
Pirate’s I’ll become stronger by fishing

Zhang Jun travels through the world of One Piece and binds the fishing system of Ten Thousand Realms. "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the Navy Six!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching 1,000 combat power!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for catching the photo album of Empress Qiwuhai!" ... With this fishing system, it is really a moment of fishing. It's cool for a while, and it's always cool to keep fishing! As long as you have enough bait, you can directly become the strongest in Pirate World! Catch the heavens, start with the pirate!

Jeffrey_Nin · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
100 Chs

Chapter Fifty First See You! Robin!

"Well, Hill, you should not be seriously injured. Go and treat yourself and Missoga."

Zhang Jun, who returned to the Longteng Wanli, put down Hill in his arms and said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Hill still had a flush on his face, nodded and replied sheepishly.

Seeing this look like Hill, Zhang Jun immediately understood what was going on.

However, it is better to deal with the problems first, and let the children take their course.


Zhang Jun's figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment, a figure appeared over the ship of MISS Valentine's Day.

"Thunder Fury!"

Zhang Jun gave a low cry, and the surrounding thunder elements rioted.

In an instant, the entire ship was surrounded by thunder.

One plank after another was destroyed, and the ship was about to be destroyed.

"Ding, the task is complete. Task reward: high-quality bait*4, ordinary bait*4!"

The system's voice sounded at the right time, as if it was only then that it really beat the opponent.

"Hand Flowers!"

Suddenly, when Zhang Jun was rejoicing, a voice came from nowhere.

Mr5 and MISS Valentine, who fainted on the boat, were grasped by one hand and then thrown in one direction.

Although they were rescued, they were already scorched, fearing that they were seriously injured.


Seeing these hands, Zhang Jun's heart moved.

Turning to look, I saw a tall woman with red and black pupils sitting on a huge turtle, and the two fell on the tortoise.

"you know me?"

Robin crossed his hands and said coldly.

"Naturally know, O'Hara's demon is famous!"

Zhang Jun smiled slightly.

"who are you!?"

Robin's complexion changed instantly and it was difficult to keep calm.

"I have no malice against you, and I don't have anything I want to know for the time being. You can leave by giving me a map of Alabastan."

Zhang Jun thought for a while, he really didn't have much to know from Robin now.

"You, okay, here you are!"

Robin was speechless, took out a scroll of maps from his arms and threw it over.

"Okay, thank you. Oh, yes, just a reminder, Krokdal has now begun to doubt you."

Zhang Jun stretched out his hand and grabbed the map, and then he said something as if he suddenly remembered.

After saying this, he turned and left without looking back.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with this guy? It's terrible, he seems to know everything!"

Robin sitting on the tortoise felt a chill coming from behind, showing a trace of fragility, but he quickly returned to his original state.

However, she was only using Klockdal.

Soon, Robin cast aside his distracting thoughts and drove the turtle away.

At this time, Zhang Jun's figure reappeared on the bow of the ship to watch Robin leave behind.

For Robin, Zhang Jun's influence is quite deep.

After all, it is one of the protagonists.

"Who is she?"

Very rarely, Gui Moyan came to Zhang Jun and asked.

"Oh? You like it?"

A smile hung from the corner of Zhang Jun's mouth, and he said jokingly.

However, Gui Moyan seemed to have not heard this sentence at all, and had no reaction at all.

"It's boring! Her name is Nicole Robin. She had a miserable experience when she was a child, but she is a bit like you. She was exterminated when she was a child!"

"Then he was crowned the title of O'Hara's Demon, and he fell into a life of escape when he was very young."

Zhang Jun shrugged, and then said emotionally.

He remembered that the man next to him was also annihilated from his childhood and then hunted down.

The only difference is that he personally killed the whole clan.

Zhang Jun patted Gui Mo Yan on the shoulder, then turned and left.

"Nicole, Robin..."

Gui Moyan looked at the black spot in the distance and mumbled the name.

Perhaps it was a similar experience that made him have special feelings for Robin. The eyes of this person who usually looks coldly will also show feelings of guilt, regret and curiosity.

"Hill, how is it?"

When he walked to a room in the cabin, Hill was dispensing medicine for Missoga.

"Ah, Brother Jun, you just came here, I have prepared the medicine, but you should give him the medicine!"

Hill turned around and passed the medicine in his hand.

"Okay, how is his injury?"

Zhang Jun nodded naturally, and then asked with some worry.

"It's okay, it's mainly skin trauma. The internal organs are only slightly shaken, and they should recover soon."

Hill said, lowering his head.

Misuga became like this, she felt that she had to bear a large part of the responsibility, because she was not strong enough!

"Okay, it's okay, you can go out, you will become admired by everyone in the future, right?"

Zhang Jun touched Hill's head and was relieved.


Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Hill instantly raised his head and looked at Zhang Jun firmly.

Two seconds later, the two who looked at each other immediately turned their heads in embarrassment.

Because their faces are too close!

"Me, I'm going out first."

Hill fled out in a panic.

Close the door and stand at the door and pat the heart.

"Huh, my heart is about to burst!"

Hill whispered, then walked outside happily.

"Tsk tusk, Missoga, Missoga, you are blessed, the boss, I will give you medicine myself!"

Looking at the unconscious Misuga, Zhang Jun sighed, and then began to work seriously.


As soon as Zhang Jun took the medicine up, Misuga woke up with a cold breath.

"Old, boss, it hurts..."

As soon as he opened his eyes, Missoga saw Zhang Jun who was applying medicine to herself. She felt very moved at first, but was immediately distracted by the pain and said weakly.

"Deserve it! This is the consequence of impulse!"

Zhang Jun slapped Missoga's arm, and he called out in pain.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, but, boss, I couldn't calm down when I saw Hill was injured by him. Hill is our recognized little princess!"

Yes, the current Misuga had already seen Hill's feelings for Zhang Jun, so he didn't want to chase this little beauty.

It's because of the time to get along, and regard Hill as his sister.

"You have to remember that you can't lose your mind under any circumstances, otherwise, you may not only harm yourself!"

Although Zhang Jun understood Misuga's ideas, he still learned a lesson.

This world is very cruel, and often impulse will only bring trouble!