, Mo En Grace has blessed the time limit of twenty years!


 Throwing Olvia into the lake, Moen very thoughtfully placed thousands of fairy beans in the ice that sealed Olvia.

 Even if Dorag failed to find Olvia later, Olvia would still be able to live until Morn finds her twenty-two years later!

 "Next, there is this tree, the omniscient tree that adorns O'Hara... There may be darkness in O'Hara, but this tree is a treasure of mankind, and it cannot just disappear!"

 Moen raised his head and looked at the towering tree. He chuckled and released silvery white light waves from his hand!

 The ability to shrink fruit, shrink!

 "Before you leave, give our future marshal and governor a greeting gift!"

 Moen raised his hand, and a golden light flashed out, turning into a lifelike golden crow in the air, screaming and rushing towards the demon-slaying order!

 Just like that, amidst the surprised looks of the navy on the sea, a giant golden bird carrying a powerful aura attacked towards the Demon-Slaying Order. When the Aoki Pheasant on the shore and Akainu on the boat tried their best to block this attack, Three Demon-Slaying Order warships have been damaged, which is not enough to hunt down Robin who has fled!

